Break In Two

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by Summers, MJ

  Claire looked down at the dog, "Hi, Otis."

  As if on cue, the dog walked over and nudged her hand in hopes of being petted. She grinned as she crouched down to comply with his request, "Aren't you a sweetheart?"

  Cole watched her, feeling glad to see that she seemed kind. "How was the drive?"

  "It was long but good. It was a nice chance to see the country," Claire answered as she stood up again.

  "You must be beat. I was thinking we could do the interview tomorrow if that's okay with you. I had something come up at the last minute that I can't get out of anyway and I need to leave for a few hours," Cole replied, looking apologetic.

  "That would actually be a relief for me. I could use a good night's rest to be at my best for the interview."

  "Great. I'll show you to your cabin then. I can help you carry some of your things before I go. It's a bit of a hike to the staff quarters from here."

  Claire opened the hatch of her car and a garbage bag full of clothes tumbled out. Cole caught it before it hit the ground, but not before a pair of lacy pink panties fell out. He caught those with his other hand and gingerly handed them back to her with a sexy little grin, "You sure know how to make a first impression."

  Claire's face was instantly red with embarrassment. She quickly took the panties from him and shoved them into the pocket of her jeans. "Those aren't mine. I have no idea how they got in there," she said in mock denial.

  Cole laughed at her reaction, surprised to find that she had such a good sense of humour. He had a warm, deep laugh that made her heart skip a beat when she heard it.

  He took the garbage bag full of clothes along with a large suitcase, while Claire grabbed her overnight bag, purse, and another small suitcase. As they walked down the paved path by the restaurant and lodge, it was her first chance to really take in her new surroundings and she looked around in awe. Cole watched her as she gasped a little at the sight of the large lake. It was surrounded by tall grasses that lead up the mountains on the other side of the water.

  "It's beautiful here," she said with quiet reverence. Cole felt warmth spread through him to see her sincere appreciation of his beloved home.

  Down the path they passed by a handful of two-storey guest cabins. They continued walking along until they reached the staff lodging, much smaller one-storey versions of the guest cabins. They finally reached hers and Cole stopped, putting her bags down on the front porch and fishing her key out of his pocket.

  "This one’s you," he said, unlocking the door. "It's pretty small, but I think it has everything you need if you decide to stay. Let me know if there is anything missing."

  "I'm sure it'll be just fine. The view alone is more than enough."

  He carried her bags inside and set them down on the floor in the small sitting-room/kitchen. He handed her the key and they walked out together back down the path to the parking area.

  "My brother, Ben, and his wife, Alicia, are making supper for everyone tonight in the restaurant. Nothing fancy, but I hope you will feel comfortable enough to join them. Supper will be ready in about an hour."

  Just then, two young ranch hands appeared at the door to the barn. Both were tanned and lean wearing well-worn cowboy hats. Cole called to them, "Trey, Dustin, this is Miss Claire. She'll be our new chef."

  As the two walked over, Cole stared at them, saying, "Trey and Dustin are my little cousins. They're working here until they decide to get off their butts and go to college."

  "Not gonna happen Cole, we were born to be cowboys," called Trey, the taller of the two. Both men tipped their hats at Claire and said hello. Claire greeted them warmly, saying it was nice to meet them.

  "I have to run over to O'Reilly's. I'd like you two to help Miss Claire bring the rest of her things to her cabin, and then you’re done for the day, all right?" Even though he asked if it was all right, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that it was an order, not a request.

  Both young men headed towards her vehicle, "Sure thing boss," Dustin replied, giving Claire a little wink.

  Cole turned back to Claire, "I should be back in a few hours. Ben and Alicia are in the restaurant if you need anything. Make sure you go get something to eat in a little while. Sorry again that I have to go."

  "Please don't worry about me. I'll find my way around. Thank you though," she said, realizing that she had forgotten how good it felt to have someone worry about her like that.

  Cole climbed in his big white Chevy pickup truck and Otis jumped in beside him. He gave her a little nod before pulling out with a horse trailer in tow. Claire just stood there and watched the truck pull out of the yard, forgetting completely that Dustin and Trey were waiting to unload her things.

  "Sorry," she said, as she tried to shake the feeling of attraction she had for her new boss, "I'm a bit tired from the drive." She quickly unlocked the doors and started unloading her things.

  "No worries," Trey said, taking a couple of large garbage bags from her, both stuffed full of clothes.

  She handed two more bags full of shoes and boots to Dustin. He looked at the bags with a surprised expression, "How many feet do you have anyway?" he joked.

  Claire gave him a little laugh, "Just the two, but they are very spoiled."

  She picked up a backpack and another couple of bags and the trio headed in the direction of her cabin. Claire thought it couldn't hurt to get a little background info in preparation for her interview the next day, even though the way he had introduced her made it sound like she had the job already. "So, what's it like to work here?"

  Dustin replied first, "Well, if you work here, you work hard, but Cole and Ben are really good to their people too. They are very fair. The only things they won't tolerate are laziness and being rude to the guests."

  Claire felt relief sweep over her, "Well, I don't think I'll have a problem with those rules."

  After the bags were dropped at her cabin, Claire thanked the guys and followed them out onto the small porch. Trey glanced back at her as they started down the path, "Now, don't get all caught up organizing your shoes and miss supper! Alicia's making her famous lasagne."

  Claire laughed, "I'll try not to!"

  Chapter 3

  Claire dropped onto the couch staring at all her bags, the sum total of all of her belongings sitting in front of her in disarray. Too overwhelmed to face the pile right then, she walked over to the fridge to see if there was anything in it. She was surprised to find it stocked with milk, a dozen eggs, cheese, some fruit, spinach, a loaf of bread, and a six pack of beer. Claire grabbed a cold beer, cracked it open, and stood at the kitchen window staring at the view of the lake in the late day sun. It shimmered, a deep blue colour, with the Rockies acting as a majestic backdrop.

  A feeling of excitement passed over her when she thought about her new boss. He was sexy as hell and seemed so thoughtful too. Her mind went over every detail of what she knew about him so far. He smelled so clean, as though he just stepped out of the shower in an Old Spice ad. His freshly shaved face, the touch of his hand as he shook hers, his sculpted body carrying her heavy luggage with ease. Her cheeks were suddenly flushed as she remembered the panties she had stuffed in her pocket. She pulled them out with a little laugh of embarrassment and tossed them on her suitcase. Digging around in her purse, Claire grabbed her cell phone and texted Janet to let her know she was safe.

  After she hung up, she realized her stomach was growling. She hadn't eaten more than a few bites in days. Slipping into her flip-flops Claire walked over to the restaurant.

  As soon as she opened the door, she instantly fell in love with the layout of the place; it was both rustic and luxurious at the same time. The windows reached up to a peak in the center of the wall interrupted only in the middle by a large stone fireplace. The tables were cherry wood and each one had a candle in a glass jar placed as a simple, yet elegant centerpiece. Wrought iron chandeliers lit the seating area with a lovely warm glow. Near the fireplace, a group of brown leather couches and a
rm chairs were arranged in cozy sitting areas, perfect for relaxing after a long day on the ranch. The walls were lined with black and white framed photos of the ranch over the years. Claire slowly walked along the walls studying each one. She stared at a picture of two boys sitting on a dock in their swim trunks, and wondered if it was Cole and his brother.

  A voice broke her concentration, "Hi, you must be Claire." A tall, lean woman stood in the doorway to the kitchen, smiling. "I'm Alicia, Ben's wife. I imagine you're starving."

  "You're right on both accounts. Nice to meet you Alicia."

  "Have a seat. What can I get you to drink?"

  "I could use some water, thank you," Claire said as she chose a table near the window.

  A minute later, Alicia came back with a plate of Caesar salad and a glass of water. "I thought you might like a salad to start with. I made lasagne but I wasn't sure if you are a vegetarian, so I thought I'd better ask before I brought it out."

  "That sounds lovely. Thank you. I can serve myself though. I feel silly sitting here." Claire gave Alicia an embarrassed look.

  "No, tonight you are our guest. You must be exhausted after your long drive. I just feel funny serving a real chef my poor attempt at a meal."

  "Oh no, please don't be nervous. I'm not a snobby foodie or anything. I'm sure I'll love it." Claire replied, giving her a reassuring smile, "Dustin told me it is your famous lasagne."

  Alicia turned her back toward the kitchen as she called out, "Yeah, but famous for what?"

  She came back with two plates piled high with lasagne and another glass of water. She was followed by a tall man, with sandy blonde hair. He bore a striking resemblance to Cole, except his nose was crooked, as though it had been broken more than once. Claire knew he must be Cole's brother, Ben. He was carrying another plate of food as well as a beer. He greeted Claire, introducing himself.

  "Do you mind if we join you?" Alicia asked.

  "I'd love it. I've had only my thoughts for company the last few days and I can tell you the conversations aren't always worth having." Claire gestured for them to sit down.

  Claire felt immediately comfortable with the couple. They were very friendly and asked her a few questions about herself, but not so many that she felt as though she was being interrogated. They talked about the ranch and explained that it had been in the family for over 100 years. Ben explained that their parents had decided to hand the ranch over last year, choosing to travel around the world while they still could.

  It was obvious from watching them that Ben and Alicia were very much in love. Claire felt a little stab of envy. She never felt as in tune with Antonio as these two seemed. They laughed easily and seemed enthralled when the other would talk. At one point, Alicia reached up with her napkin and wiped a tiny bit of food off Ben's cheek. Claire wondered if she would ever feel this at ease with a man. She had always felt a bit nervous around Antonio, as though she couldn't really be herself. They didn't share a sense of humour and most of her jokes landed with a thud around him. She knew she never quite measured up to his expectations of what his girlfriend should be. She wasn't skinny enough for him and didn't have the proper breeding he wanted in a trophy wife.

  As they finished eating, Claire stood up to clear the table. Ben gently took her plate from her hand, "We've got it, Claire. You're our guest tonight."

  "Thank you. I feel bad not helping though," Claire said.

  "Don't even think about it," Alicia said, "Now you must have some unpacking to do, or if you like, there is a swimming pool and a hot tub behind the lodge. I know I always want to soak in a hot tub after a long drive."

  "There is? Really? I would love that!" Claire lit up with delight. "I think I will take a few minutes to get settled in and then go for a dip. Thanks again."

  They said their good nights and then Claire walked lazily back to her cabin, breathing in the fresh mountain air and listening to the evening sounds of the frogs croaking. She was surprised to realize that she was feeling very at peace, even though she was in a completely new place surrounded by strangers.

  She unpacked her toiletries and searched her suitcases for her swimsuit. It was a royal blue two piece that brought out the colour of her eyes. She had worn it on a trip to Mexico with Antonio four years earlier and had felt so beautiful in it then. It was back at a time when he was still interested in taking her on trips and in making love to her. She tried to shake the thought as she undressed and put it on, pulling on a black skirt and a grey t-shirt for the walk down to the pool. She grabbed a towel from the bathroom and slung it over her shoulder, locking the door behind her and heading toward the lodge to find the pool.

  Chapter 4

  The sun was just beginning to set as Claire climbed into the hot tub, immediately feeling her body relax in the warmth of the water. She sat with her back to the jets while she took in the view of the mountains with the sky growing pink and purple behind them. She gave an appreciative sigh at her new surroundings.

  It didn't take long for her mind to wander back to Cole. She had been hoping to find out at dinner if he was with anyone. He didn't have a wedding band on, but that didn't mean anything. Okay, idiot, you just left a four year disaster of a relationship and he is your boss. You need to get your head out of the clouds right now, she thought to herself. What do you think is going to happen? That this cowboy is suddenly going to be your knight in shining armour and will whisk you away to a life of romance and endless love? There is no way he is going to want you, Claire. He's probably got a girlfriend who is an underwear model or something.

  She climbed out of the hot tub and walked over to the pool, plunging into the deep end with a graceful dive. As she lifted her head out of the cool water, she was surprised to see Cole standing at the other end of the pool, dressed only in black swim trunks, looking at her. The sight of him nearly undressed was a lot to take in. His tall frame was entirely covered with lean muscle and he had a tan from working outside. Unlike Antonio, Cole's muscles came from hard work and his tan from being outdoors. Antonio's muscles, such as they were, came from hours at the gym, his tan from a tanning bed.

  "Oh, hi, sorry..." she said, suddenly feeling as though she was out of line to be taking the liberty of using the swimming pool before she even had the job, "...Alicia told me about the pool and it was just too tempting. I hope it's okay."

  Cole smiled reassuringly, "Of course it's okay. I'm glad that you’re feeling comfortable enough to make yourself at home."

  His pulse sped up at the sight of her in her swimsuit. She was short with a sexy little curvy body, like Salma Hayek. Calm down, Cole, he told himself, she's your chef. That's it. “Ben said they had dinner with you. I'm sorry I missed it."

  "Oh yes, it was delicious. Alicia is a great cook and they were both so welcoming."

  "Good. I'm glad you had a chance to meet them."

  He walked across the pool deck to the shower and turned on the water, soaking himself. Claire couldn't help but to stare at him, biting her bottom lip, as the water washed down his sculpted body. When he put his arms up to run his hands through his hair, she could see all the muscles in his arms and back flex, causing them to ripple.

  "Wow," she whispered in spite of herself.

  He dove into the pool, coming up a long way from his entry point. He swam a few laps, displaying considerable skill. She treaded water in the deep end while trying not to gawk at him as he moved gracefully and powerfully through the water. He propelled his body forward with purpose and confidence.

  After a few minutes, Claire realized she had to stop drooling. She could feel his eyes following her as she climbed the steps out of the water and walked over to the hot tub. She hoped she looked as good in the bikini as she had the last time she wore it. She suddenly regretted that second piece of lasagne, knowing that her tummy was sticking out a little more than normal. She stepped down the stairs into the hot tub and settled in.

  A minute later, Claire allowed her head to turn toward the pool. She was just in t
ime to see Cole get out, using his muscular arms to pull himself onto the deck in one long move. He strode over to the hot tub and sat down on the edge with his feet dangling in the water. "I'll never get sick of that view," he softly exclaimed as he slid his body into the water. Claire looked up, startled.

  "I meant the Rockies," he said with a panicked look.

  Claire's face flushed, "Of course you did. It's amazing." Shit. First the panties and now I seem totally vain. "I feel like that about the ocean, especially the sunsets."

  Cole gave her a pensive look, "You're pretty far from the sea." He stared into her navy blue eyes, searching for any hint of whether she might suddenly disappear back to Seattle to whatever - or whoever - she was running from.

  She gazed out at the lake for a moment and then turned her focus back to Cole, "To be honest, the sunsets in Seattle have nothing on the one I'm seeing right now."


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