The Blood Alchemist Chronicles

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The Blood Alchemist Chronicles Page 4

by Alexia C. Praks

  Daniella couldn’t help herself and had to peek. She saw the woman draw out a pistol from within her reticule. The woman was wearing a magenta gown. The male, only his back visible to Daniella, was wearing what every male in the party seemed to be wearing—black trousers, black coat, and white shirt and cravat. She saw him turn just slightly.

  Good Lord! They were the couple she had noticed on the street, with the suspicious-looking coachman.

  “Let’s do it,” the male said, grabbing for the pistol.

  Now that is very odd indeed.

  He kissed the woman’s forehead—as though they were about to commit one final act before something disastrous was about to happen. Then Daniella saw the woman nod, and the two rushed from the room holding hands.

  What to do? Before she knew it, Daniella dashed out from her hiding place and ran to the door.

  Outside in the corridor, she saw the two people descending the stairs. She knew when trouble was brewing. Being one who liked to intervene, stirring trouble more often than not, she hurried along after them.

  Daniella was halfway down the corridor when she was suddenly pulled from behind by the arm. She felt herself twist around and found herself facing a wall of chest. A wonderful male scent danced about her nose, and she raised her eyes.

  The moment she saw that handsome face again, her throat went dry as dust.

  “What are you snooping around here for?” the wall asked, with a dark scowl that would make most men quake in their boots. It didn’t her, though, and Daniella stared at the emerald-green eyes with fascination as she tried to struggle her arm free.

  When he wouldn’t let her go, she sighed in vexation and said, “Sir, ’tis very important you let me go now. Why, I may miss something very important and dangerous that is about to happen in this very house, any second now.”

  She noted his eyes becoming intense, the green fire flaming hot. Good Lord! This man was indeed handsome, even when he was scowling at her so severely.

  “I would prefer that you don’t jest with me. This house is heavily guarded, and you, boy, should be—”

  “I beg your pardon, sir.” She interrupted. “But I’m not a kid, as you have previously thought. I am not, sir, for ’tis my seventeenth birthday, also this night. The same birthdate as the earl of Middlemarch.” She nodded in all seriousness.

  Of course, that wasn’t a lie, for this very day seven years ago had been the date she had been saved and adopted by her two foster fathers.

  “And that, sir, makes me special, and indeed, since I am not a child, you cannot tell me what to do. Why, only half an hour before, I was drinking quite heavily, you know.”

  * * *

  Zachary Stephen Hasting raised one shapely brow as he stared at the half-bred boy dressed in noble clothing who seemed to be enjoying himself tremendously at his father’s birthday party. His frown turned into a dark scowl when the boy struggled under his grasp and demanded him to let go.

  Damnation! He’d had just about enough of this youth. At first, he had a mind to let the boy enjoy himself before he informed the boy’s parents. But now, when he saw him running around the house, he wasn’t sure if the boy’s parents were here at all. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if this boy was from their part of the world either.

  “And who are your parents?” he asked abruptly.

  Daniella widened her eyes and snorted. “Parents?” Then she pretended to laugh hard and wipe her invisible tears, simply because she didn’t know what to tell him. Was it normal to have two fathers doting over you? Furthermore, one was a notorious, infamous thief as well as a blood alchemist, while the other was a Sacred Beast of the East with an appearance so striking it made not only women’s hearts, but men’s as well, flutter with ardor?


  The demand was cold, and Daniella could see this beyond-gorgeous young man had a mind to beat her if she went any further with this fake laugh of hers.

  “Well,” she began, “I am son of Lord Yang from the kingdom of China. Father is unwell tonight, so I came in his place.” She smiled sweetly, and then said, “Now, if you would excuse me, ’tis very important—” She turned to go.

  Zach caught her again by the arm and pulled her around. “Wait a second. What do you mean you may miss something very important and dangerous?”

  “Absolutely, sir, why I was in the library—oh, not snooping around like you’re thinking. No, I’m a very honest person. I was just a bit, err, you see—”

  She halted and frowned, thinking of how to go about this. She suddenly had an idea. All she needed to do to help solve this problem was to go and find the earl of Middlemarch himself and warn him of the possible danger.

  Her mind made up, Daniella looked up to Zach and said, “Do you know where the earl of Middlemarch is?”

  Zachary was taken by surprise by the sudden switch in topic. He was in no mood for games, but he decided to accommodate the youth who was obviously trying to get away from his questions.

  “Ah, the earl of Middlemarch, do you know him?” he asked, letting her arm go.

  Daniella was glad to be released from his iron-like grip. She straightened and tried to think of what to say. After a moment of hesitation, she said, “Why, of course I know him. We’ve met before, you know. And his sons, too.”

  She smiled at her smart tactic. She was sure he would not ask her further questions if he thought she knew the earl and his family well, and would take her to them in a heartbeat.

  “In fact,” she added, “I know the older son quite well. We are very good friends, you know.”

  No, Zach didn’t know, because up until early this evening at exactly seven o’clock, he had never met this youth, and as to them being good friends, in the past, nay, but in the future, that remained to be seen. This kid was able to tell him a lie so sincerely. He wondered how the youth would react if he told him the truth—that in fact he, Zachary Stephen Hasting, was the oldest son and heir to the earldom of Middlemarch.

  He kept quiet, however, listening to the youth saying, “Well, now, young sir, do you know where he is?”

  Young sir, indeed. Zach wanted to laugh. However, since he was a disciplined young gentleman, he was able to control this urge successfully and shook his head, because he really did not know where his father was at that moment. He folded his arm across his chest and looked at the youth directly. “Now then, about you and the library,” he said.

  “Oh, that. That is not important.” She pretended to laugh heartily. Then waving aside the subject of the library as if it were of no significance, she proceeded. “What I intended to tell the earl is... You see, erm... It is that I must see him. Why, it is imperative that I find him immediately. He could be in danger.”

  “There is nothing to worry about. There are guards in this house. The earl is a military man. He knows what he’s about.”

  “Indeed, sir, but things could still go wrong. You know, if you do not want to help me and are scared, you could just say so.”

  Zach nearly choked on the air he had just breathed in.

  Daniella turned and ran down the hall.

  In two swift strides, Zach was in front of her. Daniella halted before she smashed into him.

  “I haven’t finished with you yet.” He grabbed her arm roughly and dragged her toward the stairs.

  “Hey, let go,” she snapped.

  “I don’t like people coming into my house and stealing my things,” Zach said. He saw the shock in her eyes, which only moments before were glinting with mischief.

  “You’re one of the sons?” she asked, as he dragged her down the stairs.

  “Yes,” he said, lowering his head toward hers. When their faces were very close, their noses nearly touching, he said, staring into her eyes, “The oldest one, Zachary Stephen Hasting, and right now, not your friend.”

  Daniella bit her lip.

  Zach drew his head back. “I don’t like theft. Now, get out of here before my patience runs out.” He shoved her toward the foyer
. “You should count your luck I have decided not to hand you over to the police.”

  “I haven’t stolen anything!” Daniella burst out in anger. She hated it when people accused her of doing something she hadn’t done. Most of all stealing.

  She rubbed her arm, sore from his brutal treatment. When she looked up at him, he was still there, watching her. Determined, she rushed back to him. With her head tilted back, she looked him straight in the eyes. “I told you I have something very important to tell the earl,” she said.

  Zach raised his brows. “Then tell me, and I will tell him for you.”

  “No, I want to see him.”

  “You may not see him.” With that, he caught her arm again and dragged her right to the front door. There, he turned to the footman.

  Daniella knew he was about to tell the footman to kick her out and see she stayed out. Oh, no, she wouldn’t allow that to happen. Instantly, she threw herself onto him and hugged him hard, her arms wrapped tightly around his middle. She looked up at him and saw the shock on his face.

  She smirked.

  “Please don’t throw me out. Please let me see my father, the earl. Please, sir, please. Mama is very unwell,” she said, forcing a tear out of her eye as she stared up at him.

  Surely, she thought, her playacting was getting better. Thanks to Tristan and Jude of course.

  Good Lord, Daniella thought. His body felt so hard. She couldn’t feel an ounce of fat anywhere. Funnily enough, she liked hugging him.

  Zach was appalled by what the boy was doing. Father? The earl? He knew if this went any further, this incident would spread like wildfire around the town. His father’s good name would be tarnished, and he would not be pleased. Who had ever heard of a nobleman, especially an earl, taking an Eastern woman as his mistress and producing a half-bred son? It was unheard of. Damn, he knew the kid was smart, but not this smart.

  He grabbed Daniella’s arm and said through gritted teeth, “What are you doing?”

  She said, “If you tell the footman to throw me out, I will cry and scream that the earl is my father who has abandoned his bastard child—me.”

  Zach scowled. “What do you want?”

  “My lord?” a middle-aged woman called out suddenly.

  Zach glanced over and muttered, “Dammit!” under his breath. It was Lady Deborah—the society’s gossipmonger. If she witnessed this and heard their conversation, it would be all over London by tomorrow morning. Damnation!

  “Is something the matter? Is that really your father’s... err?”

  “No!” Zach uttered swiftly. “It’s nothing, Lady Deborah.” He gave her a brilliant fake grin, flashing his strong, white teeth. He glanced down at Daniella, who was also smiling at Lady Deborah and waving at the woman as if they had known each other for centuries. He knew the boy was taking advantage of the situation. Double damnation!

  He roughly grabbed Daniella and pulled her into his arms. “Just a friend from China.”

  Daniella widened her eyes and shouted, “What?”

  Zach tightened his grip about her, still smiling. “He’s a bit of a country bumpkin, foreigner. Just taking him aside to teach him a few lessons about London’s life before he makes a fool of himself in front of the ladies.”

  Lady Deborah wasn’t satisfied with this. She frowned. “So, he’s not your father, err?”

  “No, of course not, Lady Deborah. My friend here is just fooling around.” He glanced at Daniella, giving her a look that told her to agree with him or else.

  Daniella scowled at him and said, “I have to see your father. I have something important to tell him. He’s in danger.”

  “Danger? What danger?” Lady Deborah asked excitedly. Her eyes were bright with expectation.

  “It’s nothing, Lady Deborah. Like I said, my friend is just fooling around. Aren’t you?” Zach gave Daniella that look again.

  “I can see your father if I...?” She left the meaning for him to interpret.

  Zach knew exactly what she meant and gritted his teeth. Darn it, to be out done by a mere boy. He knew he had no choice.

  “Fine,” he muttered. “But you’re not getting out of my sight.”

  Daniella smiled. She turned to Lady Deborah and said, “I was just fooling around, Lady Deborah. My wall of a friend here doesn’t want to play, however. How disappointing.” She pulled a face.

  “Aww. There, there.” Lady Deborah came over and patted Daniella about the shoulder. “London life isn’t that bad. I assure you. Plenty of fun.” She glanced up at Zach. “And you, my lord, should be ashamed of yourself for not entertaining your dear friend. Next time you must bring your friend to my house for afternoon tea.” She turned to Daniella. “How about that?”

  Daniella’s smile widened. “That is a brilliant idea, Lady Deborah. Why, thank you for inviting me. I’m sure my dear friend will definitely bring me.”

  Zach wasn’t impressed with the way things were going. “Thank you, Lady Deborah.” He saluted her, and roughly dragged Daniella back into the foyer.

  Daniella grinned as she staggered after him, and Lady Deborah smiled to herself brightly.

  As they entered the ballroom, the music suddenly stopped and everyone turned toward the earl of Middlemarch. Zach saw his father standing at the back of the thick crowd and led Daniella toward him.

  Daniella was quite excited that she was finally going to meet Stephen Phillip Hasting, the fourth earl of Middlemarch, not to mention perhaps the king of Darnia as well, who was standing beside the earl.

  Zach realized his father was about to make a speech. Thus, he stopped, which caused Daniella to look up at him in confusion.

  “Aren’t we going to see him?” she asked.

  He put a finger to his lips, and Daniella nodded in understanding.

  At that moment, the earl of Middlemarch met his son’s eyes and smiled. Upon Zach nodding at him in acknowledgement, he then returned his attention to the crowd and began his speech. “I thank you, Your Highness, ladies and gentlemen, for coming to my birthday party...”

  The speech went on as Daniella scanned around the room, gazing at the grandly dressed crowd. Then her eyes halted. Her heart started to beat faster. She tugged at Zach’s sleeve.

  The young man scowled at her to quit her tugging. She bit her lip and scowled back. She nodded her head in the direction of the crowd.

  Zach glanced in that direction. He saw only a sea of faces looking toward his father, all smiling at the man as he was making his speech. When he saw nothing was out of the ordinary and suspected the little brat was only jesting around with him, he shook his head in vexation and returned his gaze and attention to his father.

  Then his father said something funny, and the crowd started laughing. The noise echoed throughout the ballroom. That was when, in his peripheral vision, Zach caught sight of a glint of metal against the light. He turned in that direction, and then—


  The king of Darnia fell to the floor. A woman screamed. Confusion reigned.

  Zach caught movement within the spectators and swiftly dashed across the length of the floor. Daniella raced after him.

  Zach lowered his body, slid forward, legs first, and caught the culprit’s legs. The man tumbled to the floor. Zach flipped up and kicked the man in the stomach as he tried to get away.

  The culprit groaned in pain, cowering in a fetal position. Zach hauled the man up by the collar as the crowd screamed and ran around the ballroom, trying to escape or find places to hide.

  Five guards rushed into the room then.

  Zach was about to bash the culprit in the face when he glimpsed the glint of a sharp dagger. He turned, throwing the man to the floor. The dagger sliced through the side of his stomach.

  Daniella grabbed the woman she had seen in the library by the arm, pulled her around, and bashed the side of her face. The woman fell to the floor, her dagger sliding out of her hand.

  An anguished cry from a woman penetrated the room over the noise
of skirts rustling, shoes padding chaotically against the polished marble floor, and mumbling of fear from the crowd.

  The king of Darnia was bleeding from a gunshot wound.

  The earl of Middlemarch took control then. He ordered the king to be taken to the guest room and the doctor be fetched. He commanded the crowd to be quiet and told them everything was all right.

  Two guards roughly grabbed the woman on the floor, one on each side to prevent her from escaping.

  “Zachary, what happened?” the earl boomed out across the room.

  Zach turned to his father to answer when he saw Daniella run to the door. He twisted around and grunted. The pain in his stomach intensified. He blinked and realized the male culprit had disappeared. He was about to follow Daniella when he felt hands around his arm. He turned to see Lady Sara Gascoyne looking at him. Fear showed clearly on her beautifully flawless face.

  “Are you all right? You’re hurt,” she said. “You’re bleeding.”

  Zach quickly gave her a reassuring smile before turning to the guards and barking out orders. “You two, follow that boy.”

  They nodded at his command and rushed out the door.

  It took a full fifteen minutes to calm the guests. Zach saw that Prince Edward was shaking from head to toe. He turned to his father and suggested the prince be taken home. Prince Edward agreed eagerly and was helped by two of his own guards on either side as they made their way out the door.

  “Bring her here!” Zach commanded to the guards.

  The two dragged the woman toward him. At the door, another guard said, “We found two more culprits, my lord.”

  John and Maiko were dragged into the room then.

  “We found them snooping around below stairs. When we heard the gunshots, they ran,” one of the guards said.

  Zach observed the two new suspects. His eyes lit up when he remembered seeing them entering the house with the youth and a Japanese young man.

  He hadn’t paid them any attention at first, not until his vision had caught the glint of an earring against a slender neck that belonged to a half-bred boy claiming to be the young Lord Yang from China. His interest had been piqued then, and he had known immediately they were imposters. He had followed the youth around the whole evening, up until moments before when the gun had been shot and the confusion and fear from the crowd had erupted.


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