A Dangerous Love 5: No Love Lost

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A Dangerous Love 5: No Love Lost Page 17

by J Peach

  Two years after he left he came back for a week.

  Oh, my God!

  Chapter 26


  “Oh, my God! That was me! You spent most of that week with me. After my party at Voodoo we went back to my apartment.”

  I remembered that day, he had just got back in town. By that time Leon had started working at the club. It was my eighteenth birthday and Ron showed up. We actually ended up leaving the party early to just hangout. We talked and laughed and watched movies all night. Then we kissed and clothes started coming off.

  There was a lot of kissing, sucking, humping. Then he ate my pussy and I…

  “Oh, my God!” I gave oral sex for the first time. I was so sad and depressed about him leaving and going back to St. Louis that I suppressed that memory. The girls didn’t even know that I gave him head.

  If no one knew, I could pretend it didn’t happen which worked because I forgot all about it. After he left that time it was me who didn’t keep in touch.

  “I didn’t know you were even seeing someone. Why didn’t you tell me? Jerron, if I knew you had someone you were serious about, what we did wouldn’t have happened.”

  Groaning, his hand ran over his face. “I know. Peaches, throughout that whole week my plan was to tell you, but once we got together there wasn’t a Monica. It wasn’t until after I left that what I had done set in. I’d planned it in my head all over again how I’d tell you about Monica, but it left my mind the moment we got together.

  “That’s exactly why I left the first time, to avoid this from ever happening. I thought I was over us, whatever we had, that was the only reason I came to your party. But just like before, all rational thoughts flew out my head and I was caught in this web of yours.”

  I just wanted to hit him. On second thought, I did hit him. “God, you are so frustrating. You still should’ve told me about her. You could’ve yelled it to me when I walked you to your gate at the airport. I get what you’re saying, but you should’ve told me. You proposed to her—”

  “Peaches, stop yelling at me. I admitted I fuck’d up, I told her the moment I got back to St. Louis. Told her everything about you. Why do you think I always called? Why do you think this is the first time you’ve actually seen me since then? What I did was fuck’d up and she thought I was fucking every chick that said hey to me after that. But it wasn’t even like that.

  “I slipped once, only that time. After that I never touched another chick, but I couldn’t make Monica believe that shit though. She called off the wedding, I spent a year trying to convince her stubborn ass I wasn’t thinking about another woman.”

  “Long story short, I came here to visit my folks for a few days. I invited Monica to come, but she didn’t want to. When I got back to St. Louis, I returned to an empty house, she had packed up her stuff and left. I ain’t talked to her since.”

  Oh, my.

  “She left you because of me? Something I had no idea about? Ron, you proposed and just threw your relationship away for what?” I didn’t understand men. If he proposed, apparently he loved her. So why throw it away?

  “Because of you. I liked Monica, don’t get me wrong. I liked her enough that I proposed, but it wouldn’t have work because she was not you. What was I going to do, avoid you for the rest of my life? If a week with you could make me forget Monica then I shouldn’t have been in that relationship.

  “I should’ve been broke it off with her after I told her about you. That was my plan. I even told her that, but she wanted it to work. She said we could get past it, but she couldn’t. That slip made her ass crazy,” Ron said before letting out a sigh.

  “You still should’ve told me about her, Ron.” I believed he was telling the truth about everything he said. Just like with Blaze, I could read Ron.

  What he did was wrong but it wasn’t terrible, especially with him owning up to it and telling her what happened. She should’ve been able to forgive him after a year. If it was me, I would’ve forgiven him because it was just the once.

  “What happened was stupid, but her holding that grudge is crazy. Did she really want to work it out or just constantly hang it over your head?”

  “We had our days, but in the end I would’ve broke it off anyway because I planned on moving back here. Her ass almost had a damn heart attack when I told her that shit. So it was a good thing she left and I didn’t have to do anything because I didn’t want to hurt her.”

  Shrugging, he finished the rest of his water and threw away our trash before coming back and helping me up. “Your turn. What have I really missed since I’ve been gone. Who’ve you dated?” He asked and I laughed. My story was way worse than his.

  “Where do I begin?” Asking again, I laughed before telling him everything I’d been through. From messing with Sly to having messed with Sam a few times. Then I told him everything about how Blaze forced his way into my life. Telling him about Blaze had a smile stretching across my lips. Though we had our problems, Blaze and I had fun together.

  “What happened y’all not together now?”

  A heavy sigh left my mouth as I shrugged. I didn’t answer at first, we just walked in silence for some minutes. Then I started telling him about Krystal and how Blaze couldn’t seem to leave her alone.

  “It’s frustrating as hell because he claims it’s not like that, saying she doesn’t mean shit to him. But his action tells me a whole different story. He likes her whether he wants to admit it or not. I mean, the fucking girl is driving his car. I done beat her ass and his butt, so what’s the point if he’s still going to be fooling around with her?” I questioned before laughing.

  “He actually told me he wasn’t gon’ stop messing with her until he found better. Then he turned around and said I’m wifey, the one he wants to be with. What type of shit is that? Even after telling him I wasn’t gon’ be like my mom, he basically told me to accept what he was doing. Bullshit! I’m done simple as that.”

  Meaning every word that left my mouth, my lips twisted to the side as I shrugged. “So my love life sucks.”

  “Yo boy stupid on some real shit, ain’t no way. Because the chick suck good dick he’d rather lose you? I don’t understand that shit either. But don’t think about it, it’ll work itself out.” He tucked me into his side and I wrapped my arm around his waist as I laid my head against him.


  We were back in the truck, leaving. Of course Ron wouldn’t tell me where we were going. Our conversation was nonstop and we talked about everything and nothing at same time. On some stuff we didn’t even know what the nothing was about which resulted in me hitting him and us laughing.

  “When did you become so gotdamn abusive?” Ron asked after I hit him again.

  “When did you become a damn expert about cotton?” As he was driving and I started to eat my cotton candy, his ass decided to tell me that my delicious soft cotton candy was the same as cotton balls. They just add food coloring and artificial flavor to give it that good taste.

  “I’m telling you, I went to a cotton seminar once.” I burst out into a fit of laughter and hit his arm. “I’m driving, you gon’ make me have an accident.”

  “You gon’ make yourself have a damn accident. Now you know damn well yo ass haven’t been to no seminar. I can’t believe you just said that.” I looked over at him and started laughing all over again. Hell, I don’t think I ever stopped. “Ugh, you get on my nerves, I swear. A cotton seminar? For real, Jerron?”

  “Real shit, they even show you how it’s made. I’m telling you, go get some cotton balls, food coloring and artificial flavor. Put all that in a bowl, get a mixer and mix that shit. I bet yo ass gon’ have some cotton candy.” Taking a sideways glance at me, he started laughing with me.

  “Jerron, stop talking to me, silly ass. Where are you taking me?” As I was asking he reached over and took some of my cotton candy. “Nuh uh, go to the store and buy you some cotton balls—” Ron started laughing before reaching over and muffing me. �
��Now look at who’s being abusive.”

  “Don’t you talk about nobody being abusive, I got frogs going up and down my arm. You could even see the reddening of my skin. I’m too damn dark for that shit to be noticeable.” Again I laughed.

  “Aww, I’m sorry, Ron. Do want me to make it better?” His face formed into a pout as he nodded. The look had me biting the inside of my lip to stop myself from laughing. Pulling up his sleeve, I leaned over towards him and slapped the skin.

  “What the fuck!”

  My mouth formed into an O as I oohed. The slap was loud as hell. “I didn’t mean to slap you that hard.” I knew I hit him hard as hell because my damn hand was stinging like crazy.

  “I’m about to choke the shit out of you, let me pull over,” he said, checking his mirrors and switching lanes. Then he pulled into a Palace.

  “I said I was sorry, don’t choke me.”

  He parked, turned off the truck and hopped out. Once he reached my side, I locked my door and again he jangled his keys. “Shit, if you hit me I’m going to shoot you,” I threatened holding up my purse.

  He wasn’t bothered by my threat as he opened my door and jerking me out the truck.

  “I’m not gon’ choke you. Come on, with your scary ass.” He laughed.

  Once I got out, I realized where we were. The sight of B-Dubbs instantly made my mouth water just thinking about the wings I was about to devour.

  “Ah, shit!” I snapped as his hand suddenly came down on my ass. “Yo black ass play too much.”

  “On what, yo ass just screamed that damn loud. We in public, man, don’t do that shit. If the wrong person had of heard that and saw my black ass, about fifty cops would be on me right now.” Glaring at Ron, I jumped at him. Faking scared, he flinched. “Don’t be jumping at me, you know I’m scared of yo tall ass.”

  My mouth parted at that, no he didn’t. “You’re going there? My height? Fo’real that’s low, Ron…” I trailed off as I started looking around. “Jerron? Ron? Where the hell you go?” Grabbing me, he lifted me off the ground, making me scream out a laugh.

  “Oh, I got yo black jokes, keep on.” He laughed with me.

  “It wasn’t a joke though. I really didn’t see you. We need to go get you some lime green so you’re noticeable out here— Ahhh!” Again I screamed out a laugh as his fingers started digging into my sides. “I’m playing! Stop, Ron!” Wiggling in his hold, I continued to laugh out loudly. “Jerron!” Calling out his name again, he laughed before letting me go.

  “I’ight, I quit. I’m done playing with you.” Rolling my eyes at him, I folded my arms across my chest and he laughed again. “I like this pouty look you do. I went to this seminar once—”

  I started laughing while pushing him away from me. “Let’s go with yo seminar ass.” My heels clicked loudly on the ground as I tried walking faster to get away from him.

  “I’m serious, it was like, women pout because they like the attention it brings them. I didn’t believe it until now though, the pouty face is supposed to be a silent come and get it look,” he informed me.

  I covered my mouth and started laughing. He would say that as soon as we walk inside the restaurant. A few people looked back at me, but I paid them no mind as I turned around to face Ron.

  “Come and get what exactly?”

  His eyes widened slightly as they moved downwards as if pointing while he gave me a look that said ‘you know what it is’.

  “It,” he head nodded towards Ms. Sweet.

  “Jerron, I’mma need you to stop going to those damn seminars, okay? They telling you straight lies, baby. I have never heard of no shit like that.”

  Ron stared at me blankly, looking every bit of serious.

  “That’s because yo ass has never been to the damn seminar.”

  The seriousness in voice did it and again I found myself laughing. “Take me home, I cannot be up here with you.” People were going to think I was crazy if I kept bursting into fits of laughter every few minutes.

  “I’ight, I’mma stop, come on.” He took my hand and led me to a table.

  We sat at the table and started looking over our menus, my ass was starving. That pizza did nothing for me.

  “You know what you’re getting?” I glanced up from my menu to him.

  “I don’t know yet, what you want?” He asked me.

  “I’m getting the traditional wings with hot bbq sauce. I think I want some nachos too, with some fried pickles on top— Ooh, that sounds so good. Ooh, that chocolate fudge cake look good too.” My taste buds started going crazy, my mouth watered. I could taste everything.

  “So what you getting?” Ron stared at me like I was crazy.

  “Everything I just named,” I gave him a duh look as I sat the menu to the side.

  “You gon’ get all that? You just ate four slices of pizza.” He continued to give me the same look.

  I shrugged him off, I was hungry as hell. “So, I’m hungry. That pizza didn’t fill me up.”

  “Okay,” he just laughed and finished looking over what he wanted.

  Once the waitress came I ordered everything mentioned to Ron with a coke. He just order buffalo wings.

  “You gon’ share your food with me?” Ron asked.

  I looked at him like he was crazy. “No, well it depends on what I don’t eat.” Which I knew I was going to eat everything I ordered.

  “You remember that,” he pointed at me.

  I stuck out my tongue, making him laugh. Smiling, his head started coming down towards mine. My lips parted slightly as he came closer, anticipating the kiss I so desperately wanted from him. But it was ruined as someone cleared their throat. Whoever did that had realization coming to Ron and he moved back.

  I looked at the waitress who held our drinks and mugged her hard.

  Bitch could’ve sat the shit down and left, stupid ass.

  I wanted that damn kiss which her ass ruined. I had a whole ass attitude now, it was that serious. I was mad.

  “What’s wrong with you? Why you look mad?”

  I looked at him. “I’m not mad.” Lie. It was stupid because I had no right to be mad. He was only trying to respect my wishes and be that friend I needed. Even knowing that didn’t change the fact that I wanted to kiss him.

  Glancing at Ron, I saw that he was still staring at me. “What?”

  “I’m waiting on you to tell me what’s up.”

  It was so stupid, I felt embarrassed about being mad in the first place.

  “Seriously, it’s nothing. So how’s your mom and dad been?”

  He let out a small laugh and shook his head before pointing it at me. “You’re not slick, we gon’ talk about that though. Don’t go rolling yo damn eyes either.”

  Laughing at him, I continued to eat while trying to hide the smile that wanted to reveal itself.

  “My folks good. Pops ass still crazy as hell. My moms ready to send his ass to a mental ward.” I met Ron’s folks a few times when I was younger. They were nice, but I always got the feeling that they just didn’t like me, so I stayed away from his place.

  Ron told me that it was because of our age difference. His parents didn’t like how close we were, especially with me being so young. They even told him to stay away from me because I would get him trouble. I was trouble waiting to happen, they use to tell him.

  “Well, tell them I said hey the next time you’re over there.”

  “I’ll do that, but you should come by the house and speak.”

  I started laughing. “Now you know they don’t like me.”

  “They never said they didn’t like you, it was that they didn’t like your age. You’re older now so it shouldn’t matter,” he explained as I reached over to get one of his wings. “Do that again you gon’ lose yo hand.”

  I reached over into his plate again and this time Ron slapped my hand.

  “Ouch! I just wanted that one piece.” My face formed into a pout, making Jerron smile. I remembered what he said about the pouty fa
ce and laughing, I popped his arm. “Nigga, don’t come get it.”

  “I was just thinking, she wants it.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Jerron, don’t start.”


  Chapter 27


  My name was questionably called and I looked up to see a brown skinned woman. She looked familiar, but I just couldn’t place the face.

  “Kat? Katrina Fields…”

  My eyes widened as my mouth formed into an O.

  “Hey, girl. I haven’t seen you in forever. Where have you been? What’s been up with you?” I asked her.

  Kat was about four maybe five years older than me. She used to be around when I was younger, but then she started dating some guy and that was the last I’d heard or seen of her. I stood from my seat and hugged her.

  “I’ve been here, I never left Gary. I’ve been working, I have three kids now. A girl, Victoria, who’s five and two boys, Tremaine, who’s four and John my oldest, he’s seven. With work and the kids combined it’s been keeping me crazy busy. I’m engaged now, too,” she squeaked out, showing me the sprinkling diamond on her ring finger.

  “Congratulations. You’re still at St. Mary’s hospital or you’re somewhere else?” I asked the smiling woman in front of me.

  She seemed so happy, that was what I wanted, minus the kids. I wanted someone to make me smile like she was smiling.

  “Yeah, eight years I’ve been there. I thought I would’ve been seeing you up there. Last we talked you were in school, what happened with that?” She asked.

  “I did go, I graduated, got my Associates Degree in Medical Assistance and then I went back to become a Registered Nurse. In a few weeks I’ll officially be an RN. I’m planning on going back for Surgical Tech once I graduate, then I’ll be filling out an application if they’re hiring,” I explained.


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