The Next Contestant

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The Next Contestant Page 23

by Dani Evans

  “Shut the fuck up. There are people here,” he bites back in a much lower but threatening tone. He leans back, closes his eyes, and rakes his hands through his hair several times before he eyes me again. “What do you want, Kimber? I know you didn’t steal my computer for shits and giggles. What’s on there could destroy your brother, Jax, our reputations and me. It could also get our asses kicked off the team. Is that what you want?”

  “Of course not. It was a stupid thing to do, but you stepped away leaving it right there, on the side of the chair, and I had to know if Jax was a part of it. Obviously you already know I was seeing him, but before you make assumptions, it was all my doing. I lied to him when we first met, said I was… Uh. Timber. I couldn’t tell him who I was. He would have walked away and never looked back. So technically, he didn’t break the oath and Kolby shouldn’t kick him out of the fraternity.” What else can I say? I’ve given him the truth but all he is doing is staring at me and I have no idea what he’s thinking.

  “Say something, anything.”

  “How did you gain access? The door leading upstairs is locked at all times.”

  “Well, genius, I stole Kolby’s key and replaced it with a similar one of my own. Obviously he has a spare because he’s never questioned me.”

  Jaden’s stoic face suddenly changes and I’m not sure if his wicked little grin is good or bad.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You, little firecracker, have just given me the ammo I need to fire back at your brother. He doesn’t know my laptop went M.I.A. Only Jax knows because he was there, but you already know this. So. I have a little proposition for you. A win-win situation for both of us.”

  “Are you bartering with me, Jaden? Bribery is a crime, you know.”

  “Stealing a five-thousand dollar laptop is a felony, ‘you know’,” he mocks me.

  “Fine. Bribe away.”

  “Give me my laptop back and never mention you’ve seen the videos.”


  “Uh-uh. That’s not all. I want something in return. What I want is Ella, the hot little blonde who is on your dance team. Set me up with her and we’ll forget you stole my laptop. Simple.”

  What a jerk. Does he really think I’m just going to cave without asking for something in return? “Your laptop will be returned but don’t think I haven’t copied the files. Now, in order for you to get it back, I want details. When is the winner announced of said game, and where. Who announces this and who tallies up the points? You give me this and I’ll set you up with Ella.”

  “And give me my—”

  “Uh-uh. That’s not all. I want something in return. You need to get Kolby to break that stupid fucking oath and not kick Jax out of the fraternity.”

  “Fuck, Kimber. You don’t play fair. How the fuck am I gonna do that?”

  “All right. I’ll make it easier for you. I’ll work on Kolby and make him let Jax stay since it was my fault he got wrapped up in my little white lie. If you can’t get Kolby to break the oath, then I will blackmail him.”

  Jaden frowns at me. “Kolby is not going to break an oath because I ask him to. He’s going to know something is up and then he will question me, beat it out of me if he has to. You know how he is. Fuck.” He drags his palm over his face and then stares at me.

  “Fine. Then you give me the details of the where and how and I’ll work it out. After the winner is announced, I’ll give you your laptop back.”

  “Goddammit, Kimber. Give me my damn laptop now. You can give me the copy you made so I can destroy it after all is said and done. That is the only deal I will accept, not because I want to, but because I have to.”

  I feel sort of shitty for stressing Jaden out, but then he is shitty for being a part of that fucked up shit.

  “Fine, but don’t you think for one second that you can break into my dorm and steal the copied file. It’s on a flash drive and it is NOT at my dorm. Or in my car.”

  He mugs me with a jacked up smile. “Deal.”

  We shake on it then leave The Brewed Force. Jaden follows me to my car and I retrieve the laptop. I go to hand it over but snatch it back.

  He stares at me.

  I grin wickedly at him then hand over the goods.

  Jaden turns to walk away but halts and turns back to face me. “You know, firecracker, you’re not so sweet after all. I’m going to have to change your nickname to Snake.” He laughs as he walks away.

  A snake? If he ever calls me that in front of anyone, I’ll have to slug him. I pat my pocket where the dirty little flash drive is tucked safely.

  TWO WEEKS LATER, I’m driving toward Diana’s house when I get a text from Jaden. I glance at it after I come to a red light.

  “Shit!” Change of plans! Of course the announcement of said winner is at Muze.

  I speed to get there before they start the announcement. Thank gosh I didn’t get pulled over.

  I park my car and nervously rush inside. I have to pause to take a few breaths, to talk myself into marching into the private room.

  Pulling myself straight, I take another deep breath and push through the door. Fifteen pairs of eyes snap in my direction. The room is instantly quiet.

  I spot Kolby. He pins me with a death glare. Like what the fuck are you doing here, Sis¸ stare.

  I see a white envelope in his hand and I know it contains the winner’s name. My brother stands there stupefied as I march down the aisle toward him. My hand automatically reaches for the envelope but my brother is quick and snatches it back.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” He screams at me.

  “Give me the damn envelope, Kolby.” I attempt to snatch it from him but he’s quicker and tucks it behind his back.

  “This is none of your concern. You need to leave. Now.” He attempts to turn me around but I’m not having it.

  “I don’t give a shit what you say, Kolby! I’m not leaving. Give me the damn scores or brother or not, I’m narking your asses off!” There. I said it!

  “Give her the damn scores for fucks sake. Stop treating her like a goddamn baby, Kolby,” Xavier says and shoves out of his chair.

  “Fuck you.”

  Xavier flings his chair back, the room echoes when it clatters to the ground. Double shit! He’s storming toward Kolby.

  “Let me, Kolby! Think about it. You two get in a fight, there’s going to be cops, and shit’s going to go down. And he’s right. I’m a fucking grown woman so stop treating me like a goddamn baby.” I snatch the envelope. He tries to snatch it back. Too late! Ha.

  Kolby rakes his fingers through his hair and sighs. “Fucking fine. I know why you’re doing this. Don’t come crying to me when your little heart is all broken up over him. You’re on your own.”

  “Cool. Love you, Bro.” I stand on my tiptoes and plant a kiss on his cheek. He smirks and gives me a hug. All is good.

  I want to open the envelope so bad. I know, I know, I’m probably going to regret this. If Jax is the winner, that means he’s… well, I saw the footage so I know he didn’t fuck any of them, but I still feel sick at the thought of him being with them.

  THE GUYS ARE at Muze in a private room awaiting the scores. The thing is I know I’ve lost, but I don’t care. So why the hell am I here? Fuck it. I push through the door and nearly double back when I see Kimber pointing an angry finger at Kolby. I stare at her, unable to move, wondering why the hell she is here yelling at Kolby. I shake my head and refocus. Stepping back, I turn to leave.

  “Hey, man, where you going? Don’t you want the scores?” Nick grabs my arm and drags me toward the tables where all the guys are sitting. It takes all my willpower not to punch that smug smile off his face. Prick knows I was out of the game, hung up on said someone.

  Doesn’t matter.

  “Don’t care.” That’s all I say and turn to walk away after Nick releases me.

  “Ahem. I’ve got the name of the top gun right here in my hot little hands,” her sweet, fam
iliar voice announces and I stop dead in my tracts. Before I even turn to look at her, sarcasm drips from her voice when she continues. “Hold up there, Jax. What’s the rush? Don’t you want to know if you’re the biiiig winner?”

  Un-freaking believable. I turn slightly to catch the you’re-so-fucking-dead glare Kolby’s giving me, but why? What the… and then I turn full on into Kimber. The look in her eyes: rage, hurt, and something else—betrayal. I rake my hands through my hair. “It’s not what you think,” I mutter.

  “What? Oh!” she announces. “Oh, I think it is. In fact, I know it’s exactly what I think.” The sound of metal grating against the wooden floor has me turning toward it and I see Kolby shoving out of his chair. He’s coming straight at me, until Xavier and Duggar pull him back. I brave a look at Kimber and that’s when it clicks.

  “You? You’re… you’re part of the game, you, and Kolby—” She grabs my hair and yanks my head down, her lips warm against my ear. “Might have… earned you some points, but good thing I didn’t. You know, since I was supposedly the game changer,” she spits. “I doubt you stopped on my account.”


  “Congratu-fucking-lations! Everyone, put your hands together and give a big applause for…” she looks at the ticket, shock evident by her rigid stance. “Kolby,” she says, but it comes out more like a question. She glances up at me and then turns toward the guys. “The winner of this sick and fucked up game is… Kolby.” She turns, walks over to her brother, and shoves the envelope at him.

  I turn and walk out.

  I should have known. Kolby’s sister was a decoy. He set me the fuck up by throwing her in the mix, telling her to pass herself off as his ex, knowing she might be the one chick I’d dig my claws into and not want to let go. And I’d believe her reasons for not wanting to show her face at the frat house. Well fuck me. But then the real bitch showed up. I can’t explain that.

  I lean against the wall outside of Muze. I can hear her yelling, but not for me or at me, but it’s definitely meant for all of us.

  “All of you, especially you, Kolby, are a bunch of sick assholes. How disgusting of you to play such a… such a… god! So bad I can’t even compare it to anything.” Then the sound of her heels clacking on the wood, the swish of the door opening, the slam of it closing, and then it’s quiet.

  In her haste to leave, she doesn’t see me leaning against the wall. I want to follow her, and tell her… yeah, I push off the wall. Several steps later, my fists shoved in my front pockets, I’m following her down the hall of Blaze. Kimber glances over her shoulder, sees that it’s me, and purses her lips.


  “Me? No, Kimber. YOU. You and Kolby set me up. Don’t go pointing your prissy little finger at me.”

  “You mother—”

  “I call Bullshit! Don’t want to hear it. Yeah, it was a game and you fucking played me too, Kimber, or is it Timber?! Congratu-fucking-lations yourself!”

  Kimber storms toward me as Kolby shoves through the doors.

  I grab her by the wrist and drag her out front and around to the side of the building.

  “Your ex… who is my brother’s ex… How can you feel good about yourself? Yet you totally lied and told me I was the one you wanted but couldn’t have.” She tries to push me away but I refuse to let her go and wrap my arms around her waist to contain her.

  “Your last video, you were with her! You probably had her, the slut that she is, was all too willing, and ready. For you. You’re evil, sick, and I hate you, Jax. I hate you.”

  I smirk and it angers her further. I can’t help it. She’s fucking hot when she’s pissed. I provoke her further by running my hand down her side and press into her suggestively.

  “She isn’t the one I wanted. But she was a willing participant, and it would have been so easy—”

  “You fuck-face,” she bristles and tries to smack me, but I duck my head into her neck. Kimber grabs hold of my hair and practically rips it out.

  “If I would have fucked her, I would have pretended she was you.” I drag my tongue along her neck. Her chest rises and falls faster as she pants breathlessly into my ear. I push against her harder.

  I hear the guys exiting Blaze and turn briefly away from Kimber. She escapes from me and storms off toward the front parking lot. I sink down the brick wall and sit on my ass.

  After I’m certain everyone has left, I push off the ground and get the hell outta here.

  I DREAD COMING back to the frat house. Stepping into my room, I’m nearly knocked to the ground when someone shoves me from behind.

  Kolby slams my door and locks it. “You little fucker. Calling shit out like that. My sister being a decoy to throw you out of the game? I don’t fucking work like that, dipshit.”

  He’s breathing down my neck, and the asshole shoved me. I ram into him, press my forearm against his neck, locking him against my door. “Motherfucker, don’t ever come at me from behind again. I’ll take your ass down.” The dick has the nerve to smirk at me.

  I release him and watch as he rubs his throat. “You got something to say, Kolby, then say it or get the fuck out.”

  “Calm the fuck down. Kimber was not a decoy. I’d never let my sister know what was going down. She’d never go for that. Shit. You saw her reaction. Now I’m a fucking pig, disgusting big brother that she no longer thinks highly of. I came in here to let you know that, and also to inform you that Kimber also told me what she did. I can’t remove you from the fraternity knowing she led you to believe she was my ex. That said the oath is no longer in place. None of the brothers want to see you go and could care less about said oath.”

  I’m stumped by his confession, that she actually told her brother the truth. But then how the hell did she find out about the videos, the sick game we’d bet on? Fuck! She was the one who stole Jaden’s laptop!

  I was obviously wrong about Kimber being a decoy. So my original view of her, other than her little white lie, still holds. She’s perfect, beautiful, sweet with a dash of fire, and I want her as much as I did the first time I laid eyes on her.

  JAX INFURIATES ME. How dare he hold me like that! As if we have a chance. How dare he… how dare he give me hope. That’s what infuriates me most. I want him. I’ve never stopped wanting him when I should totally not want him. I want him to want me more.

  There’s this huge party, one where several of the colleges get together. I’ve heard it’s the wildest, craziest party of the year. I’ve never been to it previously and I wasn’t planning on going, but I’ve changed my mind.

  I’m hyped up and dressed to the nines. Okay, so maybe I look a little slutty, and maybe that’s my intention. I’ve got on the shortest, sexiest skirt with black sequins, and my black bling shirt that buttons down, but I don’t bother with the top ones. I want my cleavage to show. My boobs look perfect in this see through mesh bra. Okay, so that part is covered, but not the cleft between my breasts. I have the bottom of the shirt tied above my navel. So yeah, I’m showing skin, plenty of it. I slide on my trashy, shiny black slut boots. They go up to my knees and look fan-fucking-tastic with my outfit.

  I ride with Tiffany and I’m both nervous and excited. We’re carded at the front door. Thank you good old fake ID’s!

  We find all the girls, including Sandy and Darcy, sitting at a table and we join them after doing shots of liquid gold. We chug beer and I’m about to down the rest of mine when I notice Jax. There is a girl, one I know I’ve seen before, tailing him. I smile internally when he ignores her attempts to get him to listen to her. He stops dead in his tracks and she runs into his back. He turns around to face her. He’s yelling something at her while one of his hands waves in the air. She storms off, obviously pissed. He swipes his hand through his hair and he’s suddenly locking eyes with me.

  Shit! I lift my nose to snub him and turn to face the girls. When I turn back, Jax’s is gone. Well, yes, my heart sinks, like an anchor weighing down a ship, so I just chug more beer.

nbsp; Later, I see the same girl Jax was brushing off earlier and I realize who she is. It’s his ex, the one who was at that party forever ago.

  Ellery is here. Great.

  I’ve avoided Jax for a while now, but then I see him again and turn away.

  “He’s staring at you,” Darcy says.

  “Good. Let him watch me. I hope he loves what he sees and hates that his little fraternity fucks mean more to him.”

  Music is playing and then the lights dim. There are chicks dancing on the stage. It’s like an X-rated bar with stripper poles and ho’s to go.

  Then, everyone begins migrating toward the stage, my friends and I included. Some douchebag grabs my ass and has the balls to smile at me when I bust him. I smile back as he steps closer… closer… and then I knee him in the balls. He drops and moans.

  “Prick.” I stalk off toward the stage.

  We watch the hooch’s dance. Jax and the brotherhood are all hype and hands and all into this contest shit. I hate it and I want to make him as jealous as I feel right now. I make a decision, slip into the crowd, away from my friends, and step behind the curtain into a booth.

  Several men from another fraternity stop whatever they were doing and stare at me.

  A fairly cute dark haired man pipes up. “You looking to enter The Next Contestant contest?” He eyes me up and down, his eyebrows raise and his lips curl into an approving grin.

  Ten minutes later, I wade through the crowd and find my spot next to my friends.

  The DJ announces the next contestant. She steps out on the stage as the song “Bad Girlfriend” blasts through the speakers. She’s familiar, and the more I watch her, the more familiar she becomes. And I hate her. I hate her because I realize it’s Ellery. The bitch is obviously trying to win him back.

  “Ewe. Look at her. She can’t even fucking dance,” Sandy says.

  She’s right. Ellery can’t dance, but apparently Jax likes what he sees. His eyes lock on her, watching her… examining her perfect curves… as if he wants to what? Devour her?


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