Transient - Complete Book One (Episodes 1 - 4) (Transient Serial)

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Transient - Complete Book One (Episodes 1 - 4) (Transient Serial) Page 15

by Kai Holloway

  “Me neither,”Jenny added quickly.“I love the cryptograph. It’s the greatest thing ever, and OBK has made the world a much better place. We all know that.”

  Rae felt her hands clenching into fists. She felt like shattering the glass table, she was so frustrated.“It hasn’t made my world any better.”

  “But it has,”Logan said, reaching out to put a calming hand on hers.“Knowing is better than not knowing. Even for a Transient.”

  She pulled her hands back, and hid them between her knees.“Stop calling me that.”

  Logan leaned back in his chair.“You’re right. I’m sorry. There has to be a better name for what you are—and you can help come up with that. Help OBK come up with a better term, something less offensive. They just want us all to be happy, Constants and…all the others. It’s a sensitive issue for all of us, but Rae, you can help us get across what we’re trying to say without offending anyone. I know you’re angry. I can see it. We can all see. And maybe you have a right to be a little angry. Life isn’t fair. But maybe you’re just nervous or tired or something, but Rae, you’re not acting like yourself.”

  “Actually, I am,”she said with conviction.“For the first time in my life, I’m being true to who I am. The test is wrong.”

  Samantha was looking wildly at her producers.“Of course you’re not questioning the legitimacy of the cryptograph ...”she said, flashing another pasted on smile.

  “It may be legitimate,”Rae admitted,“because it’s the law. But it’s not fair, it’s not good, and it’s not even science.”

  “Of course it’s science,”Samantha said, her trained smile returning full force.“Dr Lakeb and Oberkampf are the most famous scientists in the world.”

  Logan added,“They won the Nobel Prize.”

  Rae furrowed her brow.

  Who are these people?

  “I don’t care about the Nobel Prize. I care about the lives of all the people they’ve ruined.”

  “Ruined?”Samantha was panicked but there was nothing she could do; if the interview was cut short now it would look bad.

  “Rae, your life isn’t ruined,”Jenny said.“We’re here to help you.”

  “I don’t need your help.”Rae turned and looked into the camera, directly addressing the world.“What is the science for the cryptograph? Ask yourself that. If it was science, it would have been published. Where was it published? In what journal? Where was the peer review? Where was the debate? There was no debate.”She’d seen this diatribe from Apollo so many times she could almost repeat it word for word. “It’s past time we had a debate about this, before it’s too late for all of us. Can’t you see what they’re doing? What they’re turning this world into? If everything OBK says is true, make them prove it. What is the science? Where are the facts?”

  “But of course the cryptograph is good science,”Samantha said assuredly.“How else would it have come to prominence?”

  “Money of course. It’s always about money, isn’t it? And they’ll say anything, do anything to get it. This whole thing is a con, and we’re the marks. It’s a lie, everything they tell us is a lie and a sham and a scheme. A corporate scheme to make millions.”

  “By whom? OBK already have more money than they need,”Logan said with a knowing smile, as if humoring a small child.“They’re just trying to help people.”

  “They’re not interested in helping people. They’re not interested in long-term health, but in short-term profits. It’s a runaway train, and someone needs to pull the brake. Someone needs to speak out. Not for them, Logan, but againstthem. Against the system. A corrupt system that wants to order society into nice little groups. The haves and the have-nots. The Constants and Transients.”

  “Why would they want to do that?”the news lady asked, looking genuinely baffled.

  “Power. People are put into groups and controlled them like slaves.”

  “Slaves?”Samantha repeated sceptically.

  “Well we’re hardly free are we? Not when our DOD is now more important than our social security number. And who’s the say the information is correct?”

  “The test is accurate,”Logan said.“We see that every day.

  Jenny chimed in,“That’s right. People always expire on their DOD.”

  “Because they’re toldthey’re going to die,”Rae countered, on a roll now.“It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Telling someone that they’re going to die changes their attitude toward life.”

  “That doesn’t explain accidents,”Samantha said.“Unnatural causes are predicted by the cryptograph too.”

  “People act recklessly,”she argued.“But that’s not even my point.”

  “Then what is your point Rae?”Samantha asked, in her best news debate voice.

  “People are afraid to speak out. That’s what I mean by slavery. Psychological slavery. Fear of those in power. OBK is power now. More powerful than any government.”

  The news lady laughed.“Hardly.”

  “It is true. No government will stand up to the corporation. No government has yet refused to test their population. Opposition has been silenced,”Rae said.

  “So you’re formally speaking out now?”Samantha said.“You and the Tetrad movement.”

  The Tetrad movement. Could she and a bunch of other kids be a movement?

  “Yes. But that’s not enough.”Again Rae addressed the camera.“I know you have questions. Demand the answers. Don’t let others control your lives, your thinking. Think for yourselves. America is the land of the free. Home of the brave. It’s time to speak out. Time to be brave.”

  “Thank you Rae.”the news lady cut in and the feed swung quickly back to her.“Some…fun discussion on the show today.” She smiled as if they’d simply been discussing the latest celebrity news.“I’m Samantha Morris, and you’ve been watching The Conversationon Channel Four.”

  Chapter 16

  Rae was the first to suggest they devise a real protest.

  APOLLO.: What do you mean?

  Sunshine2018: The online world isn’t enough.

  APOLLO.: The online world is as big as it gets.

  Sunshine2018: We need major media. Traditional media. TV, print.

  HAL2001: We did the talk show.

  DanyD: Yep. That was major.

  BenArts: YouTube’s better.

  DanyD: We need a Cracker page.

  APOLLO.: We have a Cracker page.

  DanyD: We do?

  BenArts: Where have you been?

  DanyD: Jk. I like Twitter better.

  APOLLO.: We’re on Twitter too.

  DanyD: Ur not though.

  APOLLO.: How do u know?

  Sunshine2018: The talk shows aren’t enough. Channel Four made some waves but it was just local.

  BenArts: It’s on YouTube now. Not just local. Worldwide.

  Sunshine2018: 2K hits. Pathetic.

  BenArts: Give it time.

  Sunshine2018: We don’t have time.

  APOLLO.: So what are you suggesting, Rae?

  Sunshine2018: Go to the source.

  BenArts: Meaning?

  Sunshine2018: OBK.

  HAL2001: They’re everyone.

  BenArts: http:/www

  Sunshine2018: Not the website. HQ.

  APOLLO.: San Francisco?

  Sunshine2018: Call me crazy.

  DanyD: You’re crazy.

  BenArts: Crazy.

  HAL2001: Yup, cray-cray.

  APOLLO.: Like a fox.

  Sunshine2018: You calling me cute?

  APOLLO.: Don’t let it go to your head.

  DanyD: OBK HQ is in SF?

  BenArts: Think so.

  HAL2001: Know so.

  Sunshine2018: I’m thinking demonstrations. Like a march on Washington. Or like that occupy Wall Street thing from before.

  BenArts: But with Transients.

  Sunshine2018: And sympathizers.

  APOLLO.: A lot of people don’t like OBK either. We’re making them think. Starting the debate.

>   Sunshine2018: People have short attention spans. Especially kids. We need to reach the ones like us, and younger. Once people get tested, they get put into groups, and the whole clique thing happens. Transients, dead-enders, space-wasters. We have to reach them when they’re still young, and anything could happen. Before they know their future.

  DanyD: A kids’march?

  Sunshine2018: Not just kids.

  HAL2018: So not on a school day.

  DanyD: Or Sunday. Some kids have church.

  BenArts: A Saturday, then.

  APOLLO.: Some have church on Saturday.

  Sunshine2018: A holiday?

  APOLLO.: Okay, better.

  DanyD: Not Valentines day.

  BenArts: You got a date?

  DanyD: None of your business.

  BenArts: You’ve got one now, DanyD.

  DanyD: Who says I’m available?

  HAL2001: You saying you’re not?

  DanyD: I’m not saying anything.

  APOLLO.: Not Valentines.

  Sunshine2018: OK MLK day.


  BenArts: That was Braveheart not Martin Luther King

  APOLLO.: It was both.

  APOLLO.: Actually, Rae, you could be on to something.

  BenArts.: You mean, ON something

  Sunshine2018: LOL

  DanyD: LOL

  APOLLO.: And triple-LOL

  Sunshine2018: It makes sense, though, right? MLK day. Freedom, equality. It all ties in.

  HAL2001: Not sure about crashing someone else’s party.

  DanyD: Yeah, especially us Europeans…

  Sunshine2018: My point is that we need to go straight to OBK, take the fight to them, shake the system up. Show we’re not afraid of their power and their money and their technology. They think they have everyone fooled, but they don’t. Lots of people would follow our lead. But we have to lead. Not just a few talk shows or trolling the net, and posting vids and igrams, but physically marching, like MLK did. Like Gandhi did. Jesus too. Not to get religious, but we need to make this a movement - something much bigger than ourselves. They already gave us a name. Maybe we should embrace that. The Tetrad.

  DanyD: Hate that name.

  BenArts: It’s just a name.

  HAL2018: Trying to belittle us.

  APOLLO.: Doesn’t have to. Rae’s right. They can label us, but we decide what the label means. It sets us apart, and gives a kind of power.

  Sunshine2018: Exactly.

  DanyD: Doesn’t feel like power to me. Feels like being teased on the playground again.

  BenArts: Name calling.

  HAL2001: Like Transients. I hated that. Guess I’m used to it now and we use it all the time in the forum. So maybe it’s a thing now. Not so bad, I guess. But Tetrad, when I heard it, first heard it, it kind of stung, u know? More name-calling.

  Sunshine2018: It means we’re special, different, empowered. We have a voice now. But if we don’t act soon, we’ll be forgotten.

  BenArts: If we don’t act soon, we’ll be gone.

  APOLLO.: There is that…

  Sunshine2018: If it’s true.

  DanyD: Yes. I mean, if.

  APOLLO.: So I think we can all agree that we need to act. We need to take steps. Are we agreed on that?

  DanyD: Agreed.

  HAL2001: OK.

  BenArts: Yes.

  Sunshine2018: You know I’m in.

  APOLLO.: So next steps?

  DanyD: Do we have to be there in person?

  Rae: That would be the point. To come out as a group. Announce ourselves. Parade in public. Protest in the park. On the steps of the OBK HQ, make noise, make a difference.

  DanyD: I haven’t been on TV yet.

  HAL2001: Me neither. I mean I have, when I was a kid, a little, but not as a transient. Not as an activist.

  DanyD: You were on TV as a kid?

  HAL2001: My mom wanted me to be an actor. I got some parts in a soap, a sitcom. A few commercials.

  DanyD: Cool!

  HAL2001: Eh. Just something I did.

  APOLLO.: Well, once you make yourself known as a member of the Tetrad, they’ll show all those clips again.

  HAL2001: Fine by me. They’re already out there.

  BenArts: You’ll have no privacy. None of us will. I’ve been in the spotlight already, because of my work. I’ve got a following, and all that. And it’s been great. Mostly. But you’ll have no privacy. You take a stand, someone’s going to throw egg in your face. I’m not saying don’t do it. I’m saying know what you’re getting into. Being famous as an artist or actor or whatever, that’s one thing. But for trying to change the world, for fighting the man. People get killed for that.

  DanyD: Downer.

  HAL2001: Way to bum us all out man.

  BenArts: All I’m saying is; go into this with your eyes open. If you want to win over the world, if you want to change things, have an impact, change the future, then you’ve got to be able to pay the price. No privacy. Hatred. Fear. Revenge. Attacks. Definitely will be verbal. But physical, too. You start marching, carrying a sign, blocking doorways or whatever, someone’s going to push you down, someone’s going to throw a punch, someone’s going to put you in chains or worse. I’m just saying. Know what you’re getting into. Be ready. And if you’re ready, nothing can hurt you. Even when they hurt you. And they will.

  APOLLO.: I agree with Benny. If we do this, it’s all or nothing.

  Sunshine2018: What about you, A?

  APOLLO.: What about me?

  Sunshine2018: Will you march with us?

  APOLLO.: I would love to, but…

  DanyD: But what?

  HAL2001: Yeah, what?

  APOLLO.: My anonymity is vital to our success.

  DanyD: And ours isn’t?

  APOLLO.: Rae said publicity is vital to our success.

  DanyD: Not sure that’s fair.

  APOLLO.: Not fair. Not unfair either. It is what it is. We each have our roles to play. You guys are the spark that lights the fire. I’m the shadow thrown on the wall. The fire needs the shadow and the shadow needs the fire. Without one, there is no other. We’re a team. But my role is not your role. I would love to join you. But I must remain in the shadows…

  For a long while, no one updated the chat room. Rae went downstairs to get a cola, and when she returned, the conversation was going again.

  BenArts: It is what it is.

  DanyD: Is it?

  HAL2001: I guess.

  APOLLO.: Rae?

  BenArts: Probably lost her connection.

  APOLLO.: Connection’s fine. Let’s move on. She’ll rejoin, I’m sure.

  BenArts: So if it’s San Francisco, what’s the plan? There has to be a plan. I can get there, but what about the others?

  HAL2001: I’ll need a plane ticket at the very least. I’m not a rich celeb like BenArts.

  DanyD: Me neither. I’m broke.

  APOLLO.: Let me handle the arrangements. I’ll book tickets and hotel room and have some money for you to spend in the city. Not a problem. That’s part of being in the shadows. I can make the magic happen. If I’m anonymous. We need a date. Not MLK Day.

  Rae: I’m back. Sorry.

  APOLLO.: No problemo. We were talking about setting a date.

  Rae: I’d like a fancy Italian restaurant with great wine and a handsome crooner in the corner.

  APOLLO.: Not that kind of date.

  Rae: You’re such a disappointment.

  DanyD: Hey, why not our D-Day? Jan 13 -3.

  HAL2001: Yes!

  BenArts: OK.

  Rae: Makes sense, yes. Will add to the urgency. Give us a reason to march. Give it a news angle. Of course Jan 13. Our minus-one anniversary.

  BenArts: One year to the day we die.

  HAL2001: Sounds like a story.

  DanyD: We’ll make it a story!

  Rae: That’s the spirit.

  APOLLO.: Then we’re set. I’ll book the tickets and the hotel. You’ll arrive e
arly, maybe the day before. That doesn’t give you much time. A couple of weeks. Be ready. Clear it with your folks or whoever. Or don’t. Doesn’t matter. Just be ready.

  HAL2001: What else do we need?

  APOLLO.: Again, let me do the planning. I’ll have things ready for you at the hotel. Protest signs, demonstration permits, logistical support as needed. Can’t promise you won’t be on your own. But I’ll put the word out among the group. I’ve got some great connections in San Francisco. People who can help. At least, I think they’ll help. I’ll suss it out. We need some support in the city. I’ll arrange it. Also, media. I have some connections there as well. I’ll get you some press, some TV, and of course we’ll all work on the social media, keep the fire hot, make this an anticipated protest, a thing, something they can’t ignore. With a bit of planning, this could be huge. A massive event. First of its kind.

  Rae: The first time the Tetrad are seen together in public.

  APOLLO.: Yes. That could be the angle. The hook. People are curious about you four now. We’ll make them even more curious. I’ll get it rolling. I’ll make it happen. You just need to be there, and be yourselves. Have resolve. Have courage. I know you guys can do this, and do amazing things no one has even imagined yet. I have completely faith in you. All of you.

  Rae: Thanks

  APOLLO.: Don’t worry. Just be ready. Pack your bags now. Tonight. Be ready to leave on a moment’s notice, if necessary. Again, I can’t stress enough the kind of commitment this will take. It won’t be easy. It will be dangerous. Again, who’s in?

  Rae: In.

  BenArts: Me too

  HAL2001: Definitely in.

  DanyD: Bring it on.



  Chapter 17

  Rae’s dad stared at her across the dinner table.“You’re going where?”

  “What do you care?”

  “I’m your father. I have a right to know where you’re going.”

  She stared down at her plate. She loved enchiladas, especially the way her mother made them with cottage cheese, but tonight she had barely touched her meal.

  She heard her mother in the kitchen, cleaning dishes, wiping the counter, putting glasses in the cupboard.

  Rae usually took her food up to her room to eat. She didn’t like eating with the family anymore, and being alone was more comfortable than the quiet stares of her parents, or the prattling of her little brother about things that no longer mattered to her. He went on and on about school and television and video games, and things no longer interesting to her. Nothing seemed important now but the online community, her Transient friends and the things they might do to change the world.


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