Talon's Heart

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Talon's Heart Page 18

by Jordan Silver

  "You're such a girl Cunning; seriously? Who says that shit, where you hear that Glee?"

  "I don't watch that shit bro, I'm all about the vampire diaries and shit."

  "Fucking vampires you need something constructive to do with your time; anyway I'm out, seriously though bro thanks for doing this."

  "Hey it's one for all and all for one." Donner started the round of fist pounds in way of goodbye.

  I turned for home already planning to take her down as soon as I got in the door. If I kept her occupied the rest of the night she wouldn’t have time to question me like the Gestapo. I’m proud of her though, she hadn’t let what Mackenzie did bother her; she was more sure of herself, as she should be. The big ass rock I’d put on her hand was only part of the proof that I’d claimed her I know. But hopefully what we shared went a long way to making her feel secure in my love for her.

  The stupid dog was barking like crazy, I could hear it from damn near halfway down the street. The closer I got the more worried I became, Skye would never let her dog bark like that and the dog wouldn't be barking like that if...fuck me.

  I started running with my heart in my throat; please don't be hurt baby, please please please. That's all I kept saying to myself with every pound of my feet against the pavement.

  My hand actually shook when I turned the key in the door. There was someone in our house that I'd never seen before. I looked past the strange woman to Skye who was sitting on the couch looking white as a sheet. She looked unharmed as far as I could see but I had to be sure so I walked over to her still ignoring the stranger.

  "Baby you okay?"

  I knelt at her feet and took her hand in mine, ice cold; I didn't know who she was but I knew this chick was bad news.

  "Who the fuck are you?" I looked over my shoulder at her. I didn't mind greeting her like that, she was way too young to be Angelique Abbott so whoever the fuck she was wasn't due any respect from me, especially not if she was here fucking with my wife.

  Her face did that thing females do when they scent new prey, what the fuck?

  She stretched out her hand to me and that's when my little tigress came out of whatever fog she'd been in and knocked the offered hand away. Not that I was going to take it, but it was good my girl claimed her shit.

  "I don't think so Lainey, now if you've said all you came to say you may leave."

  "Aren't we all brave now that the hunk is here?" She was still looking at me with that gleam in her eye it was almost laughable.

  Oh, it's the home wrecking tart. “Hey babe is this your scuzzy cousin? Hey nice to finally meet you, I wanted to thank you for fucking that mutt and getting him out of my wife's life; good job."

  I'm a bastard so sue me.

  "Your...wife...but?" She looked from me to Skye with a weird, ' I don't believe it' look on her face.

  "Babydoll you didn't show her your rock?" I pulled her hand up and showed it to the now gaping woman. I don't know how she'd missed it you could see the shit from space, which means my girl had been hiding it; but why?

  She answered my unasked question with her next breath.

  "I didn't want to start any drama Talon; the others don't know yet remember?"

  Shit I'd forgotten about that.

  "You married her?" She almost fucking yelled the house down, was she crazy?

  "This is why I hate you, everything has always come easy for you, precious little Skye with your ugly ass hair and mousy ways, I hate you."

  "Babe seriously, none of your relatives could get this poor creature some much needed help?"

  They both looked at me like what the fuck are you on so I told them.

  Turning my finger round and round next to my temple I pointed the finger of the other hand in Lainey's direction.

  Skye rolled her eyes and stifled a grin; good she was coming back to herself. I'm gonna have to talk to her about backing down from half wits. I know she's all about peace and shit but sometimes that shit's for the birds.

  "Come here Sasha." I gave the mutt a good rub down, he'd been standing between the two women keeping the intruder away from his momma; he was worth every penny as far as I'm concerned.

  "Good boy, sorry about the name thing dude that's your mom's deal."

  "You're talking to the dog and you call me crazy? Skylar I will be apprising the others of this new development, I'm sure the Starks will be very interested in...."

  "Get the fuck out of my house." That's it, I'd had enough of this shit. What, did somebody open the doors to twits 'R us or some shit? I'm surrounded.

  She huffed and glowered at the dog who started a low growling.

  "See, not even the dog wants you and we know how much you're into dogs. Then again this one is top of the line he's got better taste than your usual fare."

  She flounced out the door after a few choice words that nobody gave a fuck about leaving me to see to my wife.

  "Babe why did you let that ass in the house?"

  "I don't know she surprised me I guess."

  "Come 'ere." I pulled her up from her chair and into my arms squeezing her.

  "You really okay baby she didn't hurt you?"

  "No I'm fine, it was just hard seeing her here you know? Somehow in the last few months since meeting and falling in love with you I'd been able to put all that behind me. Now it seems like everyone's bent on destroying us or something." She sniffed into my shirtfront.

  "Hey look at me...that's never gonna happen, ever; we're it babe or did you forget the Avery legacy? One woman for life babe and you're wearing the ring to prove it."

  "I believe; it's just that sometimes it gets hard to hold onto that."

  "That's the whole point of believing babe, either you do or you don't. If you do you hold on with everything you've got and let the rest fall into place."

  "You're right, I'll try to do better in the future."

  “What did she want anyway?”

  “I’m not sure, she claims that everyone back home is treating her like a pariah and somehow in her head it’s all my fault.”

  “See I told you she was crazy, you don’t believe her do you?” She shook her head and held onto me.

  "Good girl did you take your meds, we're down to the last now right?"

  "Yes Dr. Avery I took them and yes this is the last week and before you ask I feel fine."

  "Touchy much babe? You need me to get you out of that funk you're in there?" I started inching up her shirt and tickling her tummy, she snort giggled and took off running.

  I was right on her heels as she squealed and headed for the bedroom. Crisis averted but I’m getting really tired of people getting in her face. When I finally do have a talk with her father I’d better let him know to keep his fucking niece away from my wife unless they wanted her to come up missing.

  Chapter 30


  After wrestling baby-girl down on the bed and giving her the works which put her to sleep I had shit to do. Leaving her in bed with the door closed I took Sasha into the study with me while I made some calls. I had no doubt that Lainey person would make good on her threat, which meant we’d have to tell her parents soon. We’d been holding off until we knew more about the contract but with everything nonna had said earlier there was no more reason to wait. I’ll let Skylar do the honors. At least with nonna interfering that'll save me a trip to the boondocks. Now all I had to do was wait for the results of the little tableau I’d just put into play.

  I rubbed my hands together as I lined things up in my head. I’d had a pyramid in my head of who was first to be toppled. I needed to get these freaks dealt with before Xmas, my baby's first Xmas as an Avery has to be kick-ass can't have that if we're busy dealing with bullshit. Nonna had a head start on the situation, which meant less work for me, and if things went as planned all will be well by the holidays. I didn’t want anything marring that.

  I got the text from Donner half an hour later telling me his part was done, scary. I don't even want to know how he pulled t
hat shit off so fast. If the shit worked as well as I wanted it to I'm going to have to talk to nonna about recruiting his brainy ass for one of her pet companies, she loves meddling in shit. It looks like I'm going to get a little payback on the skank before nonna finishes her search and destroy thing, cool.

  "Sasha your mother's been sleeping for a hot minute better go see what's going on." Though having her out of the way while I did my thing was a good idea. She'd beat me over the fucking head with that moral yardstick of hers if she was awake. Fuck that, people don't want to get fucked they shouldn't mess with me and mine. She's mine to protect, I take my job seriously, and I'm damn tired of people messing with my little Skye. I got up and headed for our bedroom with the dog following behind, I opened the door and sent him packing.

  "Sasha go play daddy needs to talk to mommy for a minute." Shit now I'm talking to the mutt, practically asking him for permission. He gave me one of those looks like he knew what I was up to before slinking away. What the fuck? I gotta take shit from the dog now too?

  She was laying on top of the covers in her usual sprawl; yeah my baby slept kinda wild. I like it though because she usually ended up draped over me, which I had no shame in using to my advantage when I opened my eyes in the morning with my dick hard enough to drill holes in Sheetrock. The problem with this picture and what was about to get her in trouble is that she's wearing or should I say barely wearing some kind of lacy number the amazing turquoise color of her eyes and it barely reached the top of her ass. So I got a nice show of cheek at the bottom and part of her crack at the top. My boy was on the rise and my mouth was already watering. I had my mission plotted out by the time I reached the bed. I'd only been wearing a pair of sweats so it was no problem getting undressed.

  I tried to ease up on the bed as gently as possible so as not to wake her. First I ran my hand over all that lace covered ass, fuck my baby has a great ass. The way she had her legs, one bent at the knee and the other straight it wouldn't be easy for me to pull her panties down so I eased a finger under the leg until I touched her moist entrance. She twitched a little but didn't wake up. I couldn't help myself so I took a nice nip out of her ass before lifting her hips in my hands and sucking her pussy through the lace crotch of her underwear.


  "Go back to sleep don't mind me." She looked over her shoulder at me as I rolled her panties down to mid thigh that shit was sexy as fuck. I didn't pay her any mind as I bent my head and licked.

  "Ummmm...." I tongued her with her hips held tight in my hands because she'd started gyrating against my mouth and making those sounds I loved to hear.

  "Talon please."

  Uh uh I'm not rushing this time, I'm gonna enjoy this; damn her ass felt so good in my hands. I wanted to cry because I didn't know what to hit first. I wanted in that ass but the pink pussy was calling me, shit, plus I couldn't stop eating her. I settled for stroking my cock while I ate her to orgasm. I love the way her body shakes like she'd touched a live wire.

  Before she came down from her high I surged into her going deep in one stroke. She clamped down on my cock like a vice as I started to ride her. I ran my hands all over her body from her back around to her nipples, which I teased mercilessly. She fucked back at me even harder when I pulled on them which made me pound her even more furiously.

  The bed sounded like it was about to collapse as it banged into the wall, the sheets were almost off the bed, and my girl was cumming and squeezing my cock. When she'd had hers that's when I moved on to phase two but first; pulling out of her sweet tightness which made my cock all but revolt, I went back to sucking her, tasting all that heat she'd just released.

  She was damn near boneless by then but I had no mercy, it's the one place where I will show her none, ever. When I'd had my fill of pussy juice I licked up to her little rosebud, which made her clench, then using my fingers I worked some of her juices into her ass to get her ready to take me. Getting to my knees once more I watched as the head of my once more steel pike hard cock slipped inside. "Easy, easy, relax."

  I petted her and spoke soothingly to her as I eased in farther and farther; her body started to relax and I slipped all the way in. I had to stop and grit my teeth because her ass was fucking tight around my cock, I could barely move in there that's how tight her ass was. I eased out halfway and then pushed back in. I got a rhythm going until she opened just a little more for me.

  "Fuck yourself with your fingers baby." She was quick to comply and I could feel the back and forth of her fingers through the thin membrane against my clock head.

  "Faster baby fuck." I had a good pace going now, in, out, in, out; she was wailing now as I fucked her ass hard and deep with no let up.

  "Fuck babydoll I'm cumming." She pushed back hard at my words taking me all in before I jizzed a gallon inside her.

  See this is the dilemma I face, I want to cum in her pussy, her ass, her mouth, and in the small of her back all at the same time, I'll figure that shit out eventually. I dropped like a stone next to her pulling her close, kissing on her.

  "Did you cum when I was in your ass?"

  “Talon…" She buried her head in my chest making me roll my eyes; during sex she had no problem saying some nasty shit to me, outside of sex she's still my shy girl.

  "Babe did you or do you need my mouth again? Never mind." I turned her over onto her back and took care of her. It was only after she'd flooded my mouth twice that the sneak told me she had indeed cum while I was in her ass.

  I heard the rumblings as soon as we reached campus the next day. With my arm thrown over my girl's shoulders and her books in my other hand I kept my head straight and my face blank. Nosy fucks were whispering and speculating, it was high school all over again. I walked Skye to her class and with a kiss bade her goodbye for at least the next hour.

  Cunning and Donner when I saw them just slightly inclined their heads in my direction letting me know without words that my orders had been carried out; good the rumblings were just the beginning. I felt slightly better about things by mid morning; I had no guilt over what I’d done. I only wish I could own the shit but if I did Donner and Cunning would go down with me and I couldn’t have that. As far as I’m concerned we’re even now, call it tit for tat.

  By lunchtime the whole campus was abuzz with the news, someone had pictures, which had been blown up and plastered all over campus. Shit this was even better than I thought. I don't even want to know where they got that shit though. Meanwhile the clueless Robyn twit was sitting there without a clue as to her part in the whole thing. One thing was for certain Donner is a scary fuck. If he could make some shit up in a lab in less than an hour that could do that shit I never wanted to get on his bad side.

  Chapter 31



  "What?" We were heading home after class, no practice today thank fuck. It was just going to be me and my girl. I had my arm around her keeping her close as she glared up at me.

  "What did you do?"

  "Say what now?" I knew damn good and well what she was referring to but there was no way I was coming clean on this one. She'd only lecture my ass to death and that wouldn’t change shit anyway, the deed was done. This way I'd cut the argument short. If she thought I was going be one of those passive motherfuckers where she was concerned she could think again, no one was getting away with messing with her, not now not ever.

  I hadn't expected Donner's little experiment to work so well though but what the hell, the bitch deserved it. She could've killed my little Skylar with that mold shit, the fact that she was now covered in boils from head to toe was small recompense if you asked me. And from Donner's little aside to me before we left the cafeteria earlier the shits left scars, bonus.

  This one was giving me the stink eye but I'm not talking for shit.

  "What's your problem Mrs. Avery?" I squeezed her making her giggle and blush, damn I love her giggles.

  "You know what, what did you do to that girl?"
  "Which one? The only girl I've violated in the last six months or so is you."

  "You're an ass, go on and keep your secrets but if I find out you had anything to do with this I'm going to be very disappointed in you."

  If the assholes on campus would stop talking about it it would die down soon enough but it seems Mackenzie had pissed off more than a few people and her demise was being celebrated far and wide. It might be a few days yet before the excitement wore off.

  "Babe trust me, for the next fifty, sixty years or so you're gonna have a lot more important shit to be disappointed in me for, now come along that stupid dog is probably at the door whining."

  "Sasha is not stupid you take that back."

  "He's a pain in the ass." She argued with me all the way home but at least she wasn't thinking about the Harden wench anymore. I'm good.

  Life settled into a routine for the next couple of weeks, I kept expecting Stark to show up because the Lainey girl had threatened to spill but nothing happened. Skylar told her parents that we got married the day after the twit had shown up at the house.

  There was some grumbling from her father about why they hadn’t been invited but I checked his ass. If he’d been more forthcoming in the beginning there wouldn’t have been a need for a rush wedding. Then again I was glad for it. After our little talk he came clean about the reason for his silence, which I call deception. He was embarrassed that he’d practically sold his daughter to save his farm. I’m thinking that wasn’t good enough but we’ll see. He was family now and knowing my wife he’d end up at my dinner table sooner or later.

  Nonna had made good on her threats against Mackenzie. I don’t know all that had happened, not yet anyway but word around campus was that she was acting kind of deranged. Serves her ass right for doing what she’d done. I’d only seen her once after the whole outbreak thing and damn, she hadn’t been looking too good. It must be hard losing your looks and your wealth in such short order. She might well be wondering what the fuck she’d done to unleash such hell on herself. It would kill her to know that Skye now owned her shit.


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