employment in, 39, 69, 71, 119, 120, 166
entrepreneur and start-up support in, 24–25, 39, 63, 77, 79, 157, 237–238
in Europe, 6, 8, 13 (table)–14 (table), 18, 75
global efforts in creating, xiii–xvii
globalization and, 1, 202–203
guidelines and best practices for, 208, 210
hospitals and, 9 (table)–14 (table), 26, 217
model at RTP, 24–25, 114–115
multidisciplinary approach in, 26, 31–35, 37, 53, 87, 160, 165
without rustbelt background, 11 (table)–12 (table), 154–155
rustbelts transformation into, xviii–xxiii, 1, 6–8, 20, 23–25, 50, 67–69, 81–83, 93–96, 99–100, 106–108, 122–123, 126, 142, 203, 219, 237, 253
statistics and metrics for, 216–218
US and European differences in, 19–20, 234–239
See also brainsharing ecosystem; connectors, brainbelt; environment and community, brainbelt
Brainport Industries, 90–91, 232
brainsharing ecosystem, 75
advantages of, xxi, 62–63, 148–149, 265–266
in aerospace industry, 31, 127–128
business incubators in, 8, 25, 26, 27, 38, 39, 61, 63
community colleges in, 224–227
cost benefits of, 147–148, 241
as culture of open innovation, 3, 60, 82–85, 124, 210
in Eindhoven, xvi–xvii, 82–85, 90–92
funding and, 234
future economy based on, 201
as key to brainbelts, 16–17, 18–19, 26
in life sciences, 125, 133–134, 146–147, 164, 166, 171, 175–176, 218
“lonely hero” compared to, 206–207, 234
in Lund-Malmö, 41
at Max Planck Institute, 164–165
at Medtronic, 140–141
for next-generation automobile, 185, 186, 188–189
obstacles to, 77–78, 248–251
organization and culture of, 247–251
physical environment supporting, 219–222
in Portland, 148–149
in proximity to RTP, 109
regional to global future for, 91–92
in smart agriculture, 189–191
in smart manufacturing, 18, 21, 43 (table), 51, 85–86
social and environmental issues addressed in, 177–178, 202–203
SUNY Poly’s Nanotech Megaplex as, 61–64, 105
at University of Akron, 103–104
for vehicle safety, 128–129
in Zurich, 30, 39, 153–160
See also multidisciplinary approach
Brexit, xv
Brookings Institution, 5, 7
Brooks, Rodney, 45, 45 (photo)
Buffalo Billion initiative, 221
business incubators, 105, 158, 159, 217, 241
for life sciences, 163, 166
as physical center for brainsharing, 8, 25, 26, 27, 38, 39, 61, 63
in Portland, 146, 151
in science parks, 39, 69, 114, 120–121, 157, 238
start-up support in, 169, 244–245
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 6, 9 (table), 25, 31–32, 176
Canada, xiii–xiv, 12 (table)
cancer research and treatment
in Dresden, 164–165, 166
in Portland, 143–145, 146, 148, 151
Canon Océ, 88–89, 90
Carnegie Mellon, xiii–xiv, xix–xxiii, 181, 184, 186, 219
Carter, Donald, xix
Centennial Campus, 25, 109, 112–114, 179
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 240–241
Cetex, 126–127
Chemelot, 124–126
Chiang, Yet-Ming, 181
chief technology officers (CTOs), 33–34
China, 95–96, 119
competitive edge with, xi, 105, 254
employment security and, 255–256
energy industry in, 179, 188
R&D funding in, 235, 237
chips and sensors, 51, 75
collaborations in, 85–86, 88–89
competitive edge over Asian industry for, 60–64
EUVL in manufacture of, 56, 63
innovations in, 53–56, 60–65, 69–73, 80, 85–92, 105, 161
life sciences and, 144–145, 148–149
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
challenges and technology for, 196–197
lighting innovation for, 198–199
smart agriculture for, 197–198
Clark, Ed, xiii
Clinton, Hillary, x, xviii
between academic institutions and commercial enterprises, 6, 31–37, 48, 54, 79, 101–103, 110, 111–112, 116, 118, 125–126, 139–140, 144–145, 147–150, 156, 159, 169–170, 248
in biotechnology, 143–144
as brainbelt characteristic, 26, 27–28
in chips and sensors, 85–86, 88–89
competitor threat addressed with, 34–35, 54
connectors initiating, 40–41, 56–58
cost benefits of, 4, 62–63, 122
in Dresden, 69
for education and training, 224–227, 228, 230, 231–232
in energy industry, 34
with hospitals, 35–37, 132–133, 138–139, 144, 145, 147–150
incentives and rewards for, 210
industrial reconnaissance through, 34–35
necessity-based, 147–148, 206
outsourcing and breakdown of, 119
in polymer innovation and steel industry, 103–104
in process of innovation, 8, 16
in R&D, 4, 87–90, 134–135, 139–140, 141
resistance to, xvi
with suppliers and market competitors, 85–86
of supply chains and R&D, 87–90
in 3D printing, xvi–xvii, 88–89
See also brainsharing ecosystem; multidisciplinary approach
Collasius, Michael, 29–30
Collier, Kevin, 47–48
communism, 69–70, 71, 161, 162
community. See environment and community, brainbelt
community colleges, xii, xxii, 224–227, 257
companies and corporations
academic institutions collaboration with, 6, 31–37, 48, 54, 79, 101–103, 110, 111–112, 116, 118, 125–126, 139–140, 144–145, 147–150, 156, 159, 169–170, 248
attracting, with tax breaks, 142
competitor threat understanding of, 28
as connectors, 132, 138–139
connectors as asset for, 30, 260–261
CTOs influence in collaborative efforts of, 33–34
funding and support from, 85–86, 113–114, 125–126, 140–141, 237–240
hierarchy and regimentation in, 18, 37, 250
organization and culture of brainsharing in, 247–251
as players in brainbelt ecosystem, 28–29, 113–114, 125
R&D process by, 242–243
See also start-up companies
competitive edge
in chips and sensors at Albany, 60–64
in Europe, 3, 20–21
outsourcing and loss of, 119
US increase of, xi, 2–3, 20–21, 60–64, 105–106, 254
competitor threat, 27–28, 30, 34–35, 54, 105
connectors, brainbelt
academic institutions as, 99–102
Akron’s, 94, 96, 99–100
Albany’s, 57, 58–64
collaboration initiated by, 40–41, 56–58
companies as, 132, 138–142
as company asset, 30, 260–261
Dresden’s, 74–80, 161–162
ecosystem created by, 26, 27–30, 54
innovation and, 99–103
Lund-Malmö’s, 115–118, 119–120
Minneapolis’s, 131–132, 138–139
motivation and vision of, 57
Netherlands’, 123–124
Portland’s, 143–145, 148–150
sp; Zurich’s, 29–30, 156
Cox, Martijn, 124–125
Cree, 110–111
crowdfunding sites, 245
CTOs. See chief technology officers
DAF Truck, 81–82, 90
Dann, Norman, 137–138, 141, 243
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 19, 186, 207
Department of Defense, US, 31, 104, 235, 240
DeSimone, Joseph, 48
Detroit, xii, 94, 257
development. See R&D
digital management tools, 220
dormancy, 39–42, 70–71, 95–96
Dresden, Germany, 7, 13 (table), 16 (fig.), 217
Berlin Wall fall impact on, 70, 72, 161
chips and sensors innovation in, 53, 55, 56, 69–73
collaborative ecosystem in, 69
connectors in, 74–80, 161–162
cultural and recreational assets in, 71 (photo), 77
GlobalFoundries in, 65, 72–73
government funding and support in, 162–163
legacy of innovation in, 68–69, 78
life sciences in, 161, 162–167, 176
start-up companies in, 73, 77–79, 166
World War II impact on, 69–71, 70 (photo), 76
See also BioSaxony
DSM, 34, 123, 124, 125–126
Duisters, Hans, 87–88, 89, 90, 92
Duke University, 25
Duolingo, xxi
Eastern New York Angels (ENYA), 63
Eckert, Scott, 44–45
education and training
collaboration for, 224–227, 228, 230, 231–232
college compared to skill-based, 223–224
community colleges for, xii, xxii, 224–227, 257
employment rates and, xii, 222–223, 257–258, 260
for smart manufacturing, 224–227, 228–230
work-study model for, 228–232
efficiency, 43–44, 48–49, 75, 178–183
Eindhoven, Holland, 5, 7, 13 (table), 16 (fig.), 53, 217
brainsharing in, xvi–xvii, 82–85, 90–92
chips and sensors innovation in, 55, 56, 85–92
Philips Electronics’ legacy in, xvi, 80–84
public spaces development in, 198
research campus in, 82–84
smartest region award for, 3, 81
supply chain to value chain in, 86–90
work-study model in, 232
elections. See presidential election (2016)
electric vehicles, 181–182, 188
emerging markets, 2, 4–5
employment, 124, 145
in Akron’s polymer industry, 105–106
brainbelts increasing, 39, 69, 71, 119, 120, 166
China and lack of, 255–256
education and training and, xii, 222–223, 257–258, 260
innovation and shifts in, 254–259
multicultural, 65, 66–67, 93
with smart manufacturing, xi, 222, 223–224, 258–259
See also work-study model
energy industry, 9 (table)–11 (table), 13 (table)
adaptation necessity in, 182–183
battery storage technologies in, 180–182
challenges and improvements in, 178–180
climate change and, 179
collaboration in, 34
decentralizing grid in, 182
lighting innovation in, 105, 179, 198–199
renewables in, 180, 182
smart agriculture and, 192
entrepreneurs, 159–160
academics and doctors as, 132, 138, 156
brainbelts enabling and mentoring, 25, 39, 77, 79, 157, 237–238
Dresden competition for, 78
in Eindhoven, 82
funding process for, 143, 172, 243–245
qualities and needs of, 172
Silicon Valley beginnings and, 32
environment and community, brainbelt
attraction to, xiii, xxiii, 27, 38–39, 61–62, 72–73, 109–110
benefits of, 114–115
brainsharing supported by, 219–222
cultural and recreational assets in, 27, 38, 66–67, 71 (photo), 77
hospitals connection in, 222–223
housing in, xx–xxi, 27, 218, 221, 222
organizations for supporting, 90–91
physical elements of, 38, 54, 61–62, 106, 166, 218–222
in Pittsburgh, xviii–xx, xxii–xxiii
revitalization of, xiv, 23–25, 38–39, 151–152, 197–199, 221
strength of and pride in, 30, 54, 152
suppliers locating to, 66
talent magnet of, 64–65, 152
zoning regulations for, 221
Zurich’s, 160
ENYA. See Eastern New York Angels
EPC. See European Project Center
Ereky, Károly, 133
Ericsson, 24, 41, 98, 116, 117–119, 167
ETH. See Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
EU. See Europe/European Union
European Project Center (EPC), 76
Europe/European Union (EU), 175
academic institution collaboration law in, 33
brainbelts in US compared to, 19–20, 234–239
brainbelts of, 6, 8, 13 (table)–14 (table), 18, 75
Brexit impact on, xv
competitive edge growing in, 3, 20–21
innovation support in, 19–20, 76, 207
organization and culture of brainsharing in, 249–250
public-private institutions in, 75, 236, 238
quantum computing investment in, xv–xvi
R&D funding in, 20, 235–239
start-up support in US compared to, 237–239, 261
work-study model in, 228–232
EUVL. See extreme ultraviolet lithography
Ewing, Barbara, 105
extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL), 56, 63, 86
farming and food production. See agriculture, smart
FEI, 88, 90, 144
Fokker, 123, 127–128
Fraunhofer Institute, 19, 71, 210, 229, 236, 238
Frey, Kip, 241, 244
FrieslandCampina, 194–195
Frischknecht, Peter, 155 (photo)
funding, 27, 200
brainsharing importance and, 234
breakdown of R&D, 233–239
Centennial Campus corporate-based, 113–114
for community college programs, 227
corporate partner and supplier, 85–86, 125–126, 140–141, 237–240
from Department of Defense, 31, 104, 235, 240
entrepreneurs and, 143, 172, 243–245
in life sciences, 134–135
multidisciplinary approach requirement for, 236
NASA’s, 19, 235, 241, 246
private party, 243–245
recommendations for, 245–247
for redesign for automobile, 187
for start-ups, 77–78, 160, 237–239, 244–245
US compared to European, 19–20, 234–239
See also angel investors; government funding and support; philanthropy; venture capital
futureSAX, 78
G450C. See Global 450 Consortium
Garrett, James, xxi
GDP. See gross domestic product
GE. See General Electric
Genentech, 32, 134, 146, 239
General Electric (GE)
battery storage innovation by, 180–181
collaboration with academic institutions, 6, 248
Internet of Things and, 49–51
manufacturing innovation of, 5–6, 17–18, 50–51
Geolas, Bob, 114–115, 115 (photo)
GF. See GlobalFoundries
Gherson, Giles, xiii
GK Software, 79
GKN, xvii
Global 450 Consortium (G450C), 61, 62, 63
GlobalFoundries (GF), 62, 65–66, 72–73, 105, 224–225, 227
globalization, 1, 202–203
le, 199
automobile reinvention and, 184, 185, 187, 188
innovation leadership of, 5, 25, 206
NSF grant in development of, 234
in Pittsburgh redevelopment, xviii, xix, xx–xxi
government funding and support, 233
academic research for commercial product and, 33, 156
by adoption of new technologies, 211
advantage of avoiding, 62
of Akron’s brainbelt, 102
for basic and applied research, 32–33, 234–236, 246–247
through Department of Defense, 31, 104, 235, 240
in Dresden and Leipzig, 76, 162–163, 164
for innovation, 19–20, 76, 207–208, 261–263
in Minneapolis brainbelt, 141–142
of R&D, 19, 137, 144, 147, 209, 235, 241, 246
VC firms with, 240–241
in Zurich, 160
See also innovation policy
Grand Challenge, 186
Gray, Joe, 148–150, 149 (photo), 151, 262–263
green technology, xxiii
greenhouses, 191–193
gross domestic product (GDP), 19, 104, 175, 214–215
Haupold, Gitta, 74–75
Helmholtz Association, 71, 164
High Tech Campus Eindhoven, 82–84
High Tech Startbahn, 69, 79
Hofmann, André, 161–162, 166–167
Holden, Jeff, xxi
Holst Centre, 82–83
Hörjel, Nils, 115–118, 119–120
brainbelts and, 9 (table)–14 (table), 26, 217
collaboration with, 35–37, 132–133, 138–139, 144, 145, 147–150
life sciences brainsharing and, 125, 164, 166, 171, 175, 218
physical connection to assets, 222–223
See also Oregon Health & Science University
housing, xx–xxi, 27, 218, 221, 222
Houweling, Casey, 192–193
Hudson Tech Valley, 55, 64, 66, 72, 224, 226, 232
See also Albany, New York
Hudson Valley Community College, 225–227
IBM, 108–109
ICCAS. See Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery
ICF. See Intelligent Community Forum
Ideon, 24, 41, 118–119, 120–121
ieLab. See Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab
IIC. See Industrial Internet Consortium
Immelt, Jeffrey, 6, 248
incubator. See business incubators
industrial background. See rustbelts
Industrial Internet. See Internet of Things
Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), 49–50
Infineon, 69, 72, 74, 75, 77
innovation, 4, 120–121
battery storage, 180–181
in chips and sensors, 53–56, 60–65, 69–73, 80, 85–92, 105, 161
collaboration in process of, 8, 16
concerns with, 177–178, 263–266
connectors and, 99–103
culture of open, 3, 60, 82–85, 124, 210
employment shifts with, 254–259
European support of, 19–20, 76, 207
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