High Tide

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High Tide Page 11

by Jill Sanders

  “How about some lunch?”

  She nodded. “I was just about to order something.”

  “So”—he nodded to the stack of papers—“decide anything?”

  She smiled.


  After a very successful dinner with the Davidsons, Grace spent the next few weeks scouring over the legal paperwork, planning, budgeting, looking over employee records, and studying the processes currently in place at the winery.

  She made a list of changes and improvements she wanted to make and calculated just how much each would cost her, then filled out bank paperwork for a loan. She figured if the bank approved her, she would put down a little more than a quarter of the purchase price on the property and keep the rest of her inheritance tucked into a business account for future coverage.

  As the countdown to her birthday ticked away, she prepared herself for every aspect of running her own business, and Alan was beside her every step of the way.

  He patiently helped her plan every detail of the takeover, including his own part at the winery. He gave his notice at the bar and grill and spent all of his free time with her.

  The Davidsons had packed up their own belongings in the house, but were leaving most of the furniture and other necessities since they had purchased a yacht and planned on spending the next few years aboard it.

  A small moving truck had hauled away to a storage unit the items that wouldn’t be going on the boat with them.

  She and Alan had dinner with the Davidsons almost every evening. As the end of the month drew closer, she realized just how much she was going to miss them.

  Less than a week until her birthday, she received a call from her father. She was so shocked at seeing his number on her phone that she almost dropped it.

  She sat down on a bench by the small creek that ran by the gift shop and answered. “Hello?”

  “Grace.” Just hearing her father’s voice caused her back to straighten. “We understand you’re back in Florida.”

  She leaned back and closed her eyes. She’d wondered if they had been watching her. At one point, she had even wondered if the dark-haired guy at the bar was one of her father’s goons.

  “I am.” She held in a sigh.

  “We think it’s time for you to come back home.” Her father sounded both irritated and rushed at the same time.

  “I’m where I need to be. Thank you for checking on me.” She hoped he would get the hint, but he continued.

  “We know what you’ve been up to and won’t let you drag the family name through a scandal if you fail. The Hamilton name can’t be allowed to be associated with subpar wine. You’ll ruin everything generations of Hamiltons have worked hard to build and maintain. We’ll do everything in our power to block that from happening, to block you.”

  She sat up again, and her eyes narrowed as she glanced over what was soon to be her own land. “You’ll block me?” She almost laughed, but held back.

  “Yes. We may not be able to stop you from obtaining your inheritance, but we can do everything in our power to stop you from closing on the place.”

  She stood up and started pacing. “Why?” She wondered if what he was saying had any merit.

  Most of the legal paperwork was done. All that was needed was final signatures and a wire transfer of the funds.

  “Like I said, the family name—”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit.” She felt like tossing the phone down, but instead, held it to her ear harder.

  “Don’t take that tone with me young lady—”

  “I’m no longer young. I’m almost twenty-four. I’ve worked very hard for everything I have. You turned your back on me. Why all of a sudden do you want to act like you care now?”

  “You’re a Hamilton. You’re expected to act—”

  “I am acting like a Hamilton. I’m going into the family business. I’m not going to soil the family name with anything I’m doing. If anything, I’m raising it up higher than Sean, Liam, or Walker ever did.”

  “What if you fail? The family will be ruined.”

  “Then I fail. The family is untouched. It’s my money, my risks.”

  “We can’t allow this.” Her father sounded slightly agitated at this point. “We can see to it that you fail. If you choose to continue with this scheme, just know that we will have no choice but to turn you away when you fail.”

  “If you cause my failure, then the one who has spoiled the family name is you.” She took a deep breath. “I’m following my heart, with or without you. If you want to stop me, remember this.” She held the phone close to her as she whispered, “If you do anything to jeopardize my business, I will not only try to take you down with me, but I’ll sue you for everything you have. Remember, I’m family and I know secrets.” She hung up the phone and tossed it to the ground. It rang again almost instantly.

  Leaving it on the ground, she turned back to the building and blocked out the sound of her ring tone.

  “You going to get that?” Charles Davidson asked as he made his way across the grass.

  She turned towards him, trying hard not to show her anger and pain.

  “No.” She closed her eyes, crossed her arms over her chest, and sighed.

  He glanced at the phone, then sat on the bench. “Have a seat with me.” He patted the spot next to him as her phone stopped ringing. Less than a minute later, it started up again.

  She walked over and sat next to him.

  “Did you know that my father didn’t want me to go into the wine business?” he asked, glancing at her.

  “No, I thought… I assumed…”

  “Yes, three generations have lived on this land and run the business.” He sighed heavily as he looked out across the creek. “On his deathbed, my father made me promise I’d sell the place and follow my dreams.”

  “Why didn’t you?” she asked.

  “Who says I didn’t?” He winked at her. “I was young when he passed away, nineteen years old. I didn’t know how to kiss a woman, let alone what I wanted to be when I grew up. So I gave myself a year. One year trial basis. If after that year I still wanted to travel the world, I’d sell the place and head out.”

  “What happened?” she asked.

  “I met and fell in love with the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on.” He smiled and looked towards the house. “Her family worked on the vineyard. She was one of the first employees I hired myself.” He sighed. “She walked into my office wearing a cream-colored dress. Her hair was tied back in a bun, and she had on thick black glasses,” he leaned closer to her. “She thought they made her look smarter.” He chuckled. “Since they were her father’s prescription, she tripped over a chair and landed in my lap. She fell into my lap, and I fell helplessly in love with her that day.”

  Grace was smiling over at him. She noticed that her phone had been silent for a while and sighed. “My family claims that by purchasing this place, I’ll embarrass them.”

  He nodded. “I overheard some of the conversation. If this is your dream, nothing is going to stop you, but if you want to back out…”

  “No.” She reached over and took his hand. “Never. They have bullied me my entire life. I’m done with that.” She dropped his hand, picked up her phone, and slid it into her back pocket. “Let them try and break me. I’m stronger than that now.”

  Charles stood up, put his hands on her shoulder, and smiled. “I knew we chose you for a reason.” He leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek.

  * * *

  Alan sat in the corner with Ralph lying at his feet and watched Grace sign a million papers. She didn’t even stop to read some of them. She just signed them and then slid them across the table for the Davidsons to sign after her. When he was asked, he signed a few himself as a witness.

  After an hour of silently watching the paper dance, he gave Grace a hug and congratulated her on becoming a property and business owner.

  The past three weeks had been some of the best times he’d ever h
ad. He’d wanted more time to explore their relationship, but since she had been getting ready to take over the business, he hadn’t pushed it with her.

  He’d never known anyone as determined as she was to make this work.

  That evening after the Davidsons drove away, he took her hand and walked back to the house with her.

  It was after closing hours and the place was quiet. Not even the employees were left on the property.

  “Wow.” She sighed, then she squealed, “I did it!”

  Laughing, he took her in his arms and spun her around. She laughed and held onto him as Ralph rushed around them in circles, happily barking.

  “Can you believe it’s mine?” she asked when they stopped moving.

  “Yes,” he said, smiling down at her. “You’ve worked hard for it.”

  “I have more than half of my inheritance in a business account, not to mention three thousand two hundred forty-three dollars in my personal savings account.” She smiled. “And it feels wonderful.” She leaned up and kissed him, then stepped back and glanced around.

  There had been short quick kisses between them recently, which had only left him wanting more. He wondered if she felt the same way he did.

  “Grace.” He stopped her from circling again by taking her hands.

  “Stay,” she said, interrupting him. He swallowed hard. He was dumbstruck, so much so that she walked closer and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, his hands going to her hips.

  “Yes.” She smiled and then leaned up and covered his lips with her own, and he forgot time and place.

  In one quick swoop, he hoisted her up in his arms and carried her towards the house as she laughed.

  “Wow, I’ve never been carried before.” She sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. “It’s so… romantic.” He carried her up the stairs.

  He knew from the tour that the master bedroom was on the main floor near the back of the house. He carried her down the long hallway and nudged open the bedroom door.

  The king-sized bed sat across the room, the sheets and blankets folded in neat stacks on top of it.

  “They had everything cleaned.” She sighed. “We can just… set it to the side for now.”

  He set her down and moved the stack to the chair beside the bed.

  There was a long row of French doors on the wall, overlooking the back garden. The sunlight from the sunset was streaming in, and he vaguely wondered how they would have any privacy.

  “Here,” she said, picking up a small remote from the nightstand. He turned and watched as blinds silently slid down from the top sill and covered the glass, sending the room into darkness.

  He flipped on the nightstand light and turned back towards her.

  Grace was there beside him, waiting for him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him once more. He nudged her back until her knees hit the bed and they tumbled onto the soft mattress together.

  “Do you know how long I’ve wanted this?” she asked, tugging his shirt over his head, then reaching for his shorts.

  “Years,” he answered with his own thoughts. “I’ve wanted this for years. Since the last time…” He stilled briefly when he realized that the last time they had done this, she had ended up pregnant.

  “Alan.” She took his face in her hands. “I’m on the pill now.”

  He closed his eyes and rested his forehead on hers. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I loved Ryland and wouldn’t have given up my time with him for anything.”

  He looked into her blue eyes and kissed her again. Deep down, he wanted to have another baby with her, marry her, live happily ever after on this land with her, making a future with her that included wine and kids.

  Instead of telling her, he showed her the best way he could. Trying to slow her speed, he gripped her hands in his and pulled them over her head. Then he took his time, using his mouth, leaving hot trails over her skin as he slowly peeled off her clothing.

  When she lay below him fully naked, he ran his fingertips lightly over every part of her soft skin. The soft moans that escaped her lips made him want to rush, but he went slowly for her pleasure.

  “I could spend all night exploring you. Pleasing you,” he said softly into her hair.

  “Please, I can’t… I don’t want to wait any longer.” She wrapped her legs around his hips and gripped his hair as he slowly embedded himself in her.

  “This,” he said, holding perfectly still, “is home.”


  Grace held onto Alan and enjoyed every move of his muscles. She cried out with pleasure when she felt her body explode, then held onto him some more. She felt herself building again and couldn’t believe that, when she felt his release, she would follow him for a second time.

  She was breathless as he lay next to her, listening to his heart beat in her ear as his skin cooled under her.

  She’d dreamed of this, wanted it, since she’d returned. Her fingers were tangled in his hair, holding him to her as long as she could.

  “Will you stay?” she asked, feeling her skin begin to cool.

  He leaned up and looked down at her. “Depends.” He smiled. “Is there any food left in this place?”

  She chuckled. “I went grocery shopping for some basics.”

  He jumped up and pulled on his shorts. “I forgot to eat dinner.” He smiled down at her. “Don’t move a muscle.”

  He had asked her to stay put, but she rushed to the bathroom and cleaned up after pulling on his T-shirt.

  When he returned, she had just finished making the bed with the clean sheets.

  “They bought new linens,” she said, glancing up at him.

  He had a plate full of sandwiches. “The soda is a little warm.” He had two cans of soda tucked under his arms. “You bought Ralph food.”

  She smiled. “Yes, I figured he might be stuck here without a meal, so I got something for him.” She walked over and took the plate and a soda from him.

  “Thank you.” He leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips. “Ralph thanks you, too. What do you say to having our meal outside on the porch? It’s cooled off.”

  She nodded, then followed him to the front porch, where Ralph was already enjoying the cool air.

  They sat on the swing that overlooked her new side yard and ate sandwiches with warm tomatoes and drank warm sodas.

  “So, what’s your plan?” she asked, after the sandwiches were gone.

  He had his arm wrapped around her shoulder. “My current plan is to enjoy a few more minutes of the cool night air. Then I was going to carry you inside and make love to you for the rest of the night.”

  She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. “I mean—”

  “I know what you mean.” He waited until she looked up at him. “All I know is that I want to spend as much time with you, here, as I can. My last day at work is tomorrow night. After that?” He shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

  “What about…” She looked up at him and felt her heart kick with fear. “Moving in here?” She held her breath as she waited.

  He was silent for a while. “Is that what you want?”

  She nodded slowly. “I… never really thought about being out here all by myself.” She shifted. “Every time I thought of being here, it was with you and Ralph.”

  It was the truth. When she’d first come up with her plans, she’d always imagined him with her.

  He brushed a hand over her hair and smiled over at her. “I can move my stuff in this weekend.”

  She smiled back, then slowly leaned over and straddled him on the porch swing, raining kisses over his face, his neck, and his bare chest and shoulders.

  His hands gripped her bare bottom under the shirt. She ground her body against his and purred when she felt him grow hard next to her. Reaching down, she nudged his shorts down his hips and gripped him. He hissed with pleasure and jerked his hips.

  When she slid down onto him, he
rolled his head back and closed his eyes as his fingers dug into her soft skin. “You’re killing me,” he said, sending the swing slowly swaying.

  “Good.” She sighed as she moved over him. “Now you know how I feel.” She moved slowly, enjoying every pleasure each of her moves caused them both.

  Then, in one quick move, he stood up, taking her with him in his arms, and walked through the open French doors. He laid her gently on the bed, then paused and just looked down at her.

  “You’re more than I ever imagined…” He shook his head. “Never mind.” He came down to her.

  She reached for him, holding him close.

  This time, they moved faster. She held onto him as he showed her how he felt about her. She barely had time to recover from the first release before he built her up for a second.

  Later they lay under the covers in the dark, her head resting on his chest.

  “If you always let me go twice to your once, I’m going to owe you all the time,” she joked. Her words were slurred from tiredness.

  “You don’t owe me anything,” he said softly, his fingers slowly making circles over her bare skin. “You’ve given me so much more than I could ever give you.”

  She shifted and looked down at him. “I feel the same way about you.”

  His arms tightened around her, and she rested back against his side.

  “I got a call today,” he said. She stiffened instantly as she thought about all the calls from her father she’d been avoiding for the past week.

  Had her father found out about Alan? What had they said to him? Would they offer him money to leave, like she’d found out they had done with Corey? Bitterness flooded her mind as she thought about the man she’d believed to be in love with her leaving for a measly check her father had written him to stop the wedding. Corey had taken her father’s check and gotten drunk the night before their wedding and slept with the first woman he’d come across. He’d tried to explain himself, but Grace had been so over it, she’d hardly listened. There had been another woman, but it had been the love of money that had put the biggest wedge between them. She’d been betrayed once by the man she’d loved, but what had hurt most was her father’s betrayal. She didn’t think she could bear that kind of hurt again.


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