The Pimp (Colombian Cartel Book 2)

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The Pimp (Colombian Cartel Book 2) Page 8

by Suzanne Steele

  “Pretty simple, really. He’s a self-made man. Used to run an escort service called Kitty Kats. He does a lot of business with the Ramirez brothers, has risen through the ranks, I guess. Eventually, he had Kitty Kats completely renovated and gave it a new name, The Club. He got out of the escort business after one of his girls was nearly beaten to death. The Club is a gentlemen’s club, with stripping, exotic dancing and other, more personal services if the girls are so inclined. It’s their choice, but everything happens here so he can make sure the girls are safe.”

  “So he’s a pimp,” I say slowly.

  Foxy smiles and tilts her head to the side, her eyes twinkling as she considers my statement. “Oh, doll, he’s not just a pimp. He’s The pimp, the one all the girls want to work for. He’s always got a full house.”

  “You mean a full…stable…of women,” I say tentatively.

  She frowns at me as if I’ve surprised her, maybe even offended her, and is quick to correct me. “No, not at all. He would never refer to his women that way, and I would recommend that you don’t either.

  “He’s strict, yes, but he’s protective and treats us well. He had a woman once but she got hooked on coke. She was a mess, that one. Diego tried to help her, though. He had a doctor supervise her detox, and wouldn’t you know, she left him for the doctor. I guess she could see the mess she had made of her life and the doc was a way to turn her life around. I don’t think Diego was in love with her but he cared about her enough that her betrayal stung.

  “Since then he hasn’t been the same. Just fucks as a way to get off. Of course, every woman he fucks thinks she’ll be the one with the magic pussy who gets to keep him…and then you come along. You’re…different,” she murmurs speculatively, tapping her chin with a beautifully manicured fingertip. “Diego usually goes for blondes. Most of the girls here are blonde, blue-eyed, all-American types. He doesn’t usually go for the sultry, raven-haired Latina. No,” she laughs as she crosses the room, “they aren’t going to take it well when they find out he’s off the market. But I think he’s right, you can take care of yourself. Life’s going to change for you now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Diego’s going to turn you from a girl into a classy woman.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I let the water wash over me as I contemplate how my life is going to change. Some change comes slowly, other times it comes like a punch in the gut when you least expect it. Somehow as soon as I saw her in that photo I knew my life would change—how much still remains to be seen.

  I wonder what she’s going to look like by the time they’re finished with her makeover. She has it in her to be a classy lady. She’s a diamond in the rough. Prime to be polished to my specifications and perfection. Foxy’s right; I do love a challenge.

  Fucking Brooke was more intense than I anticipated. I wasn’t expecting the connection. I’ve never felt that before. I felt like I was climbing inside of her, joining with her, becoming one. It was different, unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The kind of thing a man could get addicted to. I finish and dry off, wrapping a towel around me. I have to do something I’m not looking forward to.

  I dial the phone, feeling trepidation with each ring until finally someone picks up on the other end.

  “Is he in?”

  “One moment please.” A voice crackles over the speaker.

  “Diego…to what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “I’d like to meet—have a sit down. Some things have come up and I’d rather not discuss them over the phone if you don’t mind.”

  “Sounds like I need to bring my brother.”

  “Yes, if you and Ricardo could come by the club this evening, I’d greatly appreciate it. I’ll have my woman with me. I’d like you to meet her.”

  “Ahh, so you’ve finally found someone who can keep up with you?”

  “More like me keeping up with her.”

  “It takes a certain kind of woman to be on the arm of Colombian cartel. It isn’t an easy life.”

  “Agreed. I’ll see you this evening,” I reply, avoiding the issue of Brook. I really don’t want to have this discussion over the phone. Word on the street is that there is already a hit on her. Retaliation, of course. So meeting her and finding out about a hit being put out by the very cartel we have a peace treaty with…well, it’s going to be a shock to his system. I’m not looking forward to it at all. Better for it to come from my lips than someone else’s. Then I would have an even bigger problem on my hands.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Look at you.”

  Foxy smiles behind me in the mirror, obviously pleased with my transformation. I might as well be looking at a stranger. My long, curly hair is straight and silky without all the styling products I normally subject it to. My makeup is minimal and tastefully done. My dove gray dress is simple and yet still sexy, clinging subtly to my curves. And no more clunky boots for me; I’m wearing 4-inch heels that make my legs look amazing, if I do say so myself.

  For the first time in my life I look classy and feminine, not like some tomboy running the streets of Sinaloa. I wonder what Diego will think when he sees me. I kind of hate that it’s so important to me that he’s impressed, or turned on as I would have it. But I can’t help it; I want him to be pleased.

  Her hand touching me on my shoulder pulls me from my thoughts, but the solemn look in her eyes gets my attention.

  “The men you’re getting ready to meet are Diego’s bosses, the Ramirez brothers. It’s important you keep your mouth shut. They’re not the kind of men to be toyed with. They’re the only men who can save you from Santiago and the Sinaloa cartel. The fact that they have that kind of power should be enough to tell you they’re dangerous men. Their power goes far beyond the reaches of this country. Their bloodstained hands reach into the portals of Central and South America. So keep your mouth shut and let Diego do the talking.”

  I look at her, nodding my head but she continues like she’s not sure I can do what she’s asking. “I don’t give a fuck how much you’re used to mouthing off to the guys on the street, you will keep your mouth shut. Your behavior reflects on Diego. And your life is at stake.”

  “I get it. I will.”

  “You’d better. Do exactly as Diego tells you and you might live to see another day. He’s got your back -- but if you piss off the Ramirez brothers, even Diego won’t be able to protect you.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Ricardo…Antonio Wayne…good to see you. Thank you for coming.”

  I stand up to shake each man’s hand as Kat ushers them into my office. They have classic Colombian looks: black hair, dark eyes, swarthy complexion. From what I hear, women think they’re sexy as hell. Ricardo has a scar that runs from his temple to his jaw, the result of a knife fight many years ago. Apparently, that just adds to the sexy; at least, that’s what the girls say when they don’t know I’m listening.

  I can tell by the look in their eyes they aren’t happy about being called in and I’m not looking forward to filling them in on what’s going on. It’s a necessary evil. If they find out what I’m doing and I haven’t been honest with them, it won’t just be Brook’s life in danger.

  “I know you’re busy—”

  “Yes, we are.” Antonio’s voice is curt and his manner is tense as he takes a seat across from my desk.

  “Give him a chance to talk, Antonio.” Good. His brother, Ricardo, is still keeping a handle on his younger brother’s impatient demeanor.

  I have to be careful with my next words; I need these two men in my corner. “I have a bit of a situation. Santiago…it seems he thinks he can throw his weight around.”

  Ricardo’s jaw clenches and unclenches at my words, a sure sign that he’s irritated. The fact that it’s on the same side of his face as the scar that runs from his temple to his jaw, only makes him look more menacing.

  “Well, he won’t be do
ing much of that for a while, after being shot by this woman you’re harboring.”

  I try to keep my face neutral and not betray my shock at this news. First of all, how does he know about Brook being here? Secondly, she fucking shot him? And didn’t tell me? What. The. Hell. I’m a great believer in ‘fake it ‘til you make it’ but there’s no way I can pretend to have known of this latest development.

  “This is the first I’ve heard about a shooting,” I say carefully. “Did she kill him?”

  “No. The bullet hit his thigh, grazing the artery. He nearly bled out before his man could get help. Feisty little thing, isn’t she? Shot him with one of his own guard’s guns. No wonder you’re enamored with her. But it doesn’t change the fact that she’s potentially fucking up a peace treaty that took a long time to put together. She fucking nearly killed him, Diego. Even with surgery, he’ll likely have a limp for the rest of his life. Not only will that piss him off since he’s a vain creature anyway, but it could be perceived as a weakness in his organization. What’s the deal with this girl – go big or go home?”

  “I hear you, but Santiago broke that fucking treaty when he didn’t deliver her as agreed and then stuck her on a corner selling his drugs. When she wouldn’t continue selling his drugs, he was going to force her to sell pussy. The deal was she was supposed to be delivered to me as soon as she arrived. He didn’t deliver and he ignored my attempts to find out what the hell was happening. I know he took a bullet, but he’s not the one who’s been wronged here, and he knows it.”

  “Evidently he took a liking to her. She must be quite a woman to be causing this many problems,” Ricardo drawls.

  Antonio Wayne smacks his leg as his raucous laughter fills the room. Ricardo and I sit patiently while he tries to gather himself. A knock on the door gets our attention. The door opens and Foxy walks in, accompanied by a goddess – who looks nothing like the woman I handed off to Foxy a couple of hours ago. Her hair trails down her back in a glossy, straight curtain of hair like something you’d see in a shampoo commercial. Her curves are set off perfectly in the clingy dress and her legs look fantastic in heels. Foxy has really delivered: nothing trashy, just pure class -- and sexy as hell.

  I nod at Foxy, giving her a small smile of thanks. She returns the gesture with a smile of her own that seems to say, ‘My work here is done’.

  “Gentlemen,” she purrs as she leaves, closing the door behind her.

  Antonio immediately understands what’s going on and calls Brook out. “You look more like a cartel queen-pin than a victim to me. Don’t lie to me. You shot him, and then hid out here, didn’t you?”

  Brook looks at me and I nod my head yes, letting her know that I’m aware of the shooting and that it’s okay to answer him.

  “Yes. He basically trapped me. I saw a way out so I took it.”

  “Well, you’ve got balls that’s for damn sure. Why should I give a fuck about whether you live or die?”

  “Antonio,” I cut in, “the favor would be for me. Don’t put the poor girl on the spot.”

  “Poor girl!?! Anybody with balls enough to shoot cartel ought to have balls enough to look me in the eye and tell me what I’m getting out of this.” He levels me with a glare, adding, “Just because she rode your dick and you liked it doesn’t mean a damn thing to me or my brother.”

  “Calmense,” Ricardo says urgently. “This could be beneficial for us.”

  “There have been quite a few times he’s caused one of our women to get hooked on that shit they sell. This gives us a reason to…shall we say, retaliate. I see it as a way to rid our area of the methamphetamine they bring with them. His cocaine trade was bad enough, but now he’s attempting to take over the meth trade as well. From what I understand he’s been making money on the Sinaloa cartel’s dime by using their planes and airstrips to deliver his drugs here.”

  I jump in, “The timing would be perfect, then. We could set him up with his own Sinaloa cartel to bring him down.

  “Exactly,” Ricardo says, leaning back in his chair and brushing a piece of imaginary lint from his pants leg. “Evidently he’s been ripping his own people off for quite some time—no loyalty. As you know, one of his many business ventures is working as a coyote to bring illegals through tunnels that run beneath his fruit stands. The man’s hands as well as his soul are dirty. If we can find a way to set him up for a fall with his own people, we can get rid of him, keep our hands clean, and the girl stays safe.” He turns to Brook with narrowed eyes. “The only thing is, we may need this one to help us.”

  I can feel the room closing in on me. Using Brook to trap a man as dangerous as Santiago isn’t a good idea. I’ve only just found her and I don’t want to put her in harm’s way.

  “I see you don’t like my brother’s idea but I don’t really see where you have much of a choice,” Antonio drawls as he glances at me.

  “I’ll do it.” Brook’s eyes widen, as if she’s surprised by the sound of her own voice, as if the words escaped her lips before she could stop them. I’m sure it’s obvious that I’m not happy they did.

  “See…” Antonio gloats, “she has no problem helping us. If you’re concerned about safety, I don’t think it’s her you should be worried about. Our boy, Santiago, is the one in danger now.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  The look on Diego’s face when he sees my makeover is a gratifying combination of shock and pleasure. I’m glad he likes what he sees but right now my focus is on the two men occupying the chairs in front of his desk. The Ramirez brothers.

  The one with the scar on his face is enough to instill fear in anybody’s heart. He looks like he’d just as soon tear somebody’s head off than be bothered with them. The other one is studying me. I know these are the leaders of the Colombian cartel that I’ve heard about on the street.

  Where I come from, cartel are practically superheroes. Shrines are built in their honor. Many of them will take a whole pueblo and feed and clothe the people. It’s a smart move on their part because it wins over the loyalty of the people. That loyalty is always tempered with a healthy amount of fear, and as I watch them plot Santiago’s demise, I can see why.

  I’m surprised that the Ramirez brothers don’t deal in drugs. I’m even more surprised that they want to use me to bring Santiago down. I guess you can only lose so many women to the ravages of drug addiction before it starts affecting your profits. In their eyes, it’s disrespectful and no different than stealing property. These aren’t the kind of men you want to steal from. They hold grudges for generations, just biding their time to get even. I’ve even heard stories of gangsters’ sons growing up and taking revenge on men who crossed their fathers many years ago. But that just perpetuates the cycle of violence because someone’s always waiting in the wings to take over if a boss is hit.

  The idea of working undercover to ruin the man who had plans for me to be one of his mules as well as a whore is more than appealing to me. I volunteer my services before I have time to think about it. I don’t want Diego coming to my rescue and stopping me so I speak before I can change my mind or he can intervene. One look at his face tells me I spoke out of turn and that I’ll be answering for it.

  “I’ll help you bring him down.”

  “Your beauty is only exceeded by your courage,” Antonio tells me. “We’ll do everything we can to keep you safe but you’re going to have to rely on your street smarts.” His eyes are cold and his tone is matter-of-fact. “Your life is in danger already; going undercover and setting Santiago up is going to make you a mark.

  “But the way I see it, you have no choice. After all, you shot him. But something intrigues me: why didn’t you kill him when you had the chance?” His eyes search me with interest. I’m sure he would think nothing of killing an enemy.

  “I just wanted to be free from him. I knew even if I killed him there’d be someone else to take his place.” I use the opportunity to throw in a good word for Diego. Maybe he won’t be so pisse
d at me if I do. Maybe he’ll see I have been listening to him. “I thought he would let me go and forget about it. But Diego said something to me earlier today and I think it’s true: cartel don’t die—they multiply.”

  “True. And Cartel never forgets. Rumor has it you nearly killed him, the bullet nicked an artery in his thigh. Every day he walks with a limp he’ll be reminded that you caused it. If the opportunity to take him out presents itself again, I would advise you to do it. Second chances don’t come around often. Cartel is also a bit old-fashioned. If a man can’t let a male enemy get away with an offense, he can’t allow a woman to get away with one either.”

  The two stand and shake hands with Diego, giving Foxy and me a curt nod on their way to the door. Before stepping into the hall, Ricardo pauses long enough to say, “You’ve not only injured him physically, you’ve humiliated him. A man’s ego can never let something like that go. Kill. Him.”

  Antonio weighs in as well. “We’ll be in touch. I expect this situation to be rectified soon. I also expect to be compensated financially for the women my brother and I have lost to his drug trade. You do that, Diego, and you can keep your woman.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Don’t move,” I instruct her when we are finally alone. I want to see exactly what Foxy accomplished with my woman. My eyes rake over her, taking in her transformation from tomboy to sophisticated siren. “Turn.”

  She sighs heavily and rolls her eyes, turning in a full circle. I don’t care for the disrespect and tell her so. “Did you just roll your eyes at me? Such disrespect is foolish, Brook. Don’t deceive yourself; I’m willing to help you for my own gain—not yours. Now sit down and tell me what happened when you shot Santiago.”

  She crosses the room to my desk and sits in the seat Ricardo had occupied moments ago. She crosses her legs and I make no secret of the pleasure I take in watching her do so. But there is much to be done and I am obviously not as familiar with her situation as I had thought.


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