Captured: A Bad Boy Romance

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Captured: A Bad Boy Romance Page 8

by Faye, Carmen

  "If he has her, and she's alive, then she’s as good as dead." Larson spoke matter-of-factly.

  "Do you know where his house is?"

  "We do, but like I said. Guy keeps his hands clean. Doesn’t shit where he eat. How’d your agent get in?"

  "Underground tunnel. Look, I think she's alive."

  "You hope she is.".

  Andy stood up, shook the cops hand and thanked him for the time. As he turned to leave, something crossed his mind and he spun back around.

  "Are you sure it wasn't a cop?" Andy asked. “The guy who killed Hudson’s old man?”

  Larson stopped for a moment. He seemed to be pondering the idea and then he let out a full belly laugh. "Why would a cop shoot a plumber?"

  "Maybe the cop wasn't such a good one?"

  "What are you trying to say Mr. Wallaby?"

  "I'm just saying, did anyone check into his story?"

  Larson shook his head. "No reason. Just a kid raised in Silverton. You know how they are—that whole don’t trust the po-po bullshit."

  "And if he was right?"

  "I'd be surprised. But it still wouldn't excuse what he does now. He's a criminal of the worst kind Mr. Wallaby. And I know you want hope that there's a good guy in there with your friend. But I'm telling you, nobody goes into Hudson's life and comes out alive unless they benefit him in some way. Do you see your agent helping him out?"

  Andy shook his head. "Not at all.”

  "Then I'm sorry kiddo. But she’s dead.”

  Andy walked out of the office with some answers and even more questions. He knew he should go back to the office and talk to Logan, but he wasn't ready to. He needed more information. Something about the whole thing didn't sit right. He wanted to know more of what he was dealing with.

  Andy had always had good instincts, and every single one was telling him that this was different. Something was off. It had been that way since day one. The plans were new and should have been accurate. It was like Fuller had been sent into a trap. But he wasn't sure of that or how that could be. They'd gotten the plans themselves.

  The first place he went was the library. He wanted to know the story about the death of Hudson’s father. One thing Andy had learned in his life was that kids usually didn’t lie. Even if they were raised in Silverton. If he said it was a cop who murdered his dad, then Andy had no reason not to believe that.

  Pulling up old newspaper articles took time and patience and Andy didn't have much of either. But finally he found a few that he began to read. One story started pretty much like Larson had told him. And right there. Yep. Asher Hudson. Poor nine year-old kid had seen his father shot by gangbangers.

  According to the article, Hudson knew the man his father was doing the work for. Had met him a few times. Thought he was nice. But he didn't know the cop. Just that he wore a badge. He swore up and down the cops killed his dad.

  There were stories of the cops that had tried to help him and his aversion to them altogether. This was before his criminal activity so it was easier to find positive spins on the stories.

  It wasn't until he opened the next to last one that he realized there were parts of the story missing from Larson's version.

  Death of Plumber Leads to Weapons Discovery

  A local plumber was shot point blank in the head last night has led the Vegas branch of the ATF to a discovery of weapons estimated at over ten thousand dollars. The information was based largely upon the testimony of the plumber’s son, nine-year old Asher Hudson, whom LVPD found at the scene of the shooting.

  "The kid was partially right." Agent Logan said during an exclusive interview. "He told us that there were weapons. Nobody believed much he said, but I thought there just has to be something. He wouldn't think to make this up, you know? So we searched. And we finally found the weapons. Now if we could find the guy that bought em and the one that sold em. "

  When asked if they believed the boys cries of police involvement were accurate, Agent Logan had strong words on the subject.

  "Absolutely not. The officers of LVPD have a strong commitment to our community and while I understand young Mr. Hudson’s grief, I find it absolutely inconceivable that one of our own would be involved in any way."

  The weapons are being admitted as evidence to file new charges…

  Andy reread it three times before he realized what had grabbed his attention.

  Agent Logan.


  The circumstances of her captivity had changed drastically in the few days since Hudson had locked her up. She was no longer bound to anything. In fact, she was free to roam the room she had been held in.

  Not only that, Hudson was gone a lot more. She missed the sound of him watching her sleep. She missed his voice when he wasn't in the room with her. He was taking care of business and she was left to entertain herself.

  When he was around, they spent time together. Not like a captor and captive, but like friends. They played cards. He'd even brought some movies in and allowed her to watch them. She had no clue what current events were taking place or if a new song had come out on the radio. She wasn't allowed access to the outside world.

  Mostly they talked. They shared stories of their lives. Heartaches. Tragedy. Smiles. Things most couples would discuss over time. But they weren't a couple. Not by a long shot.

  Melissa had quit wondering when she'd be rescued. She no longer thought of herself as being imprisoned, although she was. She knew that she couldn't leave. It wasn't something he was going to allow. But she had grown accustomed to it in his home and actually liked it sometimes.

  She had kept her darkest secrets to herself, but shared much of herself with him. And he'd done the same. Every day she found him less threatening. She wondered if maybe they'd pegged him wrong. Maybe he wasn't the bad guy that everyone always thought he was.

  It worried her to be thinking like this. After all, how was she going to do her job if she had a soft spot for him? But something about his story made her believe him.

  It wasn't like she'd ever trusted Logan to begin with. He was an asshole that much she'd known. But underhanded? Criminal? Impossible.

  The hard part for Melissa, was understanding the here and now. Just because Logan had killed his father—allegedly, she reminded herself—did that make it okay to engage in the activities that Asher and the Nomad Devils took part in? Two wrongs didn't make a right and that was where she couldn't make it okay in her mind.

  She got antsy in the room and now that Asher spent less time there, she wanted more freedom. But she wasn't certain that she'd ever get it. And she wasn't ready to break free completely. He trusted her and for some reason that seemed to matter.

  "You look lost in thought," she heard his voice and the smile on her face beamed at him. "Nice to see you happy to see me."

  "Of course I am," Melissa answered. "It's lonely," she finished.

  "So you miss me?"

  "Sometimes," She grinned. "What can I say?"

  "How about yes sir, I'll bring my sexy ass over and cuddle on the bed with you," he grinned at her.

  She loved the way he told her what to do. She wasn't sure why. Hell, she didn't even know how long she'd been in his bedroom. She just knew that he was demanding and strong and sexy and seemed to be caring at the same time. He went against everything she'd ever known or believed.

  "What's that?" he asked as she climbed in beside him.

  Somehow he'd seen the tattoo. His face tilted and he tried to read it, but couldn't. That was done on purpose.

  "How the fuck did you get anyone to do one that small?" he laughed.

  "It was a special one," she answered and tried to change the subject. "Do you have plans tonight?"

  "What kind of special one?" he asked.


  "Maybe. Tell me more about the tattoo?"

  "My brother was killed. It's a ribbon and his name and a date."

  "What date?" Asher asked and she avoided the question.

matter what she tried to say, he continued to look at her and wait for an answer. She realized it wasn't going to work and she rolled her eyes.

  "The date I became an agent," she looked away. "So I could rid the world of criminals."

  "Because he was killed by one?"


  "Tell me your story," he prodded and she knew he was going to win. She sat back and prepared to tell him.

  "Okay, but first I have a request," she smiled at him.

  "What's that darling?" he smiled.

  "I want to be able to leave the room," he sat upright and backed away from her.

  "That's a lot to ask," he commented. "What if you leave?"

  "I need more space. Something to do. Please?"

  "Tell me your story, and I'll think about it."


  He watched her lips twist into a halfhearted smile. He knew her story was painful. He almost wanted to relieve her and tell her she didn't have to tell him.

  "He was young. Five." as Asher heard the words he wished he'd never asked her to tell. He didn't want to see this heartbreak on her face. "He was at the park."

  "Drug deal?" Hudson asked.

  "I’m not sure," she looked down and tears filled her eyes. " He was my baby brother." Asher rubbed her shoulder.

  "What happened?"

  "One of them," the word came out as if it were a bad taste in her mouth. "They were there." her face twisted into something he'd never seen. Hatred? Anger?


  "The club," she spat out the word as if it were vile. "That's what they called themselves. A club. As if it were something fun. No one knows what happened, or why." Her eyes turned away from him. She couldn't look at him. "He was stabbed. Multiple times."

  "Did they catch the guy?" He ignored the club part. He didn't have to ask. Her work history and her refusal to look in his direction told him all he needed to know.

  "Yes," she admitted. "He’s in prison."

  "Good," Asher replied.

  "Doesn't bring him back," she snapped.

  "No, but keeps it from being someone else too."

  "I keep it from being someone else," she insisted. "I will take them out. Every last fucking one of them."

  "That's why you are after me."

  "Aren't you the leader? Aren't you one of the worst ones?" She spat in his direction.

  "If that's how you want to see it."

  "How I want to see it? It’s a fact!"

  "Not everything is as it appears, Agent Fuller," he commented and began to stand up. "You can go out, but upstairs only. The downstairs will be locked."

  With that, Asher left the room. Melissa felt horrible, She’d hurt him. Insulted him. Told him she was going to take him down. She had been horrible. But he'd asked. And Timmy had been her brother. The reason she was an ATF agent. The reason she had been discovered inside of Hudson's closet.

  The dawning of what he'd said hit her. She could go out. Upstairs. That was damn good enough for her. Anything beyond the room and bathroom was great.

  She stepped into the hallway and began exploring. It amazed her how much stuff was lying around in this house. She even found a library with amazing books. She grabbed a few to take back to the room. She was going to need them. Something told her that she'd be spending a lot of time alone that night.


  "I'm not them," his voice was loud and firm, startling her. She hadn't even heard him walk up the hallway. "I don't give a fuck what you think based on what happened years ago, but I'm not them."

  For the first time since she'd been free from binding, Melissa was a little frightened and a lot turned on.

  "I just meant—"

  "Meant what?" He spun towards her. "First of all, in your own words. I am the leader. Remember? Worst one around?" His eyes glowed with anger, but a light teased at the corner. “Second, you don’t get to speak to me that way. Not in my own home."

  "I can speak any way I want! I'm a grown woman, not a child!"

  "Then by all means, speak," he taunted.

  "You have no right to talk to me this way. I did nothing wrong!"

  "What are you going to do about it, Agent Fuller?" he stepped closer.

  Suddenly she froze, realizing what she was doing. What he was doing.


  "I'm sorry?"

  "Nothing, sir.”

  Melissa had come to realize that this was what made him tick. He was turned on by the power. What was it that she’d heard once? Everything is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.

  "On your knees," he ordered firmly and she did as he told her.

  Kneeling before him wasn't as demeaning as one would expect. Instead it gave her a thrill. As if she were there to serve him, to be beneath him. He would tower over her and control her actions. But there was a thrill to it. And when it was over, he would sit and talk to her again.

  "Look at the floor. Not me.”

  Melissa hoped that this time he carried it through to the end. He'd always stopped before she got what she wanted.

  "I'm sorry sir," she apologized.

  "The shirt. Lose it."

  "Yes sir." She pulled the top over her head and threw it aside. "I'm sorry, sir.”

  "Lift your arms above your head." He ordered and she followed. "Clasp your hands together." Again she did as she was told. "Don't move." he turned and walked across the room, returning with a bag. Reaching inside he pulled out a pair of weighted clamps for her nipples.

  Her body tingled with desire at the sight of them.

  "You like these?" he asked and she nodded. “Words. I won’t remind you again.”

  "Yes sir.”

  "Good." Within seconds they were placed across the stiff buds and tightened enough to send spasms of delicious pain into her tits. "Your pants are in the way.”

  Melissa stood and took off her pants, dropping them onto the floor beneath her.

  "Turn around," he ordered. "Slowly."

  She did as she was told and begun to spin. He was watching her and she liked it. It made her want him more.

  "Stop," He ordered when her back was to him. She felt him slip up behind her and felt soft rubber slide between her thighs. She wasn't sure what he had, and was afraid to ask. "How does that feel?" he asked quietly. "You like that?" she nodded.

  "Yes sir," she admitted truthfully. The rubbing motion of the steel was driving her insane.

  "I want to bend you over and beat your ass with it.” His voice in her ear made her groan. "You've been stepping out of line, Agent Fuller," he slipped a hand around her and to her sweet spot. "So far out of line." His thumb feathered across her clit and she gasped. "You need to remember how to behave," he whispered and brushed her clit again. "Understood?"

  "Yes sir," she answered and tried to breathe.

  "Bend over the bed, spread your legs and put your ass into the air," he ordered.

  Melissa did as she was told and waited with eagerness for the pain that would come as the flogger met her skin.


  Asher was hard as a rock. The sight of her, fully submitting, in front of him was more than he could handle. He had wanted that ass since she'd arrived in his closet weeks ago and he was finally going to have it before the night was over. But first, he was going to drive her crazy.

  He watched her tense her ass in preparation for the spanking. She wanted to think she was prepared, did she? He would show her.

  In a very quick movement, Asher brought the flogger down hard against her skin. She cried out and he felt his erection throb. He repeated the action, harder and faster the second time, and shuddered as she yelped again.

  Goddamn, he wanted to fuck her brains out.

  "You like that?" he asked.

  She nodded her head. "Yes sir.”

  He swung the flogger again and heard sharp smack as it hit her ass. The fourth came almost immediately after and the fifth only seconds later.

  "How does your sexy ass feel now?" he asked as he
stood behind her and slipped a hand between her legs.

  "Sore, sir" she admitted. "But good."

  She was nothing if not honest.

  "Does this turn you on?" he grabbed her hair and tugged. "Or this?" his hand wrapped around the base of her throat and squeezed, feeling her pulse beating against his palm.


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