My Not So Super Sweet Life

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My Not So Super Sweet Life Page 17

by Rachel Harris

  Looping my arms around his shoulders, I glance around the room. To my right, Alessandra is dancing with Austin. To my left, Dad is twirling Jenna. And behind me, Hayley is snuggled up with Ransom, looking like the cat that ate the canary. So much about this dance reminds me of our first. Yet so much has changed. We’ve changed. We’re stronger now, both individually and together. We have new friends, new relatives, a new and unclear future ahead. But I wouldn’t trade a single moment.

  The journey isn’t over. It’s only just beginning. And that rocks.

  With a healed heart and completely girlie grin, I rest my head against my boyfriend’s chest and close my eyes, letting the feel of my new normal wash over me.

  Epilogue: Ciao Bella


  Italy hasn’t lost its charm. It helps, of course, having my gorgeous boyfriend in tow, but this place will always be special to me. It’s where my story began. Seeing it again on the other side, my story not over but a new chapter begun, I feel a sense of accomplishment. Whatever the stars had planned when my gypsy girl came along, I think I did them proud. My new ink proves it.

  As it turns out, even with Dad’s permission, I couldn’t get a second tattoo in California. It’s against the law to tattoo minors. But the thought wouldn’t let me go. My first one, while done illegally, was a permanent, symbolic reminder of pain. After battling the demons and finding my normal, I wanted a new sign. An image that reflects the girl I am today. No longer in hiding, but open to whatever life brings. And totally, utterly, butt-crazy in love.

  I place a hand over the ink on my left hip and a smile curves my lips as I lead our group to the Accademia di Belle Arti. Lucas nudges my shoulder. “Still sore?”

  “No, just thinking.” I glance at him and feign a sigh. “Guess this means I’m stuck with you, huh?”

  Laughing, he wraps his arm around my waist. “Better believe it, baby.”

  Honestly, when I approached Dad and Jenna with the idea for the new tattoo, I didn’t think they’d go for it. Have you met my dad? He’s the epitome of overprotection. But he surprised me by not only agreeing, but also asking if I had a design in mind. My answer, while dazed, was immediate. I showed them Lucas’s sketch from Valentine’s Day, the eight-petal rose, and explained its significance. After staring at the paper for a long moment, he pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. His rough, whispered, “I’m proud of you,” brought tears to my eyes.

  I’m turning into a complete sap.

  I spot the doors to the building, and excitement bubbles in my stomach. I pause dramatically before we step inside, meeting everyone’s eyes. Dad and Jenna, Ransom and Alessandra, and finally Lucas. “Prepare to be amazed.”

  We go in, and just like before, students are gathered in groups sketching. This time, I don’t wish to join them. Instead, I want to see the look of awe in my loved ones’ eyes. The wonder that comes from staring at Michelangelo’s masterpiece.

  Stopping in front of David, the brilliancy of the piece overwhelms me again. Looking down, I catch Alessandra’s gaze, and she winks, no doubt remembering when we first saw this together. Five hundred years in the past when the statue was brand new.

  The entire trip has been a surreal experience for my cousin, seeing her homeland as it is now. The changes as well as the restoration. She’s had moments of sadness for sure, times I’ve had to distract Dad or make up an excuse for her tears. There’s no way he can handle the whole truth just yet. But thankfully, nothing but pure joy radiates from Less’s face, and I release a relieved breath.

  A few minutes later, a buzzing sounds from my bag. I swing my backpack around, grateful I remembered to quiet my phone. Disturbing the peaceful silence with my rocked-out ringtone would suck. Not to mention be embarrassing. After digging out my cell, I see the name flashing and pull a face.

  I’m not in the mood to answer.

  Lucas laces our fingers together, not needing to see the screen to know who it is. Tugging me close, he whispers, “Gotta hand it to her. She hasn’t given up.”

  Caterina texted two weeks after our showdown at brunch. It was the coward’s way out, texting me an apology instead of calling or even coming by. But she didn’t have to do even that. She’d already gotten what she wanted, and from all accounts, her new role revitalized her career. Even so, I ignored her at first. I’d gotten what I needed, too. Closure, a brother, and a way to move on.

  But, to my supreme shock, the texts didn’t stop.

  Another one came the next day, followed by a call that night. They continue even now, a spoken apology and four months later.

  Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t completely trust Caterina. Half the time we talk, she’s as self-involved as ever. But it’s the moments where the mask drops, and she’s actually real, that keep me answering. They’re getting more and more frequent. It’s possible that one day we’ll have the relationship I once hoped for. It’s also possible this strained friendship is the best we’re going to get.

  Either way, I’m good.

  My heart no longer has a piece missing. The people around me more than fill that space. I shove my phone in my backpack and rest my head on Lucas’s shoulder. After another day here in Florence, we’re going to Milan to visit his family. Then it’s back to the States, where we’ll move Lucas in to his boarding school. The future is wide open and filled with possibility.

  And I can’t wait to see where it takes me.

  Written in the Stars


  From my spot along the wall, I watch as Cat closes her eyes, an expression of peace softening her features. The euphoria that follows fulfilling your destiny.

  Since the day she waltzed into my tent almost nine months ago, she has been on a journey. A mission to restore her faith in humanity and to accept the love surrounding her. By escaping to the past, Cat not only gained new relatives, but a fresh perspective. And upon returning, her heart opened to friendship as well as a budding romance.

  Watching her now with her family, back where the journey began, I know she is ready for what is to come. She has found her strength and redemption completely in herself. The stars got it right again.

  A bittersweet smile curves my lips as I transfer my gaze to her brother. His journey will be different. Unlike Cat, Ransom is not alone. He has a guide—two actually, counting Alessandra. They have been where he has, traced clues and found their way. Soon, he will be ready to explore the so-called cryptic message I once gave him.

  Ransom, life is filled with many mysteries. To succeed you must discover your roots and embrace your story. In doing so, you will become the man you were destined to be.

  I do not envy his quest. The road set before him will not be easy. Fate never is. But with his sister and cousin standing beside him, my last riddle will not perplex him for long.

  Someone bumps me from behind, jostling me from my reverie. The room is quite crowded, especially along the edges where I am spying on my former friends. Turning, I see a young man, perhaps just a tad older than me, eyes bright with apology.

  “Mi scusi.”

  His accent is strong, and his easy smile softens the planes of his chiseled mouth. I watch, flattered, as his gaze subtly scans my attire. Gone is the costume of veils and bangles. As of today, I am no longer a servant of the stars. For the first time—in a very long time—I am simply me. Reyna Puceanu.

  A woman who has her own life to lead.

  “No apology necessary,” I say, pushing my shoulder away from the wall. “Enjoy the art.”

  The man opens his mouth, as if to entice me to stay, and I smile as I walk away. Romance is not in the cards for me today…but soon. Cat, Alessandra, and Ransom have one another now. My assignment is complete. With one last glance at the friends I have made this last year, I exhale and step out into the bright, Florentine sunshine, and walk toward my future.

  Toward my destiny.


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  Now we’ve come to my favorite section of any book—where you get to see the author get all misty-eyed over everyone who helped make her latest story a reality. It never ceases to amaze me how many people are truly involved in the creative process. Writing at your computer can be isolating, but publishing is far from it. To everyone who had a hand in making this story a reality, thank you.

  Ashley Bodette, thank you for brainstorming and answering a bazillion and a half what if questions with me. For reading my scary outlines and going over the same scenes until they’re perfect...thank you. You are a blessing and the best assistant ever, and I don’t know how I would’ve gotten through the last year without you holding my hand. You have a friend for life, chica.

  Without guidance from Ashley, Trisha Wolfe, Shannon Duffy, Caisey Quinn, Mindy Ruiz, Michelle Madow, Mary Hinson, Heather Self, and Kayleigh Gore, this book probably wouldn’t exist. I’d be stuck in my head and still staring at a blinking cursor. These girls kept me writing, kept me inspired, and they made the entire process a joy. They critiqued and beta-read my drafts, gave fabulous feedback, drove around LAX with their camera phones so I can see it (love ya, Mindy!), and truly got my characters and the story I wanted to tell. Love you, girls!

  It’s not possible to go through this without a handful of dear friends who understand your crazy. Who provide emotional support, laughter, handholding, advice, and so much more than I can even name here. Cindi Madsen, Melissa West, Tara Fuller, Lisa Burstein, Meagan Erickson, Christina Lee, Stina Lindenblatt, Rhonda Helms, Wendy Higgins, and Cole Gibsen, you girls are my mafia. I love you to pieces, and all of you are “cool” and “foxy” in my eyes. ;)

  Stacy Abrams is my literary fairy godmother. She polished my words until they shined, humored my quirky freak-outs, and loved these characters as much as I do. She asked for even more from their worlds and provided a safe, fun, supportive atmosphere with Entangled. She kept me laughing through the edits and made me sound so much smarter than I am. *mwah*

  My street team, the Flirt Squad, is seriously the best support team ever. They keep me smiling. They support me AND each other. They offer fabulous advice and laugh with me whenever I “pull a Rachel.” Girls, thank you so much for the love, the laughs, the ideas, and most importantly, the friendship. You make this journey a blast. I’m the luckiest author ever, and I heart you all. An extra special shout-out to member Holly Underhill, who won a contest and became a character—I hope you had a blast living in Cat’s crazy world! And Shelley Bunnell, thanks for naming Ransom—he turned out to be one of my favorite characters. Hope he didn’t remind you too much of your dog (tee hee)

  I couldn’t possibly thank every team member. Each and every one of them makes me smile, do a giddy dance, and cry happy tears. But a few rock stars in particular went WAY beyond leading up to this release, so Saleana Carneiro, Meredith Johnson, Jen Stasi, Veronica Bartles, Cindy Hale, Crystal Leach, Valerie Fink, Jessica Mangicaro, Staci Murden, Zoe Miller, Kathy Arugelles, Shelley Bunnell, Katrina Tinnon, and Heather Love King, consider yourselves virtually tackle hugged.

  Debbie Suzuki and Jamie Arnold, thank you for leading up the tour and for your constant support. Kelly Simmon of InkSlinger PR, you rock my world. Damaris Carinali of Good Choice Reading, Christine of I*Heart*BigBooks (and I cannot lie…), and E.M. Tippetts, you are all simply amazing. Thank you for your talent, your friendship, and your support. Love, love, so much love.

  This series found an enthusiastic audience and from book one, I’ve gotten questions about Cat and Lucas. I hope this story lived up to your hopes and answered most of your questions. Who knows, there may be more fun to come. Thank you for loving these characters so fiercely!

  And finally, my family. They deserve so much more than a measly paragraph, but they know how lost I would be without them. My daughters, Jordan and Cali, are my number-one fans, and they are why I do this. I hope they see that anything is possible, and if you chase a dream hard enough, you can make it happen. Mama loves you girls. It’s an honor to be your mother and your teacher, and the memories we make each day in our homeschool inspire the words that I write. My mother-in-law, Peggy, reads every book I write, and isn’t shy about making sure everyone knows about them. I love that—and I love her! My parents, Rosie and Ronnie, and my brother, Ryan, give me amazing feedback, constant support, and free babysitting. They are the best cheerleaders ever, and I love them so, so much. And finally, my husband, Gregg, is my rock. His faith is unbelievable, his love too awesome to comprehend, and his encouragement such a blessing. He is the reason I know true love exists, and he inspires every love story I tell. SHMILY, baby!!

  About the Author

  As a teen, Rachel Harris threw raging parties that shook her parents’ walls and created embarrassing fodder for future YA novels. As an adult, she reads and writes obsessively, rehashes said embarrassing fodder, and dreams up characters who become her own grownup versions of imaginary friends.

  When not typing furiously or flipping pages in an enthralling romance, she homeschools her two beautiful girls and watches too much reality television with her amazing husband. She writes young adult, new adult, and adult Fun & Flirty Escapes, including My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, A Tale of Two Centuries, and her adult romances Taste the Heat and Seven Day Fiancé. Rachel LOVES talking with readers! Find her at:

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  Other books by Rachel Harris…

  My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century

  On the precipice of her sixteenth birthday, the last thing lone wolf Cat Crawford wants is an extravagant gala thrown by her bubbly stepmother and well-meaning father. So even though Cat knows the family’s trip to Florence, Italy, is a peace offering, she embraces the magical city and all it offers. But when her curiosity leads her to an unusual gypsy tent, she exits…right into Renaissance Firenze.

  Thrust into the sixteenth century armed with only a backpack full of contraband future items, Cat joins up with her ancestors, the sweet Alessandra and protective Cipriano, and soon falls for the gorgeous aspiring artist Lorenzo. But when the much-older Niccolo starts sniffing around, Cat realizes that an unwanted birthday party is nothing compared to an unwanted suitor full of creeptastic amore. Can she find her way back to modern times before her Italian adventure turns into an Italian forever?

  A Tale of Two Centuries

  Alessandra D’Angeli is in need of an adventure. Tired of her sixteenth-century life in Italy and homesick for her time-traveling cousin, Cat, who visited her for a magical week and dazzled her with tales of the future, Alessandra is lost. Until the stars hear her plea.

  One mystical spell later, Alessandra appears on Cat’s Beverly Hills doorstep five hundred years in the future. Surrounded by confusing gadgets, scary transportation, and scandalous clothing, Less is hesitant to live the life of a twenty-first century teen…until she meets the infuriating—and infuriatingly handsome—surfer Austin Michaels. Austin challenges everything she believes in…and introduces her to a world filled with possibility.

  With the clock ticking, Less knows she must live every moment of her modern life while she still can. But how will she return to the drab life of her past when the future is what holds everything she’s come to love?

  For adult readers…

  Taste the Heat

  When chef Colby Robicheaux returned home to New Orleans to save her family restaurant, the last person she expected to reconnect with was her brother’s best friend and her childhood crush. As tempting as a sugar-coated beignet, Jason is one dish she doesn’t want to taste. Colby is counting down the days till she can leave the place where her distrust of love and commitment originated and go back to Vegas.

  Fire capta
in Jason Landry isn’t looking for love, either. He knows he should focus on finding the perfect mother for his daughter, but when he first sees Colby, all grown up and gorgeous, he can’t help but be drawn to her. And when she suggests a no-strings-attached fling, Jason doesn’t want to say no.

  As their relationship grows more intense, Colby finds that Jason isn’t as easy to leave behind as she thought. Could turning up the heat on something real be worth the possibility of getting burned?

  Seven Day Fiancé

  Angelle Prejean is in a pickle. Her family is expecting her to come home with a fiancé—a fiancé who doesn’t exist. Well, he exists, but he definitely has no idea Angelle told her mama they were engaged. Tattooed, muscled, and hotter than sin, Cane can reduce Angelle to a hot mess with one look—and leave her heart a mess if she falls for him. But when she ends up winning Cane at a charity bachelor auction, she knows just how to solve her fiancé problem.

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