The Next Contestant

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The Next Contestant Page 8

by Dani Evans

  There’s a familiar voice. I halt and shrug out of Tiffany’s grasp and turn to locate the face that belongs to it. I can’t believe my eyes, can’t believe he’s really at this party. There’s no mistaking him and his electric blue eyes under messy blond hair.

  Tiffany stops and I know she’s glancing at me so I turn my attention back to her before she notices what’s caught my attention.

  “Naw. I’ll stay in here while you greet Vinnie.” I waggle my eyebrows for effect.

  “You sure?”

  “Um, yeah.” I wave her off. “I think I just spotted a blond sex god.”

  I don’t think Tiffany was listening to a word I’ve said. She’s too excited to get to her man.

  Jax doesn’t see me yet, doesn’t know I’d find a party he obviously didn’t invite me to, never mentioning this last night. ‘Staying home to catch up on my homework’ he had said. My ass. Yeah, he never asked to be exclusive, but I’m pretty sure he understood that’s not the way I swing. I am exclusive, loyal to whomever I’m dating whether it’s the first or twentieth date. I’m miffed at him, unsure of his intentions. Especially when I catch several girls flocking toward him after he steps away from the keg. He doesn’t see me, doesn’t know I see those bitches crooning, and his smile, the beautiful smile I thought he only flashed at me, beams at their attention. I step behind a rather tall guy in order to get closer, to hear what they’re whining about.

  “This is him, girls.”

  “What? You’re kidding. Stop kidding.” Another girl huffs. “Tell them, Jax. You were with me!”

  “Ah, fuck,” Jax hisses. “I’m not with any of you; never promised anything. Yeah, we had fun, but that’s all it was. Not my fault y’all are friends. Never promised anything, especially exclusivity. And it’s not like I was with any of you at the same time.”

  “You bastard!” one of the girls shouts. “You’re a user and a fucking pig.” The girls continue to complain peevishly but I can hardly hear them over the sound of my pulse pounding in my ears.

  I don’t know what to think. He was actually with them. He didn’t deny it. But when? Was it before he met me? During? And is he still seeing other girls?

  “Jax! Oh my god!” A brunette pushes through the girls who’d just cornered him and wraps her arms around his neck. He hugs her, a little too tight.

  I continue to watch him as he puts his head down, forehead pressed against her shoulder. What the fuck? And why the hell am I still watching him?

  “Ellery. It’s been a long time,” he says in a what? A pained voice? Then he releases her and steps back.

  “Yes it has. Look, Jax, I’m sorry. I really am. I never meant to—”

  “Stop. I don’t need to relive that shit again, Ellery. What’s done is done.” He points to her, “This,” and then to himself, “is done. Has been for a long time.”

  Ellery reaches up, pulls his head down, and whispers something in his ear. She steps back smiling and he’s smiling too. Then she slowly walks away, Jax watching her as she goes, and she knows it because she looks over her shoulder and winks at him.

  I feel sick. I want to march out of this party, but I can’t. Tiffany’s head over stilettos with this Vincenzo guy and by the sound of his voice on the phone earlier, I’m certain he’s game for her too. So yeah, I can’t leave. I turn slightly, glance over my shoulder at the same moment Jax notices me. His eyes lock on mine. His face shows no worry, no guilt, nothing but a grin sliding across his lips. Probably doesn’t know I heard the whole spiel with those girls and then with Ellery. I pretend not to notice him, as if it wasn’t obvious, then turn, and stroll toward the bathroom nonchalantly. When I feel I’m out of his visual path, I charge up the stairs and park my ass in the kitchen, away from the chaos in the basement, and suck down my now warm beer.

  Some guy, not bad looking mind you, walks into the kitchen. He raises his chin at me; I do the same. Then he opens the fridge, leans in, grabs a beer, and glances back at me.

  “Want a cold one?” He holds up a can of bud light.

  I nod.

  He slides three over on the counter.

  “Thanks.” I give him a smile I don’t feel and I think he gets it. I’m not interested. I’m a bitch.

  Wandering toward the living room, he halts and looks back at me. “Fuck him, whoever he is,” he says and winks, then disappears.

  Wow. Is it that obvious I’m stressing over a guy?

  I drink my third beer, fourth if you include the keg beer I had earlier. After nearly polishing it off, I catch a glimpse of a body lingering in the entryway. I look over to find Jax staring at me.

  “Wanna talk about it?”

  Which part? You being here or the girls you’ve been with? Or your ex-girlfriend? I wish I could just say it, but I’m not that bold. He’s waiting for me to answer. I slam my empty can on the counter and give him one. “No.”

  He eyes me warily. Probably gauging my reaction. “Want another drink?”

  “Yep.” I’m trying desperately not to cave. He’s so freaking sexy and I just want to let go, grab him, and kiss those beautiful lips.

  He snakes around the counter, his hand brushing my thigh. I shudder. He opens the cabinet above the stove, grabs two shot glasses, a bottle of tequila, a jar of something or another, and sidles up beside me. I gather he’s frequented this house, knows the occupants since he seems to know where to find the stash he’s just placed on the counter in front of me.

  I watch Jax’s bicep flex, twitch, and flex, as he pours the liquor into the shot glasses. “Mental escape, or so I’ve heard.” He sits, shifts on his barstool, knees knocking into mine, but he doesn’t move to correct them.

  “What?” I don’t get it.

  Jax nods toward the bottle. “Tequila. A mental escape,” he repeats.

  “Ah…” my voice cracks. “Probably… so.” It’s the way he’s staring at me, his knees flush with mine, and the way his smile is endearing and a little bit promiscuous that has me all stirred up. He slides a shot in front of me and I break away from his gaze.

  I grab the shot and face him again. “Um… Lime? Salt? I can’t down this without it.” The taste of it will make me puke.

  “Nope. These are better.” He opens the jar, reaches in, pulls out a bag of sour gummies, turns to face me, and smirks.

  “Okay then.”

  Jax rips the bag open and dumps the gummies on the counter. He lifts his shot. “Ready?”

  I wrap my fingers around my shot glass and raise it. “Yep.”

  Jax nods and we both down the tequila. I reach for the gummies at the same time he does and our fingers brush. Such a trivial thing, fingers brushing, and yet it causes a warm tingly sensation to travel up my arm.

  After several more shots, I’m feeling aloof, and tipsy.

  “One more?” Jax asks.

  “One more,” I agree. We do our last shot, but this time when I reach for the gummies, Jax swipes them into a pile, away from me, dangles a few in front of me, next to my lips, but doesn’t let me have them.

  Oh, that grin!

  What is he doing?

  My breath hitches. He shoves a few sour gummies between my lips but keeps his finger pressed against them so I can’t suck them in. He smiles at me, his lids heavy, eyes glazed with lust, and it’s toxic. My uncertainty over this man, this sexy as hell man, transforms into something else.

  He’s… god, he’s beautiful, so fucking sexy he’s intimidating. Oh the dirty things running through my head… what his lips feel like, his hands against my skin, his….

  His tongue darts out, licking his lips, as he reaches out, grabs my neck, releases the finger he had pressed against my lip; the gummies fall, and his lips are warm against mine. He’s kneading his fingers into my hair, bringing me closer, deepening the kiss…

  Oh. My. God. I’m suddenly more than buzzed. And… Oh god, oh god, oh god! He’s pulling me off my stool, his lips and tongue never stopping their assault. Oh! His tongue is so deep and… I want him. Ba
d. But I… it’s the alcohol. I wrap my arms around his neck and something about that move has him walking me back and pressing me against the wall. It’s been too long. He feels so good and… he’s dragging his hands down my sides, further, further until… he’s cupping the globes of my ass and instinctually, I wrap my legs around him. Big mistake. Huge! I mean, he’s… he’s fucking hard and… huge!

  This is bad. Very, very bad, Kimber! And you’re drunk!

  People come in to the kitchen and whistle. Jax whispers in my ear, “Let’s get out of here,” and I want to, but I can’t.

  I want to keep touching my lips, savor the kiss, but come to my senses. “I… I can’t leave Tiffany here.” The tequila… all those shots… oh it’s hitting me hard. We’re walking through the house… or more like I’m dragging Jax room to room in search for Tiffany but can’t seem to locate her. My buzz is worse and my head begins to spin. Oh god! Please don’t let me barf.

  Jax holds me up to keep me from face planting the ground. He leads me outside and the cool air feels good on my hot cheeks.

  “Come on. You’re coming with me,” he says.


  “No excuses. Your friend is with Vincenzo. I texted him and he said he’ll let her know you’re riding with me.” I can’t argue with that. I stumble along as he leads me to his car.

  I’M TAKING TIMBER with me… she’s wasted, and when she can’t find Tiffany, her ride, we argue for a bit. She finally gives in and follows me out to my car. I get her in, and secure the seatbelt. I may have forgotten to mention that I’m taking her to my place. It’s only a few blocks from here whereas her dorms are miles away, and even though I’m not spinning, I still have alcohol in my system. Not taking any chances.

  I’m driving and I get this feeling in my veins, kind of like an adrenaline rush, but it’s not over a game, it’s all about this girl, this girl who has my fuckin’ head all whipped and off track. I’m like the devil and she’s an angel and I can’t let her go, don’t want to break her heart. Shit! I want her so goddamn bad.

  She scoots up next to me, her body lax, and drapes her hand over my thigh next to by crotch. She’s so close… like flipping a switch to my dick, close. Shit. It throbs. Doesn’t she know there’s a loaded gun down there, cocked and ready to fire? Fuck. And she’s breathing in my ear. I should push her away, but I can’t. She might fall face first between my crotch, and then I won’t be able to concentrate. And she’s plastered. It’s gonna take all my self-control not to rip her clothes off and fuck the shit outta her. That’d be so wrong. What the fuck! Never mattered before, but with her, it does.

  Ah, damn. The guys are back and obviously partying. I can hear music and voices. I have to drive up the street to find a place to park my car. Shit. I want to sneak her in without the guys noticing. They’re all going to want to see her; been asking since I haven’t participated in the game since I met her.

  Leaning in to the passenger side of the car, I unhitch her seatbelt. “Timber,” I say and give her a little shake. She mumbles something incoherent.

  “Come on, baby. We’re here.”

  “Oh.” She lifts her head and slides out of the car. Crap! I lurch forward and catch her before she takes a nosedive onto the sidewalk. I wrap my arm around her waist and attempt to help her walk, but shit. It will take all night to get there at the rate she’s going so I swoop her up in my arms and carry her. Her head lolls a bit, and then she catches it before it falls back, and buries her face in my chest.

  “Mm. Sssmmelly.”

  “What? I don’t stink… do I?”

  She chuckles. “No. Yeeew… yewsmellsogoood,” she slurs the words together.

  I’ve managed to step in the house and make it to the stairs before anyone notices. Leave it to that pansy, Nick, to spy me out.

  “Dude! Is that… the girl, thee one? Come on, bring her on over here! Fuck yeah!”

  “I… I’m,” she whispers. “I think… I’m… gonna b-be sick.” I feel her body jerk and that’s my cue.

  “Later,” I yell at Nick and charge up the stairs. I make it into my bedroom bathroom with her just in time.

  She jumps out of my arms and falls in front of the toilet and hurls. And hurls. And hurls some more. Damn, I hate puke. She got some in her hair even. Nasty. But instead of turning away, I find myself brushing her hair back and holding it for her.

  “Thaaaanksss” echoes in the porcelain along with another heave. Jeesh! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone puke so much in my life. My stomach hurts for her. Note to self: Timber and alcohol… not a good combination.

  After she finally stops puking, she groans a few times. I hop up and crank the shower on. I’m not letting her wake up with puke in her hair, or smelling like it. Yeah, she’ll feel better when she wakes up in the morning, clean.

  “Come on. In the shower you go.” To my surprise, she doesn’t argue and lets me lift her off the floor.

  “Buttons. Stuuupid buttonsss,” she slurs and glances up at me. “Please? Can you—” she blinks down at her partly unbuttoned shirt and then back up at me. She’s too noodle-limbed and can’t even undress herself.

  I reach up and swallow, hard, then I fumble with her buttons, and slide the shirt off her shoulders. I wait for her to excuse me, but she’s just standing there looking at the floor and stumbles back a little. Shit. I pluck the clasp between her breasts; they spill out as her bra falls apart. Timber’s eyes are half closed and her cheeks are flushing a brilliant shade of pink. I reach down, unfasten her belt, snap open the button and unzip the zipper on the shorts I admired her ass in earlier.

  What the fuck is a guy to do! I’ve got her perfect tits right there, nice taut abdomen, which now reveals a lacy pair of thin panties… Yeah so my dick wants to play hole in one. Not good! I want to, but can’t take advantage of her. And then she surprises me by turning around and climbing… make that stumbling, into the shower. She stumbles again and dammit. That’s my cue she’s gonna need me to get in that shower with her to make sure she doesn’t fall and hit her pretty blonde head.

  I strip down to my sliders and step in. Timber jumps and a startled gasp escapes her lips. She fumbles with the shampoo bottle but it wins and slips out of her hands. We go down to grab it at the same time and our heads knock together. We laugh a little and then she leans against the wall. Fuck it. I wash and condition her hair, but my eyes have ideas of their own as I run soap over her neck, chest, around her back, to the front, over her tits. Her perfect breasts fit nicely in the cups of my hands, the pebbled nipples I’m desperate to taste, to suck on, and keep on going down to her flat abdomen.

  God! As if I need any more visual stimulation, her panties, which are thongs, the white mesh like fabric in the front is basically see-through when wet. And fuck me. She’s hairless down there! I want to pin her against the wall and penetrate the forbidden channel between her thighs. I’m dying to blaze that trail, to explore the path with skillful precision, first with my tongue then with my cock.

  Fuck no. Not good! I do a rush job on the rest of her, get her out of the shower, and wrap a towel around her at record speed. While she swishes mouth wash then brushes her teeth, I grab one for myself, rub my hair, do a quick pat dry over the rest of me and wrap the towel around my waist. I’m about ready to shuck my sliders when she leans too far forward. I catch her, grab her up in my arms. She wraps her arms around my neck, and yeah, we belong together. She just feels… right. I carry her into the room, lay her on the bed, and step in the closet to throw on a dry pair of sliders. I grab a t-shirt and pair of shorts, not that they’ll fit her, but… they’re dry.

  Ah damn. Forget the dry clothes. Timber’s already crawled to the head of the bed and somewhat slung the covers over her. A pillow is curled under her head and her hands are cupped together beneath her cheek. She looks so sweet, so innocent, and so fucking perfect in my bed. And she’s practically naked. I crawl in and lie on my side facing her. A few damp strands of her hair rest over her nose and I wan
t to touch her so I brush it away, and stare at her sleeping form. A small smile curves her beautiful lips and I want so badly to lean in and run my tongue between them… then down the length of her neck… her shoulder… her… perky breast that’s peeking out at me. Yeah. It’s gonna be a long night.

  I WAKE UP the next morning spooning Timber and pull her tighter against my chest. Neither of us are covered. She kicked the blankets off in the middle of the night. I tried to cover her, and me, but she kicked them off again and I gave up. Now I can’t help but examine her perfect curves, the smooth skin along her side, over the crest of her hip and the definition in her thin but muscular legs. I’m trying really fucking hard not to touch her, not to stare at her tight little ass cheek, not to run my finger under the thin floss between her crease.

  Timber groans and rolls, but I’m behind her so she can’t lie on her back. She scoots forward a little and then rolls partially, half on her back and side. I get a perfect view down her abdomen, notice a small scar at the outer side of her belly, and wonder how she got it. Then she throws a leg over mine… and damn, I can’t help it. I place my palm flat on her stomach. Bad fucking idea! Now I want to slide my hand down further… I imagine slipping my fingers under her white panties, going further… further… between….

  “Fuck,” I whisper and move back, my dick hard and throbbing. Not good. I slip out of bed and head to the shower. Can’t help it. I gotta relieve myself.

  WHERE THE HELL am I? I wince at the light coming through the blinds. And then I feel the warm body spooning me. Shit! My head is pounding. Why the hell did I drink so much? Oh yeah. Jax. Mm. I could get used to this.

  And then I realize that if I’m in Jax’s bed, this could only mean one thing. Crap. I’m at the frat house. How am going to get out of this? Out of here without any of the guys noticing me?


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