Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 8

by J. J. Marstead

  I drop my head and look at my phone. Tammy’s text staring back at me.

  “I’ll be there,” my voice uneven from the overwhelming feeling of me being a father. I clear my throat and get up from my seat, pushing the chair in.

  “Just text me the directions and time,” I say. Destiny gets up and pushes her chair in.

  “I’ll send you all the information tomorrow,” she replies.

  “Well, I better get going.” With that, being said I turn around and leave without saying another word to Destiny. I feel utterly lost. I’m going to be a dad, with a woman who isn’t Tammy. Oh fuck, what the hell did I do?

  I hop on my bike and start her up. I’m dreading on telling Tammy, this news it’s going to crush her. These past three weeks have been amazing, and now I’m going to ruin the one thing that matters most to me, and there’s not a fucking thing I can do about it. I just hope that when Tammy finds out, she has it within her to forgive me, for royally fucking up.

  I never really had a father in my life, he left my mother when I was a baby. Telling her, he wasn’t cut out to be a dad. I remember all the times where I wished he would come back, but nothing worked. He never tried to contact us, to see how I turned out. My mother never heard from him again after he left. I won’t turn out like my father. I’ll be there for my kid, there’s no doubt. I just hope Tammy understands.

  I’m so fucking nervous on telling Viper about me being pregnant. All morning I was dry heaving in the toilet. I just hope he doesn’t flip out and tell me to go fuck myself. I know him and Tammy have been together for the past three weeks, but I can give him the family he wants. She can’t. What good is she, if she can’t give him a child he wants? My stomach is in knots as I make my way to the coffee shop. I knew that when I told him the news it had to be in public, not that he would flip and hit me, no, he would never do that. I just thought there would be less yelling if it was done where other people were. Viper has a temper, and I didn’t want him to explode finding out. I know he’ll be there for the baby. I know that much, but I want us to be a family, me, the baby and him. There’s no room for Tammy in that equation.

  I was surprised at how well he took the news. He didn’t yell, but he didn’t do much of anything. He told me he’ll be at the appointment and I wanted to fist pump when he said so. I can’t wait for him to see the little bean on the screen. He’ll fall in love with him or her, and he’ll leave Tammy for good and be with me, where he’s supposed to be.

  Chapter 12

  I’ve messaged Dalton an hour ago, and still no news from him. I’m sitting on pins and needles waiting for him to message me back or even just show up. Alison left around fifteen minutes ago, she’s happy for me, but I’m not sure. I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that something has happened, almost like a six sense, you could say.

  I hear the rumble of his bike from down the road and my stomach forms knots. He’s here, and I have no choice but to tell him, I’m pregnant. How is he going to take the news? I hope he’s happy and this time we can be the happy family he really wants. I want nothing more than to give him what he wants, but my body needs to be on board with it too. I’m praying my body can hold the little miracle in my stomach for nine months.

  I hear him turn off his bike and a couple minutes later. I hear a knock at the door. I get up from the couch, my hands sweaty and shaking from nerves. Oh, God, here goes nothing. I grab the handle and take a deep breath in before opening the door. Once the door is open, I take in Dalton’s appearance, and he doesn’t look too good. He walks in not even taking his boots off and heads to the living room without saying a word. My face drops and my stress heightens. What happened?

  I shut the door and walk to the living room. Viper has his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. Oh no, did someone die? I walk over to him and sit down and put my hand on his back. I feel his deep breathing against my hand. I rub circles against his back, and I swallow roughly before I open my mouth.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask softly. He leans away from his hands and looks at me. There are tears shining is his eyes. I start to panic.

  “I fucked up, Tammy. I’m so sorry, baby. I fucked up,” he says. My eyes widen in fear. What does he mean he fucked up? What did he do? My breathing picks up a little.

  “What happened?” I ask my voice uneven. He sighs taking a breath.

  “Destiny texted me saying she had to talk to me. Said that it was important.” He says, and my hands ball into fists. I don’t like Destiny, never have so it’s not too hard to understand why I’m getting a little scared at what he’s going to tell me.

  “What did she want?” my voice comes out higher than usual.

  “She told me that she’s pregnant and it's mine,” he says, dropping his head. My body is frozen still like the wind’s knocked out of me. I see everything, but I can’t hear anything. It’s not possible, right? All the girls are supposed to be on birth control. My head is spinning from the news. I lean back on the couch, I try to calm my breathing, but it’s not working very well.

  “Are you okay?” Dalton asks, putting his arm around me. I shake my head. How can he ask me that? He just told me that Destiny is pregnant, the woman he was fucking every night before we got back together. The woman he was trying to forget about me with.

  “Hey, calm down, we’ll figure out something,” Viper says, and I just lose it. I can’t stop myself from sobbing the news out.

  “Dalton, I’m pregnant,” I utter out between sobs. He freezes there staring at me. He doesn’t utter a word to me and that just causes me to sob even harder. My face is in my hands and I’m praying he says something, anything to acknowledge the fact that he’s going to be a daddy, to our baby.

  When I got to Tammy’s, I was a fucking wreck. I didn’t know what the hell to say or do. I walked right in and headed to the living room and sat down on the couch. When she asked me, what was wrong, and I told her I fucked up. I could tell she was getting scared. When I uttered the words that ‘Destiny is pregnant and it's mine,' I could tell that Tammy was having a hard time processing it. Her breathing picked up, I can tell she was in shock.

  When I hear, the words escape from her lips. “Dalton, I’m pregnant,” I freeze. I’m in shock, I literally don’t know what to say or do. She was told from the doctor that she probably won’t be able to conceive. She’s sobbing into her hands, then she leans away and looks at me.

  “Dalton, say something. Please,” she hiccups out each word. I don’t know what to say. My head is a jumble mess right now, first Destiny telling me she’s pregnant and now Tammy’s pregnant too. I’m in an overload of emotions right now, that I’m not used too. It feels like all the air in the room was sucked out and the choking feeling that you get, is hitting me in full force. My head feels like it’s going to explode.

  I need to get out of here. I feel like the walls are closing in on me and I can’t breathe. I get up and Tammy is looking at me and it’s too much to bear right now.

  “I have to go,” I mumble out quick and I make a break for the door. I open and close the door. I lean back against the door, I hear Tammy’s sobs clear as day and it breaks my heart knowing she’s crying because of me. I just need a bit of time to clear my head and think about the situation. I grab my phone and shoot Ace a quick text. I feel like the biggest asshole right now, but I can’t handle everything with my head the way it is right now.

  When I walk through the clubhouse doors, the place is quiet, and Ace is nowhere in sight. I head straight for the bar. David see’s me and raises a brow.

  “Man, you look like shit,” he says, and I grunt in response. Mumbling under my breath ‘he has no fucking idea.'

  “A beer with a shot of whiskey,” I mutter out, and he nods his head. He grabs a beer cracking the cap off and places it in front of me. He gets a shot glass and pours the whiskey to the rim and hands it to me. I down the fucker quick and the burn does nothing to my numb body.

  “Another,” I grunt out, taking a sip
of my beer. David looks at me puzzled, and I glare at him, he moves to pour another.

  “Everything good, man?” he asks, and I look up at him.

  “Just fan-fucking-tastic,” I grumble out, and he nods, leaving it at that.

  when Ace finally walks his ass into the clubhouse. I can’t remember what number shot I’m on. Fucker is always late. He looks straight at the bar and march’s over to me, taking a seat beside me. David hands him a beer, he takes a sip and then looks at me.

  “What the hell happened? I dropped Alison off, and Tammy’s a wreck. I had to stop Alison from coming over here and castrate your sorry ass,” he spits out. I have no doubt in my mind that Alison would have done that. She’s feisty little thing, and her sister is hurting because of me. I wouldn’t stop Alison from doing it.

  “I wouldn’t have stopped her from coming here. I deserve it.” I mumble under my breath but Ace hears it, and his eyes widen.

  “What the fuck did you do?” he asks, waiting for my reply. I take a deep breath in and here goes nothing.

  “Destiny texted me, saying she had something important to tell me,” that’s all I get out before Ace starts up.

  “Seriously, man? You went to see Destiny? How fucking stupid…” he groans.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I hiss.

  “She mentioned that she had important news like I said before you cut me off. So, I met her at the coffee place in town, and she told me she’s pregnant, man. I’m going to be a father.” I say with my head down. I look up, and Ace is in shock clearly. He opens and closes his mouth a few times before responding to me.

  “What? Are you sure?” he asks, and I nod my head.

  “Yeah man, I’m sure.” I sigh.


  “Yeah, you can say that again. On top of that, Tammy just shared some news with me too. I told her about what Destiny told me and then she had a breakdown, and she told me, she’s pregnant too,” I gulp out and Ace whistles.

  “Fuck, man you’re in one hell of a fucking mess,” he mentions, and I just want to punch the fucker. I glare at him, and he puts his arms up. He might be the VP, but I swear the fuck if I snap. I’ll haul off and hit the fucker.

  “I know that mother fucker, that’s why I asked you to come here. I need someone to fucking talk to, dick head,” I grumble out, and he chuckles at me. I glare at him again, my jaw clenching tight.

  “Okay, okay. I’m done,” he says.

  “Man, I don’t know what to tell you. What did Tammy say when you told her?” he asks and I drop my head. He’s going to fucking sucker punch me, I know it.

  “I was in shock at first, when she told me. I don’t know what the hell happened man, but I felt like I was drowning. I had to get out of there. I just left,” I say. The next thing I know, I’m on the ground and Ace is above me, breathing hard. I swipe my hand against my lip and see blood on my knuckle. His fists are balled tightly as he stares down at me.

  “What the fuck do you mean you left? You didn’t say a fucking thing to her after she told you she was pregnant? What the fuck man?” he spits out. Pit comes out from the back with Gale and looks at us.

  “What the hell is going on, Ace?” he looks at Ace.

  “Just Viper being an asshole,” he grumbles out at his father. Pit raises a brow at me, and I nod my head because Ace is right. I am being an asshole. I left the woman I love just after she told me she’s pregnant and I didn’t man up and say a fucking thing. Fuck, I messed up.

  Pit helps me off the floor. “What’s going on Viper?”

  “I fucked up big,” I say, and it’s like he knows I’m talking about Tammy.

  “Well, fix it somehow. You don’t want to live with the regret of not doing something, son.”

  Gale comes over to me with a cloth in her hand, she dabs my lip and whispers in my ear. “Talk to her,” she says, and I nod. Gale’s like a mind reader, she knows everything and sometimes it’s creepy as fuck. She hands me the cloth and heads out of the clubhouse with Pit. Ace is standing there, calmer than before.

  “Man, you fucked up, and I’m not sure how in the hell, you’ll be able to win her back but you better fucking grovel at her feet. She’s pregnant and hormonal, you're in for a fucking hell of a time.” He says then points at me. “You better talk to her. She must be feeling pretty fucking alone right now, especially after you walking out on her.” He gets up and leaves, and I’m left there at the bar looking around. David’s avoiding eye contact with me and I sigh grabbing my phone.

  Two words are all I get down, and then it all hits me in one shot. I’m going to be a father to two babies. I walked away without saying a word, to the woman I love after she told me she’s pregnant. I fucked up solid. I don’t give a shit if anyone sees the tears that are running down my face right now. I turned into the one person I never wanted to be, my father. I walked away.

  Chapter 13

  I’m on the floor in the living room, balling my eyes out. He left, he got up and just walked out like it was easy, not even saying a damn thing to me. That was like a kick in the stomach. He’s gone. I don’t know how long I’ve been on the floor sobbing. All I know is my sister is there rubbing my back telling me to breathe. I lean up and put my head on her shoulder, she holds me, rubbing my back and I weep.

  “What happened?” she asks, and I look up and see Ace there.

  “Umm,” I get out, and Ace nods.

  “I’ll be back later to pick you up,” he kisses her forehead and leaves the apartment.

  “What happened, Tammy?” she asks again, and I feel my throat getting thick. I bite my lip and blink my eyes, trying hard to fight the tears away. I clear my throat, swallowing the bad taste of what this situation has left in my mouth.

  “Viper came here earlier, and he didn’t seem like himself,” I mention as I hiccup from all the crying. Alison rubs my arm and encourages me to continue.

  “I asked him what was wrong,” I say taking a breath. “He told me that, Destiny,” I clear my throat. “That she’s pregnant,” I sob again, and Alison holds me.

  “What?” Alison screeches. She mumbles under her breath that ‘he’s a dead man.'

  “I told him that I was pregnant and he froze, he went completely went silent and then he got up and left,” I reply.

  “I can’t believe him,” she hisses out, madder than hell.

  “What am I going to do? I’m pregnant and alone,” my lip trembles as I look at my younger sister for courage. She wipes my wet eyes.

  “You’re not alone. I’m here. I’ll always be here for you Tammy, no matter what. Viper just has a lot on his mind right now. Finding out that not only is Destiny pregnant but you are as well.”

  I sniffle and nod my head. I know he has a lot going through his mind right now. I can only imagine, what he’s feeling right now. Finding out Destiny is pregnant and then finding out, I’m pregnant. He’s going to be a daddy twice with two different women. But it still hurts that he walked out on me.

  “Tammy, Viper loves you more than anything. He just needs a little time to digest all this information. It’s a lot on one person finding out everything he did today. He would never leave you, he loves you too much,” she says. I hope she’s right. I can’t do this on my own.

  She helps me off the ground and sits me down on the couch. She takes the place beside me and smiles.

  “Are you hungry?” she asks, and I shake my head. I can’t eat right now; my nerves are all over the place. Just thinking of eating is making my stomach turn.

  “You want to watch a movie?” she asks.

  “Sure,” I mention, and she gets up. Her very pregnant belly on display as she looks at my DVD’s on the stand beside the TV.

  My phone chimes and I look at it scared at what could be there. I look up, and Alison is watching me.

  “Are you going to check to see who it is? It might be Viper,” she says, and I nod slowly.

  I pick up my phone off the coffee table and swipe the screen. It shows one new text messag
e, taking a deep breath I click it and open the message. It’s Viper and my eyes water as I stare down at his message. Two words, ‘I’m sorry,' my eyes are misting heavily. I can’t even see my phone, much alone the wording. I blink the tears away and take a breath in and let it out before replying.

  Alison comes and sits beside me. “Is it Viper?” she asks, nodding my head, she sighs in relief that he contacted me.

  “Do you want something to drink?” she asks getting up off the couch.

  “Yeah, a bottle of water would be great,” I say, and she heads to the kitchen, leaving me here alone with my phone.

  I know he’s messed up right now, but that doesn’t mean he should have just walked out without saying something to me. A second goes by, and he replies.

  My stomach gets a little giddy, knowing he’s heading over in a bit. Alison comes back and see’s the little smile on my face.

  “I’m assuming it went well?” she asks and I nod my head and laugh.

  “He’s coming over soon,” I mention, and she grins.

  “I’ll text Hayden to get his ass here to pick me up,” she says. Alison pulls out her phone and texts him. Not even ten minutes later, she’s out my front door with a sympatric looking Ace, wishing me luck.

  I’m waiting for Dalton to show up. My palms are sweaty, and my hands can’t stop shaking. The rumble of his bike indicates he’s here and I jump off the couch and pace a little as I breathe in deep and then releasing. I’m getting myself even more worked up for nothing, this is not good for the baby. I stop pacing and close my eyes taking a few deep breaths to relax myself. I finally calm down enough. Then there’s a knock on the door. My eyes shoot to the door, and I feel a little panic attack begin, my body’s getting hot as my breathing increases. I shake my arms on either side of me. I mumble to myself ‘stop it, calm down, Tammy.' I make my way to the door.


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