“Daulton, if you don’t fuck me in the next five seconds, so help me…”
He laughs and pushes me back against the door. Pulling on my panties with quick force he rips them off of me and lets the scraps fall to the ground. He reaches behind him and pulls out a condom.
My eyes grow big in anticipation and I reach for the button of his jeans. In seconds, I have his button undone and the zipper down. I reach into his boxer briefs and feel his warm cock in my hands. I lick my lips and curse under my breath.
Holy fuck!
I haven’t willingly been with more than a handful of men in my life. I was so numb to the men Rick brought to me, they’re now nothing more than a painful memory. Now being here, with Dault’s rock hard cock in my hands, it’s more than I’ve ever wanted to experience with another man.
Dault lifts the condom wrapper to his mouth and rips open the foil. Pulling it out, he hands it to me. I move my hand down to the hand wrapped around his cock and pull his length out completely.
My mouth drops open and I can’t believe this is about to happen.
I roll the condom down onto his length and lean myself back up against the door. He lifts me as I bring my arms up around his neck.
Feeling the tip of his erection against my wetness, I push myself down.
I’m tight and his size is something I’m going to have to get used to quickly.
He bucks his hips up as I slide down onto him. A chill runs through me as I stretch while he fills me. He gives me a brief second and pulls my face to his. Our lips crash against one another and our tongues immediately begin to tangle together.
While he starts to pull out of me, I squeeze me legs together and start to ride the fuck out of him. My back is scraping against the door, but the feel of him moving in and out of me takes my mind to a whole new world.
With my arms around his neck, I dig my nails into his shoulders and lift my ass up and down, feeling him slide in and out of me.
Together our movements are in sync.
Sounds of skin smacking together, moans of pleasure, and our lips trying to meet echo throughout the room.
He rams into me with hard thrusts as my eyes close and I begin to feel another orgasmic wave take hold of me. I bite down on his bottom lip as he growls through his release.
Our bodies are covered in a film of sweat and I can feel myself beginning to slide down the door.
“I got you, baby, just give me a minute.”
I watch as he pulls himself out of me and removes the condom.
He ties a knot to the end and lets it fall to the floor.
“You ready for round two?” he asks, wrapping his arms around my back to support me.
“Bring it,” I reply.
I may be feeling a bit more courageous than normal, but fuck if he’s willing then so am I.
He pulls my body from the door and moves to carry me to the bed.
I fall back onto the mattress and he brings a knee to rest next to me.
He leans down to place his soft lips over mine and captures my mouth with his. The more we kiss, the harder his erection becomes.
Pulling away for a brief moment, he backs away and stares down at me.
I don’t know what he’s thinking or what’s about to happen, but my heart is racing and the need for him to be back inside me is incredible.
“Get on all fours, Etty,” he barks.
Confused, I continue to lie on my back awaiting his next command.
“Now, Etty, turn over with your fine ass facing me.
I start to move and watch him as he pulls down his jeans and boxer briefs. His glorious cock stands at attention, ready and waiting for me.
He bends down for his jeans and reaches into his back pocket.
I continue to turn over and rest on my knees and elbows.
His hand begins to caress my back and I feel his warm lips nip, suck, and lick a trail down to the curve of my ass.
“I’m not going to promise you that I won’t be smacking this ass in the next few minutes. Just thought I’d put out a warning, Etty. Your fucking ass is perfect.”
A smile spreads across my lips. I can feel the tip of his cock pushing into me and I start to push myself back onto him.
This time, I’m ready for him and the wetness between my legs gives me just the right slickness to push him all the way in.
I feel a tug on my hair and a swift smack across my ass.
“Etty, fuck that feels so good.”
His encouraging words give me the motivation to fall into his rhythm.
Pumping in and out, he continues to pull on my hair and ride the fuck out of me.
The pain from my scalp mixed with the pleasure of his cock buried deep inside of me pushes me to my limit. I ride out my orgasm while screaming his name over and over.
Once he has reached his climax, he falls onto my back.
My eyes are heavy, so heavy that I can barely keep them open.
Dault pulls the sheets down from my bed and lifts me so that I’m lying beneath them.
Suddenly, I’m exhausted—it may be the amazing orgasms that just swept through my body or just the fact that I’m tired. Regardless, I fall asleep in Dault’s arms, anxious to see how this all plays out tomorrow when we wake up.
Chapter 23
Daulton loaded a game into the Nintendo and handed me a controller. For the next hour or so we battled one another, each of us winning a game or two.
Lights flashed across his bedroom wall from the outside and I heard a car door slam.
My ears perked up to a noise coming from the front yard. It sounded like someone was yelling, but I couldn’t make it out.
Daulton grabbed my hand and I followed him into the other room.
He quickly closed the old, cracked wooden closet door after us and we slid back against the wall behind the musty clothes and boxes.
My body was trembling and I could hear Daulton’s teeth chattering in fear.
What the heck just happened?
I rested my head in my hands and could feel the tears prick the back of my eyelids. I never should have snuck out of the house and ridden my bike to Daulton’s house that night. It was a big mistake and I was scared to death to be there with him.
A door slammed in the other room and I heard a muffled cry. Three loud sounds vibrated through the wall behind us and I could only imagine what would be causing the thumping noise.
Our bodies both jumped at the clamor coming from outside the closet. I could hear his mother’s scream and the sound of something slamming into the wall.
Daulton moved his body further back into the closet and I looked over in his direction. All I could see was pitch black except for the subtle light coming through the space between the bottom of the door and the floor.
Sounds echoed from the other room, more shouts and screams followed. I couldn’t make out what was happening, but the fear coursing through my body told me that something wasn’t right in that house.
A loud bang went off…and then another. Daulton reached his hand out to me and our bodies shivered together.
Moments passed by, I wasn’t sure if it was seconds or minutes, but it felt like a lifetime.
The front door slammed shut and I could feel my heart pounding through my tuxedo shirt.
It had to be the worst night of my life.
Dault and I stayed put for what felt like forever, but we both knew that we couldn’t stay in there much longer.
I released my grip from his arm and pushed the clothing in front of us to the side. Moving to stand, I slowly turned the doorknob and pushed it open. Dault got up and followed me through the closet and out of the room.
There were no other sounds running through the house other than our footsteps. As we started to walk down the hallway, I could see his mom’s body lying on the ground.
The closer we got, the faster my heart began to race.
Daulton pushed ahead of me and ran toward his mom. A scream burst through the walls of the house and my eyes saw
a body lying in front of us.
Blood was everywhere—the walls, the floor, and now all over Daulton. He tried everything he could to make her wake up, but her body was just lying there.
“Linc, go call the cops. He’s done it this time; I think he’s really hurt mama.”
Daulton’s body was shaking and tears were running down the side of his cheeks. My body was frozen in place I couldn’t move; all I was able to do was stare at his mom on the floor.
“Please, Linc, go call the police. Mama needs our help.”
I rushed over to the kitchen and dialed 911 as fast as I could.
While I answered the questions of the lady on the other line, all I kept thinking to myself was that it had to be a dream…a really bad dream.
My body begins to stir and my eyes slowly open. I’m somewhat disoriented and confused. I scan the room and suddenly remember where I am.
The rapid beat of my heart is pounding through my chest; the images of that night still play through my mind even with my eyes wide open. It feels like it was only yesterday, even though it was so many years ago. As always, my body is covered in sweat and my head is starting to pound.
Fucking hell!
When will this shit storm of a past ever stop invading my mind? My memories are painful; I can’t go on like this.
I bring my hands to my face and wipe the sweat off of my forehead.
Last night is a complete blur, and I can only hope I didn’t do something I know I’ll regret.
I move my arms to feel the bed alongside of me—it’s cold and empty.
I roll onto my side and peel the sheet off of my body. I’m still completely dressed, which is a good sign, but I have no clue where the fuck I am.
My eyes dart to the bedroom door as it swings open and tall blonde walks toward me.
“Well, good morning, Linc. I didn’t think you’d ever wake up.”
I scrunch my brows in confusion. How much did I have to drink last night that I can’t remember anything?
“I made us some coffee and breakfast,” she says, handing me a mug.
“Thanks, I really appreciate it, but I have to get going.”
I set the mug on the nightstand and get up off of the bed.
She stands in front of me and wraps her arms around my waist.
“You don’t have to leave yet, baby. We still have a lot of unfinished business to attend to. You passed out on me last night and you still owe me a good time.”
I pull away from her and walk toward the door. She grabs for my arm and I turn to face her pouting lips.
“Look, I don’t know what the hell happened or how I even got here last night. I’m sorry for whatever you thought was going to happen, but it’s not. I have to go, now.”
She crosses her arms over her chest and gives me a death glare.
“You fucking prick, you teased me all night at the bar and now you’re just going to leave?”
What the fuck is she talking about? I don’t even remember talking to her at the bar last night.
“Pretty much,” I reply, walking away from her.
Being a dickhead isn’t something I’m accustomed to doing anymore; it’s been a long time since I pulled the love ‘em and leave ‘em escape.
Grabbing my keys off the table by the door, I let myself out of the apartment and down the stairs.
I hear her footsteps rushing toward the door and the loud bang of her door slamming shut echoes through the stairwell. I can hear her cursing me as I make my way to the front door of the apartment building.
My thoughts are going a mile a minute and I hate what I’ve just done. At least knowing that I didn’t fuck her gives me hope that I was somewhat thinking last night.
I get into my car and screech the tires down the street.
A vision of leaving my house last night flashes in front of me and a sick feeling hits the bottom of my stomach.
I can only hope that Etty was smart enough to walk away from Daulton after I left. She’s too good to be pulled down by him and his whorish lifestyle.
Right now they’re two of the most important people in my life; I can’t have him hurting her.
Etty has taught me a lot in the short time I’ve known her. She’s full of life and wants only the best for those she surrounds herself with. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know that I’d have realized how much I really do care about Jo. She’s shown me what it means to love someone; she’s helped me open my eyes and heart to the possibilities of what I could have in my life.
I just need to make things right and find my Jo. After my mistake of going home with that girl last night, I know now that I need to get my priorities in order. I have my shop, my love and passion for my career, and now I need to get Jo back and tell her how much she really does mean to me. I love her.
Pulling my car in front my house, I quickly jump out and head toward the porch. I walk inside to see that Dault is sitting on the couch with coffee in hand.
I nod my head toward him and walk into the kitchen. As I reach for a mug out of the cabinet, I hear him clear his throat from behind me.
Turning to face him, I know that I need to talk to him about how I left things yesterday.
“Look, before you say anything, I want to apologize for last night. I get that it’s not my place to tell Etty what to do. It’s just that I know you and your wicked ways.”
He gives me a cocky glare and I can only imagine his words that are going to hit me.
“Well then, maybe you should’ve stayed to babysit her a while longer.”
He has a smug smirk plastered across his face.
“Dault, please tell me you didn’t.”
I set the mug down on the counter and clench my fists to my side.
“Oh I did, not once but….”
I rush toward him and push him up against the wall. I’m furious with him. How could he do the one thing I asked him not to do?
“You stupid motherfucker, how could you? Any other girl in Birmingham is fair game; why the fuck did you have to touch her?”
My hands are up against his chest as I have him pinned between my body and the wall.
“Dude, she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. What’s the fucking big deal?”
“She’s torn, Dault. She’s broken in more ways than one and doesn’t need your shit clouding her head. I know you and exactly what’s going to happen next.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, she was the best lay I’ve had in a long time.”
Before any thoughts can enter my mind, my fist is making contact with his face.
His head bangs against the wall and he brings his hands up to my chest to push me away.
Hands, fists, and arms are tangled together as we push, shove, and throw punches at one another.
He finds an escape from the wall and moves out of my grasp.
My fist flies toward him and I make contact with his face again.
He stumbles into the kitchen table and trips over the chair. Falling to the ground, I lean down to punch him in the stomach.
I hear the front door swing open and Etty comes rushing into the kitchen.
“Linc, get off of him!”
The fury raging inside of me takes over and I continue to punch him square in the jaw. He shields his face with his arms and tries to squirm out from under me.
Etty’s small hands pull at my arms and my gaze drifts from Dault to her.
The look on her face is of pure fear. The moment passes by as I stare into her eyes.
Dault pushes me off of him and I slump to the floor.
“What the hell is going on in here?” Etty asks.
I bring my head into my hands and can’t believe I allowed myself to lose control. She means so much to me that any thought of what was happening flew out the window.
Dault gets up and rushes out of the room.
“Dault, wait!” Etty cries. “What the fuck, Linc? What’s gotten into you?”
I hear her footsteps follow behind him and I�
�m left alone to deal with what I’ve just done.
Chapter 24
When I woke up this morning I was in bed alone. It’s not that I thought he’d actually spend the night with me, I guess it was just wishful thinking on my part.
Dault showed me a world of passion last night that I didn’t know was possible. He may have been hard and fast with his sexual acts, but he made certain I was taken care of in more ways than one.
His touch still lingers on my skin and the smell of him is all over my room.
My eyes are still sleepy and I can feel a wonderful soreness between my legs. I’d love to go next door and see if last night was just as meaningful to him, but I can’t get my hopes up knowing very well it was just a hook up.
I get out of bed and pull on a hoodie and sweats. Running down the stairs, I can hear muffled noises coming from Linc and Dault’s house. I barge through the door to make sure they’re both okay, but the sight before me is one that I don’t expect.
Linc is on top of Daulton, punching his fists into Dault’s face.
I can’t believe what’s happening and I have a clue as to why Linc is taking it all out on Dault.
After pulling Linc up off the floor, Dault storms out of the house.
I rush out the door to follow him, but as soon as I’m by his side, he puts his hands up to stop me.
“Etty, I’m an ass. Stay as far away from me as you can.”
My mouth falls open and I take a step closer.
“What are you talking about?” I ask him, my voice quivering.
“Etty, look, last night was great and all, but you’re not the girl for me. No girl is. Maybe we shouldn’t have done what we did last night, but to tell you the truth, it was a mistake. Let’s just leave it at that, okay?”
His words hit me hard; it’s like he just punched me in the stomach. I watch as he gets into his car and pulls away.
I knew that a relationship between us wasn’t possible, but the words he just spat at me crush me to pieces. I turn to look at the house. The life I’ve lived for the past three years destroyed me. I was hoping for a fresh start, but any chances of that happening now are destroyed.
My eyes settle on Linc who is now standing in the doorway of his house. I don’t know if I should talk to him or run to my house and hide.
Cursed Love: Cursed Love (Cursed, #1) Page 13