by Robert Klane
The parents and guests started arriving. Soon the tent was packed. Nemiroff's parents arrived and took their place at the front of the tent Miss Booe's parents were sitting alongside them. Nemiroff waited nervously at the head of the tent with Rabbi Rosenberg, who agreed to perform the ceremony for practically nothing. A lousy hundred and fifty because Nemiroff was a friend. The boys from Nemiroff's group looked like perfect gentlemen as they helped the guests to their seats. Nemiroff was proud of them. They looked so great in their rented tuxedos. Even Miss Helen looked beautiful in his new dress.
At last everyone was seated. The ushers waited by the entrance to the tent. One of them gave a signal, and Uncle Bernie started playing the wedding march on his violin. The coach pulled up to the entrance. Two of the ushers opened the door. Out stepped Miss Booe. She was beautiful. She started to walk down the aisle and the ushers followed behind her. Nemiroff put out his hand and helped Miss Booe the last few steps to where he and Rabbi Rosenberg were standing. Miss Booe was beautiful. The rabbi was beautiful. The wedding was beautiful. Everything was beautiful as Nemiroff turned to kiss his new bride. They held each other for a long time. Then Nemiroff whispered I love you in Miss Booe's ear. She squeezed his hand. Uncle Bernie took up the violin again and the couple turned to walk back down the aisle as man and wife.
A few of the parents in the tent started to stand up and clap. Soon everyone was clapping and crying. Mrs. Nemiroff was yelling, "Son, son," as Nemiroff walked by. He turned and smiled at her.
Miss Booe turned and smiled at Nemiroff. "I'm Happy," she said.
"So am I," he said, "it's so wonderful, so perfect What could go wrong?"
Just as Nemiroff finished his last sentence, ten kids in tuxedos piled onto Nemiroff and started to beat him into the ground.
"Get the son of a bitch," one of the kids yelled. "Kill him," said another. They climbed all over his back and wrestled Nemiroff to the ground. "We've been waiting all summer for this."
Nemiroff disappeared in a mass of flying feet and fists. The kids had him pinned to the ground and were jumping all over him.
"Nemiroff, Nemiroff," Miss Booe shrieked. The kids kept hitting and biting. Then, from somewhere deep at the bottom of the pile, Miss Booe heard Nemiroff scream back, "I told you, I told you I should never turn my back on the lousy sons of bitches."