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Chroniech! Page 32

by Doug Farren

  "As the ship's psychologist I am officially encouraging such activity," she replied squeezing Ken's hand for emphasis.

  The relationship between the two officers had been growing throughout the entire mission. Ever since arriving on the worldship it had been gaining strength. As Ken looked into Tasha's eyes, he realized that their relationship had crossed over into something deeper and more personal. Seemingly on their own accord, Ken's hands reached up and gently placed themselves on either side of Tasha's face. "I love you," he quietly said. "Marry me."

  There were tears forming in Tasha's eyes as she reached up and grabbed his own face. "That is one order from my captain that I would never be able to refuse. Of course I will marry you."

  After savoring the moment for awhile, Ken leaned back and said, "This is going to complicate things."

  "I'm sure you will be able to work it all out," Tasha replied wiping her eyes with a napkin.

  They both leaned forward and lightly kissed. "Do you like rum?" he asked.

  Tasha sniffed, placed her chin in her hands, her elbows on the table, and replied. "As a matter of fact, yes I do. Now where do you suppose we can find a bottle of rum on a warship over 3,000 light years from home?"

  Ignoring the last of his coffee, Ken stood up and offered his hand. "I think I might know exactly where to find one, after all, being the captain does have certain advantages" Tasha took the offering and followed Ken to his stateroom. Soon afterwards the privacy lock snicked tight.

  Hours later, Ken happily strode onto the Dragon's bridge. After taking his usual seat, he said, "Dragon, what is the status of the Kyrra vote concerning whether they should establish relationships with the Alliance?"

  "Eighty-eight percent of the population has voted so far with seventy-eight percent of the votes going toward establishing official contact with the Alliance," the machine replied. "It is now mathematically impossible for the vote to be turned."

  Ken was very pleased. It appeared as if the Kyrra would be joining the Alliance. Ken only hoped there would be an Alliance to join by the time they got back. With that bit of good news, Stricklen turned his attention to taking care of some of the other routine items he had been neglecting since their arrival. As captain of the Komodo Dragon he still had responsibilities and duties to perform.

  Stricklen spent the next day aboard the cruiser making sure the ship would be ready to leave as soon as possible after the banquet. He heard no complaints from any of the crew members when he called them back to the ship to begin the extensive checklist required to prepare the ship for the extended voyage home.

  By the time they had to leave for the banquet, the Komodo Dragon was once again ready for the vacuum of space. Everyone who wanted to attend was allowed to do so. In light of the Kyrra mentality Stricklen had decided not to bother posting a marine guard. The ship's computer would inform him of any problems. For the first time in its long history the Komodo Dragon was empty of all crew.

  Ken, with Tasha at his side, was one of the last to arrive at the entertainment center. The building reminded him of one of Earth's famous domed football stadiums. There was a large central area where the activities took place and room for thousands of people to sit and view the entertainment (whatever type of entertainment the Kyrra provided themselves with Ken did not yet know).

  Roughly one-quarter of the playing field (as Ken decided to call it) had been converted into a large banquet area with long rows of tables filled with food and other rows of tables for eating. Trel'mara approached them as the couple neared the banquet area.

  "Thank you for coming Ken," he said extending his hand in the Human gesture of greeting. "As is your custom, I have reserved a seat for you at the head of the first table."

  Ken was overjoyed to find that the rest of the Kyrra he had released from stasis were present at the table. He exchanged warm greetings with all of them and said, "Thank you for all this! I'm sure the crew appreciates it."

  Laid out in front of them was a large assortment of different foods. After ensuring that his guests of honor had been seated, Trel'mara excused himself. Stricklen eyed the vast expanse of food and selected a white fruit about five centimeters in diameter with small yellow dots covering its surface. Upon cutting it in half, he discovered the inside to be pinkish in color, much like a grapefruit. He bit into it and his mouth was flooded with a rich, delicious, sweet tasting liquid. The fruit itself practically melted on his tongue.

  In between bites, Ken talked with the friends he had not seen in so long. All had pretty much settled back into their society and were now performing useful duties. El'Narra and Nordlatak, the two biologists, had become lab technicians until their knowledge and skill level increased. Tee'Chea, the construction engineer, was working in an automated factory as a control room monitor. Norgoola had found a position as a research assistant in the high energy field dynamics lab. All-in-all Ken was glad to see that his old friends had been reintegrated into their society.

  A loud gong sounded and the din of conversation quickly turned to silence. In the unoccupied area of the playing field, the image of Trel'mara, many times larger than life, materialized. He pretended to survey the crowd then announced, "The Kyrra welcome all crew members of the Komodo Dragon." Ken was surprised that Trel'mara was delivering his speech in English.

  "Although my people do not normally recognize others at a gathering such as this, I felt that doing so in accordance with your customs would be an appropriate way to show our appreciation for what you have done. Since I am one of the five people who have benefited the most from your decision to return us to our home, I have decided that it would be best if I organized this affair.”

  "In my time, before I and my crew were forced to enter stasis, our race believed that a peaceful relationship between ourselves and any other civilization would not be possible. The differences between us and all other races are so numerous as to present an insurmountable obstacle to a mutually beneficial and peaceful relationship.”

  "Although the various cultures which make up the Alliance are all species which have a violent and competitive past, you have managed to forge a society where all can live in relative peace. I, and my fellow Kyrra who were in stasis with me, have been honored to have lived among you. You have taught us that other races can exhibit very Kyrra-like behavior.”

  "I would like to conclude by introducing Norpock, speaker for our council." The image shimmered for a moment and Trel'mara was replaced by Norpock.

  "Greetings from the council. As you know our population has been asked to decide if we should establish formal relations with the Alliance. The voting has concluded and the population has decided in favor of this proposal."

  Ken quickly glanced around after hearing this remark and noted that his crew seemed to be breathing a collective sigh of relief.

  "During the debate preceding the vote," Norpock continued, "the council discussed what actions it would take if the vote was for the establishment of formal relations.

  "With the conclusion of the vote, these actions are being implemented. Preparations are now being made for our departure. I am also happy to announce that Trel'mara has been named as the liaison between our people and the Alliance.”

  "The council has also concluded that the Chroniech must be stopped. We will not, however, repeat the mistakes which were made many thousands of years ago. Another way must be found. This problem will be discussed in the very near future. Finally, I have been told that some of our best entertainers have asked to display their abilities for our guests. Please, enjoy what they have to offer."

  Stricklen was surprised to hear that the Kyrra would be leaving. He wondered how fast their ships were compared to his own. He was about to reach for an as-yet untried fruit when a familiar voice called out to him. Ken looked around and spotted Doug working his way toward him with a slender brunette in tow. Ken recognized the woman as a fusion reactor specialist whom Doug had mentioned a couple of times in the past.

  "For such a dull r
ace these Kyrra sure know how to throw a banquet!" Doug yelled over the din. "Too bad they don't serve alcohol."

  "Agreed," Stricklen replied. "I haven't seen you for a couple of days. What have you been up to?" Seeing the look that passed quickly between the XO and his partner Stricklen quickly added, "Never mind, as long as you've been enjoying yourself. We have a long trip ahead of us."

  Doug introduced the brunet as Cheryl Sidler. "Good evening captain," she replied in a timid voice.

  "This is a social occasion," Ken replied trying to ease her tension. It was obvious to him that she was slightly worried about her relationship with the ship's executive officer. "Please call me Ken. We are a long way from home and I'm certainly not going to be a stickler for rules this far out. This is Tasha, although you probably already know her." In order to break the ice even further Ken leaned over and gave Tasha a quick kiss.

  That seemed to ease Cheryl's tension. From that point on, the foursome talked and enjoyed themselves for the rest of the evening.

  The entertainment consisted of various dancers, musicians, and acrobats. All in all it was a memorable evening. Ken especially enjoyed the Kyrra music. It was very much like jazz but with a bit of classical thrown in. He asked Trel'mara if he could obtain some recordings. "I will see to it that you receive a large collection," Trel'mara replied.

  On the way back to the cottage, Ken asked Trel'mara, who had decided to ride with them, what he thought was an innocent question. "How many Kyrra will be returning to the Alliance with us or are you taking one of your own ships?"

  Trel'mara gave Stricklen a funny look for a moment then started laughing. After a moment he replied, "I believe you have misinterpreted what our council leader said earlier. When he stated that preparations were being made for our departure he did not mean that a select few would be going. He meant that the worldship would travel to the Alliance. All Kyrra will be going."

  Doug, who had been watching the scenery as it passed below the transport snapped his head around and said, "Huh? What do you mean you're all going?"

  Ken was thunderstruck. The entire Kyrra population was moving? This monstrous spaceship, the size of a small moon, would be making the months long journey to Alliance space? Just how would the Grand Council react when their sensors picked up a moon traveling at faster than light speeds heading into Alliance space? Panic? Just what capabilities did this mobile world of the Kyrra possess? Ken decided he needed answers.

  "I would like to meet with your council of advisors," Ken replied. "There are things we must discuss before the Kyrra move this worldship into Alliance space."

  "One moment Ken, I will find out if the council can meet with you," Trel'mara replied. He then turned to the transport's communications center. After a few moments he turned back to his guest and said, "The council can see you now if that is your wish."

  Stricklen glanced at the other passengers and seeing the look of approval in their eyes replied, "That would be fine."

  Trel'mara turned to the transport's automated guidance system and changed their destination. After a moment he said, "We will arrive at the council chamber in about ten minutes."

  Stricklen's earpiece buzzed for his attention. He raised his arm and activated his wrist-com. "Stricklen, go ahead."

  "This is the Komodo Dragon," the voice said. "Sensors have detected a massive change in the configuration of the force fields surrounding the Kyrra worldship. I thought this information important enough to contact you."

  Ken glanced at Doug and said both to Doug and the ship's computer, "The worldship is preparing to leave. Looks like we're getting underway sooner than expected."

  Minutes later, the group stood in front of the Kyrra advisory council. "The council has gathered at your request," Norpock said. "How may we help you?"

  "You have decided to move the worldship into Alliance space," Stricklen began. "Before we arrive, there are many things which must be discussed with the Alliance. I am not empowered to make the high level decisions that must be made. You cannot simply waltz into Alliance space and announce you want to take up residency!"

  "Do not be alarmed Ken Stricklen," the council leader replied. "The worldship will stop outside your space so the appropriate negotiations can take place. We have reviewed your history and your customs concerning events such as this and we will follow all appropriate protocols so that the Kyrra and the Alliance can achieve a relationship which is beneficial to all parties involved."

  "I'm glad to hear you have thought all this out," Doug said. "Where do you plan on making your approach to Alliance space and when will we get there?"

  Norpock muttered something in his native tongue and the lights dimmed. A star map appeared in the center of the table. After studying it for a few moments Ken recognized it as a map of the area near Almaranus. A bright blue line appeared in the map terminating just outside of Alliance space near Almaranus.

  "We have chosen Almaranus as our first point of contact," Norpock continued. "This planet was chosen because it serves as your sector command for this area and it is relatively close to the Alliance border. We shall stop at a distance of one hundred light years where we will initiate contact. We estimate arrival in twenty eight of your days."

  "Twenty eight days!" Doug fairly yelled out. "How the hell fast does this thing go anyway?"

  "Wait," Doug said before the Kyrra could reply. "Are we underway already?"

  "The worldship stardrive was activated a few minutes before your arrival. This ship can travel at a maximum speed of 46,128c, however, because of energy consumption and other concerns we will limit our speed to 32,300c."

  "What about the Chroniech?" Tasha asked.

  "We can detect the Chroniech ships long before they can detect us. Minor course corrections will be made to avoid contact with them. Even if we are intercepted, their ships are incapable of penetrating our defenses. The Chroniech do not pose a threat to us."

  "If I remember right," Ken said. "The worldship masses about as much as a small moon. Is it wise to bring it close to a planet? I would think its gravitational field would cause perturbations in the orbits of any other nearby object."

  "The worldship's gravitational footprint is neutralized through the use of cancellation fields. It is part of our cloaking technology which prevents anyone from detecting our presence. The worldship can safely orbit a planet without causing any disturbances whatsoever."

  "I am assuming that the worldship is controlled from a central location," Stricklen said. When the Kyrra nodded his head in agreement he continued. "Would it be possible for me to see this control room?"

  "Of course," the council leader replied. "All areas of the worldship are accessible to anyone. When would you like to see the central operations room?"

  "Right now I would like to get back to my cottage and go to sleep," Ken replied. "It has been a long day for all of us. How about if I make arrangements to see it tomorrow?"

  "We shall await your call."

  Stricklen lead his group back to the transport. On the way back Doug and Ken discussed how best to handle the introduction of the Kyrra into the Alliance. The girls had moved to the back of the transport and were deeply engaged in a discussion of their own. When they arrived at their cottage Tasha announced that they had decided that Cheryl would be moving into the unoccupied room in the cottage she shared with Doug and Ken.

  There was a round of hugs and kisses and the girls were off to gather up Cheryl's belongings. The two men settled down in the common room. "Something about the Kyrra does not quite ring true," Doug told Ken as he was pouring them a small glass of rum.

  After taking a sip, Stricklen replied, "What are you talking about Doug? I think these people have been more than honest about their intentions with us."

  "It's kind of hard to describe but I'll give it a try. The Kyrra are an advanced race, so advanced that parts of their technology appear as magic to us. For the past forty thousand years they have isolated themselves inside their worldship. They have ha
d no contact with any other race and seem to not care what happens outside their worldship.”

  "We arrive on the scene and now suddenly they decide to move themselves, lock stock and barrel, three thousand light years through a known hostile area in order to establish relations with a group of races who are, by comparison, primitive and aggressive. Sounds fishy to me."

  "Now that you mention it, it does sound sort of odd. I wonder if they have another reason for going to the Alliance. A reason they are not sharing with us."

  Polishing off his rum, Doug replied, "I don't know, but I'm going to try and find out before we get to Alliance space." Getting up and stretching he continued, "I've about had it for the evening Ken. I'm calling it a day and turning in. Good night."

  "I think I'll wait up until the girls get back," Ken replied. "Good night Doug."

  Stricklen sat alone with his rum milling over what he and Doug had just discussed. The more he thought about it, the more questions he had. A light knock at the door startled him out of his thoughts. When he opened it he found Tasha and Cheryl standing outside their arms too full of stuff to have opened the door.

  Ken took some of the load then led the way down to what was now Cheryl's room. On the way Ken explained, "Doug has already gone to bed, but I'm sure he would not mind a visitor. His is the first stairwell on the right."

  Afterwards, Ken and Tasha settled into the couch together. "I'm glad we're finally going home," she said.

  "Me too. I like the Kyrra, but I think I prefer the company of Humans better."

  After a few more minutes of silence, Tasha quietly asked, "Do you think their doing okay back home?"

  Holding her closer, Ken replied, "I don't know. But now that the Kyrra have decided to join forces with us we cannot lose. I don't know what kind of weapons they possess, but I am certain the Chroniech will be quickly defeated."

  The couple sporadically chatted for a few more minutes and then retired to Ken's room.


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