Moon Bound: LaRue Series, Book 4

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Moon Bound: LaRue Series, Book 4 Page 5

by Grant, Donna

“It doesn’t matter if these are her followers or just people off the street, they’re going to do Delphine’s bidding. She knows I won’t stop until I kill her, so she needs me out of the picture.”

  Elise glanced up at him. “And anyone you’re associated with.”

  “Which is why I’m leaving tonight.”

  His words made her freeze. She slowly straightened to look at him. “Please don’t.”

  “The longer I stay, the worse it’ll be for you.”

  “My fate was sealed the moment I helped you, and you know it. You’re not ready. Granted, your body has done some incredible healing in the past three days, but you’ve undone most of that. If you walk out of here tonight, you’re effectively committing suicide. I didn’t figure you for that.”

  His lips flattened as he stared at her with narrowed eyes. “Fine. I’ll give it another day. But don’t go anywhere without me.”

  “I don’t plan on leaving this house.”

  “Good. Because they could get in while you’re gone.”

  Elise looked out the doorway into the living room where Mr. Darcy was sitting on the back of the couch looking out the window. She just realized that the cat hadn’t left the house since the storm—or since she’d brought Kane inside.

  “He’s not stupid,” Kane said of the Siamese.

  She turned her gaze back to him. “If they touch my cat, I’ll skin them.”

  He suddenly grinned. “I do believe you would.”

  Elise became trapped by his hypnotic gaze. She was all too aware that she stood between his legs where the blanket was bunched. She swallowed and looked down at her left hand that rested atop his thigh, so very close to his—

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  Elise shook her head and moved around to his back to work on those injuries before he realized just how much she wanted to touch his cock.

  She’d thought being away from those mesmerizing blue eyes of his would give her some relief, but she was wrong. Each time she touched him and felt the warmth of his skin and the strength of his muscles, she craved more.

  Hungered for it.


  Her touch was agony because he wanted more than just her tending to his wounds. Kane yearned to turn and pull her against him, to cup her face and run his thumb along her lower lip. He craved to see her green eyes flare with unconcealed desire.

  All before he put his lips to hers and discovered the taste of her kiss.

  His cock hardened uncomfortably. Kane was glad the blanket hid him. Or maybe he should let it fall away and find out what Elise would do if she knew how badly he wanted her.

  But the fact that she was again treating his injuries reminded him that things were going from bad to worse. And quickly.

  While he hadn’t been the one to intentionally put her in harm’s way, the fact of the matter was that Elise was being targeted because of him—because she had helped him. He should’ve left days ago, but he’d let her talk him into staying.

  That wasn’t entirely true. He’d wanted to remain, so her argument gave him what he needed to linger. He was an idiot. Just because he liked being near her and having her fuss over him, he had all but signed her death warrant.

  The fear that had gone through him when he heard the wolf’s growls when she returned from town made his blood run like ice through his veins. He hadn’t thought twice about exiting through the door she used for the clinic. Or shifting.

  He’d gotten there just in time, too, because the wolf had been about to pounce. The sight of a werewolf about to kill Elise made him see red. Kane had wanted to kill the were, to rip its throat out with his teeth and howl his fury to the sky.

  The few wards he’d put up around the house while she was gone wouldn’t be enough. He would need to add more. Much more.


  He blinked and discovered Elise standing before him once more. “Yes?”

  “I asked if you needed anything for the pain.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t have anything that will dull my mind.”

  “At least there are no new injuries.”

  “It’s going to be all right. I promise.”

  Her green eyes were filled with concern. “I don’t want you to go after them. I’ve...well, I’ve come to care about you.”

  He tugged his favorite curl and smiled. “It’s because of our friendship that I’m going to make sure they never harm you or anyone else.”

  “You can’t take them on all by yourself. You don’t even know how many there are,” she argued.

  There was a way to remedy that, but it wasn’t time yet. Soon. “Did I smell donuts?”

  “You’re changing the subject.”

  He brushed his fingers over her puckered brow. “I’m used to my family’s worry. I don’t like yours.”

  “Tough. I can’t stop it, nor do I want to.”

  “I’m not the type of person you should be friends with.”

  She raised a brow and shot him a flat stare. “Is that right? Someone who dedicates his life to protecting innocents? Someone who holds his family close? Someone who willingly puts his life in danger to save others? Sounds exactly like the type of friend I want.”

  Damn, but he wanted to kiss her. Did she have any idea how utterly irresistible she was?

  “Elise,” he murmured.

  She shook her head, determination in the set of her jaw. “Don’t try to change my mind.”

  He slid from the table and let the blanket drop as he took a step closer to her. She blinked, a moment of confusion evident until she glanced down and saw his arousal. When her green eyes met his again, there was excitement there.

  The thought of anything other than kissing her fled his mind. Kane had never known such longing for another before. He cupped her nape, sliding his fingers into her curls as he dropped his gaze to her lips.

  They were parted, the pulse at her throat rapid. Desire surged within him and pushed him onward. He lowered his head and was about to kiss her when he heard the sound of an approaching vehicle.

  He halted and looked at her. She stared at him with wide, green eyes filled with the same desire that consumed him. With a grin, he brushed his thumb over her lips and gave her a nod.

  She backed up a step before walking to the door when the engine cut off. Elise looked at him over her shoulder before she stepped outside. As soon as she did, Kane grabbed the blanket and bags of clothes and walked to the bathroom.

  He was trying on a pair of jeans when he heard voices. Grabbing the first shirt he found, he yanked it over his head. He didn’t bother with shoes as he opened the door to better hear what was being said.

  “Elise, please tell me,” a man said.

  “Everything is fine, Mr. Perkins. I promise.”

  He gave a loud snort. “You fired your gun again, and it wasn’t target practice. Norma told me you bought men’s clothes today. If there’s someone here who is trying to hurt you, I’ll get rid of him.”

  Kane walked from the bathroom to the doorway of the clinic to find a man in his early sixties. He was tall and slim with a full head of salt-and-pepper hair.

  “I can promise you, I’m not here to hurt her,” Kane said.

  The man turned, spearing Kane with gray eyes faded with age. He looked Kane up and down before hooking his thumb in the front pocket of his jeans. “I’d like to hear that from Elise.”

  “Kane is speaking the truth,” she said.

  “Kane LaRue,” he said, holding out his hand.

  There was a pause before the man grasped his hand and shook it. “Ed Perkins.”

  “A pleasure, Mr. Perkins.”

  Ed held his gaze for a long minute before releasing his hand. “LaRue, huh?”

  Kane inwardly winced. Did the old man know of his family? Surely not. “That’s right.”

  “I knew a Dwight LaRue.”

  “My father.”

  “I thought so,” Ed said. “I’m sorry about your parents’ deaths, son. They were take
n too early.”

  Kane bowed his head in acknowledgement. “Thank you.”

  “Where are your brothers?”

  He narrowed his gaze on the old man. For someone he didn’t know, Mr. Perkins seemed to know a lot about his family. “Busy.”

  “What brings you out here?”

  “He’s hunting,” Elise quickly said.

  Ed jerked his chin to the visible wounds on Kane’s arms. “Looks like you ran into trouble. Is it the wolves Elise asked Norma about?”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Kane saw Elise jerk her head to Ed. The more Ed talked, the more Kane thought the man might know more than he was letting on.

  “There’ve been strange sightings around,” Ed continued. “A black mass that disappears as quickly as it’s seen.”

  That caught Kane’s attention. “Where?”

  “It’s kept to the bayou.”

  Elise’s forehead furrowed deeply. “Black mass?”

  Ed swiped a hand over his jaw. “Hunting is sometimes better done in...packs.”

  Now Kane knew Ed was aware of his heritage. “How well did you know my father?”

  “When I was sixteen, I snuck out of the house and took my dad’s truck to go meet a girl I was sweet on. I happened upon your father out in the woods being chased by some men. They shot at him, and one of the bullets grazed him.”

  Kane was taken aback. “The wound on Dad’s neck.”

  Ed grinned. “That’s right. I found your father and saw both sides of him.”

  Elise let out a loud sigh. “You mean you saw him shift.”

  Ed cut his gaze to her. “So you know. I wasn’t sure.”

  “I’m the one who saved Kane from some werewolves a few days ago,” she stated.

  Ed blew out a breath. “Being this close to New Orleans, we know some of the goings-on, but not everything. And not all of us. Those of us who do, will help as much as we can.”

  Kane shook his head. “It’d be better if you didn’t.”

  “When I helped your father, we formed a bond of friendship that lasted until he died. I was at your parents’ wedding, and each of the christenings for you and your brothers. I’m aware that your parents were murdered.”

  “Then you’ll understand why I have to do this alone. I’m after Delphine.”

  Ed took a step back, his face pale. “She’s here?”

  “I believe she’s the black form everyone is seeing,” Kane said.

  Elise wrapped her arms around her middle. “Is this something she’s done before?”

  Kane shook his head, thinking back to the last battle. “Remember I told you I was fighting Delphine and George? Neither was concerned about my appearance. They went after each other, sending magic back and forth. George got off one last spell before I killed him and the building collapsed. That could be what turned Delphine into whatever she is now.”

  “And the weres?” Ed asked.

  Kane ran a hand through his hair, shoving the blond strands out of his face. “As I told Elise, I think they’re her followers that she’s turned.”

  “So she can still do magic,” Elise murmured.

  Kane and Ed exchanged looks.

  “That’s not good news,” Ed said. “Maybe it’s time to call your brothers.”

  Elise threw up her hands before letting them slap against her legs. “That’s what I’ve been telling him.”

  Kane ignored her and said, “I tracked Delphine. I think I know where she’s hiding. I just need to get to her.”

  “We can help,” Ed said.

  Kane quickly shook his head. “It won’t take her long to realize you’re helping. You need to think about your community and the peace that’s here. As long as Delphine believes her only worry is me, she might not lash out at the rest of you.”

  “That’s a big chance we’re taking,” Elise said.

  Kane walked into the living room to her desk and grabbed a couple of sheets of printer paper and a pen. He then began to draw some of the basic wards of protection.

  He handed the papers to Ed. “Have these carved, painted, or drawn on every building you can. They’re for protection and will keep anything evil out.”

  “And Delphine?” Ed asked.

  Kane drew in a breath and compressed his lips. “Stronger wards will need to be added by a witch. Those are basic ones and a few my family learned.”

  “You should add wards here,” Ed said.

  Kane glanced at Elise. “I’ve already begun.”

  The old man gave a nod and folded the papers before putting them into his pocket. “Norma and I will get this started immediately. Are you sure the two of you should stay here?”

  “This is my home,” Elise said. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I’ll watch over her,” Kane promised.

  Ed said his good-byes and hurried out the door before driving off. Kane never expected to meet anyone who knew of him in the area. It was a nice surprise, but also gave him worry since Delphine always seemed to find out things like that and used them against her enemies.

  “Wow,” Elise said. “That’s a story Mr. Perkins never shared. And he’s told me many.”

  But Kane didn’t want to talk. He turned to Elise and cupped her face with his hands before he leaned down and placed his lips on hers.

  Her mouth was soft, supple. He nibbled at her lips, kissing her gently until his need became too great. He wrapped his arms around her and slid his tongue against hers.

  She moaned and leaned into him. That’s all he needed to deepen the kiss and let the fire burning within him consume them both.


  Oh, God, she’d forgotten how much she loved kissing. And Kane was a master. His lips moved over hers seductively, expertly.

  And when he deepened the was utter bliss.

  Elise wrapped her arms around his neck and succumbed to the raging desire that surged through her with the force of a hurricane.

  He held her firmly, passionately. In his powerful embrace, she felt secure and treasured, coveted even. After her abstinence, her senses were being overloaded with the heady sensations.

  She slid her fingers into his golden mane when he effortlessly lifted her before turning them and sitting her on the table. Even through her jeans, she felt the coolness of the stainless steel—a direct contrast to the heat rolling off him.

  The strength of him was in every movement. It radiated from him each time his muscles flexed beneath her palms and against her body, reminding her that he was much more than a simple man.

  She didn’t fully understand the paranormal world he came from, but that didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except for how she felt in his arms.

  Her head was filled with the sense of him, and the intoxicating passion that swept through her—right up until Kane’s hand slipped under her shirt and touched her side...and a scar.

  Then reality crashed down on her.

  Elise tore her lips from his and turned her head away as she pushed his hand from beneath her shirt.

  “What is it?” he asked, his voice husky with desire.

  Tears blurred her vision, so she closed her eyes. How could she have forgotten her scars? The very things she couldn’t bear to look at—or have anyone else see?


  She swallowed and opened her eyes, but she wouldn’t look at him. “Now isn’t the time for this.”

  “That’s not what you were thinking a few seconds ago.”

  His soft, sexy voice was gone, replaced by frustration that edged his words. She shoved him away and stood. “I’ve work to do.”

  She walked to the cabinet that lined the back wall and opened it while pretending to look for something. He stared at her for long minutes before he stalked out.

  Elise closed her eyes and drew in a shaky breath. Her scars were a reminder that she had lived through a horrific experience that could have killed her.

  But the puckered, raised marks that varied in length and depth from her knees to her chest
were mutilations, pure and simple.

  While her inner scars might have healed, the ones on her skin never would. The one time she had tried to continue her life as before, it had ended with a child screaming in fear at the sight of her arms.

  Ever since, Elise kept herself covered.

  She busied herself with patients until lunch. The door to the living room remained shut, as normal. Yet she found herself glancing at it often, wondering what Kane was doing.

  After she’d ended their kiss, she hadn’t seen or heard from him. Maybe that was for the best. It wasn’t as if she wanted to explain why she’d stopped them from going further.

  At noon, she hesitated to go into the kitchen to get food because she wasn’t ready to face him. Thankfully, a client dropped in with a pet parakeet, and that gave her the excuse she needed to remain.

  After that, her appointments kept her booked. She went outside to check on some new baby goats, and when she returned, there was a plate with a sandwich and chips on it on her desk, as well as a Dr. Pepper.

  Elise knew that Kane was responsible. She looked at the door and hurriedly devoured the sandwich before her next appointment arrived. She ate so fast, her stomach hurt, which caused her to go slower with the salt and vinegar chips.

  She had enough time to take a long swig of her soda before the outside door opened and her next client walked in. By the time her last appointment left at 6:30 p.m., she was exhausted.

  A quick clean-up of her lab only took fifteen minutes, and then she opened the door and walked into the living room. She glanced around but didn’t find Kane.

  She smelled something cooking and made her way into the kitchen to check the stove. She found pasta cooking in one pot, and sauce in another. A glance in the oven showed chicken.

  When she straightened, she saw something out of the corner of her eye and turned to find Kane standing just inside the back door.

  “It smells delicious,” she said.

  He stared at her a moment before he closed the screen behind him as he entered. “You’ve had a busy day.”

  “It was a normal day,” she replied with a shrug. “Thanks for the sandwich.”

  “How many meals do you miss daily?”


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