Neon District: ALPHA (The Neon District Trilogy, Book 1)

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Neon District: ALPHA (The Neon District Trilogy, Book 1) Page 31

by Chad Campbell

  “This is an unprecedented event. I’m at a loss for words. Councilman Ren Krong has been gunned down. There’s still no word on his condition. The authorities have just arrived on the scene, as well as the paramedics. Now they look to be carting him off. Okay, our producers are telling us to cease filming. I apologize everyone. Please, stay tuned for more news and updates on this tragic event,” Eva said as the live feed broadcast was cut short.



  Another press conference was held at three a.m. on the tenth floor of Zonos HQ.

  “Hello, all. Thank you for being with us. As of two forty a.m., Councilman Ren Krong has been pronounced dead. This was caused by a bullet to the brain. The damage was significant enough that we could not perform cybernetic reconstructive surgery on the damaged tissue. He has suffered from significant head trauma because of the shot. The bullet appeared to have penetrated both sides of his skull. The bullet also appeared to be of an armor piercing variety. The authorities located the casing for the bullet, and they are currently handling the forensics of this case. Once we get an update, we will be sure to use our usual channels to provide you all with an update. Next up, is our Prime Minister, Shino Honda. Thank you,” Dr. Stein Volda began.

  “Hello everyone. As you can see, we are completely devastated by this tragic loss of one of the brightest, most dedicated, and brilliant politicians this great city has ever had the pleasure of having. It is with deep sadness and regret in my heart that I have have to announce that Councilman Ren Krong has died. He was a man of integrity, a man of grit, and a man of courage. He went from being a poor child growing up in the slums of Neon District, to one of its highest political offices by sheer determination and desire to help his fellow man. This cannot be understated.

  “His message is important to us, especially now, as this city is at an impasse both ideologically, and geopolitically. We, as citizens of this nation, have a choice to make. Will we let our dear Ren Krong’s ideals die in vain with him? Or will we, once and for all, make the decision to stand up and be the change that we want to see in this city? You must answer that question for yourself. As for me, I solemnly vow to carry on the legacy of his ideals. There was a point in time where he and I were on the same ideological path. I have, indeed, strayed some. But this has put it all into perspective, and I promise to you all to carry on his work. Thank you very much,” Shino addressed the reporters.

  “Thank you, Prime Minister Shino, for an excellent and riveting address. I understand this must be hard for you. It is for me too. It’s hard for me knowing that my colleague got taken out by some radical before he could finally put his policies into play. It’s not right! We must take time to mourn. But then we must dry our tears and strive for absolute justice for a great politician, our dear colleague, and beloved speaker of the people. Justice for everyone who loved this man and justice for his family! We must bring to justice, this vile, evil, unfathomable human being who took out one of Neon District’s shining lights.

  Whoever fired that bullet and decided to take this man’s life away deserves to be served with the harsh reality of justice. I’m imploring our citizens to work with us to track down this this assassin and sorry excuse of a human so that we can find some solace in knowing that this person will be behind bars. That is the only way we can make this right! We must preserve the legacy of Ren Krong! Questions from the press? Yes, you,” General Vladimir Cain nodded to Eva Young.

  “Hello, General. I was at ground level during the rally. The area appeared, at least to me, to be secure. So how could Psi-Corp’s special government agents let such a thing happen to a top official? How could they not account for every potential threat?” Eva asked

  “Rest assured, we did everything we could to secure the premises and protect the councilman. Whoever pulled this off was a highly trained professional, and we promise to get to the bottom of this. Next question?” Cain replied.

  “But, sir, how can we expect this person to be brought to justice by the authorities when the authorities are the very people who bend the rules of justice in your own favor? It’s been seen time and time again by our citizens. Our station alone receives thousands of complaints a month regarding the brutish tactics of law enforcement. I’m sure your department also receives these types of complaints as well. How do you plan to combat the doubt that has resulted from this particular problem?” Eva inquired.

  “Eva, we do appreciate your passion for uncovering the truth, but rest assured, we will bring this perpetrator to justice. We will also assure our people that we are on their side. While I do understand your role as part of the media, adjusting narratives to influence your viewers is very dangerous thing to toil with. People are easily swayed by the slightest changes of a story. This can blur the line between fact and fallacy. A good journalist would understand this and move forward appropriately,” the general said.

  “Sir, I’m sorry. Is that some sort of threat?” Eva asked suspiciously.

  “No, not at all. Just some friendly professional advice. I’m sorry but we are out of time and cannot take any more questions. Thank you for your cooperation,” General Cain said.

  The reporters in the room scrambled to get more pictures and ask more questions.


  An hour later General Cain held a meeting with Dr. Stein and Lieutenant Daav in his private quarters.

  Stein began to clap. “General Cain! What a compelling performance up at that podium! You sure you weren’t an actor in your past life? The amount of passion, care, and dedication you showed your dear ally, Councilman Krong, was award worthy,” Stein said sarcastically to Cain.

  “I dunno what you’re talking about.” Cain said flatly as he sifted through some documents.

  “Oh, come on! I know you had a vendetta against Mr. Krong. He was a man who acquired much more power than you. The most important kind of power that you severely lack; the power of the people,” Stein said in a chilling tone. General Cain gave Dr. Stein the glare of death. “Oh, don’t worry about me, Vlad. You don’t have to hide that darkness from me. I know you set the whole thing up. Your secret is safe with me. After all, I’m no saint either, right?” Stein said, chuckling almost uncontrollably.

  General Cain loosened up, and brushed the madman off. “Anyway, this is good, very good. Executing the next phase of the plan should be that much easier now,” he said calmly.

  “Yeah, it looks that way. But man, that hot ass Eva Young reporter chick. Did she get under your skin, or what?” Daav said, a jeering grin spreading across his face.

  “That doesn’t matter,” Cain replied. “AI, please contact Agent Bloodfall.”

  “Right away, Contacting Agent Bloodfall now. Call connected,” the AI responded.

  “How may I be of service?” Bloodfall asked.

  “Agent, round up anything you can find on Eva Young of Q1 News Media,” Cain commanded.

  “Right away, sir. Uh, sir?” Bloodfall said.

  “What?” Cain asked.

  “Our systems just finished creating a digital composite of what we believe the intruder of the clone farm may look like. Sending it over to your holo-feed now,” Agent Bloodfall said. The composite generated on Cain’s holo-projector shortly afterward.

  “Excellent work, agent. You are dismissed,” Cain said.

  Agent Bloodfall disconnected the call.

  “My, my, you sure are one for a grudge, Vlad,” Stein said with a joyful smile. Lt. Daav felt his skin crawl as he cringed internally, looking at the madman, Dr. Stein. His ability to mask his true intentions bothered Daav.

  “Poor Eva. And this guy too,” Daav said pointing to the composite. Despite the CSSA’s limited information on Caiden, they used what they had to create some semblance of his facial features.

  “So, what’s next now, Vlad?” Stein asked.

  “Phase Three. Capture,” Cain said coldly.


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  A week had passed since the assassination. The city was still in mourning. Caiden, hadn’t returned to Home-base in Darkside since then, and there was no communication between himself and the twins. He was back in his room at Vantz’s place in BlackLight, locked in a staring contest with the blank ceiling. He had taken time off to re-evaluate his situation, his decisions, and surprisingly, the twins’ earnest plea for him to leave with them for Rune Village.

  It’s not that I don’t want to leave, but would I really be escaping anything? I dunno. This is so depressing! he thought to himself. In the past week, he had gone on several dates with Yvora, each time more thrilling than the last. The chemistry was undeniable. Caiden had even attended one of Yvora’s concerts, with exclusive VIP backstage pass access. His body instantly released endorphins at the sheer thought of her, every muscle loosened. His chest became light, and his lungs filled with air before he exhaled the last of the stress that weighed him down, even if it was only for a short period of time.

  He sunk back into his bed, and fell asleep. It wasn’t very long before Vantz knocked on his door.

  “Caide!” Vantz yelled as he burst into Caiden’s room.

  “Vantz, what the hell, man?” Caiden jumped up, shocked from the commotion.

  “Dude, turn on the news! What the fuck is going on?” Vantz yelled.

  Caiden turned the TV on to the news channel to find that General Vladimir Cain had taken control of all the broadcast airwaves across the entire nation, issuing an emergency address. He noticed in the upper right-hand corner of the frame was a facial composite.

  “This, my people, is who we are looking for! This is the man behind the assassination of our dear friend, Ren Krong. If anyone has any information on this person, report to us immediately! We need to bring him in for questioning! Don’t you want to avenge your leader? Come join us this evening at seven thirty p.m. at our training grounds base in West Andromeda. These unfortunate series of events have given us a unique opportunity to come together and work side-by-side to re-establish justice! That will be all!” General Cain announced on the broadcast before it returned to the regularly scheduled news program. “In other news, Q1 News reporter, Eva Young, has gone missing.”

  Vantz turned off the TV. “Caide, I hate asking this, and maybe my eyes are fucking with me, but is it me, or did that composite picture look kinda like you?” Vantz cautiously asked.

  “What the hell is going on?” Caiden asked as he sat on the edge of his bed.

  “Caide, I know this is crazy of me to ask you, and I really feel like an asshole for having to ask this, but please, please tell me that wasn’t you. You didn’t do this right?” Vantz asked nervously.

  “Vantz, are you fucking serious? Why in the world would I, of all people, do something like that? You know me way better than that,” Caiden said.

  “Phew! Okay, this is good. I know. I’m sorry dude, but I had to ask just to be sure. So if you didn’t do this, then who?”

  “I dunno man! One thing is for sure; I didn’t do this! But I’m gonna find out who did,” Caiden said with conviction.

  “How?” Vantz asked.

  “How else?” Caiden said suggestively.

  “Wait! No, dude. You’re gonna hack the feds? Isn’t that just a little too dangerous!? Like, they can lock you up for life! You know that, right?” Vantz asked.

  “Then I guess I have seven more lives to go, then,” Caiden replied.

  “Man, you’re nuts!’ Vantz said.


  Meanwhile, at the furthermost western border of Neon District in the Borough of Andromeda, the twins were huddled together in a cheap hotel room of the Cardale Inn. Nami was sobbing. “I can’t believe this!” Nami said, wrought with emotion. They, too, had tuned into the emergency broadcast.

  No, Caiden wouldn’t do this. I know he wouldn’t!” Hitomi said, attempting to remain strong, but her voice trembled. She was perched on the edge of the worn armchair in their room at the Cardale Inn.

  “I know, Hito. But are we ever gonna see him again?”

  “I dunno, Nams. I just don’t know,” Hitomi said with deep sadness.

  In the week since Caiden left after their argument, the girls made a decision. Their internal homing device was ringing at an all-time high. Being cooped up in Home-base wasn’t doing them any good anymore.

  Their decision to leave was a difficult, painstaking one, but they knew what they had to do. There was too much happening in the city-state; too much death, destruction, and nothing but sour memories. Despite the dangerous trek, the reward of reaching the remote Rune Village was very much worth the risk. They would do anything to escape the ever-closing walls of the suffocating city. The twins were on the run.


  “Sir, the next wave of participants are ready for briefing,” a soldier reported to General Cain.

  “Okay, bring them through,” Cain replied.

  “Yes, sir!” the soldier said and ran off to follow his instructions.

  The Ps-Corp Training facility was a large building. There were designated areas for all different forms of combat; a weight lifting zone, martial arts training area, an intelligence hub, and a weapons armory. General Cain, Lieutenant Daav, and Dr. Stein Volda stood atop the second level overpass, watching as the newcomers waited to be briefed by General Cain.

  “These people are coming here in droves,” Lt. Daav pointed out.

  “Hmm, yes, it would appear so. Including this batch, how many subjects have been assimilated now?” Dr. Stein asked.

  “I’d say close to ten thousand,” Daav replied.

  “Yes, that’s more than enough,” Cain said. He stepped forward and began to address the volunteers. “Fellow Neonians, it is with great honor that I thank you for dedicating your time, effort, and passion to this cause. I know it wasn’t easy, but dealing with the death of Ren Krong would’ve been much more difficult had you all not come forth,” he said. “Let me be brief; I do not want to hold you longer than I need to. With your help, we will bring the perpetrator to justice. To assist you with this, we have decided to provide you all with our custom made, military grade datashades, the X21 Psi-Vision Visors. Please take one from the utility cases the soldiers have provided for you,” Cain said. The people followed suit, driven only by their passion for their fallen leader. After Cain confirmed that everyone had their Psi-Visors, he took the next step. “Okay, my friends. Due to the urgency of this matter, we have installed the details of the mission in the main menu of the Psi-Visor home screen. All you have to do is turn it on, and everything will make sense,” Cain said.

  The people powered their datashades, and in a matter of seconds, their bodies stiffened. They stood with their backs straight, their heads tilted downward.

  “This is rather brilliant, Vlad. Simply brilliant! It never gets old. Nearly ten thousand humans under our control, in just a few hours! The impulse overriding agent in the COGLIM’s code is simply marvelous,” Stein said gleefully. Cain remained silent as he looked on at his newly controlled human marionettes.

  “Fellow Neonians, state your mission!” Cain commanded.

  “Apprehend suspect from composite image alive, sir!” the group of five hundred volunteers said simultaneously. They replied in sync; their voices monotone and flat, not unlike the androids from the Sentience when they were infected with the virus.

  Cain made a hand signal to his soldiers below, who were there in case of malfunction, to double check each of them by row, to ensure that the COGLIM chip embedded in the Psi-Visors were working properly. They waved their hands in front of the people. None of them flinched; they all just continued to look straight ahead despite any distraction.

  “All set, sir!” one soldier below called out.

  “Good. Now, one final thing before your mission begins. With whom does your allegiance lie?” he asked.

  “Our allegiance belongs to General Vladimir Cain!” the volunteers said.

  “Good. Commence miss
ion!” he commanded. Each person was given an extendable, updated shock baton before they left the premises.

  “Men, meeting. Facility office, now. Time to finalize the plan,” Cain ordered.

  Lt. Daav and Dr. Stein made their way to the office. Shit! All this just to question one guy? To say this is overkill would be an understatement, Daav thought to himself. As soon as they were in the office, General Cain closed the blinds and they sat down.

  “These COGLIMS and the new system that supports it, who is controlling it all?” Stein asked.

  “Agent Bloodfall of the CSSA at Zonos Tower. We’ve installed powerful frequency transmitters in that building for this purpose,” Cain replied.

  “And was it your plan to install these things, or theirs?” Stein probed, referring to The Chosen Three.

  “It was my idea. I’ve already cleared it with them, though,” Cain replied.

  “Oh? Becoming more and more dangerous by the day, I see,” Stein said.

  “You’re one to talk,” Cain shot back. “Anyway, with these critical pieces now in play, all that’s left is to apprehend our target. Catching him will serve multiple purposes. You will have your ultimate test subject to develop a new formula. I will have regained the trust of this foolish public by working alongside them to capture the Fayte boy, and eventually in time, I will expand westward, far into the Sun Desert, taking over Rune Village and any other ones that oppose me. All with the strength of an upgraded, and more powerful military,” Cain said.

  “Rather ambitious, aren’t we? Are you sure that those mindless volunteers are sufficient enough to do the job you asked of them?” Stein asked.

  A call came through on General Cain’s phone. It was Agent Bloodfall.

  “General Cain, sir. Reporting,” Agent Bloodfall said.

  “Agent, how are the systems looking for the COGLIM control?” Cain asked.


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