The End Zone: SPORTS ROMANCE (Contemporary Sport Bad Boy Alpha Male American Football Romance) (New Adult Second Chance Women’s Fiction Romance Short Stories)

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The End Zone: SPORTS ROMANCE (Contemporary Sport Bad Boy Alpha Male American Football Romance) (New Adult Second Chance Women’s Fiction Romance Short Stories) Page 32

by Jenna Payne

  “I still have to pinch myself to believe that I’m actually here with you, Travis. It just doesn’t seem possible that this day has finally arrived.” I was staring at him, unable to take my eyes off of what he was doing with his tongue. He was getting ever closer to my sodden hole and my little kitten was almost begging for some kind of attention. I was wet and I don’t mean just a trickle, because just looking down I could see that I was dripping onto his bedspread. I’d never been this sexually excited in my life.

  “You don’t have to pinch yourself, because you are here. The salt of your skin is the perfect appetizer, but now I need the main course.” I was up on my elbows watching him and that one leg was stretched and pointing towards the ceiling. He planted kisses on the inside of my thighs and then he made a slow journey towards the object of his desire. My body was on high alert and that sexual tension that was in the air was taking me on a journey that I would never forget.

  “Holy mother of God,” I said. I don’t know why I said that, but it was the first thing that came to mind when he put his tongue inside me for a brief second. He pulled it back and then he wiggled it in front of my eyes like some kind of tease. “Put it back in… PUT IT BACK IN!” I was almost screaming at him and he was purposely letting me hang there in the air. “You can’t do this! You can’t just put your tongue in for a second and then leave me wanting!”

  He traced a finger down over my taut stomach. “What makes you think that I’m going to leave you wanting? I could never do that. You’re not even going to leave this room, until you are a puddle of your former self. You’re going to be exhausted, completely satiated and if it was possible, you’ll have smoke coming off of your skin.” I had this itch that he had only barely begun to scratch. “Nikki, I hope that you ready for this.” I was ready for this the moment that I met him. All those years that had gone by had only strengthened that feeling. I buried it, but it still was there and all I had to do was feel that he wanted me to open my eyes.

  “Fuck…fuck…fuck!” I cried. He stabbed me with his tongue and he continued to fuck me over and over again with that very agile digit. I was moving on the bed and I had my eyes closed and was concentrating on the pleasures that he was inflicting on me. It was like I was his experiment and that he was gauging every response with what he was going to do next. “You’ve got it…my body is yours. It’s always been yours… I’m going to fucking CUMMMMMMMMM.” He was like a madman possessed. He held onto my ass cheeks and pulled me towards his face to get even better contact. My slippery lips were keeping him in a constant supply of my juices.

  That first orgasm was an eye-opener. I had to stare at the ceiling and let those waves of sexual energy caress my skin and turn me into a little slut for his cock.

  I lay there with my two hands against my heart, feeling it beating against my fingertips and I felt something dragging along my stomach. I opened my eyes instinctively and I saw that he was pushing his cock up, until it was enveloped within my breasts. I didn’t have the energy to push them against him, but he had done that himself. His own natural secretions were giving him the necessary pathway up to my mouth. Each time that he appeared at the top, I would swipe my tongue across and get a brief taste of his manly essence.

  “I’ve forgotten what sex was like, but you’ve definitely reminded me, Nikki,” he said. He was holding onto the headboard and he was rocking his hips back and forth between my breasts. This time, I did find a reserve of energy that allowed me to press my breasts against his member. The heat of his shaft was causing a stir down below and now I wanted one more thing and I think we both knew what that was.

  “Travis, I want to suck it and then I want you to fuck me,” I said. I never thought that I would say those words to my best friend, but they fell right of me somehow. It felt natural to be in his arms and I could swear that he knew just what buttons to push to get me to do anything for him. I opened my mouth to say something else, but he took that opportunity to slip his cock head into my mouth. He didn’t move and only his cock head was on top of my tongue, but that was not nearly enough for me. I did what I had to do, grabbing him by the base and pulling him into the tightness of my throat.

  “Nikki, I haven’t had anything near as good as this in all the years that I’ve lived. I’ve never found a woman that was this responsive and able to take the kind of loving that I was capable of giving. You love him…you love me and you always have and I think it’s a crying shame that we haven’t been together. I love what you’re doing with your tongue and the heat of your mouth is almost too much for me to bear. You can feel my cock swelling even more, and I really have missed that feeling of complete euphoria before and after an orgasm.” He made it sound like he really hadn’t had an orgasm for a long time.

  The vein along the back side of his cock was quite pronounced. I had every reason to believe that I was going to get a mouthful if I didn’t do something to stop him. Unfortunately, each time I tried to pull away, he would grab my hair and keep me right where I was. He was moaning and then these strange words started to come out of his mouth. I had no idea what he was saying and I had no time to think about it. The floodgates opened up and my mouth was awash in creamy delight.

  He still had his hand curled in my hair and he gave me short thrusts along the surface of my tongue. One spurt after the other was thicker than the rest. I wished I had more time to savor the taste, but there was just too much there and I had to continually swallow to keep up with the flow. When he pulled free, he was still hard and I had not seen that in a man of his age. Usually, that is for younger guys in their teens or early twenties. He had just reached his 30th birthday. As for me, had I been about five years older, I would’ve been considered a cougar.

  He was looking at me with this salacious smile on his face and then everything changed in a blink of an eye. I thought that he was going to fuck me, but instead he did something that was entirely out of character for somebody that was in his position. His face changed and he became hard and unfeeling.

  “Nikki, I think that you should leave. Your clothes are probably right where you left them and I would collect them and go home.” He had said it with no real feeling, but there was this chill in the air that I had felt when I heard him speak the other night. I thought that he was kidding and that this was some sort of game, but he actually grabbed me very roughly and pulled me to my feet off the bed. “I don’t think I’m going to have to say it again. Please leave.” I was completely stunned, unable to say much in the way of an argument. I could still taste the remains of his cream on my tongue. I wanted more, but it didn’t look like I was going to get it.

  I was puzzled, but I went downstairs, put my clothes back on and made my way back out to the road. I turned and saw him on top of his house with his hands outstretched and looking towards the sky. He was completely naked and it was a good thing that the only people around at this time of day were myself and the widow down the street. Speaking of the widow, she was standing in her yard watering her lawn with her mouth wide open and watching Travis. I would’ve done the same thing, except that I had already seen him in his birthday suit.

  I continually looked back behind me, not quite believing that he was on top of his house with nothing on but a smile. I jumped two feet, as a crack of thunder appeared out of nowhere. A lightning bolt came down and if I didn’t know any better, I would swear that he had just grabbed it right out of the sky. There were three more and once again, it appeared that he was letting them strike him right in the hands. It had to be some kind of optical allusion. Thankfully, Emily was a little embarrassed and had gone back into her house before that happened.

  I went back in the house and I closed the drapes, because I really didn’t want to see any more of what was going on.


  I immersed myself into my work. I was tempted to go up and take a very cold shower. Then again, there was also that temptation of taking a hot one and using the nozzle head of the shower to give myself that relief that I had
been looking for with him. I didn’t do either of those things. Instead I sat there with that elusive orgasm screaming in my ears. I did come up with a remarkable slogan for that deodorant commercial: ‘When there is too much heat… keep it dry.’

  I had to make three 30 second commercials and I made a mint for only doing a few minutes of work. My clients didn’t even want the commercials produced, as they had their own production staff that was going to do the voice overs.

  I remembered last night. I had to go pick up my truck, and make that report about the taxi driver to the police. It took a little while, but it had to be done. I only told the police the basics. When I came back with my truck, I put on a pot of coffee.

  The whole time, I couldn’t get over the image of Travis standing on his house. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way that his cock was. It was so damn tasty that I didn’t dare drink anything. If I did, I would lose that taste and I had no idea when or if I was going to get it again. I remembered the words that he said during climax. Everybody says strange things at that time. I had one guy say, “Here it is girl… This is my gift to you.” I also had one say, “This is my touchdown…touchdown…touchdown.” I just never heard anything like what came out of Travis’s month before. It was garbled and I only wished that I had a tape recorder at the time.

  My doorbell was ringing, but I wasn’t expecting visitors. It could be that the widow Emily down the street had decided to come over and talk openly about her feelings for Travis. I had already told her that I was attracted him, only to have my advances rebuffed. She might have gotten a different response, but the loss of her husband had caused her to shy away from social engagements.

  I stood at my door and I had my hand on the chain, but then for some reason I didn’t feel safe. I pulled the flimsy yellow curtain aside an inch to see a man in a black suit standing there looking all professional and detached. There is something to say for a man in a suit and the fact that Travis had left me on the edge had only made me susceptible to whatever piece of ass showed up at my door.

  “Who is it?” I said.

  “My name is agent Thompson. If you have a moment, I would like to speak with you on a very urgent matter.” I glanced through the curtain one more time to see that he had produced an official looking badge. It was enough to get my attention and I opened the door to face him, still wearing my black spandex top and shorts. Behind his mirror glasses, I was sure that he was taking in the sight of me from the bottom to the top. There was a slight smirk on his face. I always thought that they traveled in pairs, but he was alone.

  “Agent Thompson, I would ask if you have a gun in your pocket, or if you are happy to see me. I won’t do that, because I can see the butt of the gun.” He smiled and then he followed me into the kitchen. “I don’t suppose that you would like to have a cup of coffee. It’s no trouble, I just brewed up a pot.” That suit really did look good on him and his uniform haircut and the way that he was standing made me think that he could easily lift me over his shoulder and carry me up to my bedroom. That suit might have looked good on him, but I’m sure that it would look a whole lot better off of him.

  “I really don’t have time for coffee. I was just wondering if you noticed anything strange in the last few days. I’m going around to the neighbors and apparently these lights last night have caused quite the concern amongst the locals.” I had a cup in my hand and I could feel the warmth on my fingertips. It brought to mind the huge appendage that I had just held onto with that same kind of heat emanating from within.

  “I did see the lights, but I haven’t really noticed anything that was out of the ordinary.” That wasn’t exactly true and Travis had certainly fit that bill to a T. “There was an altercation with a taxi driver, but I really didn’t think much of it. I gave the report to the police this morning.”

  “I read that report and we found his body a few miles out of town. I don’t exactly know where he was going in such a hurry, but he had blown the radiator. The only thing I found strange is that the body wasn’t exactly like I would’ve thought it would be.” He had definitely got my attention and I was so on the edge of my seat to hear the rest of this story. “The crime scene investigators confirmed that the body was burned. There was no sign of an incendiary device, but let’s just say that it attracted my agency’s attention.”

  We concluded our business. I escorted him back to the door, cocking my head sideways to get a better look at his posterior. “Oh, if you think of anything else, then you can call me directly at this number.” He passed me his card and his fingers lingered a little longer than necessary on the back of my hand. Had he made any sort of advance, I probably would’ve jumped his bones and given him a morning of delight that would’ve had him stumbling back to his car.

  That nice new suit would be rumpled, his shirt ruffled and he would most likely have lipstick marks on his neck and his cheek. I could already envision lying back in my bed feeling completely satisfied and unable to move for a few minutes. I don’t know if he knew what I was thinking, but he certainly gave me a look that said that he did.

  “I’ll be sure to give you a call, Agent Thompson.” I wanted to scream to him to come back and sweep me up into his arms. I don’t know why my libido was raging full steam ahead. It had been that way, since the moment that Travis had seduced me with his words. It didn’t hurt that he had the body of a Greek god.

  During the last twenty-four hours, things had been happening that were really starting to concern me. The taxi driver was killed and he apparently was speeding to some unknown location. According to the reports that I found on the Internet it was rumored that he looked like he was baked to a crisp. That was only rumor, but every rumor always has a grain of truth. Investigators had spoken to the cab company and they had no record of any passenger that had to be picked up or brought to the location where the cab was found.

  With that, and how Travis was acting, not to mention having an agent show up at my door, you had all of these pieces of a puzzle. I didn’t know where each one fit, but I had a feeling they were connected in some way. There were just too many coincidences and one of my best friends had told me that there were no such things as coincidences. I always thought that what she’d said was a little strange, but now her words were now coming back to haunt me.

  I had not asked him what agency he was from. I looked down at the card, but there was no signature or indication of what agency he was from. It was just his name and his telephone number.

  I walked out into the yard to retrieve my paper and when I glanced up, I saw this very incandescent glow coming from the basement of Travis’s house. I know that I shouldn’t have, but I felt like I needed to know what that was all about. It was possible that he was just playing with his light saber and I’m not talking about the one that was between his legs.

  As I moved closer, I suddenly found myself on my hands and knees, until I was pressed up against the glass. He was standing in a circle of what looked like salt and he was still naked. The glow was coming from the other side of room and I couldn’t perceive exactly what it was. He opened his eyes and we were now looking at each other. I found myself reaching out with my fingertips to touch that cold glass. If there was a way for me to crawl through that window and down onto my knees, I would’ve done that in a New York second.

  He never blinked, and it took all of my willpower to pull myself away from the window. I got up, dusted myself off and walked as quickly as I could back to my house. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to see him again. The last time it felt like I had lost a piece of myself and I wasn’t sure that I should be thanking him or cursing his name.

  I went into town to get some chores done and then I returned with a new resolve to stay away from Travis. I can’t say that I didn’t like the way that it felt to be out of control. I would be lying if I said that I’ve didn’t like it. It’s just that I’ve never felt that pull toward another human being before. It was as though that feeling I’d had for him when I met him ten years a
go was back, stronger than ever. I felt powerless and I’d submitted it to his sexual whims. It felt good and if I had a chance to do it over again, I would probably not change a thing.

  At the end of the day, I was kind of disappointed that he didn’t come calling, but also slightly relieved. I knew that being in his presence would make me do whatever he wanted me to do. It wouldn’t matter how depraved or kinky it might’ve been. I would have gladly pleased him with any sexual act that he could come up with.

  I turned off the lights and I retired to my bedroom upstairs. I stripped down to nothing, because I like the feel of being naked underneath my silk sheets. I peeled back the white duvet and slipped into the black silk sheets like it was my own personal cocoon. This was my oasis from the real world, my haven from having to contend with one client after another.

  I threw the covers over my head and turned up the radio to drown out any ambient noise outside. I fell asleep and I started dream of Travis and the way that his fingers felt, as they electrified my skin. I lay there with him hovering over me with his hard cock just touching the entrance to my sex. I waited for him to enter and he was surprising me with how much will power he had.

  I opened my eyes and I could feel the shift on the bed. I reached my hand to the lamp, only to have it slapped away. “I don’t think we need lights, Nikki.” Travis was in my house and I knew for fact that I’d locked the door.


  I could barely see him with the lights off. The only way that I could see him at all was from the moonlight. He looked so different and I should’ve questioned that further, but I just couldn’t get over the feeling of being wanted by the man of my dreams. His friendship had meant the world to me, but I had always wanted something more than just a shoulder to lean on. It was good for when it started, but then it had grown and even though I denied my feelings, they were still there.


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