Life as We Know It (Love Not Included) (Volume 4)

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Life as We Know It (Love Not Included) (Volume 4) Page 19

by J. D. Hollyfield

  “Sure, like a roommate thing. But I’m not sure what I have planned for you is what normal roommates partake in.” He then takes his magical hook and rips the thin fabric of my panties.

  Dammit! I’m going to have no underwear left if he keeps that up.

  I try to keep my voice cool and collected when I respond, but fail. “I mean… I’m not sure how much I can pay you for rent. We would have to work soooooome—thing, oh god, out.” I grab for the pillow and place it over my mouth.

  I hear a soft laugh coming from down below, just as Sam’s warm breath hits my center. “Oh I have ways for you to pay me.” Then, along with this dancing tongue, goes his magical finger.

  And I am in heaven.

  He can have whatever he wants.

  “You taste like pure heaven.” Another finger. And I eat more of the pillow.

  “Mmm Mmmmm…” I reply, fighting to keep my cool and forcing my hips to simmer down, when all they want to do is hump up and into his greedy mouth.

  “So wet and willing, my sweet Penny,” he continues stroking me in and out. The friction, on top of his sweet, sultry words, cause me to break and let go.

  “Oh fucking hot damn,” I groan into the pillow as the orgasm shoots up my spine. When I begin to float back down to earth I hear Sam chuckling.

  “Penny, unfasten your legs.”


  That’s when I realize I have his poor head in a bear grip in-between my thighs. “Oh shit, sorry.” I release, “Sorry, are you okay?”

  His smile and glistening chin say he’s perfectly fine. “Never been better, doll.” He sits and stands from the bed. I watch him as he unbuttons his shirt and drops the material to the floor. He is seriously what romance stories are made of. You know the book boyfriends you read about in those dirty romance novels where the guy is always chiseled? His skin the perfect shade of perfect? His body just screaming to be touched, tasted, and tormented? Well that’s Sam. He’s the guy you read about. Shirt discarded, he unbuttons his pants and down those go. And yep. You read about that too. Size and all. Holy Moly.

  “See something you like?” He grins at me as he walks back toward me.

  There is no shame when I lick my lips before I speak. “I was just inspecting my new roommate. Wanted to see what sort of deal I was getting into.”

  He doesn’t pull his eyes away from my now glistening lips. I watch his pupils darken just as he turns and opens his nightstand before making it back to the bed. Grabbing the condom package and ripping it open with his teeth, which might I add, is a super-turn-on, he climbs on top of me. “Well how about I show you just what you are getting yourself into.” He spreads my legs open with his knees, and I oblige. He aligns himself right where I want him, and while locking eyes with me, he heads home. Right where perfect feels.

  No words are spoken, but the way our bodies connect, and the emotions we’re both feeling, are louder than anything in vocal comparison. In and out, his length strokes the inside of my sex until I’m back on the brink of orgasm.

  “I never want to be anywhere else but here with you,” Sam murmurs to me, our noses grazing as he moves inside me. “I failed to say it earlier, but I am just as deep as you are.” His lips brush my mine. “That love thing you speak of? I feel it everywhere with you.” His pace starts to quicken. It could be because every word that leaves his mouth causes me to grip my legs around him tighter. His words. His confession. It’s causing my heart to swell and I never want this moment to end.

  “I love you, Sam,” I whisper breathlessly, and he captures my mouth just in time for us both to explode into an ecstasy of pleasure.

  “ARE YOU SURE YOU don’t want to come with me?” Sam asks lifting his running shoe onto the bed, and tying his laces. We’ve decided to play hookie from work today which suits me just fine. Sam wanted to focus on getting my locks changed and insisted we spend the day picking out new furniture for my apartment.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I like to save my running for when it’s from the law.”

  His eyebrows lift with curiosity.

  “That was a joke. I’ve been clean for a while now. Not even a parking ticket.”

  Sam shakes his head. “All right then. Well try and behave while I’m gone. I’ve hidden all my weapons and put a child’s lock on the all the porn channels. I don’t think I’m missing any other safety hazards am I?”

  “Do you stock a liquor cabinet?”

  “Shit, I do.”

  I laugh, “It’s okay, I don’t normally start to shake until closer to ten in the morning so I’m good for now.”

  He looks kind of like he actually may believe that one. I would ease his worry since I haven’t had those since college, but he ends up shaking his head some more and heading out for his run.

  I jump off the bed and grab my purse. Finding my phone in the inside pocket, I head on my important search for caffeine.

  “You make me sick.”

  “I know, right? Me too! I’m almost jealous of my own self,” I squeal into the phone. I just got done explaining my last twenty-four hours to Patti. “So are you two going to elope next, or what?”

  “Whoa, whoa, let’s not get all crazy. We just said the four-letter word, we didn’t exchange blood or anything.”

  “Well you might as well have, from that story it sounds like that’s on tonight’s agenda.”

  “Ew, no thanks.” I totally have a weak stomach, and I’m not down for reliving the whole Angelina and Billy Bob, blood necklaces ordeal. I head toward the kitchen in search of a coffee maker. This place is set up like the queen herself cooks here, he has to have a measly coffee maker.

  “Okay well, let’s go back to your place. That’s nuts, girl. Do you think they know who did it?”

  I search through the first few cabinets striking out on mission, find coffee pot. “Who, the cops? No, they were pretty useless in the matter.”

  “Like the G in lasagna,” we both say in unison. Ha ha, jinx.

  “So did you tell Sam about what we found?” Shit, I totally forgot about that. “No I kinda left that part out.”

  “Why? Dude, he should know that. Maybe tell his informant.”

  “You mean Sam? I’m not sure they use the word ‘informant’ anymore.”

  “Either way. He should probably know. Helps clear your name at least.”

  “Yeah, I agree, but there was a small issue with that confession. I was going to tell him I swear, but we were in the process of making up and well, the way Sam makes up, you really don’t interrupt it just to bring up your ex. Plus, by the reaction he had at those photos, I felt it was better to leave that little part out of it.”

  “Penny.” She scolds me.

  “I know, but what was I supposed to say? ‘Oh by the way, before you make me scream dirty things to you, I sorta broke into Henry’s place with Patti and found tons of great incriminating information.’ Yeah not sure that was going to fly very well.”

  “I’m just sayin’ I wouldn’t keep it from him. That’s some big shit. If anything maybe you should tell his informant.”

  “Would you stop using the word informant?” I laugh.

  Three cabinets in and no coffee maker. I’m actually disappointed I haven’t found the magic button that drops down a scolding hot mocha in front of me in this setup.

  “Well don’t wait too long. Any who, so I got us the tickets to the Cherry Blossoms for Tuesday night. So don’t forget!”

  “I won’t.”

  “And no blowing me off because you’re too busy playing house with your prince now.”

  “Dude, no prince is worth blowing off tickets to see The Cherry Blossoms.”

  “That’s my girl. Still with me. Okay, I gotta go. Jeff is yelling at me because I’m late for our Friday staff meeting. Ugh, love you, girl.”

  “Love you,” I sing as I hang up. Seriously, no caffeine? A girl must do what a girl must do and that’s trek her ass to the lobby where they so conveniently house a café. I slip on Sam’s sandals and t
hrow on one of his hoodies. Of course, I stick my nose in and take a hefty whiff. Who wouldn’t? I snuggle into my borrowed gear as I make my way to the caffeine heaven. Just as the elevator dings for the lobby the doors open and I go head to head with the one and only.


  “Oh. Fancy meeting you here.” She looks at me, clearly broadcasting her intent to rattle me. I hate to admit her comment works since now I want to know what the hell she’s doing in my boyfriend’s condo building.

  “Who me? Oh I was just coming from my boyfriend’s place. Gonna get some caffeine so I have energy after all the animalistic things that are going on up there.”

  See ya maturity! Have fun on that hiatus!

  My replay hits its mark because her composure slips just a smidge and allows me to see her true distaste for me.

  “I’m sure you do, sweetheart. From what I hear, him being such a busy man and all, he sure does have his plate full with his appetite in women.”

  Okay she won that round. Say what?

  “You poor thing, you don’t think you’re the only one do you?” She laughs, sending her head back to accentuate her point.

  “What I do think is you’re jealous and you want what you can’t have.”

  “Oh, honey. Don’t be so naive. I’ve already had that. And it sure was sweet.” She begins to circle me. “Maybe it’s time you realize you are playing outside your field. One would think you would have learned with Henry. But now, with Sam? In time his interest will fade. As it does with all his women.”

  She’s really pissing me off. I’m trying not to let anything she spits out affect me, but she sure is going for the jugular here. “Do yourself a favor and go home little girl. Back to where you belong. You don’t belong in this world.”

  “And what world is that?” I bark out.

  “One of heritage. Importance. Of money.”

  That bitch.

  “Speaking of money, how’s the campaign fraud business treating ya?”

  There it is. The tiniest little twitch. “Bribe any loan sharks lately? Possibly some law enforcement? Man, what would poor Henry think if he found out his precious little campaign manager was stealing funds from his campaign to fund illegal activities?” She stops dead in her tracks. “Cat got your tongue on that one, Cassandra?” I smile coldly at her.

  Just as she starts to come at me, the elevator dings again and an elderly couple exits, causing her to halt her attack.

  “Tsk tsk Cassandra, that’s not playing nice.” I step back into the empty elevator, because I am done with this conversation. “I think maybe it’s you who needs to go home. Or that information might fall into the wrong hands.” The threat is loud and clear. Because I don’t take shit from anyone.

  Especially Cassandra fucking Winters.

  Just before the elevator doors shut, her angry scowl turns into a threatening smile.

  I AM LIVID, THAT is pretty clear. I’ve been pacing Sam’s penthouse for the last twenty minutes. And for every step forward I take in convincing myself everything she said were lies, I sadly take two steps back and allow her tainted words to sink into my brain and fuel the debate. Healthy appetite for women. I mean he sure does have a healthy appetite, but is it just for me? I started this with doubts about him. About him being a playboy. Why did I never bother to ask? “Hey, Sam, by the way, are you a manwhore?”

  Love means exclusive, right? He wouldn’t be messing around with anyone else if he said all those things to me would he? Shit, would he? He did sound pretty smooth saying all the right things. Oh my god, what if this is his thing? He swoons women with words and amazing tongue action, and these women fall to his feet, until he’s ready to pass them along for another?

  Oh fuckity fuck.

  Back and forth, I pace, fighting my brain not to think so negatively. Sam is a good man. As in good man whore. I’m his one. Of the week. Oh but wait! It’s been way longer than a week. I calm slightly. What if he doesn’t count weekend days? Gah!

  I want to start stomping my feet on the ground and cry about how unfair this is. Why do shitty things always have to happen to me? Just then the door lock clicks and Sam walks through the entryway. He looks sweaty and delicious and—

  “Where the hell have you been?” So I’m not going to play it cool, then.

  “Huh?” He throws his keys on the entryway table and continues to walk my way.

  “Where have you been? What took you so long? Make any stops along the way?” I now have my hands on my hips and my foot is tapping like a god damn jack rabbit.

  “And what exactly is all this about?” He reaches me and I can smell his sweat. Even that smells amazing, go figure. His hand rises to do his signature knuckle sweep across my cheek, but I swat it away. In my head of course.

  “Did you decide to get into that cabinet after all? Or is this because you are fighting it?” His smile makes it hard to remember what I’m so mad about. I look into his eyes and they don’t scream anything that says I just made two stops on my run and got my bang work out.

  “What’s up, my sweet Penny?” he asks, softly inquiring why I’ve turned looney.

  “Coffee…” is what I end up confessing.


  “Yeah, I need it and your kitchen kingdom doesn’t have any,” I pout, leaning into his hand.

  “Well let’s go remedy that, shall we?” He takes my hand and pulls me into the kitchen. He walks me past the island and next to the fridge he pulls out a remote, and are you fucking kidding, presses the button for the coffee machine to pop out and start brewing.

  Go figure.

  As the famous saying goes, I let it lie. I didn’t mention my run-in with Cassandra, even though I wanted to. Nothing that Sam did or showed me led me to believe he had a revolving door of women. His focus was strictly me. I just couldn’t win the fight to keep her tainted words from continuously appearing, though. Sam asked me repeatedly throughout the weekend what was wrong and I fended him off with lack of sleep or missing my cat. I mean who says they miss their cat? Thankfully, he let it be.

  We are now into Monday and every time he gets a call and has to take it privately I’m flipping out thinking it’s his escort service calling him to play. Sadly, at one point, when he went into a meeting, I may have snooped through his drawers and then his calendar in hopes of finding anything that would catch him up.

  “Did you find what you were looking for while I was gone?” His voice breaks my internal war.


  “My desk. It’s a bit out of place. I assume you were looking for something. Did you find it?” He’s watching me curiously, waiting for an explanation.

  Play it cool. Play it cool. “Oh, yeah I was looking for a pen, mine died.”

  He stands, walking toward me. Guiding my body to stand he wraps his arms around me. Placing one finger under my chin, he tilts my chin up so that I’m captured by his gaze. “Are you sure you’re okay? I sense something is bothering you. Has anything happened that you’re not telling me?” He’s got me in a visual hold, making it impossible to hide the feelings eating away at me. Maybe this is my opportunity to come clean and tell Sam about Cassandra.

  “Pfft! Nope, I’m good.”

  Or not.

  He’s searching for more in my eyes, but I mask my concerns with a gentle smile. “I’m fine. Really.”

  “All right,” he brushes the tip of his thumb along my chin. “I just hope that if there was something bothering you, you would tell me.”

  “I know. And I would,” I say leaning into his touch.

  “No secrets or lies right?”

  Cheap shot. “Right, no secrets or lies.”

  I will tell him about Cassandra. I need to. And I will. Just maybe not this immediate second.

  “Good. So how about we give this a rest for the day and head out early. I’d like to take my beautiful girlfriend to dinner and then eat her whole, entire body for dessert.” He says on a smile, kissing the tip of my nose.

am so stupid. And that is because I allowed Cassandra to get into my head and cause me to doubt my man. Clearly, after last night and early this morning, he only has eyes for me. I felt super guilty at the way I was treating him and even more so for doubting him. I chose not to reveal the reason, but showed him instead how invested I was. I will tell you though that I have never heard such an animalistic sounds come out of a man’s mouth. And let me break it down for you. Hot. Hot. Hot.

  Consensus is, I’m not going to tell Sam about my run in with Cassandra. It would just be bringing up negativity and I don’t want anything to ruin this perfect thing we have. It’s not worth it.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with taking a cab in? I can send a driver for you when it’s time?”

  “No, it’s totally fine. I want to sleep a little bit longer and then jump in the shower. I want to see how it feels to be in there alone for once,” I smile, reliving our late night escapade.

  That causes Sam to groan. “That makes me super jealous of my shower and on the verge of cancelling this early meeting.”

  “No way,” I laugh. “You’re going. Plus, I think my poor lady parts need a time out. I’m sure they’ll be ready to go again by lunch, though.” I wink at him, pulling the sheet down to reveal the shiny new bite mark on my breast.

  “God, you are so sexy,” he groans again and crawls back onto the bed, placing my tender nipple in his mouth. “I think I need to cancel all my meetings because I’m not sure we should leave this bed,” he says, his hand pulling the sheet down further to expose my naked waist. The buzzing of his phone, indicating his car is out front, however, halts his plans.

  “Shit. Okay so maybe we will have to delay this until lunch.” One wet kiss to my perky boob then he is up and adjusting his pants.

  “You are going to ruin me,” he smiles.

  I wiggle my eyebrows. “Maybe that’s my plan.”

  “Right. I have to go. Don’t be too late. I might be in need of a Penny brunch,” he says with a sexy wink. He heads toward the doorway and stops. Just before exiting the room, he turns back holding me captive with his beautiful blue eyes.


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