The Next Contestant

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The Next Contestant Page 11

by Dani Evans

  My stomach drops to my feet. Hang gliding? Wings without aircraft is not something I’ve ever considered doing.

  Parachuting, nope.

  Air balloons, nope.

  Airplanes, yes.

  But I don’t know if I can do this. They say you can’t scream while dropping so fast on the Tower of Doom, but they were so wrong. I proved that the one and only time I went on it. My brother, the fearless one, was shaking so bad afterward that he’d sworn he’d never ride another ride with me again after that adventure. I told him he’d never have to worry because I’d never go on that thing again.

  Jax helps me out of the car. I stall not wanting to move another inch.

  “Are you scared?” Jax asks, his concern genuine.

  “Shitless,” I mutter.

  Wrapping me in his arms, he kisses my forehead. “It’s going to be fun. I promise. We’re taking the aqua glider, which takes off in the water, unlike the hang glider. I’ve been doing this since I was a kid. One of my dad’s passions. He’s very tight with the owner and so am I. I’ve worked here during school and summer breaks for several years so we get to take flight on our own. I swear you’ll be safe with me, okay?”

  “Okay,” I say in a shaky voice.

  Jax grabs two jackets from his trunk. He helps me slip into one and then he puts his on. “To keep us warm. It’s chillier in the air and it will help keep us dry,” he assures me.

  After a ten minute instructional, Jax gears us up with life jackets and helmets with an intercom linked to the pilot, which is Jax.

  He ushers me forward. My knees are weak and I feel dizzy. Probably from the adrenaline bursting through my circulatory system.

  I’m positioned behind Jax and I’m struggling not to jump out and skip town.

  The motor fires up, startling me further and before I can protest, we’re sailing forward, leaving the Richmond Marina behind. When my racing heart finally slows and I begin to feel less freaked, we go airborne. My stomach drops and my fingers hurt from gripping the bar in front of me for dear life. I’m terrified, so much so that my screams are clogging up the back of my throat. Whatever trepidation I felt previously, is now tenfold.

  “Yeah!” Jax’s cheer rings through the earphones. “Baby, how’re you doing?”

  I can only pant, but I really want to shout at him, tell him to bring this thing back down to the water, but I can’t get my mouth to cooperate. It’s frozen shut; fear stricken. All sorts of horrid things are going through my head. Mostly thoughts about dying.

  “Sweetheart, take in a few deep breaths and relax.” I do. “Don’t think about the height. Enjoy the scenery. It’s you and I riding the wind, flying over the ocean.”

  Jax’s voice is soothing, and I’m beginning to relax as he continues to describe the beauty of flying. My trepidation is slowly replaced by awe-inspiring delight as we soar through the sky over San Francisco Bay.

  We’re heading toward the Golden Gate Bridge gaining height and my anxiety spikes. After we pass over it I begin to calm.

  Then Jax shouts, “Hang on tight!” The glider dips and turns sending my stomach into my throat. A few more dips and turns later, I’m laughing, no longer afraid.

  We sail through the sky listening to the wind and the rolling waves of the ocean. It’s serene and shockingly, calming. I realize this man, this incredibly sexy man, is amazing and talented.

  We circle again and head back, flying once again over the Golden Gate Bridge.

  Losing height, Jax warns, “This is going to get bumpy. Hang tight,” and we sink slowly toward the water. Once we hit, it’s rough and bumpy and we sail at an alarming speed along the bay. My fear of getting soaked is unwarranted as Jax expertly pilots the aqua glider over the waves and returns us safely to the dock.

  Jax steps off the glider and after he stretches, he removes his helmet.

  “Well?” he asks. His blue eyes are dazzling with excitement as he leans down to help me step off the aqua glider and onto the dock.

  “It was amazing and I loved it once I got over my fear, thanks to your calming words.” I smile appreciatively up at him.

  “Would you do it again?”

  “In a heartbeat.”

  He chuckles as he pulls me closer and removes my helmet. Cupping my cheek in his hand, he brushes his thumb across my bottom lip. “Hungry?” he asks.

  “Starving.” And I am. I ate breakfast before practice but now it’s long past lunchtime.

  Jax takes my hand and leads me off the dock. He excuses himself to talk to a man, presumably the owner. The guy hands Jax a disc, I think, and then Jax is at my side again, leading me to the car.

  We head down the highway. I’m so tired I nearly fall asleep, but Jax reaches over and grabs my hand. Lifting it to his lips, he kisses my fingers.

  “Tired,” he asks after dropping my hand to his side, where he still holds it.

  “Yes. I think it’s from all the adrenaline rushing through my system earlier. And because I’m hungry.”

  He slows the car. “Not for long. We’re here. I hope you like seafood?” He glances at me before steering the car into a parking spot.

  “I do,” I assure him.

  “It’s nothing fancy, but they have the best seafood around.”

  Jax leads me through the doors of “The Crab Stop” and I’m assaulted with the wonderful smell of crab, and lobster, and food!

  We order, we eat, and then we sit quietly and let our food settle.

  Once we’re back in the car, Jax hands me a disc.

  “What’s this?” I ask.

  “A video of our aqua gliding session. I had two made so you keep that one.” He drives slowly and then we are on a dirt road. A desolate dirt road. Then he stops the car and after putting it in park, he shuts the engine off but leaves the keys in the ignition. I watch him, wondering what the hell he is doing.

  Pulling the disc from the jacket, Jax pops it into the cd/dvd and a screen slides up from under the stereo.

  “Oh, god!” I say when my face of horror shows on the screen. Jax laughs and slides his arm across my shoulder as we continue to watch.

  I feel his grip tighten on my shoulder as he pulls me closer. I turn to look at him knowing he’s watching me. His lips are instantly on mine, his fingers in my hair after he shifts in his seat, pulling me closer, his tongue heatedly swirling in my mouth. His hands are on my face, sliding down my neck while he deepens the kiss.

  We come up for air and stare momentarily. Jax grabs me, pulls me over the console and straddles me over his lap. We resume our heated kisses and I can feel his erection pressing between my legs. The kiss deepens and suddenly, his hands are all over me. Down my sides, along my back, under my shirt, up my spine, unhitching my bra, sliding in front where he cups and softly squeezes them. He groans into my mouth and grinds his hips. His hands snake quickly down my belly where he unbuttons my jeans. I don’t stop him when he slides them inside and cups my ass. His hips speed up and he’s swaying my hips down against him. Back and forth, up and down. His lips latch onto my breast and he sucks gently but roughly.

  When he pulls back and attempts to remove my jeans, I stop him. He stares up at me. “I want you so fucking bad, baby.”

  “I can’t. I’m on my period.” I feel my cheeks heat.

  He blows out a breath and I feel his finger slip between my ass cheeks. “There are other ways,” he says and smirks.

  Grasping his wrist, I pull his hand out and away from forbidden territory. “Absolutely not. No freaking way.”

  Jax shrugs and grunts loudly. Then he spears me with piercing blue eyes and I wonder what he’s conjuring up in that head of his.

  “A little blood doesn’t bother me.” He slips one hand into my panties. “Bald. I fucking love your bald pussy,” he says hotly and touches the hood of my clit.

  He begins a tantalizing rub and I want to give in, but no. Just no. Not while I’m menstruating. Gross. I pull his hand out.

  “It bothers me, so no. No way.�
� I watch his face fall at my words. Then he brushes a hand through his sexy but messy hair.

  His hands settle on my thighs and he thrusts his hips up forcing his erection against me. I feel bad because I know it must be painful to be that hard and to be turned down.

  I lean in and whisper in his ear. “Move your seat all the way back.” He pushes me back and stares at me questioningly. “Just do it,” I tell him.

  Jax does as he’s told and he watches me as I slip out of the seat and onto the floor on my knees. I look at him as I unfasten his pants, the light in his eyes brightening with the sudden knowledge of what I’m offering him. He helps me slide his jeans and sliders down and then he kicks one leg out, not bothering with the other.

  I put my hands on his muscular thighs and slide them up to his hips as I lean my body over him. I wrap my hand around his thickness and stroke gently up and down. He groans as he closes his eyes and slowly flexes his hips, pressing into my hand. I tighten my grip and stroke a few more times. When I stop, his eyes flicker open.

  “Fuck, baby,” he growls when I take him into my mouth. His fingers twist in my hair. I take him deeper and the sounds coming from him is so erotic that I want to take all of him but I can’t. He’s too much. I’ve already gagged a few times causing him to crack up and pull back just a little. I lick and taste him, sliding my tongue up and down then taking him in again. He moves his hips side to side then up and down.

  Jax’s breathing quickens and I know he’s close. He tries to pull my head back but I refuse to let him. “I’m gonna—” he grunts.

  “Mm,” I mumble around him and then I feel the warm hot liquid spill out of him. It’s clean, slightly salty but it’s Jax so I want to take it all and I do.

  JAX PULLS UP in front of my building and shuts the car off. It dawns on me then. What if he wants to come in? Oh god! I made no plans with Tiffany. Shit. He’ll see family photos, and my cover will be blown!

  Of course he’s out and at my side, helping me out of the car. He grabs my bag and walks me to the front door. I turn around to face him. He leans in and kisses me on the cheek, then sets my bag down.

  “Do you want to come in?” God, I hope he says no.

  Leaning in, he kisses my ear. “No,” he says and then feathers his lips down my neck. “Not unless you’re ready to try other outlets.” He bites the flesh between my neck and shoulder and then chuckles. “Or let me eat your pussy.”

  “No thank you,” I tell him, knowing he’s talking anal sex. And hell no, he’s not eating that when I’m on my period. No way would I ever let that, or anal sex, be our first time.

  Jax separates himself from me, adjusts his crotch, and walks back to his car. I step inside and watch as he backs out. He smiles when he catches me staring, then he blows me a kiss. I blow one back at him and then he’s gone.

  Dread settles in as I step into my room. I’ve got myself in a mess with Jax. My heart is already committed to him. How am I going to keep him? How do I tell him I lied about who I am? Would he understand?

  I sink into bed thinking about the awesome time we had today, what I did to him after dinner, how I want to do it again. I fall asleep imagining making love to him.

  I’M SITTING ON the couch bummed that I could have spent a night and another day with Timber had my father cancelled our little get together yesterday instead of this morning. I want to spend every damn moment with her. I haven’t felt this way for another girl in a long time. I love and hate it.

  And then there is Kolby, who’s stomping around upstairs. I wonder what has him all peeved. Nobody’s here. There is nothing good on TV, and I’m bored as fuck.

  “Jax,” Kolby hollers from the top of the steps.


  Kolby comes clomping down the steps and heads toward the kitchen. “Wanna run to my sister’s with me?”

  Whoa. Is he for real? “I thought none of us were allowed around your sister?”

  “The way I see it, your absence in participating in the game, and the fact that you’re dating my ex, you’ve already got a girlfriend. You’re already aware I’d beat your ass if you mess with my sister.”

  Yeah, I’m not afraid of him nor do I think he could actually kick my ass, but I respect his big brother stance as far as his sister. I’m curious to see what she looks like. Doubt she’s got anything over my girl though.

  “So? You coming?”

  “Nothing better to do. Let me get my shoes.”

  “Tell me again, why we’re paying a visit to your sister.”

  “She locked her keys in her car and I have her spare set. She does this shit all the time.”

  We hop in his Escalade and as we’re driving, I realize we’re heading toward my girl’s dormitory. Huh.

  We arrive at the dorms, and pull up in front of the same building Timber stays in. I wonder what she’s up to or if she’s even home.

  Kolby retrieves the keys out of his sister’s car, and then sends her a text. She buzzes us through the front door. We take the elevator to the fourth floor, exit, and walk halfway down the hall. He knocks on the door but nobody answers. He keeps knocking.

  “The door is unlocked!” someone hollers, and I recognize that voice instantly. My girl is… is she hanging out with Kolby’s sister? No. No way. Timber never said anything about Kolby’s sister, or that they were friends.

  We enter the room and I hear water running back toward the bedroom. The scent is familiar. Vanilla and sugar, my girl’s flavor.

  Something’s totally fucked up about this whole thing. We step further inside and the first thing I notice is the portraits on the wall. Family pictures, and… Timber?

  “Hey, Kolby.” I point to a picture where Kolby has his arm slung over Timber’s shoulder. “Was your sister friends with your ex?”

  “Fuck no. What makes you think that?”

  “This picture. Just wondering why your sister would have a picture of you and your ex?”

  Kolby steps up next to me. “No, man. That is me and my sister. Yeah, she kind of looks like Timber but don’t ever say that in front of her. Sorry, man. She hates your girlfriend.

  “Sis doesn’t look anything like me, other than the same eye color, and parents. If her hair was as dark as mine, people wouldn’t be so damn shocked. It’s her blonde hair,” Kolby prattles. “She looks like my mom.” He points to another family portrait. “And I take after my dad.”

  Whatever Kolby says after that, I don’t hear. I’m stupefied. Trying to put two and two together. Who the fuck am I dating then? And… motherfucker. I stare at the picture of her… Timber… no… “What did you say your sister’s name was?”

  “Kimber. Why?” Kolby arches a brow.

  I’m floored. Stunned. And getting angrier as I realize my girl has been lying to me. What the fuck? Kolby’s staring at me, waiting for me to reply. “Thought so. It’s kind of odd that her name is one letter short of your ex-girlfriend’s name.”

  “No shit. Whenever we were together, Sis with douchebag and I with Timber, both would look at whoever was calling whichever one of their names. Kimber… Timber. I tried calling Timber by her full name, Timberly, but it pissed her off. Said it was like some circus name or some shit. And the fact that they both have the same damn hair.”

  “I imagine so,” I say, still numb, still pissed that she lied to me.

  Kolby drops her keys on the counter, yells through the bedroom door, “Keys are in the kitchen. Try not to fucking lock them in your car again or you’ll be walking next time.”

  “Sorry. Love yah, bro,” she says, her voice muffled in the shower.

  ALL FUCKING WEEK I ignore her texts. My plan was to blow her off, ignore her, but I can’t stop thinking about her and it’s driving me crazy. Mostly because I don’t know why she lied. But part of me wonders if I’ve been set up. I mean shit. It would be a perfect set up. Kolby using his sister as bait knowing I’d fall for her, that it’d take me out of the game.

  I stoop as low as talking to Nick, asking
about Timber. I got an earful and also learned that Kimber’s ex use to be a frat brother, that he dated Kimber, but he roided out and apparently, in a fit of rage, took it out on Kimber after they’d broken up. Stabbed her in the gut and put her in the hospital.

  After Nick graced me with that knowledge, I kind of understand and feel bad for what happened to her, but that’s not a reason to lie, not if you really like or care about someone. I make a decision. I’m going to play her game for a while, see if she’ll tell me the truth; if she ever plans on telling me the truth.

  The more I lie staring at my ceiling, thinking about this bullshit, the fact that I’ve taken her places I’ve never taken anyone before, and the fact this charade Timber… no, Kimber. Fuck! I hate to admit she stole my heart. It pisses me the hell off.

  I snag my phone and text her.

  J: I want to see you. Can I pick you up tomorrow?

  I wait for her to respond. Ten minutes later, my phone dings. I swipe the screen and read her reply.

  K: What time?

  J: Five-ish?

  K: Yes, five-ish. Text me tomorrow and let me know. ;) I miss you. xx/oo

  Well shit. I don’t even know how the hell to handle this situation.

  J: You got it. Miss you too. Sorry, got to go. Tons of homework. I’ll text you tomorrow.

  Yeah, I totally lied, but I can’t sit here and converse with her knowing what I now know.

  I toss my phone on the nightstand and continue to stare at the ceiling until I finally fall asleep.

  IT’S EARLY WEDNESDAY evening. I’ve picked Kimber up and as we’re heading toward Indian Rock Park, I hear Kimber—I want to call out her ‘real’ name—inhale sharply. I find an open spot and park my Jag. After opening her door for her, I grab the cooler from the back, lock the doors, and grab Kimber’s hand. We walk, our fingers entwined, along the path leading toward the boulder.

  During the week, Indian Rock is usually less crowded so I’m hoping I’ll be able to get Kimber to break down and be honest with me.


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