Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids)

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Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids) Page 59

by Billy Miner

  “Who told you that?” I ask.

  “Oh, you can’t keep much a secret in that castle,” she says. “So how about it? Is he still a jerk? Is he still handsome? Tell me everything.”

  “He is really sweet actually. He just got upset in the kitchen because he wants to start his own business as a blacksmith and doesn’t know how to start without capital.”

  “Interesting,” she admits.

  “And when he killed the wolf, he talked with me a lot. We got to know each other. And we even held hands for a little while.”

  “Oh, so exciting. What else?”

  “Well, he asked me to come over for dinner,” I say.

  “That explains the dress. I am so happy for you, Bethany. Let’s hope he is a good one, huh? Okay, I want you to keep me updated. Let me know how the dinner went. I want to talk about it again tomorrow. And don’t worry. If there is anything you don’t want me to tell the others, just let me know and my lips will be sealed.”

  “No problem. Thanks for coming by.”

  “You’re welcome. Now go, so you don’t come late.”

  Entry 10: Romantic Dinner

  I put on my jacket and take off. After circa fifteen minutes walking, I arrive at this place. It’s a little out of town, but still within reasonable distance of the farthest house. He stands at the front door, or in front of the door actually, waiting for me to come. His hands are behind his back as if he is hiding something.

  He smiles. “I love your dress,” he says. “And I love that smile even more.”

  I blush a little and keep walking towards him. From behind his back, he puts a towel in front of him.

  “What’s that for?” I ask.

  “It’s a surprise,” he says as he puts the towel around my head to cover my eyes. “Come and follow me. It will be more exciting this way.”

  He takes my hand and guides me to I-don’t-know-where. I kind of like the blindfolding idea. It does make it more of a surprise. Trusting that he won’t do anything stupid, I gladly follow his lead into his house.

  “Ready?” he asks.

  “How can I be ready if I don’t know for what?”

  “I take that as a yes,” he says laughingly.

  He takes off the blindfold and I open my eyes. How amazing! In front of me stands a table with one long lit candle on it. The silverware is precisely organized and the plates are covered with delicious foods: Steak, mushrooms, peas, and potatoes. On the side, there are glasses with pure apple juice from the farms. The tablecloth is the same color as my dress: Off-white. And the simple but beautiful ribbons around the edges finish off the scene with a touch of elegance.

  I gasp. I don’t know what to say.

  “It looks fantastic,” I say.

  He walks to one of the chairs and pulls it back, signaling for me to take a seat. I sit down, and he sits down in front of me. That night, we have the most fun by talking and pretending to be rich with this well-prepared, fancy dinner in the back of his little house.

  Entry 11: In His Arms

  When dinner is over, we move to the living room. At first, I sit across from him, but then he gives me this look as if to say, “Why are you sitting so far away? Come closer.”

  I walk to the bench he is sitting on and lean against him a little. This feels nice. It’s super comfortable. I am feeling safe and sound, and I put my head on his shoulder. He puts his arm around me and holds me tight. I have never felt so in love before.

  We cuddle a little, say sweet words to one another, and then he leans over.

  Oh, is this it? Is he going to kiss me? This is what I’ve been waiting for.

  Yes, he is going for it. He is closing my eyes. Well, I won’t let the guy wait. Let’s kiss already! With these thoughts in my mind, I close my eyes as well and lean towards him.


  Our noses bump into each other.

  “Ouch!” we both say at the same time while rubbing over our noses. We laugh. That was awkward. This isn’t a bad omen, is it? Of course not. It was just a funny accident. Besides, when I look him in the eyes, he seems confident to try it again, but this time, we don’t close our eyes until our lips almost touch.

  This is our first kiss and it is wonderful.

  That night, he takes me home, saying that “there might be endermen, or zombies, or skeletons out there,” and that “a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be put in harm’s way.” He walks next to me and I put my arms around his right arm, holding on as if it is my arm and I won’t let go of it.

  “I had a great time, Bethany,” he says before I enter my home.

  “Me too, Russell.”

  We kiss one last time before I go inside.

  Entry 12: The Father

  Russell and I have been dating for several days now, and we consider it time to meet the rest of the family. My family lives too far away, but for Russell’s family, it’s easy. They live in the same village as we do.

  So we go there and knock on the door. There is a cold breeze and I hope to be let in quickly. It’s dark outside. They are coming to the door.

  “Hello there,” the father greets us. “Come in, before you freeze to death.”

  We go in quickly and he gives me a hug.

  “Welcome,” he says. “I heard a lot about you from my son. He is very impressed. And now, when I look at you, I have to admit you are quite the looker.”

  “Thank you, sir” I say.

  “Let’s get to know each other a little more. I am all ears. Tell me anything you want. Please come in and hang your coat on this rack.”

  I hang up my coat and follow Russell’s father inside the house. He shows me the living room and sits me down on a comfortable chair. He offers me a cup of hot chocolate, and he asks me so many questions that it almost feels like an interrogation, but I can tell that he is sincerely interested and has been practicing to become a good listener. I smile at Russell, completely enjoying the warm welcome I am receiving from his dad. He smiles back and comments on some of the things we talk about, content with the way his father respects me.

  But then his mother comes in.

  Not what I expected.

  Not what I was hoping for.

  Entry 13: The Mother

  “Who is this?” the mother asks.

  “Oh, this is Bethany. Remember I told you about her, mom?” Russell says.

  “A fine young lady with highly sophisticated manners, dear,” the father says.

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” Russell’s mother says as she sits down.

  “So, Bethany, right?” she asks.

  “Yes, madam.”

  “How well have you done in school?”

  “Actually, madam, I dropped out of school to come to this town and look for better opportunities.”

  “So what you are saying is that you didn’t develop any other skills besides simple reading and writing? Can you even write your own name?”

  “Yes, madam.”

  “Okay, let’s forget about that topic. Obviously it isn’t going anywhere. What about your family? What are they like?”

  “Well, my mom and dad separated. They live on the other side of the country, so I don’t see them that often.”

  “Preposterous. Are you saying your parents aren’t even together anymore?” she asks rhetorically.

  Russell’s father rolls his eyes.

  “Yes, madam,” I answer. “That’s just how it is. I wish it wasn’t that way, but that was their decision.”

  “Well, let’s hope you don’t go down that path,” she says. “What about your father’s job? What does he do?”

  “Oh, he has his own farm.”

  “A farmer’s girl? Interesting.”

  The tension in the room in this conversation is something I don’t want to experience again. With every question, there seems to be something wrong with me. “This woman thinks a little too much of herself,” I think. It’s unbelievable how some people elevate themselves above you. The evening goes okay, but since this
haughty woman is doing whatever she can to put me down, I don’t enjoy it as much.

  That night I go home with a heavy heart. I don’t like the way it went.

  Entry 14: Heartbroken

  The next day, Russell comes to me as I am doing the dishes in the castle kitchen. He has a serious look on his face and asks me if we can talk somewhere private. All the other girls in the kitchen look at us with big eyes. They are used to seeing us greet each other with a kiss every morning, but this time, something is wrong and they know it.

  “Sure,” I say.

  I put the dishes down and follow him into another room. He closes the door, sighs and then grabs my hands.

  “This is not a breakup,” he says.

  Oh my goodness. He is serious. What is he saying? Why would we breakup when things are going so well between us? This is terrible! How can he do this to me after all we’ve been through? Don’t leave me. I love you! Okay, okay, better let him finish. I am getting ahead of myself.

  “But under the current circumstances,” he continues, “it would be better if we don’t see each other for a little while until things improve.”

  I am about to cry. Why doesn’t he want me anymore?

  “Bethany, I love you and this has nothing to do with you. It’s my mother. She has to warm up to you, and the best way to do it, is by limiting our contact.”

  I am devastated. I can’t believe he is doing this to me. What is he doing now? Is he trying to kiss me? Forget that! After rejecting me like this? I turn away and walk out the door. I am offended, which is probably not the best thing, but I just have a hard time controlling my emotions.

  Day 15: Alone

  I feel lonely. It’s evening, and I am just sitting in my bed, being bored, feeling sorry for myself. I hate the way our relationship developed, or undeveloped really. It’s dark and windy, and the heat in my home hasn’t been sufficient for my needs. I am cold and am sitting under a blanket with the chills, hoping for a miracle. It’s awful.

  That miracle, however, comes in the form of Cindy.

  I hear a knock on the door. I go and open up.

  “Hey there,” she says with a big smile on her face. “What’s going on? I haven’t even seen you today. It’s like you’re avoiding me.”

  “I know someone else who has been avoiding me,” I say.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” she asks.


  She comes inside and looks around. Then she shivers and makes a remark about the room temperature. I tell her that I just didn’t feel like getting wood for the fire place.

  “Oh, I’ll get some,” she says as she walks out the door around the backyard, and comes back with some wood. She lights the fire, and before we know it, we are sitting in a cozier, warm living room. Tiny, but nice.

  “There we go,” she says contently. “Now, tell me what is on your mind.”

  “It’s Russell. He doesn’t want to talk to me anymore.”

  “Why not?” Cindy asks.

  “His mother doesn’t accept me.”

  “Oh, I know how that is,” she says. “I’ve been married for four years now, and my mother-in-law is still hard to cope with. She is constantly nagging about how I never clean up, or that I am late sometimes. She doesn’t like my cooking, and tells me I would look better if I would wear my hair in a different way. So listen, I know all about that stuff.”

  “Thanks for empathizing with me, but what am I going to do?” I say.

  “Just give her some time. She just needs to accept the idea her little boy is growing up and moving on. She is like a lot of those moms who can’t let go when their children get married.”

  “Married?” I say a little embarrassed but still smiling shyly. “We never talked about getting married.”

  “Well, would you marry him if he asked you?” she asks.

  I think for a few seconds. I mean, I am head-over-heels about him, and I have thought about it of course, but I never considered it for serious.

  “Come on, I know you want it. Would you say yes?” she asks again.

  “I think so,” I say with a smile, looking at Cindy.

  “Aaaaah! I knew it! You’re awesome! Trust me, girl. You’re going to be great. Just give him some space, let him get over the fact that his mother can’t control him any longer, and then he’ll come crawling back to you.”

  Entry 16: Kiss and Make Up

  Cindy was right. The next day, Russell comes to me and apologizes. He tells me he was confused and that he wants me back. I am happy but I make sure I don’t get overexcited. I stay calm. I play it cool.

  “So now what?” I ask.

  “If it’s all right with you, I would like to start…”

  But Elizabeth interrupts me. She storms into the room and opens up her rue, obnoxious mouth.

  “What are you two doing in here?” she asks.

  “Uhm, we were just discussing tonight’s dinner for Lord Elruch,” Russell says as he walks away, but before he walks away, he whispers, “Meet me in the castle garden.”

  Elizabeth continues to order me around and tells me I did an awful job mopping the floor. I endure it silently and obey her commands, hoping to see my love after I am done. It takes some time to mop the whole floor again. But when I am done, the evil dictator is too.

  I sneak out and leave the castle, approaching the gardens.

  There he is, waiting for me.

  “I am so sorry,” he says. “I know I should have stood up to my mom. She is more okay with you now than in the beginning, but even if she isn’t, I want to be with you again. Can you forgive me?”

  “I already did,” I say as I give him a kiss.

  Our kiss turns into another kiss, and another, and another. The romantic scenery and singing birds help set the stage for our little make-out session.

  Then he says, “Meet me at my place tonight. I have another surprise for you.”

  “Yes,” I say while giving him another kiss.

  Entry 17: The Lights

  This night is one of the best nights of my life, besides the romantic candlelight dinner he organized. I arrive at his place and notice the many tiny candles he put in front of it. It’s like a path leading to his home, with tiny tea lights on each side. It looks amazing. I am amazed. I don’t have any other words for it.

  “Wow,” I say when I meet him, standing in front of his home. “It’s so beautiful; I am speechless.”

  He shows me the inside of his house. There are candles everywhere.

  “Russell,” I say, but he doesn’t allow me to finish my sentence and kisses me on the lips.

  “This is to make up for my distant behavior,” he says.

  He goes to the kitchen and gets a cup of hot chocolate. He puts it on the table in front of me and gets a blanket for my feet. This evening is fantastic. I am swept off my feet again by this hopeless romantic hunk of a man.

  After some talking and the hot drink, we watch the sun set behind the mountains. After the sun is set, we talk for another two hours, gazing at the sky breathlessly and counting the myriad of stars that shape a milky way above our heads.

  Entry 18: Waiting

  Something is bothering me. I don’t know how to explain it, because somehow I think I am too demanding. On the other hand, it is a serious issue, at least to me. Maybe I was too eager, but I really expected Russell to ask for my hand in marriage last night. He prepared all those wonderful lights, but he didn’t take any initiative.

  Was he still doubting?

  Did he think it was too soon?

  Does he even want to marry me?

  And today, he isn’t even here. The other servant girls in the castle say he left the region and went on a long journey. But where to? And why didn’t he tell me before he left? He didn’t even say goodbye.

  I am frustrated. I feel abandoned again. Is it someone else? How could he choose some other dumb girl over me? And on the other side of the country? I don’t understand it at all. It must be something I ov
erlooked. Maybe I was too clingy, or maybe I wasn’t forward enough about how I felt about him. And now he is fleeing the country like a scared rabbit, trying to escape from my attachment problems.

  Oh, me and my assumptions. I wish I could get over myself and just let it go. I have no clue what got into him, but I cannot linger on all these false conclusions. I have to wait.

  I have to wait for a long time.

  Entry 19: The Question

  Five days and he still hasn’t returned. I can hardly believe the sudden turn of events and the neglect of informing me about his departure. What am I supposed to do? Just sit here and wait until he is back with some new announcement?

  I am doing laundry. The sheets from Lord Elruch look filthier than ever. I scrub and scrub, attempting to get some of that aggressive energy out of my system. Oh, that vague, elusive, ignorant, apathetic…

  “Bethany,” I suddenly hear.

  I stop scrubbing and turn around. There he is, the wanted man himself, the traitor, the… well… you get how I feel about him.

  “What do you want?” I ask, putting my one hand on my hip.

  “I have a question for you.”

  “Oh yeah? And what is that?” I say skeptically.

  “Before I ask you, I want you to know that I left the region to seek out your father. I wanted to ask him for permission before I asked you this important question.”

  I am startled. Perhaps I was wrong about him. Perhaps he does care and he just needed to see my father to talk about me.

  “Can we go outside?”

  The other girls in the laundry area all stare at us, but I am a little fed up with all his secrets. I demand clarity.

  “No,” I say, looking at him with a stern face. “Whatever you have to say, I would rather have you say it right here.”


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