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About the Author
Desmond Seward was born in Paris and educated at Ampleforth and St Catharine’s College, Cambridge. He is the author of many books including The Monks of War: The Military Religious Orders, The Hundred Years War, The Wars of the Roses, Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry V as Warlord, Josephus, Masada and the Fall of Judaea (da Capo, US, April 2009), Wings over the Desert: in action with an RFC pilot in Palestine 1916-18 (Haynes Military, July 2009) and Old Puglia: A Portrait of South Eastern Italy (Haus August 2009).
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
Genealogical tables
The Usurpers
Prince Henry and Prince Owain
‘He Would Usurp the Crown’
‘No Lordship’
The English Armada
‘Our Town of Harfleur’
‘That Dreadful Day of Agincourt’
‘To Teach the Frenchmen Courtesy’
The Fall of Caen
The Fall of Rouen
The Norman Conquest – In Reverse
The Murder of John the Fearless
‘Heir and Regent of France’
The Fall of Paris 1420
Lancastrian Normandy
‘Rending of Every Man Throughout the Realm’
Meaux Falls
Lancastrian France
Henry V as Warlord Page 30