Talon's Heart

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Talon's Heart Page 20

by Jordan Silver

  “What, what the fuck does that mean?” No one was paying me any attention and I couldn’t leave her to go see what was happening.

  “Push Mrs. Avery, one last push.”

  Push, push what? There was a flurry of movement down at the other end as I came to realize there was another baby. Then it registered that there was no sound coming from this one. I looked over at the doctor and the nurses to see what was going on.

  “Talon…” Her voice was scared and weak. I kissed her hair reassuringly while my heart crawled up to my throat.

  “I’ll be right back baby.” I walked over to the table where they were doing something to a tiny form, trying to put something in its mouth. “What’s wrong?”

  “Your daughter isn’t breathing something’s blocking her airwaves.” Daughter my daughter; she was blue from what little I could see and not moving. I wanted to push everyone out of the way and tend to her myself. Someone was swearing and making threats and I didn’t realize it was me until nonna dragged me away. “Let them take care of her Talon come on go to Skye.”

  Skye, shit this would kill her. I went back to her and she was crying too hard to speak so I spoke for both of us. “She’s going to be okay baby just pray.” I held her as tight as I could without hurting her begging forgiveness for everything I’d ever done wrong in my life and promising that if my kid was spared I’d be the best damn dad the world had ever seen. I felt a moment’s guilt over my secret wish to have a son. That couldn’t have anything to do with it though could it? Had I somehow transferred that thought to her while I was talking to her brother all those months? I felt gutted and ashamed, my baby girl, my little Skye.

  It felt like hours before we heard the sound of her feeble cry. Junior had already been taken care of and was crying for food, now all my attention was on my baby girl.

  I followed the nurses out of the room when they took her away. “Where are you taking her?”

  “She needs to be incubated she’s too small. Don’t worry we’ll take good care of her.” My ass, I wasn’t letting my kid out of my sight.

  I didn’t have time to tell the guys what was going on someone else would take care of that. I was in a quandary, I needed Skye but I knew she’d want me to stay with our girl so that’s what I did. They tried getting rid of me but that was a lost cause. I left the room long enough for them to set her up in the little glass dome but I watched through the window. As soon as it was safe again I was back at her side.

  She looked so tiny, like the size of my palm, but at least her color was a little better. Mom came in a little later to check on us and spot me so I could go see my wife. Skylar was wracked with worry but I reassured her that our girl was doing fine. They’d said she’d be out of the woods in a few days but they didn’t know, that kid is an Avery. She had Eloise Avery in her blood there’s no way she’s not a fighter.

  For the next few days we sat with her talking to her, singing to her. Junior was a trooper the greedy little prick was just as bad on the outside as he was on the inside. There were no worries there and he had all the love and attention he could handle with the whole family at his beck and call. When I wasn’t with Amalie I was with him but they wouldn’t let us take him into the room with us and since I wanted to stay with my girl I saw him sporadically for the first few days of his life.

  When they finally told us she was out of the woods and breathing well on her own I think that was the first time I took a breath since the whole thing started. Now I could relax and enjoy the fact that I was a dad. Now it felt real, I wasn’t sure how I would’ve handled it if I’d had to go home without one of my kids.

  One year later…

  “Amalie leave the dog alone.” This kid doesn’t listen for shit. She gave me one of her mother’s sneaky looks and came and plopped down on my lap. She batted her lashes at me before trying to stick her toes in her mouth. One year old and already she’s a con. I smelt her hair taking in that baby scent that clung to her, and my heart did what it always did when I held one of my children. Squeezing her little body close I smiled in fond memory of the past year.

  After we’d brought them home Skye and I were like two kids playing house, neither of us were prepared for all that it entailed, not with twins anyway. We’d been semi prepared for one but two somehow seemed insurmountable. We were overrun with family from day one though, which was a big help. But when they had to get back to their own lives and it was just us alone with two babies and a dog that was almost as big as my wife but still acted like a kid himself I thought I would lose my shit.

  We’d sat down together and made a list, I thought it was for shit but Skye swore if we did it this way at least we’d have some sort of direction and she’d been right. In the end we decided to hire someone to come in three days a week to help take care of the house. There was talk of a nanny but I decided that since I’d be graduating soon instead of working from home I’d be the resident nanny. No one thought it could be done but I was determined that I was going to be the one to watch over my kids. Well, me, and Sasha, the damn dog thinks my kids belong to him or some shit.

  After Skye went back to classes when the children were a few months old it was just the four if us. At first I was afraid that he might hurt them but nothing could be farther from the truth. It seemed that all the love and devotion he’d held for the mother was now shared with the kids, especially Amalie. I think somehow he knew she’d been sick because from the minute we brought her home he’d clung to her.

  Now she rules him like she does everything else. She’s all her mother, in actions anyway. Both children have my coloring, my hair and my face but they were blessed with their mother’s amazing eyes, a man couldn’t ask for anything more than that. Junior is a daddy’s boy he takes after me in temperament, though according to nonna he has more manners. Amalie, shit, the girl is her mother and nonna go figure.

  She does everything she sees her mother do, which is funny as hell. Especially after I endure one of Skye’s lectures and walk into a room and see my little one year old angel doing the same to the poor mutt. Finger wagging and hand on hip she babbles away at him in her own special language. I never know what the mutt did to incur her wrath but he always whines and hangs his head in shame.

  Serves his ass right though because he helps them hide up their shit. My kids can destroy a room in ten minutes flat and look innocent when caught. I don’t yell but I do find myself lecturing them on occasion. Somehow the dog seems to have caught on and decided it was his job to protect them. One day I caught him in the act and if I hadn’t seen him with my own two eyes I would never have believed it. Junior had decided to get one of his wet diapers from the trash and dismantle it for some fucked up reason. I saw him doing it when I was coming towards the room so I know it was him. Sasha saw me coming and took the diaper and started pawing it as if he was the one doing it. From then I knew I was going to have trouble.

  He’s about the ugliest damn thing on four legs but fuck if he isn’t worth every penny of that one mil. When it’s naptime I like to lay the kids on the floor on their blankets; don’t ask me why but I think they’re safer there where I can see them instead of up in their cribs. If the doorbell rings while they’re asleep there on the floor Sasha stands over both of them at the ready to protect them from any danger. That’s a good fucking dog, now all I have to do is teach this one that he’s not a toy.

  “Where’s your mother and brother angel?” I picked her up before she could babble me to death and went in search of the rest of my family. I found them in the playroom laid out on the floor. Looks like they were building something with Legos. Well Skye was building something anyway, Junior looked more interested in tearing it down.

  “Can you please tell your daughter to leave the mutt alone?” Skye grinned up at me from her place on the floor. If anything she was even more beautiful now than two years ago when I’d first laid eyes on her. Motherhood suited her, and I couldn’t see that juggling school, the children and me had done anyth
ing to take the shine out of her eyes. I did everything I could to see that that never happened.

  “What did she do now?” I let Amalie down to play with her brother and sat next to my wife stealing a quick kiss. “When she’s not lecturing him to death she’s riding him like a pony or trying to open his mouth. Why don’t we just get her a pony?” She rolled her eyes and turned to the kids who were whispering to each other. Shit they were probably planning a coup.

  “One because she’s too young and two, where would we put it?”

  “I don’t know but she can’t keep trying to ride the damn dog and the stupid mutt lets her. If I tried to do half the shit she does to him the fucker would’ve bitten off my face by now.”

  “He loves her, don’t you see how he protects her?” It’s true, each night instead of having to kick him out of our room he stays at the door to the nursery. In the day as soon as he’s awake he’s back on duty. In the beginning he was almost as good as the monitor because more often than not he’d come into our room and wake us just before one of the kids started to fret, freaky shit.

  “My parents are coming this weekend.” She said that shit tongue in cheek.

  “What the fuck for?” I don’t think we’ve had a weekend to ourselves since the babies. There was always someone here getting in my way and hogging my damn kids.

  “Talon…anyway I was thinking we could go out on Saturday night.”

  “And who’s gonna watch the children?”

  “My parents silly.” She bumped my shoulder with hers.

  “Uh no, no way in hell.”

  “What why not?” She slugged my shoulder but whatever.

  “Babe your parents don’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to taking care of kids in their care.” She rolled her eyes at me and huffed.

  “Do you know what everyone is saying?”

  I give a fuck. “ What’re they saying?”

  “That you never let them have the kids, that after five minutes you’re there with your hands out taking them back. And if you do allow them to hold them for more than five minutes you hover. They come all this way and then you barely let them spend any time with the children.”

  “So?” I don’t see what she was getting at; I let them in the door didn’t I?

  “So Talon that’s not normal.

  “Babe do you remember Amalie’s first minutes of life?” I never forget; never will.

  “I know Talon but she’s fine now.”

  “I promised her then that her daddy would always be there, always take care of her and nothing is gonna stand in the way of that.”

  “But Talon, my mother, yours, nonna? What do you think they’ll do to her?”

  “Fuck if I know but I know for damn sure I’m not leaving her alone with your father, I’ll probably come back to find my kids on Ebay or some shit.”


  “No fighting in front of the kids you know your daughter sucks up everything.”

  She leaned back on her hands and I swallowed hard, damn her body still makes me crazy.

  “Babe, you’re about to bust out the top of that thing.”

  She looked down at her breasts, which had yet to go back to their original size.

  “I know, they’re swollen; the babies had enough but they didn’t take it all and in a few minutes they’re gonna hurt like hell.”

  “It’s almost naptime if you can wait I’ll take care of it for you.” She lifted her lips for a kiss, which I gave, taking her mouth soft and sweet with my hand resting on her waist. The clapping and chortling started and I pulled away to glare at my nosy ass kids, always in my shit.

  We put them down a half an hour later and not a moment too soon because Skye was starting to complain about her heavy tits. I closed the door half way and Sasha waltzed over and plunked his half awake ass down at the door on sentry duty. Taking her hand I walked her into our room and closed the door.

  She turned and lifted her arms over her head for me to remove her top. The silk and lace bra strained under the bounty of her beautiful tits. I leaned in and inhaled the scent of her neck. “Umm I love your scent, you smell like a mother.” I helped her out of her jeans before shucking mine and lifting her with her legs around my waist made my way over to the bed.

  Laying her back I went right to work. I knew not to touch her breasts with my rough hands, not yet. When they got like this they were extra sensitive. Using my tongue I licked around her nipple making it nice and wet before pursing my lips around it and sucking her in until the sweet taste of her milk burst into my mouth. Her tiny hand came down between us stroking my already leaking cock. I drained one breast before moving to the other as she opened her legs and drew me into her sweet heat.

  “Fuck me hard Talon, I won’t break.” She clenched around me trying to get me to speed up my thrusts. I haven’t taken her hard since the birth; somehow I saw her body different now. After watching her give birth I had a new respect for her body. It was to be cherished, honored; but always she begs me to take her harder like before.

  “Skylar…” I tried to keep the nice steady pace that I’d become used to but she worked her pussy on my cock and flexed her inner muscles making me sweat.

  “Breed me Talon.”

  “Fuck.” The thought of planting another child in her did the trick and I pounded into her hard and fast. Contorting my body I fucked into her deep as I took her nipple into my mouth again and drank.

  “Yes Talon right there.” Her heels dug into my ass as she fucked along with me just as wild just as untamed. I took her mouth in a deep kiss as I felt her flood my meat with her juices. She reached between us and cupped her tits. “They still hurt?” She nodded lightly.

  “Feed me.” She lifted them to my mouth and I sucked first one then the other as she came with a scream. In my burning lust I flipped her over and lifting her ass in my hands sank back into her fertile pussy. “Yes Talon yes yes yes.” She pushed her ass back into my strokes taking me in deep until I hit that spongy bit of flesh inside her. She came hard as I grabbed a fistful of her hair and twisted her head so I could feed her my tongue.

  She scraped her teeth along my tongue and I growled into her mouth as I emptied my seed into her. When my cock was through throbbing and leaking inside her I pulled out and dropping down beside her drew her into my arms going back to the tit for one last suck. “I love you Skylar.” She smiled and took my mouth in a kiss. “I love you too.” I made my way down her body and kissed the place beneath her navel, where just like that time long ago I was sure I’d nailed her again.


  You may find the author’s works here





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