My Not So Super Sweet Life

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My Not So Super Sweet Life Page 5

by Rachel Harris

  “Uh, you, too.” Cat’s voice sounds strained against the backdrop of camera clicks and calls to look here. Her arms remain glued to her sides, her spine ramrod straight. She reaches back, and I quickly grab her hand, letting her tug me forward. Her grip is almost painful as she says, “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

  That gets her mom’s attention.

  Caterina leans back and swings her gaze toward me for the first time. A cougar-like smile stretches her lips. I clench my jaw to keep from saying, “In your dreams, lady.” I wouldn’t touch this woman with a ten-foot pole. Even if I weren’t dating her daughter.

  “Well, aren’t you handsome?” She looks me up and down like I’m a steak dinner, and I throw up a little in my mouth. Darting a glance at Cat, she asks, “And who might this hottie be?”

  “This hottie is my boyfriend.” Her voice is sharp, almost territorial, and it amuses and turns me on at the same time. Believe me, she’s got nothing to worry about. Leaning heavily into my side, she says, “Lucas, meet my mom.”

  It’s ironic that she’s making introductions. She barely knows the woman herself. But I go with it, thrusting out my hand for a handshake, ignoring her mom’s open arms. Like that’s happening. This woman really does live in her own world.

  With a smirk, Caterina takes my hand and glances back at the cameras. “My daughter’s got taste, doesn’t she?”

  Cat makes a noise in her throat, like a snarling hiss, and I bite my tongue to keep from laughing. We’ve officially entered Bizarro World.

  “I actually have someone I’d like you to meet, too,” Caterina continues, her voice rising as her gaze swings back to Cat. “A surprise.”

  Immediately, I yank my hand back and pull Cat flush against me, wrapping her in the shelter of my arm. Cat hates surprises, and any surprise from this chick can’t be good.

  Caterina chuckles at my reaction. With a look over her shoulder, she calls out, “Ransom?”

  As I try to figure out whether she’s screaming about a kidnapping or calling out a name, a young guy walks up. He has a guitar strapped around his back, and sunglasses hide his eyes. Another boy toy.

  This is Cat’s so-called surprise? Couldn’t she have saved us all time and just sent a grainy picture of them making out on a secluded island? I’m sure there’s one floating around somewhere.

  But as the guy gets closer, I realize he’s young. Like, real young. Maybe just a few years older than me. That cougar smile begins making a whole lot more sense.

  “I have an announcement,” Caterina says, speaking loudly for the gathered crowd. It’s not just paparazzi and security anymore. Travelers have abandoned their awaiting luggage and sappy relatives to gawk at the family reunion happening in Terminal 3. She pulls the young man close to her side while simultaneously reaching for Cat. Thrusting their joined hands in the air, she proudly exclaims, “Meet my family!”

  Cat’s eyebrows shoot above the rim of her sunglasses. The entire baggage claim area falls silent in curiosity, shock….and the hope for a killer story.

  “You already know my beautiful daughter,” she says, winking as she kisses the back of Cat’s hand. Bright red lipstick stains the skin when she’s done. “And now I’d like to introduce you to another special someone. A person who’s recently reentered my life, after nineteen long years apart. My son, Ransom Chase.”


  “Son?” Cat shakes her head, clearly as confused as I am. The guy is older, which means he was alive when she was born. When she was growing up. Before her mother left.

  How could she not know?

  The photographers seem to think the same thing, the words love child and affair whispered not too subtly around us. Cat stumbles back a step before I catch her, her chest rising and falling rapidly. As for Caterina, she just looks proud, her trademark wide smile blinding her audience.

  “Son,” Ransom confirms, yanking his hand back. He walks past his mother, blocking her shot with the cameras, and covers the distance between him and Cat in two quick strides. He pauses to lift his chin at me in acknowledgment, and then looks at his sister. Sister. That’s still boggling my brain as he says, “It’s good to finally meet you.”

  Cat mumbles a hello. I think she’s in shock. Or pissed. I certainly would be if I suddenly discovered I had a sibling I never knew about. In front of the entire world, no less. But then the guy lifts his dark sunglasses on top of his head, and Cat’s loud gasp breaks across the terminal.

  Cameras click as she jerks back. “Cipriano?”

  Déjà Vu


  My proper, reserved Renaissance cousin is decked out in jeans, Chucks, and a fitted Henley. A faux barbed wire strap is slung around his chest, attached to a modern guitar (a style not yet invented in his time), and the only thing I can think is, it’s finally happened. Blinking repeatedly doesn’t change a thing. Cip remains standing there, my mom right beside him, with the paparazzi closing in. I nod with a laugh that I belatedly realize sounds a little manic.

  I’ve officially lost my mind.

  Cipriano pokes his tongue in the pocket of his cheek, staring at me in a way that clearly says he agrees, and that’s what snaps me out of it.

  “What are you… How are you…?” I shake my head and wet my lips, then lift my hands at the craziness of it all. “Did Reyna send you?”

  With an indecipherable glance at Caterina, he says, “I don’t think I’ve met Reyna yet.”

  I squint, confused, wondering how he got here if not for my favorite gypsy girl—and then his voice registers. His deep, melodic, with a hint of southern twang modern voice, and my confusion doubles by a thousand. Why is he talking like that? And how did he learn contractions so quickly? Alessandra still struggles with sounding stilted, and she’s been here six weeks!

  Lucas nudges my arm, subtly clueing me in that I’m gawking like a crazy person. I look around, grateful for the lenses shielding my dazed squint, and quickly pull myself together. At least on the outside. Inside, possibilities are bursting in my mind like mini-explosions. My first thought is that Cipriano is “pulling a Cat,” pretending to be someone else, just like I did during my trip to the sixteenth century…

  Only, the more I stare at this guy, the less likely that theory becomes.

  First, the dude in front of me is way too comfortable in his skin. Too confident. Sure, Cipriano Angeli was, too, but more in the cool, aloof, boy-next-door, Renaissance hottie sort of way. The brooding musician vibe this guy is rocking takes it to a whole different level. Which leads me to my second point—the guitar pick in his hand. It’s not clutched awkwardly, like some random, futuristic prop, the way Alessandra held pens or well, just about anything when she first arrived. This guy’s holding his pick like it’s an extension of him. Familiar. Reassuring. Which can only mean…

  Another freaking doppelganger.

  “And the name’s Ransom,” my cousin’s body double says, emphasizing his name. Correcting me for my public slipup. He holds out a large, calloused hand and adds, “But my friends call me Rance.”

  Still shocked out of my Louboutins, I do the only thing I can do. I take his hand in mine and watch as a grin curls my alleged brother’s lips. Or my alleged half brother’s lips, since there’s no way on earth we share a dad. Dad loves me to death, of that I have no doubt, but I’ve suffered through enough pitch and catch sessions and football games to know he’s always wanted a son, too. If Ransom were his, Dad would’ve been all over it.

  But there’s also no denying we’re related. Not with that smile. It might not be huge and open like Cipriano’s when he first introduced me to his best friend, or even soft and lighthearted like it was during our day in the countryside. Ransom’s grin is a simple lip twitch. But the light in his eyes, the slightly crooked mouth, the way it totally transforms his face… It’s an undeniable echo of my cousin.

  Hayley is going to go utterly gaga over this guy.

  And Less will flip her pancake.

  “I k
now who you are,” Rance says, taking back his hand and shoving it in the pocket of his low-slung jeans. “When I found out I had a sister, I Googled you.”

  Great. Considering the highlight reel that’s out there, courtesy of the paparazzi, who knows what he unearthed. Or what opinion he’s formed of me. The tabloids make up their own truth about who I am, who my family is, and the pictures that sell best are always the most embarrassing. A particularly unflattering shot of me—busting my ass sprawled-eagle-style during a recent family jaunt to the skating rink—springs to mind, and I wince in mortification.

  Lucas, ever my protector, and unfortunately, not a party to the inner workings of my mind, stiffens beside me. “Yeah, well, Cat didn’t get a heads up about you at all.”

  One scandalicious tidbit, courtesy of dear old mom, is enough for this outing.

  “Ransom, this is my boyfriend, Lucas. You have to excuse us if we’re overly sensitive, things are just happening kinda fast.” I squeeze Lucas’s clenched hands and add, “He’s just looking out for me.”

  Behind me, Lucas’s chest expands with a breath, and he presses a kiss against my hair.

  “Don’t sweat it.” Rance shoulders his duffle bag and rocks back on his heels. “This isn’t easy for any of us.” His lips pull down after he says it, and almost as if we’re sharing a brain, we both turn to Caterina, watching as she flashes another smile at the cameras.

  Then again…

  “Maybe we should take this reunion somewhere more private,” I suggest. When the woman who gave me birth fails to respond, I raise my voice an octave and say, “Mom?”

  The title gets her attention.

  Swinging that mega smile in our direction, she says, “Of course. A nice, quiet family lunch would be best.”

  I squint, realizing she had been listening all along, and ponder that nugget as she surveys the crowd.

  With a snap of her fingers at a tall man with shaggy blond hair standing a few feet away, she calls, “Bags!”

  Beckoned, her appointed minion hops to, rolling over a silver cart filled to the brim with luggage. Caterina ducks down, checking to ensure he got everything, and I can’t help thinking, This is probably her packing light.

  Ransom shakes his head with a notable look of disgust and then catches my eye. After holding my gaze for a moment, he grins at me again.

  I don’t know if it’s because he looks so much like my cousin, whom I miss like crazy, or if that mythical sibling bond is an actual thing—but I return it. The needy, abandoned little girl inside me wants to be angry that he’s here. That he’s stealing my thunder. But I’m not. I’m not even mad at Caterina. This whole day feels like it’s happening to someone else, a crazy drama on the CW that no one would ever believe could be true. My life is one big teenage soap opera, and Ransom Chase is the new ratings-boosting plot twist.

  At least the casting department got it right.

  “All right then.” Apparently satisfied, Caterina steps away from the cart with a nod, yanking me back to reality. She flings her long chestnut hair over her shoulder and says, “Who’s hungry?”


  Nice, quiet, family lunch. Those words mock me as we sit at the world-famous restaurant, The Ivy. Honestly, the place itself is quaint. A cute cottage with white picket fences and friendly umbrellas on the outside and homey knickknacks on the inside. That’s where we are, away from that legendary patio surrounded by cameras. But I know the paparazzi are lurking. Circling the place like hungry sharks. Waiting for a time to attack.

  Thanks to Caterina’s latest scandal bomb at the airport, the crowd that’s been following us has doubled. Also, her phone hasn’t stopped ringing, which has made our nice, quiet reunion more like an awkward, disjointed, three-ring circus.

  In between answering calls from reporters, publicists, and agents, she does at least give us the 411 on how Rance came to be…and why I never knew it. During my mother’s first bit role, it would appear she fell in love with a handsome, up and coming costar—a pattern she actually continues to this day, only this time, she ended up preggo. Of course, Caterina didn’t realize it until a month later, after the romance had fizzled and filming had wrapped. Young and alone in L.A., her celebrity star rising, Caterina decided it would be best for Rance if she quietly placed him up for adoption.

  A look about the table confirms we all agree who it was best for. Her. But even knowing that, it’s hard to argue with the results. Had wolves ended up adopting and raising my half brother, he still would’ve been better off. At least he was spared the melodrama that’s been my life the last sixteen years.

  Three years after all of that went down, Mom met Dad, upgrading to sleeping with the assistant director. Thus began my glorious entry into the world. This time Caterina actually told the father, even chose to stick around for a little while…but I think we all knew that had more to do with Dad, his career, and the roles he helped her get than it had to do with me. She doesn’t say as much, but it’s not hard to read between the lines.

  The thing that confuses me is the adoption itself. It was open. Other than claiming she’d checked up on him a few times, Caterina didn’t go out of her way to be maternal and she never reached out. But she left the option open for him to do so. Why? It makes my mind whirl. Every time I think I get a read on my mother, she does something out of character. Unexpected. She sells me out on television, brings a media circus to the airport—but she came. She’s here. She gave up my brother with hardly a backward glance—but she didn’t shut him out completely. Wouldn’t that have been easier?

  Who is Caterina Angeli exactly?

  “Now that we’re all together again,” Caterina says, snapping me back to attention, “I’d really like for us to become a family.” She tips a glass of wine to her full lips and then plays with the tapered stem as she swallows. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she looks nervous. “I know I haven’t been the best mother in the world, to either of you, but I want to change that. Maybe the three of us can—” Her cell phone blows up again, cutting off her pretty speech. She glances at the display, looks torn for a moment, then raises a finger and says, “Hold that thought.”

  Lucas grunts under his breath as she answers the call. He’s been silent the whole time, other than giving the waiter his order. I squeeze his hand, silently thanking him again for being here with me, and turn to my new brother. Like Lucas, he hasn’t spoken much since we sat down, other than a few monosyllabic responses. Apparently, he reached his word limit at the airport. “So…music, huh?”

  His green and black speckled guitar pick continues its seamless, fluid transition from one knuckle to the next. “Yep.”

  O-kay. Not much to go on, and still one syllable. But hey, it’s something.

  Don’t ask me why I care or why I feel the need to drag him into a conversation. I don’t know why. I just do. Life dealt me a crappy pair of cards for sure, but at least I had Dad.

  Did Rance have anyone?

  That thought has me scooting my chair forward. “What kind do you play?” I’d rather ask about his adoptive family—are they nice, does he have a good home, any siblings—but figure it’s best to start small.

  He shrugs. “Eclectic. I like grunge, alternative…nineties rock, like Sublime and Pearl Jam. I also dig the classics. Jeff Beck, Jerry Garcia…” He trails off with a shrug, like those names are self-explanatory.

  “Awesome,” I enthuse, even though I don’t have a clue. Those names mean nothing to me. I’m 99 percent sure Ben and Jerry’s has an ice cream flavor named after the last dude, but that’s apparently the extent of my eclectic music knowledge.

  My boyfriend, on the other hand, suddenly leans his elbows on the table. “Nice taste,” he says. I look over to see his lips pressed together as though he’s suddenly interested in our conversation. “Do you have a band at home?” he asks. “An agent?”

  “No agent.” As he says this, the waiter places the check at our table and Caterina, still on the phone, rolls her eyes and poin
ts to the shaggy blond at the table behind us. “I have a few guys I gig with, but nothing too structured.”

  Ransom leans back to pocket his guitar pick, and I elbow Lucas in the ribs. “I know what you’re doing,” I whisper.

  Sliding his arm behind my chair, he whispers back, “Just looking out for my girl.”

  The warmth in his eyes makes my heart melt, even as I heave a sigh. Doesn’t he grasp that we’re already on this runaway train? All we can do now is hold on and see where the crazy takes us. I’m not saying that discovering I have a brother isn’t freaky as all get out. It is. But it’s not like it’s Rance’s fault. If anything, he has more of a reason to be angry with me. I’ve known who my mother is my entire life. Yeah, she ditched me with a quickness, but she left him at birth.

  And to be honest, as life changing as it is having Ransom here, he does alleviate some of the pressure. I’m still determined to get answers, but Caterina Angeli in the flesh is a lot to take. For now, I’m totally cool with baby steps.

  “And where’s home?” I ask, not ready to give up yet.

  “Houston,” he answers.

  That explains the twang.

  “Do you have a girlfriend there?”

  Lucas lifts an eyebrow, and I pull a face, elbowing him again. He’s only teasing, but seriously, ew. I’m not crushing on my half brother. This isn’t Jerry Springer. I’m just trying to get to know Ransom better…and maybe doing a little fact-finding for Hayley.


  Before I can ask anything else, Caterina ends her call. Rance stretches his arms over his head, sneaks a peek at our mother’s minion, and then cranes his neck toward the entrance. “So what’s the plan to get out of here?”

  Sliding her phone into her purse, Mom wrinkles her smooth brow in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  The three of us look at her like she’s deranged. She can’t be serious. But when she continues staring back with complete curiosity, I realize she is. Oh, good Lord.


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