by Tinnean
“Until that point, I never thought of you giving blowjobs at all.”
“Are you saying I struck you as asexual?” I was insulted.
“No. I was too busy trying not to think of you in a sexual manner at all. Forget about that, Quinn.” His fingers tightened around mine.
“I’m not so sure I want to forget about it. I want to know when you realized you….” It occurred to me that in spite of everything, I couldn’t ask what I wanted most to know, so I quickly changed it. “… wanted to have sex with me.”
“Oh, I always wanted to have sex with you, right from the time that shit Buonfiglio shot you.”
“Excuse me? I was a mess!”
“You were wounded, and I had a bigger gun, yet in spite of being in a world of hurt, you still weren’t going to let me have that briefcase. Quinn, what wasn’t to want?”
“That cyclotron.” I shook my head, attempting to conceal my pleasure. “Talk about much ado about nothing. It never did work.”
“No, it didn’t, did it?” The smile on his face….
“Never mind about that. It’s in the past.”
There was something about his smile…. But he was right, it was in the past. I’d think about it another time.
“And you were saying you wanted to sleep with me from that point.”
“Yeah. I just didn’t think a guy like you would have sex with a guy like me.”
“And then I showed you that I would.”
“Yes, you did.”
I frowned, thinking over his words. “What kind of guy would that be?”
“What? Oh, guys like me you wouldn’t have sex with? Sociopaths.”
“Face it, Quinn. Drum was always sniffing around you. It stands to reason if he kept harping about it enough—”
I tugged my fingers free and cuffed the back of his head. “And you thought I would take his word for something like that?”
“You’re an idiot.” The bowl with the remainder of the popcorn was in the way, so I placed it on the nightstand. Then I straddled him, grabbed onto his ears, and gave him a shake. “An idiot!”
“Okay, so I’m an idiot.”
I let him go. “Jesus, Mark….”
He pressed the remote to turn off the television, and I blinked as I suddenly found myself under him.
He framed my face with his hands. “I’m not such an idiot that I’ll let you go.”
“I didn’t realize it then—didn’t realize it until after Paris.” He stared steadily into my eyes. “I named the boat for you.”
“Oh!” I couldn’t catch my breath. That he’d admitted that….
He leaned down and brushed his lips over mine, then drew back and looked into my eyes. “Forever, Quinn.”
I cupped his face in my palm and rubbed my thumb over his cheekbone. “Forever, Mark.”
About the Author
TINNEAN has been writing since the third grade, where she was inspired to try her hand at epic poetry. Fortunately, that epic poem didn’t survive the passage of time; however, her love of writing not only survived but thrived, and in high school she became a member of the magazine staff, where she contributed a number of stories.
It was with the advent of the family’s second computer—the first intimidated everyone—that her writing took off, enhanced in part by fanfiction, but mostly by the wonder that is copy and paste. While involved in fandom, she was nominated for both Rerun and Light My Fire Awards. Now she concentrates on her original characters.
A New Yorker at heart, she resides in southwest Florida with her husband and two computers.
Ernest Hemingway’s words reflect Tinnean’s devotion to her craft: “Once writing has become your major vice and greatest pleasure, only death can stop it.”
She can be contacted at, and can be found on Live Journal: and on Facebook. If you’d like to sample her earlier works, they can be found at http://www.angelfire .com/fl5/tinnssinns/Welcome1.html.
Don’t miss the beginning of the story in
Don’t miss Book 2
Also from TINNEAN
Also from TINNEAN
Also from TINNEAN