Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids)

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Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids) Page 29

by Billy Miner

  “Than what do you suggest?” Major Joe asks curiously.

  “Let’s trip that thing. If we can extend a strong cord from one end to the other, we might be able to tangle its feet up and wrap the cord around its ankles, causing it to fall. And that will give us a minute or two for someone to climb on his head and inject the needle.”

  “Makes sense. Let’s get to it.”

  Chapter 7: The Takedown

  Within minutes, Joe manages to get a big group of soldiers together and commands them to fetch some rope.

  “The strongest and thickest you can find,” he adds. “And the five of you over there, keep shooting to distract the monster! We are going to set the trap on the other side of the town square. Set the clock at two minutes. After that, you’ll run like your life depends on it to the destined location. We will meet there and span the ropes to trip it. Understood?”


  “All clear, sir.”

  “Then move! Come on, professor, you can come help set the trap.”

  Derrick runs after Joe and arrives at the town square. Not too much later, a group of soldiers brings a large rope.

  “Is that all you could find?” Joe asks.

  “Sorry, sir. That’s the best we could do.”

  “Fine, I guess it will have to do for now. Let’s hope it works. Hand me that needle, professor.”

  “You mean that you’re going to jump on the monster’s head?”

  “Of course. I’m not going to let one of my men sacrifice himself. If you want something done right, do it yourself. Besides, if I mess up, at least I’ll have no one else to blame.”

  “Okay,” Derrick says, “Good luck.”

  The Enderzilla is coming closer. The two minutes are over. The men in front of it are shooting in the air and yelling their lungs out, luring the monster into the rope trap the Major and his men set. Without hesitation, the Enderzilla follows these supposed lunatics and roars angrily at them while stomping behind them.

  “Faster, faster! Get over here!” Joe yells.

  The running soldiers hide behind the wall of a nearby building and pant heavily.

  “Now it’s our turn, men,” Major Joe says.

  The soldiers span the rope. The Enderzilla comes closer, and closer, and trips over the rope, precisely as planned.


  The monstrous giant falls on the town square, along with a couple of unfortunate homes.


  Bits and pieces of the tiles, the roofs, and the monument are being bounced up from the collision. The Enderzilla is down, lying on its side, barely aware of what just happened.

  “It’s just you and me now, ugly head,” Joe says before he runs towards the Enderzilla’s head. He leaps over bricks and pieces of the broken monument, grabs onto the monster and climbs on its head. The Enderzilla growls and whacks at him with his hand.


  It almost got him, but because the major ducked, the hand missed him. Joe uses the monster’s horns to pull him around the head, takes a few steps to what he thinks is the center of its scalp, and injects the needle.

  “Take that, you filthy beast!” he says with conviction, after which he glides off the Enderzilla’s body.

  At first, it seems ineffective, but then, after about ten seconds, the Enderzilla begins to shrink. It becomes smaller and smaller. The soldiers, the professor, and the major stand by and watch as the Enderzilla slowly turns from a monster into a pathetic little pearl.

  Chapter 8: The Friendship

  “Well, would you look at that,” Professor Derrick says. “What a cute little Ender pearl we have here.”

  “Yeah, if I didn’t know any better, I would destroy it right now,” Major Joe adds.

  The soldiers gather around the spot where the monster disappeared, finding it hard to believe their eyes. They look at the tiny pearl and remain speechless.

  “Thank you for all you’ve done, major,” Derrick says, holding his hand in front of him.

  Joe shakes his hand.

  “I’m sorry I got on you for your mistake, professor. You are an intelligent addition to this army and to the city. It was an honor to work with you. And thanks to you, I have progressed in my career. My high rank will stay, because you invented the antidote.”

  “Good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go home to my family. Are you married, major?”

  “Divorced,” the major answers.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Why don’t you come over for dinner some time, just to have some fun? In fact, how about you just follow me to my home right now? My wife is an expert at cooking casseroles. Trust me, they are the best.”

  “All right,” Joe says. “That sounds like a great idea. I have to admit that the tomato plant a few hours ago already made me hungry. I don’t know how you do it… staying up so late and not even grabbing a snack or something. Do you think dinner will still be warm? It’s almost midnight.”

  “I’m sure it will be. And if not, we’ll just warm it up. I’ve had numerous times when a warmed up dinner tasted even better than before. Speaking of which, did I tell you about the time I invented food additive to enhance the flavor of it? It’s a long story. I’ll tell you all about it on the way home.”

  The two new friends walk through the narrow alleys of the city, ready to eat a delicious meal.


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  Minecraft Legend

  An Old Minecraft Legend

  By Billy Miner

  Copyright @2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Billy Miner.

  This book is or will also be available in audio form. I have hired professional narrators who do voices and make the story come alive.

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  1: Untold Legends

  2: Escaped Fate

  3: Quest for Restoration

  4: The Zombie Lands

  5: The Skeleton Lands

  6: An Unknown Friend

  7: The Sword of Honor

  8: Truth


  When grandmother tells her grandkids a story of a heroic young man wh
o saved the kingdom, they find it hard to believe that it really happened. But whether it did or not, they love the adventures she mentions.

  Legend goes that a brave adventurer was faced with the elimination of his entire race. An evil curse had come upon the inhabitants of Syra, the country in which they lived. Nobody had seen it coming, and none were saved except for this young fighter.

  Confronted by the various challenges on the path to rescue, his future, and that of Syra, is in his hands. Attacked by dark creatures and tested to the chore, he ventures through fields of zombies and skeletons to retrieve the magical Sword of Honor to break the curse.

  1: Untold Legends

  “Legend goes…” grandmother begins, “… that a long time ago, when your grandfather was still alive… a young, handsome guy saved everyone in the lands of Syra.”

  “I thought the army came in and destroyed all the enemies,” Karl says.

  “That’s not true,” Susan says. “It was the firemen. They blew all the zombies away with their distinguishers.”

  “Where do you kids learn such nonsense?” grandma asks. “Of course that’s not how it is. Do you want to know the story or not?”

  “Will it be scary?” Ashley, the youngest of the three asks.

  “That depends on what you think is scary, Ashley,” grandmother answers. “All I can say, is that it has a happy ending. Do you like happy endings?”

  “I do! I do!” Ashley says enthusiastically.

  “Good. Then don’t worry about any of the monsters in the story. They’re not real and they don’t win in the end. In fact, you may even discover along the way that they’re not all that bad. Some monsters are just confused and victimized by the terrible mess that was caused. Do you think you want to listen to this story?”

  “It sounds like fun,” Ashley says as she shrugs. “Go ahead and tell us.”

  “Okay, listen carefully. It all started with a young man, named Carius. He was handsome and happy, but he wasn’t very rich. It didn’t matter to him. He lived in a peaceful town. Someday, he said, he was going to marry his sweetheart, whoever that would be and no matter where he would meet her….

  2: Escaped Fate

  Carius was a farmer’s boy. His parents taught him to work hard every day. Each morning, he woke up early; he milked the cows, herd the sheep, and fed the pigs.

  His favorite time was in the afternoon, when his dad gave him a break and he was able to climb the mountain top. He loved sitting there and staring at the amazing view from the peak. It always took him an hour to hike up and about 45 minutes back (since it was downhill), but he would happily spend the time doing it.

  One day, an eerie wind blew over the fields and crops. It was an icy, vague feeling that came over Carius as he looked to the direction where it came from. He didn’t have a good feeling about this. Something was wrong. He just had no idea what.

  When he went back inside the house, his parents were gone. He looked in every room downstairs.

  “Mom, dad!” he yelled.

  No answer.

  He went upstairs. He checked their bedroom, the hallway, and even the storage room.

  ‘Where did they go?’ he said out loud. ‘Maybe they went into town.’

  He shrugged and went back outside to watch over the animals. But some of them were acting strange. They were skittish and nervous. It was as if they were sensing something was wrong. He looked at the cows that were shivering, the horse that was walking back and forth, and the chickens which were flapping their wings more than their usual. Still, the cold, creepy wind whistled in his ears.

  Carius decided to head towards the village center. That was the only way he could find out what was happening. Perhaps some of the other villagers knew more about it. He walked into the back alleys of the village and came to the big square in front of the town hall.


  ‘Is anybody there?’ he shouted as loud as he could.

  ‘Helloooo! Anyone?’

  No answer.

  ‘Odd,’ he said. ‘Normally there are tons of people here during this time of the day.’

  He turned around the corner and went inside a butcher’s shop. Big pieces of meat were hanging on the ceiling; bloody chopped lamb and pork were on the counter, and a butcher’s knife had fallen on the floor. Besides the mess in the corner, with papers and wrappers stacked up in a small space, there was nothing abnormal about this place, except that there was nobody there.

  ‘Hellooo! Is anyone in there?’


  He left the shop and went into the bakery next door. The delicious smell of baked bread welcomed him in as he followed his nose to the main sales table. There were cakes, pies, and loaves of bread piled up on each other, but there was no baker.

  ‘Can anyone hear me?’ Carius asked.

  This silence was starting to annoy him. He was desperate for answers, but nobody could give them to him. They couldn’t have all vanished, could they? Where were all these people, including his parents?

  Suddenly, he heard a soft sound from outside. It was as if someone was whispering to him and trying to catch his attention, so he went outside again.

  ‘Pssst,’ he clearly heard.

  It was coming from behind the wall of the shoe shop. Hiding with his back against one wall, a scrawny midget was putting one hand next to his mouth to make his whisper louder and using his other hand to beckon Carius to come closer. His outfit was tattered and dirty. His shirt was blue and his pants were brown. He looked as if he hadn’t done much with his life except for begging and scavenging.

  ‘What? Who are you? What’s going on in this town?’ Carius asked.

  ‘Not here. Follow me and I’ll explain it to you. The walls have ears. We shouldn’t draw any attention to ourselves, not with what’s at stake.’

  Carius wasn’t too certain about this shady figure, but he figured he had nothing else to do, nothing to lose, and he wanted to know why everybody was gone. So why not?

  After passing through a few streets, the midget asked him to take off his shoes and come inside. When Carius entered, he saw a tiny living space. Some stuff was piled up in the corner, and this midget’s personal hygiene was anything but perfect. It stunk a little, and it was obvious that he was even poorer than Carius and his family.

  ‘By the way, my name is Vexor. I am not from Syra. I came here years ago, looking for a guild, a job, and a way to make a living. But I got turned down by so many professionals that I ended up on the streets, begging for food. Fortunately, it has paid off. I am able to go through each day with a somewhat satisfied feeling in my stomach and a few friends I have made along the way.’

  ‘I am Carius. I live on the outskirts of the village, on a farm,’ Carius said.

  ‘And were you born in Syra, Carius?’

  ‘No, I was born in Milford actually. How did you know that?’

  ‘It’s just like I presumed,’ Vexor said. ‘The stories are true. It has happened.’

  ‘What has happened? Will you please explain it to me? I don’t understand any of this,’ Carius said impatiently.

  ‘Everybody is gone because they all turned into monsters.’

  Carius looked at him for a moment. This guy was serious. He tried to keep it in, but he couldn’t. Suddenly he burst out laughing.


  ‘Don’t laugh,’ the midget said. ‘It is true.’

  ‘Sure, dude,’ Carius said. ‘Did a little fairy tell you that?’

  ‘A lot of people knew about the curse,’ Vexor said. ‘I am surprised you never heard of it. Do you have any clue what happened before you came here?’

  ‘Okay, smarty pants, then how come you and I were not transformed into monsters?’

  ‘Because we were not born here. The curse doesn’t apply to us.’

  ‘Let’s say you’re right. Why is it that everybody is gone? And if everyone is gone, then why are you being so secretive anyway?’

  ‘They aren’t all gone. That’s w
hy you need to keep your voice down,’ Vexor said. ‘Most of them went to other lands, but some of them are still lingering in the village. So don’t talk so loud, please.’

  Carius still found it hard to believe. At least he stopped laughing, but the explanation of this supernatural event still required an elaborate explanation.

  3: Quest for Restoration

  Here he was, standing in front of a midget who was dead serious about the fact that each civilian in Syra had turned into some kind of monster. Carius was perplexed. He didn’t know what to think anymore.

  ‘So go ahead and explain,’ he said after he sat down on a crate in the left corner of the room.

  ‘Long ago, a few decennia at least… that’s how the story goes… there was a robbery. A slick thief had entered the home of an innocent peasant and stolen various golden treasures. His shadow was seen; a man with a black hat. The next day, police officers and guards were roaming the village, looking for the criminal that had committed the terrible, dishonest act. When they came across a man with a black hat, they accused him of the robbery and threw him in prison. The man kept insisting he had done nothing wrong, claiming that the hat was just part of his daily attire, but nobody believed him. He was in prison for more than 10 years, always staying true his claim of innocence. Eventually, the man became seriously ill and was about to die. In his anger and with his sorcerous background, he cast a vengeful curse on the inhabitants of Syra, saying that one day, only the Sword of Honor could restore their sanity.’

  ‘The Sword of Honor? And what would that do?’ Carius asked.

  ‘Don’t get ahead of the story,’ Vexor said. ‘Let me explain. The Sword of Honor is made of diamond. Any creature touched with that blade, will turn into its original life form. The curse was that all males would turn into zombies and all females would turn into skeletons. This would reveal their true nature and show the world what kind of spiteful beings they really were. Later, the village guards found another black hat. They traced the person who possessed it and found all the stolen treasure in his basement. The village was shocked. They had judged the wrong person. The newfound criminal went to prison instead, but it was too late for the poor man who was falsely accused. He had already died. The villagers were upset, but there was nothing they could do about it. Since then, numerous explorers and brave individuals have attempted to find the said Sword of Honor to reverse the curse, but none of them have succeeded.’


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