The Secret Sex Lives of Wanda Mitty

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The Secret Sex Lives of Wanda Mitty Page 9

by Felix Baron

  Adonis had assumed control over the way Zeus fucked his mouth. That contradicted Wanda’s first impression of the big one dominating the small one. Perhaps they were sexual equals, each giving what the other needed and taking what he wanted for himself, in perfect harmony? That was a nice thought. No ‘do as you would be done by’ but ‘do unto others as they would like to be done to’. That was utopian. Would it be like that with her and Henry? But what, exactly, was it that she wanted him to do to her?

  Adonis was rising up between Zeus’ outstretched arms. Wanda flinched back, but unnecessarily. The smaller man had his back, and bum, turned towards the larger. He thrust that bum backwards. Zeus reached down between their bodies. His hips swayed as he positioned himself. He thrust. Adonis gasped, in pleasure, not pain. Both men writhed, point and counterpoint, wallowing deliciously in their respective roles, impaled and impaler. Ying and yang. It seemed a shame to interrupt them but she too had needs. It was her fantasy, after all.

  Wanda stood tall and walked boldly into the stall. ‘What do you think Mr Henry would say if he knew what two men got up to during their working days?’

  Zeus, not the least fazed, still grinding against his lover’s buttocks, turned his head. ‘The ranch is a seven-days-a-week operation, Miss. It happens that this is our weekend – our time off. As for what we do, Mr Henry knows that we are lovers. He had no problem with that.’ The big man grinned and turned towards Wanda, flipping his erection out of Adonis and displaying it to her admiring gaze. ‘My question is, what would Mr Henry think if he knew that his fiancée spied on his hands in their most intimate moments, and walked around dressed like this?’ He reached out and flipped Wanda’s tiny skirt up a couple of inches, exposing her naked sex for a brief moment. ‘And this?’ He tugged on the bow that secured her shirt, releasing it to dangle to each side of her bare breasts.

  Wanda managed, ‘Um?’

  Adonis turned. ‘We aren’t gay,’ he told Wanda. ‘We’re bisexual. There’s no reason we shouldn’t all be good friends, we three. What’s the expression these days? “Friends with privileges? Fuck buddies?”’

  ‘I …’

  Zeus took her wrist and guided Wanda’s hand to his fever-hot cock – the cock that had just emerged from Adonis’ bum. ‘Did you ever play with two men at once before, Wanda?’

  Well, she had, but only in fantasy, so it really didn’t count, so she shook her head. Then again, this was a fantasy, also, so perhaps she wasn’t being entirely honest.

  ‘I’d only do something like that if I was forced to,’ she hinted.

  ‘That could be arranged,’ Adonis said.

  Zeus nodded, and stroked himself with Wanda’s hand. Damn, but he was big, both ways, length and girth. She wrapped her fingers around it but couldn’t make her thumb touch their tips by over an inch. Formidable! She shivered in anticipation. A girl can’t help but compare, can she? Adonis’ cock was just as long as Zeus’, but slimmer. Taking two men at once pretty well meant being made into a sandwich. That would …

  Adonis interrupted her thought with: ‘If you were bound, you’d have no choice, would you, Wanda.’ It wasn’t a question.

  She shook her head.

  Adonis reached out, over the stall’s wall, and fished back a tangle of leather straps. They had to be horse tack. Thank goodness, she couldn’t see a bridle and bit among them. She’d have to know a man really well before she’d play at being a pony for him. That’d never been among her fantasies, though now she’d thought of it …

  Zeus pulled her shirt off her shoulders. Adonis slid her skirt down to her feet. The two men took her arms. With a few deft movements, they had her wrists secured in leather bands and stretched out to both sides, where the leather was secured over black iron hooks that were set in the walls’ uprights.

  She was helpless. Struggling would be useless. If she screamed, no one would hear her. Wanda was totally at the mercy of two powerful and horny men. She was nothing but a toy for them to use however they wished, no matter how demeaning.

  How delicious!

  Adonis, standing behind her, ran his palms down from her neck, caressing her sides and hips. Zeus, in front of her, held her throat firmly but gently in one hand while the other slid down between her trembling breasts, cupped them, jiggled them, and smoothed over her nipples so delicately it almost tickled. His hand drifted lower, following the curve of her belly to her pubic mound, which it cupped and compressed in a slow steady rhythm. To her shame, Wanda felt herself oozing into Zeus’ palm.

  ‘Aphrodite in bondage,’ he whispered. ‘Give me your ambrosia.’ His lips nibbled into the crook of her neck. ‘Goddess and whore. Empress of all the harlots. How sweet you are. Let me taste you.’ His mouth slid across her cheek. Wanda couldn’t help but turn her face towards his kiss. His tongue was strong, very masculine, very demanding.

  Behind her, Adonis was working his way down her back, lapping at her spine, down and down, past her waist, down to her tailbone, which he slavered with wet kisses and nibbled on with tiny delicate bites.

  Wanda felt Adonis’ open hand cover her bottom. No – both hands, one on each cheek. They moved apart, spreading her cheeks. He nuzzled into her crease. His tongue wiggled. Oh yes! She could tell what it was that he intended to do to her and it was something very naughty. She ought to protest but Zeus’ tongue in her mouth wouldn’t allow that. In any case, what Adonis was about to do to her was …

  Oh fuck! That was so good. The young man’s tongue was very strong, and incredibly long. He’d actually managed to force it into her. He was tongue-fucking her bum! Wanda spread her legs and hollowed her back, pushing back at him, encouraging the deepest penetration he could manage. It felt very wet, as if he was deliberately making spit.

  As a lubricant?

  Adonis stood erect. The prod that Wanda felt between her buttocks confirmed her suspicion. She concentrated on relaxing the tight ring of muscle that was feeling pressure that started as subtle but soon became intense, and … Her flesh surrendered and stretched. This had to be the best part of being taken, she thought, the moment when her body’s resistance was overcome and the rigid invader was welcomed. Deeply. So deeply. A probe of very solid flesh dilated her. It was obscene – what Adonis was doing to her. It was even more obscene that she was enjoying every depraved moment. She was so bad. She deserved to be abused and violated. Debauchery came naturally to her, it seemed. Wanda was thoroughly ashamed of herself and enjoyed that emotion, as well.

  Would Henry shame her the way she needed?

  Best not to think about that. Not in the middle of a decadent fantasy. It was too serious a question.

  Zeus deserted her mouth. His lips trailed down her neck, further, to her breast. He suckled, soft then hard, before moving lower. His tongue slithered down her lower belly, leaving a trail of tickling saliva. The big man’s mouth opened wide, covering her entire pubic mound. His strong white teeth threatened her, playfully, before his tongue lapped out between her pussy’s lips and slavered over her clit.

  Adonis’ thrusts from behind impelled Wanda’s hips forward so that she was compelled to grind at Zeus’ mouth. She spread her thighs further apart and humped at the big man’s tongue, each movement tightening her behind on Adonis’ hardness. She was the sex slave, in leather bondage, but her eager participation made her an equal partner in their debauchery.

  ‘You bitch!’ Adonis complimented her.

  ‘Bite me!’ she replied.

  He obeyed by hunching over to nip at her nape.

  Much as she was enjoying the things that Zeus’ mouth was doing to her, this fantasy had a logical direction to follow. She told Zeus, ‘Now fuck me!’

  He looked up with a grin. ‘Silly girl! What makes you think you can call the shots here? I’ll fuck you, all right, but when I’m good and ready.’ He stood, dwarfing her.

  From that close, his bulk was intimidating. His nipples were at the level of her eyes. She could feel his erection’s head tap on her skin, just inches be
low her breasts. If it’d been inside her, he’d have lifted her on that fleshy staff, leaving her legs dangling. Was she ready for that?

  His great fist took hold of Wanda’s hair, pulling at its roots. He took half a step backwards and tugged, forcing her to double over at her waist. That pushed her harder back at Adonis and drove the young man even higher up inside her. Zeus swayed, wagging his cock so that it slapped against her cheek. Instinctively, Wanda opened wide. At full stretch, her lips managed to encompass its head. Adonis thrust hard, driving Wanda forward and Zeus deeper into her mouth. Zeus pushed back, impaling her bottom harder on Adonis. Together, they rocked her. It was almost as if she was impaled on a spit of flesh that went right through her. Her stretched arms ached at her shoulders but she couldn’t do anything to ease the strain. She’d been reduced to nothing but a sex toy, rocking to and fro, pleasing two men who cared nothing for her apart for her use as an object.

  Adonis gripped her hips tightly enough that his fingers would leave bruises. Zeus mangled her left breast with the hand that wasn’t gripping her head. She had no control, none. They didn’t care if she enjoyed their torment of her weak little body. If she climaxed, it’d mean nothing to them. They did what they did, for their pleasure, not for hers. Wanda was sure that Adonis cared about Zeus’ fun, and that concern was reciprocated, but she? She was nothing to them.

  There was a certain freedom in that.

  Wanda swayed. The leather straps creaked. The men, from time to time, grunted.

  Eventually, Adonis said, ‘Pause?’

  Both men stilled.

  Zeus replied, ‘Want to beat her next?’

  ‘No. You know what I want. We haven’t done it since the Christmas party. It was good, remember?’

  ‘The girl screamed, as I recall.’

  ‘From joy.’

  ‘You think this one will?’

  ‘Only one way to find out.’

  ‘Want to switch, then?’ Zeus asked.

  ‘She’s very tight back here. She’s not been taken very often, by the feel of her.’

  ‘I like that! Very well, let’s swap places.’

  Wanda panted, ‘What?’

  ‘You’ll soon see,’ Adonis told her. ‘It’ll be good, I promise.’

  Wasn’t that nice of him!

  The men ducked under Wanda’s arms, changing places.

  ‘You’d better go first,’ Adonis told Zeus. ‘But be careful of your back.’

  ‘I will,’ the big man said. His hands took hold of Wanda’s hips. He heaved her up.

  She felt his staff nudge her right cheek, then her left. It slid between her legs to protrude in front of her, like she’d grown a penis.

  ‘Let me help,’ Adonis said. He crouched down and took hold of his lover’s shaft in one hand while the fingers of his other parted Wanda’s cheeks.

  Zeus pushed forward.

  ‘That’s it,’ Wanda told them, encouragingly. ‘Right there.’

  Zeus thrust. Thank goodness she’d already been opened up by Adonis; otherwise it would have been unbearable. Zeus slid into her, stretching her much wider than his smaller companion had done. It was hard to take, in the best possible way. Wanda bit her lip and endured, and endured, and it went higher and deeper until, at long last, she felt the short curly hairs on his pubes grind against her tailbone.

  Then he lifted her on it.

  Hell! Somehow he’d managed to go even further into her than Adonis had. She dangled there, feet off the floor, impaled. It was beyond anything a normal girl could possibly imagine. Luckily, Wanda wasn’t a normal girl. She was some sort of sex addict, with an overactive imagination.

  It was the smaller man’s turn. He introduced himself to her neglected pussy, and pushed. It was like she was a virgin again. With her behind so full, her vagina had been squashed flat. Adonis forced it to open again, inch by slow inch.

  ‘Can you feel that?’ he asked Zeus.

  ‘Oh yes. How about this?’ The big man jiggled Wanda.

  Inside her, the shaft rubbed against the head of the smaller man’s erection. They were fucking each other, through her! What did that make her?

  They alternated, Zeus sliding in as Adonis slid out, caressing each other through the thin slippery membrane that divided Wanda’s bum from her sex. Zeus nibbled on her neck. Adonis devoured her mouth. Wanda, suspended between the men, surrendered to bliss. Her mind blanked but the warmth inside her grew. She was a marionette, but with sweet sensations. Her clit tingled. There was pressure building. She screamed, ‘Yes!’

  Adonis said, ‘I told you so.’

  Zeus asked, ‘Now?’

  ‘Yeah, now!’

  Both men jerked, almost convulsed. Wanda felt their hot foam flood up into her, front and back, and juddered into her second and third orgasms.

  And, in the tower room, her phone chimed out the first bars of the overture to Phantom of the Opera.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Wanda said, ‘Hello?’

  It was Kitty. ‘Sorry to have neglected you, Wanda. Are you finding ways to amuse yourself?’

  ‘No problem, Kitty-cat. I’ve just been idling away, thinking, mostly.’

  ‘Thinking sexy thoughts?’

  ‘Maybe,’ Wanda admitted. ‘How’s your “ride” with Chuck going for you?’

  ‘Oh, about as you’d expect.’

  ‘That naughty, huh?’

  ‘I’d have brought you along,’ Kitty said, ‘but you’d have felt uncomfortable about joining in, right?’

  ‘You know me. Lookee, lookee, no touchee.’

  ‘How about listening? Would you like me to tell you what we’re up to – and doing right now?’

  ‘Is it shocking?’

  ‘Could be; for some.’

  ‘Hold on a minute, then, and I’ll be all ears.’

  Wanda put her eye to the ’scope, just to check. The younger man was holding the stable door open for the older one, who was pushing a wheelbarrow full of manure. So much for Wanda’s pristine stable!

  Her panties were uncomfortably saturated from her fantasy. She slipped them down and off before resuming her comfy position in the chair. She switched the phone to her left hand and rested her right up her skirt, cupping her sex. ‘I’m ready now,’ she told Kitty. ‘Give me all the nasty details. Don’t miss a single thing.’

  Kitty’s voice took on a sing-song kindergarten-teacher lilt. ‘Are you sitting comfortably, Wanda?’


  ‘Then I’ll begin.’ She cleared her throat. ‘Chuck and I set off towards the new growth of young trees that Henry planted a few years back. There are no trails leading there, yet, and it’s in a little valley, so it’s pretty much private.’

  Wanda interrupted. ‘Is it anywhere near that pretty pond with the enormous weeping willow?’

  ‘Nowhere even close.’

  That was a relief. Wanda planned to take Henry back there someday to finish what he’d started. Until then, she considered the shady tree ‘theirs’.

  Kitty continued. ‘I let Chuck know that I was looking for a special kind of place but not what it was, to keep him in suspense. Subbies like that.’


  ‘Sexually submissive people, of both sexes. It gets their adrenaline going.’

  Wanda made a mental note that it seemed she wasn’t alone in that. Being made to wait for punishment had always got her motor revving. At high school, she’d done a few mildly naughty things just to get sent to the principal’s office. She’d fantasised while she waited that her punishment would be corporal, perhaps ten strokes of the cane on her bare bottom. It never was, though. Life can be disappointing sometimes.

  Kitty continued. ‘The young trees had been planted at random, but not too close together, so it took me a while to find four that suited my plans. They were pretty sturdy and growing at the four corners of a square that was about seven feet to a side. I ordered Chuck to strip naked and lie in the middle of the square, spread-eagle. Then I used the cord we
’d brought to tie his wrists and ankles to the trees.’ Kitty paused.

  ‘And then?’ Wanda prompted.

  ‘I went for a little walk. Just fifteen minutes or so. More suspense for him, you see. He found that agonising, didn’t you, sweetie?’

  Wanda heard Chuck’s muffled ‘Yes’ in the background. He was still there! How humiliating it had to be for him to have to listen to Kitty talking about how she’d dominated him.

  Kitty said, ‘We’d brought a picnic lunch. When I got back I took my top off and ate it, allowing him the odd bite now and then, but of food, not of me, even though he begged. Once we’d eaten, I teased him some more by writing messages on his face and chest with my nipples. I threaten to punish him if he couldn’t tell me what I’d written. The poor boy failed miserably, of course, because I only wrote nonsense. For a punishment, I teased his privates with blades of grass, then stuck some stiff stems up his bum.’


  ‘Where else? That was so much fun that I took an old silk scarf that I just happened to have with me, tied knots in it every few inches, buttered it the whole length and then pushed the knots into his bum, one at a time, very slowly. They’re still there, Wanda.’

  ‘Still there? You haven’t let him pull them out?’

  ‘He’s tied to four trees, remember.’


  ‘Still. I’m not done with my Chuck, not yet. I thought you’d like to be in on the end.’

  ‘So he’s still tied up, or down, whatever?’

  ‘Oh yes.’

  ‘He’s very quiet,’ Wanda observed.

  ‘He doesn’t have much choice. I’m sitting on his face.’


  ‘I’m sitting on his face. My naked pussy is over his mouth. His nose is between the cheeks of my bum. Don’t worry. When I think he’s distressed, I ease up and let him breathe.’

  ‘That’s very kind of you, Kitty.’

  ‘Yes, it is, isn’t it? So, I’ve got my phone in my left hand and I’m using my right to give his cock a slap from time to time, to keep it nice and stiff.’ Kitty’s voice became stern. ‘Lick, damn you, Chuck. Lick harder!’ To Wanda, in her softer voice, she said, ‘I’m laying the phone down, dear. You should still be able to hear me OK. I need both hands now. Just a sec.’


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