Hybrid Misfit

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Hybrid Misfit Page 8

by Eve Langlais

  Even half conscious, I knew to pull away before I drained him too far. I tore my mouth from his panting. Gene collapsed on the bed beside me, his breathing ragged. I stared at the ceiling as I tried to regain my breath, my being radiating satiation and power.

  “Wow,” I managed to say.

  Thick fingers wrapped around mine, and I turned my head to smile at Simon who lay propped beside me on one arm. “And that’s just the beginning,” he promised with a grin.

  My hand was grabbed on my other side and I swiveled my head to see Gene with a beatific look on his face. “Screw hybrid misfit, I think we should call her awesome.”

  I blushed at his praise. Somehow coming from a guy who had super powers and lived longer than I cared to think about-and fucked an entire harem on his own-it said a lot. I hoped. Or did he say that to all the girls? Nah, I know I’m good. And, I’ll admit, that was a personal best for me.

  “Still hungry?” rumbled Simon.

  I frowned. “You know, you guys didn’t have to feed me. I can fend for myself.”

  “Not anymore,” Simon growled, followed by Gene with, “There’s no need.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked. Sometimes I could be clueless and while I had an inkling of what they meant, I needed to hear it said.

  “From now on if you need to feed, you use us.”

  A part of me bristled at his caveman answer. Who made him the boss of me?

  Gene smoothed it over with, “Having grown quite attached to you, it would please us if you would turn to us if you need feeding as we cannot be sure of our jealous reaction should you choose to feed off another.”

  “Oh.” They liked me? I warmed up-not just my desire but my heart, too. “What if it’s an emergency?” I queried.

  “Emergencies are fine, but if we have a say, we’ll never be too far from your side.”

  I frowned. “I’m not moving in.”

  “Yet,” said Simon with a smile.

  I knew I should have probably been a little annoyed at their gently put command, but, I’d never had a boyfriend before, and now it looked like I had two, and while they’d share with each other apparently, nobody else could join in. It was kind of hot.

  “Now, on a different note, didn’t someone say something about pleasuring me all night?” I queried with a naughty grin.

  I laughed when they pounced on me with eager hands and mouths. And true to their word, I spent a blissful night, and I didn’t fall asleep until dawn touched the sky, smooshed between my lovers, clasped to my delight, in their arms.

  Chapter Six

  I woke to find Simon gone and Gene still wrapped around me. I ran my fingers over his bald crown, blushing when I remembered what he’d done with that shining pate the night before.

  Who’d have thought it would be so arousing?

  Gene stirred and stretched with a yawn. “Morning gorgeous,” he said cracking open an eye.

  “Hey you.” I grinned at him, much too pleased with myself this fine morning.

  “How’s the most beautiful hybrid misfit in the world?” asked Simon coming in with a tray laden with food. I bounced on the edible offering with a voracious appetite, for while they’d fed my esoteric side, my human tummy still required nourishment.

  “That’s a girl. Eat up, you’re going to need the energy,” Simon said with a wink.

  I sat up straighter and pushed out my chest with a coy smile. “I’ve got tons of energy anytime you’re read, baby,” I cooed.

  “Great. Grab a shower and change. Then meet us out in the living room. Time to start your training,” he announced.

  “My what?” I asked, blinking. Simon turned to leave and Gene hopped into some pants, moving to follow. Hey, what happened to a morning pick me upper?

  Simon turned back to face me. “You’re training to fight, of course. You did ask, and now, while you’re all juiced up, is the perfect time.”

  I thrust out my lower lip in a pout. I was disappointed. I’d kind of hoped for morning, make that afternoon, sex.

  Simon came back towards the bed for a moment and leaned over me, his massive body annoyingly covered in clothes. His lips brushed against mine and I twined my arms around his neck trying to pull him down on top of me. It was like trying to move a boulder.

  I gave up with a sigh. He gave me one last lingering kiss and moved away but not before saying with a wink, “If you’re a good girl at training, the reward will be well worth it.”

  And with that promise, I perked up. I’ll be the fastest freaking learner ever.

  I ate the breakfast Simon made me while talking to my roommates on my phone and giggling over my very successful date. Claire reminded me I was scheduled for work later, and much as I wanted to call in sick, the bills still needed paying. Once I’d cleared the tray of food, I hopped into the shower; soaping my body and wiping the scent of their lovemaking from my skin. I reassured myself with the thought they’d soon be dirtying me up again.

  I found a yoga outfit waiting for me on the bed when I came out of the shower wearing nothing. I’d kind of hoped one of the boys would be in the room. With no one to seduce, I dressed in the comfortable clothes and running shoes before heading out into the main living area.

  Gene was waiting for me wearing matching exercise clothing. I looked around. “Where’s Simon?”

  “He was called away on some business. Never fear, he’ll return soon. Now are you ready to learn how to be the baddest hybrid misfit ever?”

  I grinned. “Ready when you are, bottle boy.”

  Gene mock scowled at me. “Those are fighting words, missy. Now get your delectable ass over here so I can take us to the training field.”

  “Can’t we just visit your bottle?” I asked as I approached him with a come-hither smile.

  He groaned. “Dammit woman, stop tempting me. I promised Simon I’d teach you some basics, so stop throwing your womanly wiles at me or I’ll I put you over my knee.”

  “Promises, promises,” I purred, sliding up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. “Now I’ll have to really make sure I’m bad,” I said kissing him.

  The embrace was short lived because the distinctive change in atmosphere made me open my eyes.

  I pulled away from Gene in shock because we stood in a wasteland, a grey one that stretched endlessly in all directions. “Where on Earth are we?”

  “Not Earth. Welcome to Limbo, the place between Heaven and Hell. Ancient history claims this once used to be a lush place, a neutral realm where all beings could get together where the only rule was respect for one another.”

  “What happened?” I whispered. This place, Limbo, tugged at something in me. I didn’t understand it.

  “War happened. Neutrality ended up getting trampled by the Army of Light and Legion of Darkness. Their clash destroyed this place, and history claims that when the greyness of nothing overtook this place the walls that bound Heaven and Hell were erected.”

  “Can it not be fixed?” I asked. I could sense the anticipation of this place, it tickled along my senses.

  “You cannot fix something dead,” Gene said flatly.

  I wanted to protest this place was far from dead. Can’t he feel it? Except I could see by his expression he didn’t. Not sure what to make of that, I kept my mouth shut.

  “Now where should we start?” Gene mused, rubbing his hands together.

  The imp in me couldn’t resist. I hooked my foot around his ankle and toppled him to the dusty ground. I pounced on him, straddling his groin-which was very happy to see me.

  Gene flashed me a white grin before rolling me smoothly under him. “Surprising the enemy is good. But, you need to follow up before they regain the upper hand.” He thrust his hips at me jolting my sex before jumping up and striding away.

  I pouted. He turned around and winked. “Show me what you’ve got. Simon says you can fight, let’s see it.”

  I got up slowly, miffed he’d rebuffed my advances. Fine, he wants me to hand him his ass, then I s
hall strive to please.

  I sauntered at him, while mentally calculating how to attack him. His age probably gave him experience, so I’d have to be sneaky. And I knew he was stronger than me-he’d proven that the night before to my orgasmic delight.

  I’d almost reached him when he moved in an almost blur. My arms came up to block the blows he rained on me instinctively. I felt like Luke Skywalker using the force. I moved in my own blur, and I grinned. The jerk upped the ante so that every few moves, he landed a blow. Annoyed, I found my opening, and kicked him-in the nuts.

  He groaned and folded. “Not fair,” he gasped.

  “Neither is making a half succubus work for sex,” I retorted placing my hands on my hips.

  He staggered back to his feet and we continued to spar. I was actually quite good at this. Surprise! While held prisoner, my brothers, few sisters and I had often engaged in mock battles, sometimes to burn off energy, other times at the prodding of the scientists who wanted to see what we were capable of. I learned quickly how to fight-dirty. As a female, I just wasn’t as big or strong as some of the others, so I learned how to stay on top by using every trick there was. From aiming for their manparts, to using my girly wiles to distract them, I did what I had to in order to come out on top.

  Like now, instead of stepping away from a shot Gene aimed at me, I took it in the shoulder and moved forward. I slipped an agile hand down the front of his pants and grabbed him, pleased to find him semi erect and eager for my touch. He moaned and went still. I slid my hand up and down the length of his shaft and rubbed my cheek against his before whispering. “You’re now dead.” I clamped my mouth around his jugular, the tips of my pointy teeth pricking his skin.

  “But what a way to die,” he sighed.

  I wanted to scream with frustration when he moved away from me, the evidence of his arousal tenting the front of his track pants.

  “Now that we’ve ascertained you can handle hand to hand combat, time to see what else you can do.”

  “You mean like this?” With a little focus, my wings sprang from my back in a grey feathery cloud. I bounded up and with a few, full flaps was airborne. I evened myself out in a few strokes and coasted on the strange aerial currents flowing through Limb’s grey skies. I pumped my wings and grinned, for flying truly was a treat. A flash of color made me turn my head, and in my shock at what I saw, I began to plummet. I quickly flapped my wings, regaining my height and shook my head with a smile. “You are such a ham,” I said to Gene. He just grinned at me from where he sat cross-legged on a tasseled, brightly colored rug.

  “Let’s see what you can do with those wings of yours,” he said leaning forward on his flying carpet. He poured on the speed and pulled away from me. I laughed and pumped to catch up. I followed him as he weaved, spun and dove towards the ground. Liberating didn’t come close to describing it. In the human world, I had to be careful about when and where I used my aerial ability. While in captivity, the scientists had only allowed me to fly under the watchful eyes of snipers. Since my escape, any flying I did ended up restricted to moonless nights-alone.

  With Gene, I could be myself, and we had fun, whooping and hollering as we chased each other through the grey sky. When a dark shadow covered me, I looked up and gaped. A massive dragon flew overhead and as I watched, it opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of white mist.

  “Holy crap.” Distracted, I lost altitude and before I could flap to regain it, I found myself grasped in an icy claw. “Simon, that better be you,” I warned. Actually, a part of me recognized him, not with my eyes or nose, but more with my senses. My massive dragon lover landed and set me down on the ground.

  I took several steps back and eyed him up and down. He’s magnificent! The immense reptilian body was covered in shimmering white scales that glinted blue when he moved. His body was muscled and his limbs ended in wickedly sharp claws. He had a long tail with barbs on the end and a ridge of spines went up his back. The green eyes, while much larger, remained the same, and they regarded me with humor as I walked up to him. He lowered his head and I rubbed his snout even as I shivered at the sight of teeth that were the length of my arm.

  “Hey handsome, so when you change back into your man shape, will you be naked?” I asked with my one-track mind.

  My dragon snorted and beneath my petting hand, the body shrank and the scales melted into the skin of his face which I’d grown intimately acquainted with the night before.

  To my chagrin, he wore clothes. I must have made a moue of disappointment because he chuckled and dropped a light kiss on my lips. “Hello, darling. Nice wings.”

  “Thanks,” I replied, ruffling them.

  Gene landed with his carpet and Simon snorted. “Show off.”

  Gene grinned. “Glad you could make it. I was just about to start testing her abilities to block metaphysical attacks.”

  “Whoa,” I said bringing my hands up. “Much as I’d love to see the different ways in which people, or things, can kill me, I’ve got to get ready for work.”

  Simon’s brow crinkled. “But I thought we agreed you’d feed off us.”

  “Um, hello, I don’t work just to feed, you know. I have bills to pay.” Gene opened his mouth and I stopped him with a glare. “No, I will not take money from you. That would be treating me like some kind of prostitute. I said I wouldn’t feed off others, although, that applies only to the touching kind. I will continue to feed off the emotions of my audience.”

  Simon looked like he would argue, but at a curt nod from Gene he clamped his lips tight. “Very well. We will be around in case trouble crops up, so fear not even if you don’t see us. But know this,” he said coming close to me and staring down at me with his eyes glowing. “You will be spending the night with us.”

  I trembled with instant arousal and wished I had more time to get a sample of what I could see in his eyes. But, Gene and I had spent quite a bit of time sparring and according to my inner clock, it was time to get ready for work.

  “I’ll take her home,” Gene offered.

  Simon bent me over and gave me a thorough kiss that made me want to say screw work, but I fought his allure, to the disappointment of my body. Gene slipped his arm around my waist, and in surely the best method of transportation ever invented, popped us back into the human world just outside my apartment door.

  “I gotta ask,” I said turning in his arms to face him. “How do you know when you teleport us that there’s no one around to see?”

  “I don’t.” he shrugged. “The magic seems to take care of that for me. Cool huh?”

  “Very.” I leaned in for my goodbye kiss, which also included some ass groping, before I finally went in to face reality-and a thousand questions from my roomies.

  Chapter Seven

  The club was quiet that night and true to their word, I didn’t sense or see my boyfriends at all. I did my sets on autopilot, the trickle of emotion from the crowd nothing compared to what my lovers could give me. They’ve ruined me. Now that I’ve had a taste of them, I’ll never be able to go back to feeding on humans. At the end of my second stage show, I found Claire wiping glasses behind the bar.

  “Hey, I’m heading out,” I announced.

  “I thought the boys would be picking you up?” she crinkled her nose.

  I shrugged. “Guess not. If I don’t see you back at the apartment then know that I’m probably sleeping over at their place.”

  “Be careful.”

  I just grinned in reply. I headed out, my high heels clacking on the pavement as I went up the street. I kept expecting Gene or Simon to pop out and say “Boo,” or at least slap my ass in hello, but the night was eerily silent.

  So much for getting lucky. I wondered what had held them up. It better be important. I refused to give in to worry yet. Or doubts. Perhaps it was foolish of me, but I trusted Gene and Simon. I knew they wouldn’t let me down without good reason.

  My heels clacked noisily on the sidewalk and given the deserted streets, I de
cided maybe a flight home would be in order. I’d no sooner thought it than I heard a whisper of sound. I whirled-too late. The course fabric of a sack was pulled over my head, and though I thrashed and kicked, steel bands wrapped around me and when I felt the prick in my side all I could think of was Shit, not again.

  Simon bit back a growl as he watched Beth fighting as she was manhandled by the vamps. It went against everything in him to let those dark beings just take her.

  “Calm your beast. You know this is the best way to locate their lair,” Gene said placing a restraining hand on his arm.

  “Doesn’t mean I have to like it,” muttered Simon, finding it hard to do nothing while he saw his one attacked, drugged and kidnapped.

  “Save your fury for when we rescue her in a moment.”

  “And who’s going to save us from Beth’s fury?” Simon asked arching a brow at his friend.

  “I hope your tongue and cock are in working order when the battle is done because we’ll have to make it up to her, probably more than once.”

  Simon, even given the seriousness of their mission, couldn’t help remembering Beth, not naked and panting, although she was beautiful in that moment. Nor with her lips wrapped around his cock, much as it pleased him. No, he remembered Beth’s trust in him, a trust he’d protect her, and here he’d let some dirty vampires kidnap her. I will make them pay for every hair they’ve bent, he swore.

  Quietly, he and Gene followed the vamps who stuffed their unconscious prize into a dark paneled van. Simon had wanted to shift into dragon shape to follow, but Gene talked him out of it, saying his beast was too large to squeeze between the narrow confines of the city streets. Instead, they rode Gene’s carpet, not the colorful one he’d used in Limbo, but one dark as the night itself. It also matched Simon’s mood. He consoled himself with the fact that once they killed all the dark ones, it would be one less danger to Beth.


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