Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids)

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Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids) Page 15

by Billy Miner

  “Yes, but we are in a hurry too,” Billy says. “If we don’t reach them in time, they will just attack and the bunnies will stand no chance.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t think they will for some reason. I think he is just bluffing and waiting for everyone to come out of their holes anyway. Either way, I want to double check.”

  “Okay. I will stand hop around a bit first to make sure he is really gone.”

  Chapter 6: Gone

  The fox is gone indeed. He probably wasn’t lying about his knowledge of the whereabouts of the colony. But his plan of chasing the rabbits out of their holes by announcing the foxes’ raid was still certain, Billy thought. Therefore, it would be best for them to calmly tell everyone to stay in their holes and set a trap for the foxes.

  The two bunny brothers carry the net to the colony.

  “Hey, what are you two doing?” their sister Sabrina asks.


  “What is that in your paws?”


  “Why won’t you tell me?”

  “Look,” Billy said in a stern voice. “It’s better if you stay home for a while. It’s safer there. Just go and play with your toys.”

  “Sure, but I want you to tell me later.”

  “Sounds fair. We will,” Mart says.

  After bringing the net to the elders, Billy and Mart request their attention.

  “What is you have to say to us, young rabbit?” one of the elders asks.

  “We saw a fox,” Billy begins. “And he told us he and his friends will attack shortly.”

  The elders look a little pale. “Why would he tell you that?” one of them asks.

  “That’s exactly what I was thinking,” Billy agrees. “We think he wants to lure us all out of our holes and make it easier for them to catch us.”

  “I think so too. What do you suggest we do?”

  “Well,” Billy says, “My brother and I carried this net here. If we can somehow set a trap for them, we can catch them with it. We just need some bait and then we could let it drop on them.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  The other chief rabbits agree.

  “Ricky, come here,” the old bunny commands. Another bunny hops over and stands ready to receive orders. “Gather 10 rabbits. Have 7 of them go and tell the entire colony to stay in their holes for the next few hours. Tell them it’s a safety exercise, nothing more. Then take the other 3 to hang up this net and place it above that open space over there.

  “Wait,” Billy says. “I have an even better idea.”

  After a while, the foxes appear in the cornfield. They passed various rabbit holes but are oblivious to their specific locations. Unaware of what is going on, they march forward, looking for any rabbit to catch as their prey.

  Chapter 7: Smarter Beats Smart

  “I thought you told it was somewhere over here,” one of the foxes says a little irritated.

  “I am sure of it. Just wait. Something’s not right here,” the other one says. “Everyone is gone, but I don’t think they could have evacuated this quickly. I didn’t give them much time.”

  Taking a few more steps, the foxes suddenly stop.

  “Aha!” the front fox exclaims, “Look at that net over there, hanging in the trees. They’re trying to catch us with it. I should have known those two bunnies were up to something. They looked too smart to begin with.”

  “Ha-ha! And they are trying to trap us? How pathetic. We are the foxes, the smartest animals of all! Come on, men. These rabbits haven’t left yet. They were waiting for our arrival so they could trick us into being captured. Let’s walk around this spot.”

  The foxes step to the side and take a big detour around the spot over which the net is hanging. But at that moment, all of them fall through a pitfall in the ground.

  “Ouch!” one of the foxes says.

  “Umpf!” another one exclaims as he falls on his back.

  “What is the meaning of all this?”

  They are trapped into a very deep hole, almost 20 feet high. Billy, Mart, Ricky, and the elders lean over the sides and look down upon the fallen foxes. They smile. Their decoy has worked.

  “Good idea to dig a hole next to the location where the net was showing to be,” Ricky compliments Billy. “The foxes thought the trap was underneath the net, but the real trap was next to it, covered up with leaves and branches.”

  “Hey! How is it down there? Comfy?” Billy shouts.

  “Oh, be quiet, stupid rabbit!” one of the foxes shouts back.

  “Don’t you know bunnies are some of the fastest diggers in the world?” Billy says laughingly.

  “Good job, Billy,” one of the elders says. “You outsmarted the foxes by using their own trick against them.

  Chapter 8: Celebration

  The entire colony comes to watch the foxes, which are stuck in the giant hole that Billy and the others dug. Some of the rabbits are laughing, others are making funny faces at the foxes, taunting them and making silly comments.

  The foxes lost, and they know it.

  After all 5,000 bunnies take a look at the trapped predators, they turn to Billy, Mart, and the others, and carry them on their shoulders.

  “Yay! Long live Billy” it sounds on one side.

  “Long live Mart,” it echoes elsewhere.

  “I can get used to this,” Billy says with a smile.

  “Just wait until you see what they have prepared for you,” Ricky says.

  The rabbits carry Billy and his brother to the edge of the cornfields, near the river. They put them down and point at a humongous slingshot standing in front of the water.

  “How about it then?” Ricky asks. “Are you willing to try the slingshot that launches rabbits into the water?”

  That sounds like a lot of fun.

  “Can I go first?” Billy asks.

  “Sure. You are the hero of the day. Take a seat.”

  Billy sits into the slingshot. It’s so big! He can’t believe they made one this size. Leaning back, he feels more relaxed than ever before. The slingshot gets pulled back and shoots him into the air. Floating towards the sky before his drop into the river, Billy closes his eyes and enjoys the brisk wind in his face, thinking of all that had occurred. It was a happy day… perhaps one of the happiest days of his life.


  That was awesome!


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  Minecraft Creeper

  Diary of a Minecraft Creeper

  By Billy Miner

  Copyright @2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Billy Miner.

  This book is or will also be available in audio form. I have hired professional narrators who do voices and make the story come alive.

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  1: Cayden’s Life

  2: Explosions… Explosions…

  3: Resisting

  4: City of Electricity

  5: Confused

  6: The Scary Woods

  7: Decisions

  8: The Big Bang

  9: The Mines


  Read this story about a Minecraft creeper. His name was Cayden. He loved blow things up, including himself sometimes. His friend and foe was electricity, and he may just know what exactly to do with it.

  Cayden didn’t have an easy life though. Most other animals, creatures, and people didn’t accept him. It’s because he was different. People are always afraid of what’s different. But Cayden will show them what he is made of.

  Wandering the streets, he looked for his purpose, a purpose he eventually found and a passion he pursued.

  1: Cayden’s Life

  Cayden was a creeper. Nobody really liked creepers, but they were out there. They were just part of the Minersworld. In the city of Bestville, the creepers were always hiding. They didn’t seem to fit in.

  Bestville was a humongous town with millions of people. Cayden usually felt a little insignificant when he saw the big crowds in the city streets. Rich people were on the phone, always hurrying. Others were begging and some people were just walking at their own pace to the subway or their taxi. Skyscrapers were everywhere. As far as the eye could see, the land was inhabited. Cayden knew there were forests and mountains beyond the horizon, but he had never gone there. The city was spread out and he never seemed to be able to leave. Blocks and blocks of homes were on either side of your view when you would stand on the highest building with at least 120 stories.

  One time, Cayden had the opportunity to go to the top of the building. That’s when he saw the size of the city. It was evening, and the sun had already set. An elevator had taken him upstairs, where tourists were taking pictures and little binoculars were available for use if you put a quarter in. He stayed there and watched the flickering city lights coming from thousands of homes and business nearby. It was amazing yet intimidating.

  Cayden was a lonely creeper. His parents were long gone, and most times, he was just roaming the streets. He had inherited some money, and now he was living on savings. But soon, he knew, his savings would run out and he would be left without a job or income.

  He wasn’t sure what to do. He had talents, but he never explored them much. As he was pondering his next step in life, he bumped into a hobo, who looked at him and begged him for money.

  “Well,” Cayden said. “If you’re hungry, I can buy you a pizza. I am going in that direction anyway, and I would sure love to share a meal with you.”

  “Thanks,” the hobo said. “My name is Marley. You?”

  “Cayden. Cayden the creeper.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “So how about that pizza?”

  Both of them entered the pizza place and ordered a large pepperoni pizza with sausage and extra cheese. They didn’t talk much. They didn’t have much to say. The pizza was delicious, but it was an awkward moment. None of them appeared to be interested in a personal conversation. This went on for a while, until Cayden thought it would be more social to exchange some information.

  “Where are you from?” he asked.

  “I have lived in the city all my life,” the hobo said. “I used to have a good job. The coal mines were hiring many people in those days. But when they closed those things, I was let go. Since then, I have become financially ruined. I started drinking, and I wasted all my money. Now I am left alone, regretting what I did. Sometimes I try to find work, but unemployment rates have skyrocketed.”

  “That’s too bad,” Cayden said. “I wish there was something I could do to help.”

  “Yeah, well… they’re not opening up that mine again anytime soon. That’s for sure.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because the entrance is blocked. A huge boulder is preventing people from going in. They tried numerous ways to get it fixed: They hauled some rocks away, used explosions, but nothing worked. Anyway, I am going to keep my eyes open for another job. Maybe starting at this pizza place.”

  Marley turned around.

  “Hey you,” he said. “Are you guys hiring?”

  “Not at the moment,” the boy behind the counter answered. “But if you give me your resume, I may be able to contact you when we will.”

  “Okay, I’ll get it to you soon,” the hobo said. “Cayden, do you have a quarter so I can print my resume somewhere and hand it to them?”

  “Sure,” I said as I reached into my pocket and took out a quarter. I handed it to him and said goodbye. That was the end of our conversation.

  “Thank you, sir,” Marley said before leaving. “That was very kind of you.”

  The hobo wandered off into the park and disappeared from Cayden’s sight. It didn’t mean much, but if he was going to have dinner anyway, he figured it would be better to share with someone else than being all alone. Besides, the pizza was relatively cheap.

  That evening, Cayden rolled up in a corner, where he grabbed a blanket out of his backpack and put his head on a pillow he brought. He remained in the shadows, invisible to the busy crowds of the metropolis.

  2: Explosions… Explosions…

  Cayden had a special gift. He could talk to animals and explode without dying. All creepers were able to explode, although Cayden wasn’t sure about how special it was to talk to animals. Either way, he was obsessed with explosions, fire, and firework. Saying that he was a pyromaniac was an understatement.

  But he never knew what to do with it. What profession could he possibly pursue with the talent to explode?

  Playing with fire was a daily ritual. He poured gasoline on it, tried sticks, plastic, and metal, became an expert at lighting a fire without matches, and counted the number of sparks being blown from the hot elements he created.

  A weekly ritual of his was to buy some fireworks, although his money was running out and he had to cut back on this fun activity. Ground flowers, arrows, and crackers were used behind the old, deserted factory building by this fire enthusiast as if there was nothing better in life. He was amazed at their different colors and the shrieks that came out of the lit up powder.

  Sometimes he just wanted to explode. At those moments, he would plug his fingers into the outlets of some building (don’t ever try this at home, kids), and charge himself. He would turn blue and start shining brightly before storming into a tree, a wall, or a stomp and blow it off the face of the Minersworld.

  If only he could use these exciting actions somewhere where they needed him… then he would be able to get his life back on track and start saving up again. Right now, all he had was his backpack, his bank card, and a blanket and pillow to keep him alive. The streets were harsh. They were filthy and sometimes cold. It all was a big nightmare.

  3: Resisting

  Cayden woke up with a jolt. He looked around him and realized it was going to rain. Thick clouds gathered above him, towering over the skyscrapers and threatening the city with its impending watery floods from the sky. Thunder was roaring in the distance, always following a bright lightning flash.

  CRAAAACK! Bombombom!

  It was frightening. It wouldn’t take long now before it would rain cats and dogs in the entire city

  “I better find some shelter,” Cayden mumbled.

  He ran towards a convenience store, but on the way, he got struck by lightning.

  “Aaaaaaah!” Cayden cried out.

  He fell on the floor, thinking he was dead.

  He wasn’t.

  He opened his eyes and stood up. He was alive! But wait. Something else was going on. Something about him was different. He looked at his body. It was lit up brightly with a white, blue aura around him. Then he understood; lightning was filled with electricity. Believe it or not, the amount of electricity in those black clouds exceeded the electricity on the whole block. This was just like charging himself up in the outlet.

  Although he didn’t like the electric shock he got from the thunderbolt, he knew it gave him an immense feeling of power afterwards. Yet he resisted the temptation to function as a lightning rod. He kept running, but he realized he was fully charged with energy and was about to explode.

  He ran towards an empty area, with no buildings within a considerable distance, and blew up.


  The pieces of his body came back together and he shook he head to overcome the sudden shock from the explosion.

  Fortunately, nothing was damaged. He glanced behind him and sighed when he noticed nobody saw it.

  However, now he was in an open space. Cayden didn’t want to get struck by lightning again because that would make him blow up another time. So he avoided open spaces and stuck to the buildings. Running to the convenience store, his brains tried to process what had just happened.


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