Hybrid Misfit

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Hybrid Misfit Page 11

by Eve Langlais

  When the boys arrived at my call, it broke my heart to hear the anguish in their cries of battle. I wanted to lift my head and tell them I wasn’t gone yet. But that took too much effort.

  Instead, I closed my eyes and in the greyness of my mind, the tingle that was Limbo became more pronounced. Having my blood bonded with the soil of this place had deepened my connection with it, and more than ever, I could sense the life that brimmed just below the surface.

  Well, what are you waiting for? I asked.

  As my heartbeat slowed, I realized what it wanted. Me.

  I’ve given you my blood. I’m about to give you my life. What else do you want?

  The answer, so simple would have made me laugh had I not rested on the brink of death.

  I agreed to the terms.

  My choice made, the snowball I set in motion started rolling and changing the world as we all knew it.

  The pain that bit so deep into me faded as my body knit itself back together, a gift for the deal I’d made. My heart sped up and the hard ground beneath me disappeared as the power I set in motion lifted me up. I opened my arms wide and took what Limbo, almost an entity in itself, gave me. My lips curved into a smile as it taught me what I needed to know.

  Then I opened my eyes and beheld the new realm-my realm.

  The first thing I noticed was the color-vivid color everywhere, but on the heels of that I saw the stricken faces of my lovers. Poor Simon on his knees, and Gene, looking grey under his tan.

  “You are in so much trouble, my darling,” Gene said in a shaky voice.

  I smiled and laughed. “If it’s anything like last time, I can’t wait.”

  My body drifted down until my feet touched the new ground of the world I’d helped create. Not that I touched it for long because Simon swept me up in a dragon hug of massive proportions.

  “Don’t you ever scare me like that again,” he whispered fiercely in my ear.

  “Okay,” I squeaked.

  He might have never let me go-which was fine with me-but Lana and Claire came running up and insisted on hugs of their own.

  Claire had quickly rediscovered her bounce, even given their ordeal. “Oh, wow, that was totally cool the way you came in like some Lone Ranger with wings and flew to our rescue.”

  I cringed, knowing my lovers probably wouldn’t see it in the same light and judging by Simon’s whispered, “That’s going to earn you a punishment,” I was going to reap the benefits later.

  Lana also gave me a fierce hug. “Thanks for coming.”

  “I would never have forsaken you,” I whispered back in a tight voice. “And damn, that was some wicked singing.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Lana moaned pulling away.

  I frowned. “Why? It was because of you that things ended up working out. Without you stopping the armies like that, we would all have been dead before the cavalry arrived.”

  “Yeah, well, it also made that dude over there think that I’m his fated mate or something.”

  I looked where she pointed and saw a blond giant with an impressive bare chest, wearing a loin cloth, watching my friend avidly. I grinned. “Hot damn Lana, I say go for it.”

  I laughed at her glare, but despite her attitude, I noticed her glancing often over at the goliath. Could it be my friend had found herself a boyfriend at last?

  Happy as I was everything had turned out all right, I trembled with hunger, and not for the type that went in my belly. Not willing to wait, I tugged on Simon’s hand and he leaned down so I could whisper in his ear. “I need you and Gene, now.” Seeing the golden queen heading towards us along with others, I hastened to add the sugar that would sweeten the pot. “And if you can do it quick enough while still getting my friends home safe, I’ll let you guys sandwich me.”

  As magic words went, it worked wonders. Quicker than I would have credited, I found myself, showered, naked and in bed while reassured that my friends had plenty of help righting their destroyed apartment. Although I wasn’t sure how Lana would feel, especially when I found out the giant blond had insisted on being in the group of volunteers. But I had bigger cocks to fry in the form of two testosterone laden males with lustful intent in their expression eyeing me. How delightful.

  I opened my arms wide, and with a cheeky smile, said, “So are you guys flipping for holes?” Naughty me, though, I really hoped Gene with his slimmer cock got the virgin one.

  They dove on me with hot seeking mouths. Their dual latch on my budding nipples made me cry out. I grabbed at their heads but they apparently decided they wanted to be in charge for they each flung out a hand to grab mine and hold it down. Yes, it’s as hot as it sounds.

  Pinned and helpless beneath their questing tongues, I gave into my building pleasure, panting and writhing in need. Simon left Gene to torture my nipples, his teeth nipping and pulling at them. My pussy tightened at his rough play, while my honey seeped to soak the sheets; that was until Simon’s tongue found my pink slit. He lapped at me, his tongue alternatively flicking my clit and delving into my sex.

  I cried out at their torture of my sensitive body. They played my erogenous zones with masterful precision, stringing out my pleasure. At the peak, I found myself free of male mouths and flipped onto my stomach.

  “Get on your hands and knees,” Simon growled. I complied with heaving breaths. I couldn’t help tightening when I felt hands spreading my buttocks and I bit my lip at the cold, oily liquid that dripped down the crack of my ass.

  Gene’s slender fingers swirled the fluid around my rosette, his light pokes not forcing their way and I relaxed. Simon’s blunt fingers found my silken slit and probed me. I clenched my channel around them as he pumped me. So relaxed was I that when Gene popped a finger into my ass, with ease, I didn’t buck away. He worked his finger back and forth, and while the pressure of it felt odd, with Simon’s fingers still pumping my sex, I actually kind of enjoyed it.

  Gene slipped a second finger in and I stilled, for this increased the stretching sensation, but Simon used his thumb to stroke over my clit. The stimulation made me rock back against the fingers that probed me, and like a signal, Simon shifted his body until he lay under me.

  I gazed down into his heavy lidded eyes and kissed the sensual smile on his lips.

  Against my mouth, he murmured, “Sit on my cock. Ride me baby.”

  Like I needed any urging. With Gene’s fingers still inserted in my ass, I lowered my body until my sex nudged the head of Simon’s cock. Simon’s hand came up to grab my waist and impatient at my teasing, he drove me down onto his solid length. My hands, braced on his chest, dug in and I threw my head back at the full feeling of having him fully seated inside me. Under his urging hands, I rocked on his pelvis, the grinding sensation providing an erotically welcome friction to my swollen clit.

  I mewled with loss when Gene withdrew his fingers. The head of his turgid shaft took their place though, pushing at my rosette. Slowly he guided it in and I whimpered at the stretching. I don’t think it’s going to fit. Maybe we should…

  My doubts fled when Simon found my clit and rubbed it, the pleasurable jolts making me sigh and relax. And then Gene was inside me.

  I stilled at the strangeness of it. Simon’s hands grabbed mine, pulling me down onto him, the position spreading my cheeks for Gene. He folded himself over top of me, his cock pushing into my ass even deeper. Sandwiched between their male bodies, I trembled.

  Then they moved. One in, one out. They found a pace where they alternated their thrusts and I ended up lost in a maelstrom of pleasure. They poured their arousal into me feeding my succubus side while ramping up my own desire. When Simon bared his throat for me, I took his offered gift and bit his skin, tasting the life force he offered, and with so many of my needs being taken of care of, in such a delightful manner, I shattered. My body bucked, or tried to. Caught between, I couldn’t escape the rapture that erupted throughout my body. My pussy convulsed so hard, I expected Simon to cry out in pain, but instead with a bell
ow of fierce elation, he came in shuddering jets, quickly followed by Gene in my not-so-virgin-anymore hole.

  It was beyond fantastic. And I never wanted the feeling to end.

  After a night of orgasms that I didn’t have enough fingers and toes to count, I awoke feeling like a million bucks. And I owed it all to the two lugs sleeping on either side of me.

  “Wake up,” I shouted, laughing when Simon dove out of bed stark naked, his eyes and hair wild.

  Gene just stretched lazily and grinned. “Morning, gorgeous. Your wish is my command.”

  “Get over here,” I ordered Simon patting the bed beside me. With a sheepish smile, he crawled back into bed, but before he could snag me with a thick arm, I scooted out from between them. I turned and sat on my haunches so I could see them both. Then I got shy, the words I wanted to say, freezing in my throat.

  “I-um.” I stuttered, trying to spit it out. This is stupid. I know how I feel, so stop being such a ninny and tell them. “I was going to make a great big speech, but screw it. I love you both and if the offer is still open, would love to move in.” I didn’t tell them though that we’d eventually end up living in Limbo as part of my deal with it. Besides, it would surely take a few months to rebuild the city that Limbo said I’d need to inhabit, plenty of time to get them to see things my way.

  Shocked silence met me and I instantly regretted my bold words. Only for a nanosecond, though, because then two naked male bodies hurtled themselves at me for a quick kiss. And then dove past me.

  I looked at them dressing in bewilderment. “Um, don’t you guys want to say something?”

  Simon with a beaming face leaned down and kissed me. “You know I love you. And if you want, I will tell you a thousand times a day.”

  Simon straightened and Gene took his place and kissed me as well on the mouth with a murmured, “Precious one, you are my one and only wish.”

  Oh, that was pretty and tears pricked my eyes. But still they continued to dress. Not exactly the reaction I’d pictured-/what happened to showering me with some loving?/ “May I ask where you’re going in such a hurry?” I said miffed.

  “Going to get color swatches,” Simon announced.

  “Packing up your stuff and moving it,” chimed in Gene.

  I laughed at them both. “Get back here, both of you. Simon, while I appreciate your willingness to let me put my mark on our home, it doesn’t need to be done right this minute. And for what I have planned, Gene, clothes won’t be necessary.” I crooked my finger, spread my thighs and smiled.

  Then laughed again as in their eagerness to comply with my wishes, they ruined yet another set of their clothes.

  Guess I’d better learn to sew.


  Simon and Gene ended up not letting me out of bed for a week, although I was allowed to check in with my best friends by phone in between bouts. Did I mention I’d never felt better or smiled more?

  Reality eventually intruded in the form of my promise to Limbo tugging at me. I’d told the boys about my deal with the entity that wasn’t exactly alive-and who boggled the mind-and how I’d promised I’d kind of rule over it. My task? To ensure that the balance was kept between good and evil. My lovers didn’t look surprised, and declared they knew that as the first hybrid misfit, I was destined for great things. My reply was a large snort.

  They didn’t require any coaxing to move, much to my surprise, and they immediately called up some dwarven architects to start designing plans for the grandest palace ever. I would have argued that a hut would do so long as I had them, but seriously, a palace, how cool was that?

  The moment I returned to Limbo, clasped in Simon’s arms-I didn’t want to disappoint him by telling him my bond with the place allowed me to move to and fro with ease-I looked upon the changed landscape, my soon-to-be-home, and smiled. For so long I’d fought and wandered, trying to find my place in the world and as it turned out, I’d needed to create it. And it’s beautiful, if I do say so myself, I thought looking around with pride at the lush landscape forged from my blood and promise.

  “So what are you going to call it?” Gene asked hugging me from behind. “Limbo seems kind of outdated now.”

  Funny he should mention it, for I’d already given the subject some thought. “Well, as the first hybrid misfit and queen or empress or whatever you want to call me of this land, how’s Misfitia, a place where anyone is welcome no matter how different they may be.”

  Simon rumbled “I like it,” and Gene, with a flourish of his hands and an impressive smoke display that made me cough, gave me a present.

  When the fumes cleared, I laughed as I saw what he’d done for me. He’d created my very own Stonehenge, and etched in a massive rock for all to see:

  Welcome to Misfitia, ruled by Beth, High Queen of all Hybrid Misfits.

  “You forgot one thing,” I said linking my arm through both of theirs. “Where’s ‘along with her beloved consorts Simon and Gene, for all of eternity’?”

  Apparently adjustments to my sign would wait, for with expressions that bespoke their love for me, my dragon and genie proved to me in the soft grass of my new land just how much they liked the idea-and then proved it again.

  About the Author

  Eve Langlais, who is in her mid thirties, has been married 11 years to a wonderful man who gave her three beautiful, but distracting children aged ten, seven and four. A military brat, she was born in British Columbia but ended up living all across Canada. She now resides with her family, that also includes two cats and a guinea pig, in the historic town of Bowmanville, Ontario. If you want to get to know her better visit her website at http://www.Evelanglais.com or friend her on FaceBook.


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