Passion and Sand 3: Empire of Desires

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Passion and Sand 3: Empire of Desires Page 5

by Andromeda -

  “But that was not with Eryx,” Alina said. “What if…I cannot have children by him? Mama, he wants children so badly…”

  “That is up to the gods,” Ayanna answered. “However, sometimes the gods need a little help. When you take him to your bed, you be on top, not he. Position your hips at a slight angle while you are there.”

  Alina nodded, and when they heard the drums began to fill the air, she knew that the time had come. There was no backing away now; she had to move forward. So, with a deep breath, she stood and smoothed out her dress. The time was now.


  She stood between Eryx and Huneric in front of the priest as he dipped his thumb in a bowl of blood that came from two freshly sacrificed doves, and pressed it on their foreheads. He chanted in German, asking the gods to bless them, to give them a fruitful marriage and fulfill their dreams and plans.

  He then took a vine with flowers on it and bound their wrists together to bind their union before he then turned for them to exchange their rings. Eryx held out an ebony ring with amber gems cut into it. With a soft smile, he placed it upon the fourth finger of her left hand, the finger in which was rumored to have a vein that ran right to the heart. She was left-handed, as was he, and it was on his fourth finger she placed her ring.

  Huneric held out a golden ring with sapphires cut into it and placed it on the fourth finger of her right hand. It symbolized his position as her chief husband, though they both knew that she would treat both he and Eryx equally.

  The priest raised his hands to the heavens and looked above. “What you have brought together, may no one tear apart! In your name, I pronounce them joined as one and married.”

  At that moment, the clouds overhead broke apart, and a beam of sunlight shone down upon the threesome. Many in the crowd watching began to whisper among themselves at the good omen, but it just made Alina smile wider. It was proof to her that the gods had blessed the union and the plan she had in mind.

  She turned to Huneric, as tradition said she had to kiss him first, only to find him smiling shyly at her. She smiled at his sweetness and cupped his cheek, as she pressed against him as her lips moved upon his. Then, she turned to Eryx, who smiled roguishly and pulled her into his arms for a deep kiss.

  The crowds erupted in applause, and both men took her hands as they walked out of the temple. Three horses were waiting for them. Eryx and Huneric helped Alina onto her own before they mounted theirs and they were then led through the streets. People had lined on both sides and cheered loudly, clapping and tossing flowers in the air to welcome the newly married threesome.

  Alina waved to the people who had seen her grow up and seen her turn from a shy little girl to a bold, married woman.

  Chapter Ten

  The feast was held in the dining hall, and it was unlike any feast Alina had ever gone to in her life. Foods, it seemed from all over the world, were prepared both for the ambassadors and to show off the wealth of Freiundedel.

  Alina, Eryx and Huneric were given the seat of honor, both men seated on either side of their wife. The feast was to last well into the night, and anything that was left over would be given to the poor and needy. Nothing was to be wasted. It had well over fifty courses, with everything going first to the table of honor before it was then sent out to the others to feast on. The trio each had their favorite dish prepared the exact way they liked it, though they shared it with each other.

  For Eryx, there was his favorite meal of roasted deer covered in a citrus sauce, on top of a large salad. There was also honey-vinegar to dip his bread into.

  For Huneric, there was his favorite meal of grilled fish covered in a honey sauce, on top of a large almost ‘plate’ of bread, surrounded by boiled quail eggs ready to be peeled.

  For Alina, there was her favorite meal of roasted chicken quarters covered in spicy, exotic spices from India, resting on a bed of boiled rice flavored with the drippings of the chicken while it was cooking.

  Their favorite drinks of wine, ale, and beer flowed freely.

  Alina smiled to Huneric and tore off some skin from her chicken and offered it to him to taste. He accepted kindly, but the moment the spices passed his lips, he began to cough and reached for his beer to cool his burning throat.

  “How do you eat that?” he asked, once his throat had cooled.

  “I’ve been eating it forever,” she chuckled, tearing off some meat to offer to Eryx the same way. “I guess the heat does not affect me, as it does you.”

  “Be glad this is just mild,” Eryx teased. “I’ve known her to eat fresh peppers from India that would bring tears to your eyes.”

  “You truly are a brave woman to achieve such a feat,” Huneric said with a smile.

  “You’re a brave man to put up with me,” Alina said with a smile, as she tenderly cupped his cheek.

  Though she was not fervidly in love with him like she was with Eryx, there was a strong affection for Huneric in her heart. The affection was so strong, she knew that she would grow to love him in time. The seed was already planted, as he had tried several times to win her heart as he was courting her. The books and maps that he had brought her were items she really loved, as she adored learning. Most women were not educated, and she prided herself on her knowledge.

  “My father is there with his frowning face like normal,” Huneric said with a nod to where their parents all sat together, not far from them. “I doubt I’ll ever do anything to make him happy.”

  Alina put her hand on his knee and offered him a kind smile. “What he thinks does not matter anymore,” she said nicely. “All that matters now is us, all of us.”

  He squeezed her hand gently with a smile. “Agreed.”

  The feast did go well into the night, but the time soon came for Alina, Eryx and Huneric to retire. When the announcement was made, all in the chamber rose to their feet and led the trio to the chamber, where they would spend the wedding night.

  Like usual, everything was white, and there was a towel in the bed where Alina was supposed to bleed to show that she was a virgin. She knew she was, Eryx and Huneric knew she was, but they also knew that they had to protect her reputation from slanderers.

  Several of the male guests shouted bawdy jests, and suggestions to the two men on how to claim their bride, though one look from Kaiser silenced them all. Ayanna approached her daughter, kissed her forehead and rubbed her stomach to bless her in the future. Kaiser stepped forward and did the same, though there was a glimmer in his eyes that told her that he was close to crying.

  “Oh, Papa,” she sighed softly, hugging him. “I’m going to be all right.”

  “I know,” he said with a sad sigh. “It’s just…my little girl is growing up so fas—”

  “I wasn’t going to be your little girl forever,” she said with a smile. “I had to grow up sometime.”

  “I know,” he sighed. “I love you, Alina.”

  “I love you, too, Papa,” she said, kissing his forehead.

  Kaiser looked to the two men with a hard look that told them again they better treat her right, or else. Both men nodded their heads together before the king and queen led the guests back to the feast and closed the door behind them, leaving the trio alone, finally.


  For a moment, all was silent, and then they burst out laughing, unable to stop.

  “I thought they’d never leave,” Eryx said with a smile. “Your father was glaring at us both hard.”

  “He was just protecting his little girl,” Huneric teased.

  Alina elbowed him playfully. “Shut up, you.”

  “I shall not,” Huneric teased with a grin as he pulled her into his arms for a kiss, quite a bold thing for him to do. “You are my wife, I shall not take orders from you.”

  “You say that again, and you will find your stones in a jar,” Eryx laughed.

  “Before long, I will have you both wrapped around my finger,” Alina teased with a grin.

u already do,” Eryx said, as he pulled her from Huneric and into his own arms for a kiss.

  Alina laughed at the shared attention, though she giggled and pulled away. “All right, listen, we do have to talk. About tonight…”

  “We have already discussed it,” Huneric said, “and have decided to take turns. We were going to let you choose who you wanted tonight, but I would like to offer to go second. You two…deserve to go first.”

  Alina looked at him in shock. No man would normally do this unless he truly loved his wife and trusted her. With a smile, she hugged him tight. “Thank you, but where will you go?”

  “To the library, of course,” he said with a smile. “I will also go and meet with some of the ambassadors and speak with them. When you are ready for me, just send Eryx.”

  He kissed her cheek, nodded to Eryx and left the chamber.


  “Wow,” Alina said after Huneric had left. “He really…”

  “Loves you?” Eryx said as he took off his cape. “Yes, I believe he does. I can look into his eyes and see that he does.” He unbuckled his tunic as he stepped towards her. “I have waited a lifetime to claim you as my bride. Now that I have you, I am not ever going to let you go…”

  With a second word, his hands reached out and cupped her face, pulling her into his arms. He kissed her as if he was a dying man and she was his own source of air. He kissed her the way a man does a woman who he knows will be his forever. He kissed her the way a man does a wife.

  His hands reached up and pulled at the pins in her hair, letting loose the glossy locks which he tangled his fingers in. In a rush, they undressed the other, his hands reaching down to pull her into his arms as he quickly hurried to carry her to the bed. For so long, they had denied themselves this: the time they would finally be joined together as one.

  Kissing, caressing and rubbing together, their blood became hot as their hunger for the other grew. Remembering her mother’s words, Alina rolled them over so that she was on top and straddled him. Carefully, she gripped his shaft and slid down on it, grunting softly when she felt it break her virginal wall, but did not stop until she was seated upon him. The breath hissed out of Eryx’s mouth as he felt himself enter her body, the single most wonderful sensation he had ever felt.

  “Damn…,” he groaned. “You feel better than I could have dreamed…”

  “I could say the same thing about you,” she moaned softly.

  Though she held still to get used to his size, just the feel of him inside her was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Yet, she knew that just sitting here was not a part of the fun. She knew what to do, as she had done it several times when they would rub their groins against each other when that was the farthest they could go.

  Slowly, she raised her hips, then lowered them. She raised her hips again and lowered them. Before long, she had a rhythm with her body that felt natural.

  Eryx groaned softly as his head tilted back. Feeling himself move within her velvety walls would have made him spill his seed almost instantly if he was not experienced in holding it. He wanted to pleasure her as well, so he reached up and cupped one of her breasts with his large hand.

  Gently, he began to knead it, rolling the mahogany-colored buds between his fingers as she moved her hips on top of him. It had the desired result, and she began to almost mew like a cat with pleasure. His other hand, he slid down to her waist and gripped it to steady her. His own hips began to push into her to increase the pleasure for them both.

  “Don’t stop that…,” Alina begged softly. “Please.”

  Eryx grinned and removed his hand from her breast and gripped her waist with both hands. With a wicked wink, he began to pound into her vigorously from below, quickening the pace. She was going to slow for him, and his hunger needed to be stated.

  Never had such pleasure exploded within her body. She let him take control, though she was sure to keep herself angled the way her mother had said. There were no words on how he felt inside her, though one thing she did know was that she felt…whole with him inside her. Panting softly, she leaned over him to hold onto the back of the bed for support. Her large, desirable orbs bounced before his eyes as he moved her hips.

  “Gods, how I’ve desired this,” he grunted, not stopping his pace. “You are so moist…so warm…”

  “And you, so deep…,” she moaned, her nails tightly gripping the post behind his head. “Don’t stop…please.”

  “I won’t,” he said with a grin. “Not now…not ever.”

  His hand slid down and gently pinched her love pearl, rolling it around with his fingers before he began to rub it furiously. Her walls were constricting around him, and he knew that she was close to the climax. He could feel his own creeping ever closer, but he wanted them to finish together.

  “E…Eryx…,” she panted. “I feel…I can feel it…”

  “Don’t hold back,” he whispered to her. “Don’t ever…hold back.”

  She didn’t.

  As he slammed her down on him one last time, her walls constricted around him like a vice, pulling his shaft deep into her body. Her head tossed back as she cried out his name in blissful ecstasy. He was not far behind her. As he felt her walls tighten around him, he exploded inside her, his seed spilling forth as he roared out in ecstasy.

  With a deep groan, she fell limp on top of him, her body covered in sweat as she panted to try and catch her breath. His large arms wrapped around her as he held her close, their hearts beating furiously in their chests.

  For a moment, all was quiet, and all they could hear was the other’s breathing, but after a moment, her walls loosened and she was able to roll off him.

  They had finally done it. They had finally done the one thing they had wanted since they were so very young: to officially be claimed to the other.

  His arm wrapped around her shoulders and held her close as he placed a kiss upon her lips with a smile. “We did it,” he said softly.

  “Yes, we did,” she said with a warm smile. “We did.”

  A hand went to her belly. “Do you think…we have made a child?” he asked softly. “Would it be selfish if I hoped that you bore mine first?”

  “I do not think so,” she said, covering his hand with hers. “I do not think so at all.”


  They made love once more before Eryx helped her take a quick bath, then left the chambers to go and find Huneric for his turn. She had bled. It wasn’t a lot, but it was blood, nonetheless, and Eryx felt a silent sense of pride in being her first.

  As he walked down the halls, he made plans to go to the temple and pray to the gods. First, thanking them for allowing him to marry her, but also asking that they bless her womb and allow their first child to be his.

  He found Huneric in the library, looking over a large map. “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Looking over this map of Germania,” Huneric answered. “Come here, I want to show you something.”

  Eryx walked over. “What do you see?”

  “When I was young, my father spoke of a tribe of warriors who were known for their ferocity but also being highly organized. Besides ourselves, of course,” Huneric explained. “They were called the Visigoths. I believe we should look to them when we make our first move for an alliance.”

  “Good plan,” Eryx said with a nod. “We can talk it over with Alina in the morning. But until then,” he playfully slapped him on the back, “it’s your turn.”

  Huneric face reddened. “Erm…so soon? I thought it would be a bit longer…”

  “It’s been almost two hours,” Eryx laughed. “She’s all warmed up for you.”

  “It’s not that,” Huneric said as he took a deep breath. “I’ve…um…never been with a woman before…”

  Eryx’s eyebrows shot up. “You mean you’re a…”

  “Might call me a virgin,” Huneric said with a nod.

  Eryx smiled softly and put his hand on his back. �
�Do not worry, she will take good care of you. Not only that but don’t think. Your body knows what it wants, so let it guide you.”

  Huneric nodded, but he was still nervous. It seemed to take him forever to reach her bedchamber, and when he opened the door, the sight before him made his jaw drop.

  All the candles were out, save a couple that circled the bed in a wide arch, as to prevent fire. Alina laid seductively on the bed, her long hair fanned out as the left side of her gown was dipped down to reveal a bare shoulder.

  “You’ve come,” she said in a soft voice.

  “I…I have come…,” he stammered, closing the door behind him.

  She stood and walked over, wrapping her arms around his waist tenderly. His heart was beating so loud in his chest, he swore she could hear it. With a soft smile, she hugged him, nuzzling his neck gently as she breathed in his scent.

  He smelt like books and candle wax, the complete opposite scent of Eryx, who smelled like sweat and leather. Both types of scents she found herself undeniably attracted to. When she tried to step closer to him, he felt him tense up and raised her head to look at him.

  “Are you all right?” she asked him.

  “I’m…a bit nervous,” he stammered. “I’ve…never…um…”

  “Been with a woman before?” she finished for him.

  “Yes,” he said with a shy smile. “I wanted my first…to be my wife.”

  “And now you have one,” she said with a smile. “Follow my lead.”

  Taking his hands, she put them around her waist and took a step backward. He took a step forward. She took another step backward, and he took another step forward. Before long, she had led him to the bed. Slowly, she laid back until she was against the pillows and blankets, her long hair fanned out almost like a golden halo.

  “We can take it slow,” she said softly. “And if you ever want to stop, just tell me. All right?”

  He nodded. “All right.”

  With a smile, she pulled him down and pressed her lips gently to his. She figured she had to take it slow and sweet with him, which was a good change compared to the pounding, sweaty, coupling she had just shared with Eryx. She forced herself to force him from her mind right now; she was with Huneric and had to focus on him.


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