The Biker's Dirty Little Secret

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The Biker's Dirty Little Secret Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “That’s it, fuck, baby. I’ve got to be inside you. I need to fuck you, feel you wrapped around my dick.” He slammed his cock hard and deep within her, making them both moan from the rush of pleasure.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, thrusting up to meet him for each slam of his cock. Brick took her hands, pressing them above her head and holding her in place as he rocked inside her. At first, his movements were slow, sure, controlled, but she saw the fire within his gaze.

  Her man was holding on by a thin thread.

  Callie gyrated her hips, and it was like she flicked a switch as he pumped inside her, going deeper and harder, taking her to heights only he could bring her to.

  She didn’t think it could get any better, but then he pulled out and spun her around so she was on her knees. His actions were so swift she didn’t have time to complain as he ran his fingers all over her ass, spreading the cheeks—then his fingers were inside her.

  “You have such a pretty ass,” he said.

  She whimpered. What more could she do as he pulled those fingers from her pussy and drew them back to tease the puckered hole of her ass?

  “Shh,” he cooed. “Don’t tense up. There’s no reason to tense up like that. I’ve got you. I’m going to make this so good.”

  The press of his finger was strange but not … uncomfortable. He pushed his finger and there was a slight sting, nothing too bad. And oddly erotic.

  She gasped.

  “Yeah, you’re going to be so tight here. Tell me I can, Callie. Tell me I can fuck this ass and fill you with my cum.”

  How could she deny her man anything? He was her entire life now.

  “Yes,” she said.

  She wanted to be everything to Brick, but she also trusted him to make this as good as it could be. Callie wanted to be able to give him anything those club whores were capable of.

  Brick worked a single finger inside her, in and out, getting her used to the feel of him. Then he added a second finger, and with this, he began to stretch her out. She nibbled on her lip, eyes closed, trying to focus on just how good it felt rather than anything else. Every time he wiggled his fingers inside her, he hit something that drove her need higher. She wanted this, her curiosity piqued.

  He was … wow, she couldn’t think or focus. It was so good. He took his time, even adding a third finger, and this time, there was a small amount of pain, but as he stroked her clit with his other hand, any residual discomfort vanished. She was more focused on her needs.

  “You’re ready,” he said.

  She didn’t tense up as he released her body and then he moved behind her. He nudged her down so she was flat on the bed, with a couple of pillows beneath her stomach to lift her just enough for him.

  “I’m not going to lie to you, Callie, this might hurt, but if it’s too much, tell me. I will stop. Got me?”

  “Yeah,” she said.

  He pushed his cock inside her pussy. “I want to get it nice and wet. I would’ve used some lube if I had some, but I’m all out.”

  His words shouldn’t sound dirty to her, but they did, and as he pressed the tip of his cock against her ass, she tensed up.

  “Trust me.”

  She took a deep breath as he began to ease his cock within her ass.

  “Push out.”

  She frowned but did as he asked, and then his cock began to fill her, inch by thick inch.

  It was too much. She held her hand up and he stopped immediately.

  “I don’t…” She ended on a moan as he began to play with her body, working her, and she felt the instant hit of pleasure as it rushed through her body.

  This time, she pressed back, taking more of his cock within her as he stroked her clit.

  “Fuck me,” Brick said.

  “No, fuck me,” she said. “Fill my ass with your cock.”

  They both groaned as he sank the last of the way inside her.

  It was tight, a little uncomfortable, and really fucking weird, but it was Brick. He was her man, and she wanted him so badly.

  “You drive me fucking crazy, Callie. You’re mine. I ain’t ever letting you go.”

  She was never going to go anywhere.

  She loved Brick. He was the man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life. Even if he was a biker and did illegal things, he treated her like a queen. Her grandmother once said that it wasn’t what the man did that was the problem, it was the way he treated those around him that counted. Brick was loyal. He was a man far more deserving than some who never went on the wrong side of the tracks.

  Brick began to thrust in and out of her. At first, she didn’t like it. Him inside her ass, it was way too strange, but then slowly, she felt that fire burning inside her. The way he touched her, bringing her to life, and the feel of his cock was just too good to deny.

  He worked her pussy, and she felt the start of her second orgasm. He didn’t stop, bringing her to the edge of release. As she came, she felt him move a little faster, going deeper inside her, and then the hard pulse of his release as he filled her.

  His growl echoed in the room. His arms surrounded her, wrapping her in the warmth of his embrace, and she knew without a shadow of a doubt, there was nowhere else she wanted to go.

  Chapter Eleven


  Tank ducked down and pointed through the trees. Brick could see the faint flicker of light intermittently in the distance.

  He stood straight. “Fucking pussies. Hiding out like animals.” Brick turned and faced the group of men shrouded in the darkness. “We go in fast and hot. Anyone in that hideout is game. No questions asked.”

  Lord groaned.

  “Second thoughts?” Brick asked.

  “We need at least one of them to interrogate. I want to know how they rebuilt without a prez or VP. We killed all their top brass, but they’ve been busy spying on us and expanding.”

  “You hear that? We need answers from at least one of those fuckers.”

  It was time. Brick was more than ready. Their revenge was a long time coming. Tank and Rancher had sustained serious injuries after their last shootout.

  After the Straight to Hell MC took out all their top men, they should have focused on finishing the job rather than hoping they’d disband.

  Now, ready to face off again with the Skull Nation, something new stirred inside Brick. Normally, he ran in with no fear, no hesitation. If he died, he died. Now he had something to live for, a woman to go home to at night. It made a difference.

  He had to use caution now. Callie still suffered from her grandmother’s death. Little things like the smell of fresh apple pie made her tear up. Even driving by the old trailer made her emotional. He didn’t want someone telling her he’d died, too. She’d have no one. He had to consider more than just himself now.

  They all mounted their idling bikes and hit the gas. No one expected them. Now that their clubhouse was clean of any listening devices, they had the element of surprise.

  Brick was out front with Lord and Tarmac. He steered with one hand while getting comfortable with his semi-automatic in the other. It would soon be raining lead. The scent of gasoline, pine, and adrenaline was potent. Light grew stronger as they neared on the narrow path. They were practically on top of them now.

  A door burst open, the shadow of a big guy in the backdrop of light stood there with a rifle. Within seconds, he was down. The Straight to Hell MC scattered around the series of small cottages in the woods, revving their engines, shooting everything that walked.

  One of their men went down, and Brick wasn’t even sure who it was yet. It enraged him, and he went on the hunt, emptying clip after clip into his enemies. This wasn’t a democracy, it was survival of the fittest.

  A bullet whizzed by his head, bringing his focus to the three men in front of him. They converged on his bike and it dropped to the side. He shot one point-blank in the throat, blood spraying out like a fountain. The other two didn’t have guns on them. He pivoted out of the pat
h of a fist before using his own. Two of them were on him, pounding and punching, trying to rip off his cut. It only fueled his rage. He pulled out his blade, using a mix of fighting skills, brawling, punching, and cutting when he had a chance.

  He stabbed one of them straight in the heart as the last bastard grabbed him from behind. The following gunshot rang his ears, the shrill echo stealing his hearing. It was Righteous, the motherfucker shot the guy behind him in the head. He was on the ground. Righteous was the one who’d been shot.

  It was pure chaos, loud and dark. Brick tried to keep focused, but even in the midst of battle, Callie crept into his thoughts. They didn’t leave any spot untouched during their search. There was no mercy tonight, only blood and revenge. The barrage of gunfire started to ease. He put up his hand, signaling the men in his view to back down. Brick listened as his hearing slowly returned.


  “Please. No.” The squealing pleads grew louder. Brick couldn’t see anything until Stump held the Skull Nation prospect into the headlights of several bikes.

  Stump shoved him forward and Lord appeared from the darkness like an apparition.

  “No prez. No VP. Who’s in charge now?”

  Whoever it was had to be pushing daisies after tonight. They’d taken out every biker in this makeshift hideaway.

  “I don’t know anything.”

  Lord grabbed him by the scruff of the shirt with one hand and backhanded him with the other. Their prez wasn’t gentle. The man was a beast and didn’t do mercy.


  “Name,” Lord said. He pulled a handgun from his waistband, pressing it against the biker’s thigh.

  “Okay. Okay.”

  “I’m waiting. Don’t test my patience.”

  “Steel. It was all Steel.”

  “What’s his rank?”

  “He was patched, moving up the ranks. Once everyone was killed, he took over, rallied the troops, and led our rebuild. He knew where the prez kept the money.”

  “Why you hiding out here?”

  “Steel said it was part of the plan.”

  Lord shot him in the leg, and he dropped down to one knee, letting out sounds that were a mix of whimpering and laughing.

  “Now that your new leader is dead, I’m hoping that’s the end of this. You fuckers are like cockroaches.”

  Their prez held the muzzle of his gun to the man’s temple. The biker only chuckled. “Oh, he’s alive and well. The Skull Nation will live on no matter what you do to me.”

  Brick stepped forward. “Where is he? At your new compound?”

  The prick smiled and shrugged. “You’ll kill me anyway. I know your game.”

  “End the fucker,” Brick said, walking away. He wouldn’t talk anymore. It was in his eyes. The acceptance of his fate. Once a man knew there was no hope, they were dangerous.

  Lord pulled the trigger, the body slumping to the ground. Their victory felt tainted. The new leader of this Skull Nation revival was still out there, plotting and planning. Or was this prospect just blowing smoke up their asses? There was no way to know right now.

  He walked over to Righteous and reached out a hand, helping him to his feet.

  “Where you hit?”

  “Right shoulder and leg, I think,” Righteous said.

  Brick pulled the other man’s bike up and tested it out to see if it was functional, doing a couple of circles. “You okay to ride, or do you wanna ride behind me like a bitch?”

  Righteous just raised a brow.

  At least they’d sent a message loud and clear, Brick was alive, and soon he’d be returning to his woman.

  The next day, he slept in until past noon, which wasn’t the norm for him. Even before he opened his eyes, he felt the softness of Callie’s body cuddling up next to his. She’d been asleep when he returned late last night. He hated to wake her but knew she’d be worrying. Brick had slipped into bed next to her after showering. She’d whispered she loved him before falling back to sleep. It was only then that Brick realized she’d been the first person to claim to love him.

  Today, he was going to start making things right for Callie. He’d erased her old life, so he owed her a new one. A better one.

  When he finally opened his eyes, Callie was staring at him. “You’re sleepy today,” she said.

  “Long night. Way too long.”

  “Is it all over now?” she asked.

  He didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth. Brick nodded.

  “We can’t stay in bed all day. Get dressed, baby. I have to do something with you in town today,” he said. “And don’t ask. It’s a surprise.”

  She scowled but did as he said, taking a quick shower and dressing. Today she wore a floral sundress, and she looked fucking adorable. That lush body of hers was his in every way now.

  “We’re going on my bike. You going to straddle me with that little dress on?”

  Callie shrugged. The thought of her pussy pressed against him from behind already made him hard. He pushed the ideas out of his head so he could stay focused on his task.

  They headed downstairs and mounted his bike. She wrapped her arms around him before they rode off toward town. After his surprise, he wanted to take her to the river like he’d promised a while ago. He was still debating if he’d actually go through with it or not. Oversharing made his skin crawl, but he wanted to show Callie she meant more to him than sex. She was his everything. His joy. His strength.

  He parked on the public lot shared by a government building, library, and local college.

  “What are we doing here? Is everything okay, Brick?”

  “Come on.”

  He took her by the hand and led her up the wide concrete steps. As they walked up, he leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I’m registering you in college.”


  Callie kept turning back to make sure Brick was there. She was in line to register—for college. This was all too surreal because it was a dream she never expected to see come to fruition. She wished her grandmother was still alive to tell her, to make her proud.

  She took a deep breath. Breaking apart now wasn’t a good idea. Without Brick, she wasn’t sure she’d ever have been able to go through with this. The time, money, and knowhow were things she didn’t have. Brick said she could apply as a mature student. He’d done all the legwork before bringing her here.

  The college was bustling because it was registration week. It took a couple of hours to get everything completed, but she was officially enrolled in their business program. Maybe she could help out the club. She wanted to pull her own weight and not only rely on Brick and the Straight to Hell MC for everything.

  When she was waiting for her student card to be laminated, a guy shifted closer to her.

  “What program?”

  She smiled. “Business.”

  He nodded, looking her not so discreetly up and down. “What’s your name?”


  “Cute. How’d you like me to show you around campus?”

  “Sorry, I don’t think my boyfriend would like that,” she said. Why would she be interested in a pretty college boy when she had a real man, hard and deadly?

  “You have a boyfriend?”

  By his tone, she could tell he thought it was a brush-off. Before she could ensure him by turning around to point at Brick patiently waiting in the lobby, he was there. He must have seen the other man getting too close and personal.

  She felt the heat of his body behind her.

  The guy took one step back. “Hi, I’m Brian.”

  “Fuck off.” Brick’s hand came possessively around her stomach, holding her tight to his body. When the college boy rushed off down the hall, he leaned down and kissed behind her ear.

  “I wonder if he thought you were my father,” she teased.

  She supposed it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility, considering the age gap between them. “Watch your mouth, baby girl. Or mine won’t be between your le
gs tonight.”

  Callie almost melted to the ground, her thoughts in the gutter. Brick was so good with his tongue. She twisted in his arms, resting her palms on his chest. His hands encircled her loosely around the hips. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Everything. Caring. My own parents wouldn’t have done this for me. It means more than you could ever know.”

  “You’re smart, Callie. You’re going to go far. I won’t be the one to hold you back.”

  “Does that mean you want me to spread my wings once I have my diploma?”

  He gripped the back of her neck, forcing her to look at him. She let out a little yelp as he was less than gentle. Her pussy tingled. “I’ll give you the world, Callie, but you’ll always be mine.”

  “Yes,” she whimpered. “I’m yours.”

  “Callie Johnson.” Her name rang out, pulling them from their reverie. She turned to the counter and took her identity card, staring at it for longer than she should. This was really happening.

  When she looked up, Brick was staring at her.

  “I’m proud of you, baby.”

  “I haven’t even done anything yet.”

  “You will.” He took her hand. “There’s one more place I need to take you to.”

  “Another surprise?”

  “You could say that.”

  They got back on Brick’s bike. She felt all the eyes on them, and it made her proud to have a sexy biker as her boyfriend. She doubted anyone would mess with her now that she had Brick. No more being everyone’s punching bag. No more being teased because she was overweight.

  She rested her head against Brick’s back as they rode back in the direction of the clubhouse. The wind through her hair, vibration of the engine, and her man between her legs was an addiction. She never thought she’d ever feel comfortable on the back of a bike, but she loved riding with him.

  They started to slow before getting home, so she looked around. Brick steered off the main road, the path getting bumpier and branches brushing her arms. He stopped the bike near the bottom by a river shrouded by mature trees, several of them weeping willows. It had a fairy-tale feel.

  “Is this the place you told me about?” she asked.


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