Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 10

by J. J. Marstead

  “Well, baby. I’ve got to get going, remember I mentioned about cleaning out that extra room at my place for the baby. I’m picking up paint and supplies today to get it done,” he says getting off the bed.

  “I can help you paint, you know. I’m pregnant, I can still do things you know,” I tease him and he chuckles kissing my forehead.

  “I know baby, but I don’t want you to be around the paint fumes. You can rest or go see your sister or something. Maybe even your parents.”

  Hum, he’s right. It has been a while since I’ve seen my parents and they still don’t know I’m pregnant. I’ve been worried about mentioning anything to them. I don’t want to get their hopes up either. Alison would never tell my parents. So, I guess I’ll have to visit them and let them know. I want to have my mother there, and of course, my sister as well.

  “I’ll visit my parents for a bit,” I mention and he nods, giving me that bright smile of his. God, I love this man with everything in me. His smile still gives me the shivers. I get up from the bed and wrap my arms around him. He slowly leans away from me and grins down at me, he tilts his head in for a kiss and when his lips touch mine, I groan. He releases my lips and lightly moans.

  “God, your lips feel so good,” he says, his breath short and rough. I can’t help but giggle.

  “I really got to get going, if I want to get that room started. After I’m done for the day, I’ll come and pick you up,” he mentions giving my lips a quick peak and he turns and heads for the hallway. I follow him to walk him out. I give him another kiss at the front door, then I’m all alone. He’s going to work on our baby room and it warms my insides knowing he’s happy about doing it. The effort he’s putting in makes me happy. I can’t help myself and I start thinking about Destiny and the child that is growing inside her stomach right now. Tears fill my eyes but I blink them away before I’m full out balling my eyes out. I can’t keep letting this get to me, Viper is with me and not her. He loves me, not her. I keep repeating it to myself and I calm down quickly.

  I shake my arms a little before turning around to head back to my bedroom to eat the breakfast Dalton made me. I sit on my bed and take the tray and place it on my lap, it smells amazing and it’s still hot enough that it doesn’t need to be heated up. So, I dig in and the first bite that hits my palate, I moan in delight. He’s an amazing cook. How did I get so lucky to snag a guy that can actually cook and enjoys cooking? It’s going to be a treat when we move into together, I remember when he mentioned about him wanting me to move in, it was cute to say the least.


  “Baby, I want you with me. I want you under my roof, would you do me the honor moving in with me,” he asks on his knees with a little box in his hand with a key to his house. I wasn’t surprised that he asked. He’s been hinting off and on for two weeks. He told me that he didn’t like the fact, that I’m here alone at my place. “I don’t know how I feel about living somewhere you had other women with you,” I say with a frown on my face. Dalton shakes his head and laughs at me. I scowl at him, then he chuckles even more.

  “Baby, there’s nothing to worry about. I’ve never and I mean NEVER, had a woman at my house,” he says putting my worries to rest.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to end up moving in. I’ll always there and you’ll get annoyed with me,” I mumble out softly and he grunts getting up off his knees.

  “I could never be annoyed by you. I love you, Tammy. I want you living with me, knowing your safe and I want to take care of you,” he says his forehead leaning against mine.

  “Okay,” I nod my head. “I’ll move in with you,” I say and he jumps up off the ground and grabs me, lifting me up and I giggle. He takes me right to the bedroom and shows me just how much he loves me.

  End of flashback

  I’m on the way to my parent’s place. I messaged Alison, a little while ago to see if she could stop in at our parents. I want her there, when I tell my parents I’m pregnant. I want her there for support. I don’t think my parents will flip out about it, but I just want Alison there just in case. My father can be rough around the edges sometimes. When I broke it off with Dalton, my father wanted to kill him, of course, he didn’t because I asked him not too. I made him promise me that he wouldn’t do anything. I know my mother will be ecstatic when she finds out. She was happy when she found out about Alison and she always wanted lots of grand babies.

  My fingers are crossed tight, that my father takes it well. I know he’ll be a little worried at first but once he knows I’m happy and it’s what I want. He’ll be happy for me. I didn’t want Dalton here with me when I broke the news to my parents. My father would probably end up chasing after Dalton around the house, trying to kill him. I chuckle to myself just thinking about it but at the same time, I would be a little worried at how it would turn out. My father murdering the father of my child. My mother can handle my father to a point when he’s raging mad. So, I have no clue how he will take it. So, it’s safer that Viper, won’t be there.

  I pull up to my parent’s house that they bought a few months ago, when they found out Alison was pregnant. It’s nice having them close to us now. Being able to see them when we want. I didn’t like it when they were living so far away. I pull into my parent’s driveway and I notice Alison’s car. Thank God, she’s already here, my support is here. She might be the younger sister, but she’s my rock. I don’t know what I’d do without her sometimes.

  Opening my car door, I step out. When my feet hit the pavement, my nerves start working in overtime. I slowly make my way to the front door. I take a couple deep breaths to calm my nerves. Just before my hand reaches out to touch the handle, the door opens. Alison’s standing there with a smile on her face.

  Alison frowns. “Are you okay? You look like your going to be sick or something,” she says, reaching out touching my shoulder. I release the breath I was holding, and give a little smile.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just thought when the door opened it would have been mom or dad there. I’m still not sure how I’m going to tell them,” my sister smiles at me, rubbing her round ready to pop belly.

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine, you think too much about things, and that works you up,” she says in a motherly tone. Oh, my God, did she really, just do that? Use that tone on me? I chuckle, shaking my head. She moves out of the doorway to let me in. Once I’m in, she shuts the door and the house looks amazing as always. My mother was always a bit of a clean freak. Alison gives my arm a little squeeze and then yells out. “Mom, Tammy’s here,” my eyes go wide and I turn and glare at my sister, she could have given me a few minutes to myself before getting my mother out of the kitchen where I am assuming she is, because I smell the sweet delicious cookies, she must be baking drifting in the air.

  I hear shuffling sounds from the kitchen, then my mother appears with a smile on her face. “Tammy, sweetheart it’s good to see you,” she says coming in for a hug. Her arms wrap around me and I smile.

  “It’s good to see you too, mom,” I whisper into her hair. She leans back holding me at arm's length and her eyes light up a little.

  “Tammy, your glowing,” she says, the smile on her face giving herself away. She knows my little secret. My mouth opens and closes. I have no words, I’m stunned. I don’t know what the hell to say at that moment.

  “W…What?” I stutter out and my mother grins and chuckles softly. She sighs placing both of her hands on either side of my face.

  “Honey, I knew by how you're glowing. You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” she says with a hopeful smile and I chuckle with tears in my eyes. I nod my head and my mother squeals.

  “Oh, my God! I’m going to have another grandbaby,” she asks and I nod my head to reassure her, that she is indeed going to have another grandbaby. She wraps her arms around me, and she starts crying. I can’t hold back my tears any longer and neither can my sister. She comes over and hugs me as well.

  “See, I told you mom would be happy,” Alison says
and my mother gasps.

  “Did you think that I would be upset with the fact that you're pregnant? Tammy, did you really think that?” my mother asks and I bite my lip.

  “Umm, mom. I wasn’t sure, what you’d think. I know you were a little worried, when Alison found out she was.”

  My mother frowns a little. “Well of course, she’s so young and we didn’t know Hayden. But now that we know him and we know he’s a very responsible man, and he loves Alison with everything in him. I know Dalton loves you and he’ll do what’s right beside you,” my mother mentions and it warms my heart knowing she approves of Dalton. My mother always has liked Dalton, even when I broke it off with him, she still liked him. She didn’t understand why I broke it off and thank God, she doesn’t. I know for a fact she’ll be so disappointed, that I didn’t come to her to talk about what I was going through, but I couldn’t I didn’t want people to know that I was a failure. That my body is a failure.

  “Mom, where’s dad? I think I should be the one to tell him that he’s going to be a grandpa again,” my mother smiles then and claps her hands together.

  “Your father will be so excited. There’ll be two babies walking around soon,” my mother says excitedly. I wait for her to finish with her little happy dance, she’s doing right now. I look at my sister and she’s biting her lip hard, to stop from laughing at my poor mother. Who by the way, looks like she’s doing the chicken dance or something along the lines of that. I can’t help myself but laugh at her. She looks ridiculous.

  I clear my throat. “Mom, where’s dad?” I ask again, hopefully, she gives me an answer this time. She stops her dancing and looks at me then Alison. Alison is leaning over laughing so hard, my mother scowls at both of us.

  “I see you both of you’ve had a good laugh at me,” she hisses out and Alison cracks up even more. My mother looks at her. “Oh, hush you, I’m going to be a grandma twice, two babies.” She says holding up two fingers, like we don’t understand the number two. She had to show us. My sister rains in her laughing. My mother then looks at me. “Your father is upstairs in his man cave,” she says, clearing her throat. She turns around and heads back to the kitchen.

  My sister puts her hand on my shoulder. I turn my head her way and she gives me a faint smile. “Do you want me to go upstairs with you to tell dad?” her voice low and I shake my head. I need to do this on my own. I’m twenty-four, I think I should be able to talk to my father on my own. I wanted Alison here, just in case if the shit hits the fan after telling them. My mother seems happy about the news but now it’s to tell my father and see how he reacts. I’m praying it goes smoothly.

  “No, I need to tell Dad, myself. I need to do this.” She nods her head and walks passed me to the kitchen. I take a deep breath before climbing the stairs up. I take one step at a time, trying to think of how I’m going to tell him. Before I know it, I’m standing in front of his man cave. The door is closed and I hear his music, playing softly behind the door. I bring my hand up to knock, my knuckles rap on the wooden door, then I hear the music turn down.

  “Come in,” my father’s strong voice comes through the door. My nerves kick up a bit more than earlier, but I shake myself out of it. I need to put my big girl panties on and tell my father my news. I don’t know why, it’s so hard to tell him. But then again, I’ve always been a daddy’s girl. I remember when I was in high school, a guy would just look at me and my father would give him a murderous glare. There weren’t too many guys, that would come around me. Sucked but then again, he was looking out for me. I love my father dearly but sometimes he’s scary and I don’t want to be on that side of the fence.

  I grab the door knob and turn opening the door. My father is at his desk looking at papers. I clear my throat and his head snaps up and he smiles seeing me standing there. “Tammy, sweetheart, this is a nice surprise. Did you just get here?” he says, getting up from his chair and coming around his desk towards my way. He brings me in for a hug and I chuckle against him. My father is a huge man, he’s an inch or two taller than Dalton, and Dalton is six one.

  “Hi Dad,” I mumble into his shirt.

  “How’s my kiddo doing?” he asks releasing me from his death grip and I glare at him, he chuckles at me. “What? I can’t call you kiddo?” he asks and I shake my head.

  “I’m twenty-four, Dad. I’m not a kid or kiddo,” I say and he gives a belly laugh.

  “Well, you’re my kiddo and you’ll always be that to me. Even when you're older with kids of your own, you’ll always be my little girl, Tam-Tam,” he uses the nickname Alison gave me when she was younger and tears begin to mist around my eyes. God, being pregnant is making me an emotional sap.

  “What’s wrong sweetheart, you look like you're going to cry?” my father asks, worry filling his tone. I sniffle, giving him a smile.

  “I’m fine, Dad. I have something to tell you. Mom already knows,” I say and he tenses a little but then he takes in a deep breath and waits for me to tell him. “Here, let's sit down and then you can tell me,” he says. I nod my head and we walk over to the couch. “So, what do you have to tell me?” he asks and it’s my turn to worry about, what he’ll do or say. I take a deep breath and just go for it.

  “Umm, I found out a little while ago that you're going to be a grandpa,” I mention and my father full out laughs at me, to the point where he has tears in his eyes.

  “Oh, sweetheart I know. Alison, is ready to pop any day now,” he snickers. Oh, well, that went right over his head, now didn’t it?

  “I know Alison is ready to pop but that isn’t what I meant,” I take a deep breath before I continue. “You're going to be a grandpa twice, I’m pregnant,” I shoot out quickly, whispering the word pregnant. God, why is it so hard to tell your father your pregnant? My father doesn’t say anything, his face is in a state of shock, tears just start to beam in my eyes. “Dad, please say something. Please, don’t be angry,” I croak out.

  My father snaps out of his trance and leans forward and wipes the tears away that are now running down my face. “Oh, sweetheart. I’m not angry. How could I be angry at you? I couldn’t be happier knowing your able to give me a grandbaby,” he replies and I gasp. What the?

  “Dad, what do you mean ‘able’ to give you a grandbaby?” I ask but I’m sure I know the answer, even before he tells me.

  “Your mother tells me everything, Tammy. We don’t keep anything from each other. I knew about the results.” He says.

  “I never told mom about my results from the doctor,” I reply and my father shrugs his shoulders.

  “You know your mother, she’s nosey. She knew something was off when you broke it off with Dalton. So, she did something digging and when she was over with Alison a while back at your apartment. She found the letter from the doctor,” he says and I nod my head. Sounds something my mother would do, her being the great detective.

  “Sweetheart, I’m happy if you're happy. This baby makes you happy?” he asks and I nod my head.

  “Yes, I’m just praying nothing happens this time,” I say and my father freezes and looks at me with questioning eyes and my eyes go wide, oh shit. My parents didn’t know about my other pregnancy. Me and my big mouth.

  “What do you mean this time?” my father asks and I’m trying to backpedal but, it’s no use my father won’t just let this go.

  “When I broke it off with Dalton, it was because I got the results but before that I was pregnant and I lost the baby.” I pause wiping the tears building in my eyes. “I was twelve weeks and I lost the baby,” I sob out and my father wraps his arms around me, soothing me.

  “It’s alright, sweetheart. Everything’s going to be fine,” he says softly. I hope he’s right.

  He releases me and looks at me straight in the eye. “Now, listen. You're going to be a wonderful mother. I don’t want you to stress about the past. You will carry this baby and deliver this baby. You're going to be a family, you and Dalton and the baby,” he says strongly and I nod my head.

  “Now, enough about the past. Is Dalton happy about the baby?” my father asks.

  “Yes, he’s so happy but there’s more to the story than just me being pregnant,” I say. My mood drops thinking of Destiny and my father looks confused.

  “What do you mean, more to the story?” he asks. I’m not sure if I should tell him because he’s going to want to murder, poor Dalton next time he sees him.

  “Well, when I broke it off with Dalton. He tried to forget about me with other women,” I lightly say and I hear my father growl. Oh shit.

  “That little mother fucker,” he hisses out. My eyes pop out of my head.

  “Dad, it’s fine. What’s done is done. I don’t want to live in the past, it was my fault just as much as his, if not more. I pushed him away,” my father balls his fists and nods for me to continue. “Anyways, Destiny, you remember her?” I ask and the blood drains from my father’s face and he closes his eyes as if he already knows.

  “She’s pregnant, isn’t she?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I whisper and my father wraps his arms around me once more.

  “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. Men are idiots sometimes. Dalton’s an idiot.” He says and I chuckle softly.

  “Dad, it’s fine. We’re working things out. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but I love Dalton so much and now with the baby coming and on top of that, with Destiny being pregnant. I don’t know what to do,” I say. My father leans away from me and smiles down at me.

  “Tammy, Viper is with you. He loves you, not her. Did he fuck up? Yes, he did, but he will always be making it up to you. He loves you so much,” he says and I know what he’s saying is true, it’ll just take time.


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