Book Read Free

2 in the PINK

Page 23

by Tabatha Kiss

  “It’s okay, Phoebe,” Martin says, holding up a hand. “I think I’ve seen enough.”

  He closes the folder, leaving me hanging as my heart slams against my ribs.

  “And?” I ask.

  He looks at Bradley’s sunken face and waits for a reaction. After a few moments, he finally shrugs.

  “Yeah, sure,” Bradley says.

  Martin smiles at me. “Very fine work, Phoebe. This is exactly what I expected when we brought you on board.”

  My stomach jumps. “Really? That’s great. Thank you.”

  Bradley flashes a grin. “It’ll be the perfect launch title for my New York branch.”

  I somehow manage to keep my smile. “Your New York branch?”

  Martin shifts in his chair. “That’s the other reason why I wanted to see you in person today, Phoebe,” he says slowly. “I’ve decided to place Bradley as head of the New York office.”

  Of course, he did.

  Because if there’s anything my life needs more of right now, it’s crippling disappointment.

  I swallow it down. “Congratulations, Bradley. That’s good news.”

  His eyes lock on me and that twisted grin stabs at me.

  “It wasn’t an easy decision,” Martin adds. “I want you to know that.”

  I nod. “I don’t doubt that, sir.”

  They used me. Bradley’s known since the second they arrived in LA that the job was his. Was I ever really considered for it at all or did they just want to make me jump through hoops so little Bradley Dumbfuck’s launch was a sure-fire hit?

  What a waste.

  “Well…” I stand up. “If you don’t mind, I have to meet with our marketing team soon.”

  They stand with me.

  “Of course,” Martin says. “We won’t keep you any longer.”

  We walk out into the main room and I turn toward my office, hoping to get as far away from Bradley’s punchable mug as possible.

  “Phoebe, hold on…”

  I pause by Jackie’s desk as Martin points Bradley away.

  “Brad, you go on,” he says. “I’ll catch up.”

  Bradley shrugs and walks off toward the elevator.

  “Phoebe…” Martin stalls beside me, his eyes wandering down to look at Jackie as she flashes him a quick, subtle wink. “Can we talk for a minute?” he asks me.

  I scream on the inside. “Sure.”

  He walks into my office and she reaches out to stop me from following him yet.

  Promotion? she mouths quietly.

  I shake my head and she sighs with disappointment.

  I walk in and close the door behind us. “So, what’s up?” I ask him as I sit down at my desk.

  He leans forward in the seat across from me. “You’re pissed off at me right now.”

  “What?” I feign confusion. “No, I’m not.”

  “Phoebe…” He squints.

  “Mr. Fellows, I’m fine. Really. I love my job and the work I do here. I don’t mind. I’m sure Bradley will do great in New York.”

  “I know he will,” he says. “That’s why I’m giving him that job and I’m giving you mine.”

  My mouth sags. “Eh?”

  He grins at my reaction. “I’ve decided, after a very long year of personal battles and divorce lawyers…”

  “You’re retiring?” I ask.

  “No, I’m just leaving. I have some soul-searching to do and, quite frankly, I can’t keep up with this industry anymore but you can.”

  “I can?”

  “Can’t you?”

  I shrug. “I dunno.”

  “Believe me,” he says, laughing. “You can. Just look at what you did to Brad’s book.”

  My brow furrows. “I thought you liked that book.”

  He scoffs. “Come on, Phoebe. It’s a piece of shit.” I snort. “I only backed it the way I did because my daughter would have never let me see my grandkids otherwise.”

  I sit back in my chair, exhaling hard. “So, does Bradley know about this?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Wow… he’s not gonna like the idea of me being his boss.”

  “Well, if there’s anyone capable of keeping him reeled in, it’s you, Phoebe.”

  “I can’t believe you want me to take your job…” I say, mostly to myself.

  “There’s no one better,” he says. “It’s still in New York. The company will handle all of your relocation expenses and it comes with a hefty pay raise, among other perks. You’ll be responsible for and oversee all four North American offices—”

  “Holy shit,” I say.

  He laughs. “That’s what I thought you’d say.”

  “Did you think I’d say anything else? Because that’s all I got right now…”

  “It’s a big change,” he says, his tone turning serious. “I won’t sugar-coat that but I wouldn’t offer it to you if I didn’t think you could handle it.”

  A big change. That’s exactly what I need right now. A fresh start somewhere far away from Los Angeles and Belle Academy and all the people associated with it.

  Martin stands from his chair and buttons his blazer. “Take your time and think about it. If you accept, we can start your training as soon as you’re able to get out there. I’d like two weeks to get you started and then you can come back to get your affairs in order before moving.”

  “I’ll take it,” I say.

  He holds up a hand. “Now, wait—”

  “I’ll take it.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks. “Really think about this.”

  “I have.” I stand up and offer him my hand. “It would be an honor to accept this job, sir.”

  He smiles and shakes my hand. “All right, then. Let me know the earliest you can get to New York and we’ll get started.”

  I feel a spark of adrenaline rush upward from the bottom of my feet.

  “Mr. Fellows.”

  He pauses with his hand on the knob.

  I walk over, rolling my fist as I motion for him to step aside.

  I bang once on the office door.

  “Ow!” Jackie gasps from the other side.

  Martin’s face twists in confusion as I stand a little taller.

  “How does today sound?” I ask.



  The elevator climbs to the top floor, taking my pulse along with it. Phoebe is here. Somewhere in this building is the love of my life.

  And she hates me.

  I trusted you.

  I laid awake all night trying to think of three other words in the English language more devastating than those. She trusted me and I betrayed that. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that look on her face for as long as I’ll live. I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure she never makes it again.

  Let me rephrase that.

  We will spend the rest of our lives making sure she never makes it again.

  The elevator doors open on a sea of empty cubicles.

  “Over there,” Max says, pointing to the office at the far side of the room.

  I follow his lead as a smile stretches across my face. My girlfriend runs this place. I feel the pride in my chest. Phoebe Pink is incredible.

  I’ll have to remember to tell her that.

  We spot Jackie standing over her desk outside of the office. She throws her purse over her shoulder and flicks the desk lamp off.

  “Hey, Jackie,” Max greets her.

  She looks up and instantly blinks at us in surprise. “Hello, gentleman.”

  I gesture to the closed door behind her. “We need to talk to Phoebe. Is she in her office?”

  “No,” she says. “She’s not here.”

  “Mind if we wait until she comes back?” Max asks.

  “Uh… okay, but…” She chuckles. “You’re gonna be waiting for a while.”

  “How long?”

  “About two weeks.”

  I look at Max as a rock plummets through my gut. “Two weeks?”

a fortnight,” she winks, “if you will…”

  Max stands taller. “Jackie, where is she?”

  She drops her smirk and crosses her arms. “She’s at the airport. Non-stop flight to New York leaves in about an hour.”

  My lips twitch, torn between shock and even more pride. “She got the promotion?”

  “She got a promotion,” she says. “Not the one she wanted but it’ll do. She’ll be there for training and she gave me some time off, so, if you’ll excuse me, I have a silver fox waiting for me at my apartment…”

  We slam together as she tries to squeeze between us.

  “So, she just left?” Max asks.

  “Seemed pretty eager to get out of town for a while.” Her eyes narrow at us. “I wonder why.”

  Max glances at me, looking as crushed as I feel. She’s taking off and she didn’t bother mentioning it. So much for her cooling off at all in the last fifteen hours. Between the two of us, we’ve broken a lot of hearts. Can’t say anyone’s ever fled three-thousand miles to get away from us before, though.

  Two weeks. We could be patient until she gets back. She wants her space, but…

  I shake my head. This can’t wait two fucking weeks.

  We’re getting our woman back.

  “What’s her flight number?” I ask.

  She arches her brow. “Seriously?”

  “Jackie…” Max leans forward. “Please.”

  Her eyes roll as she reaches for the pink post-it note stuck to her desk. “Flight 23—”

  I snatch it from her hand. “Thank you.”

  “Are you guys really gonna do that thing?” She sneers. “You guys gonna race to the airport, bolt past security, and get chased to the gate to stop her and confess your love at the last minute? Both of you? Seriously?”

  We turn around, running on pure adrenaline.

  “Thanks, Jackie!” Max shouts back at her.

  “So fucking unfair.”

  I slam my open palm against the call button and the elevator opens.

  “She said about an hour, right?” Max asks as we step on.

  “Yep.” I nod. “Gonna cut it pretty close.”

  “How close?”

  I reach into my pocket for my phone. “May need to hitch a ride in a DeLorean close.”

  He sighs. “Are you calling her?”

  “She’d never answer,” I say, swiping open my contact book. “No. I have a better idea.”



  A fresh start. That’s exactly what I need.

  Los Angeles has been my home for twenty-eight years. I’ve wanted to leave before now but nothing has ever given me that push to actually do it.

  Until now.

  I thought I escaped the hellish nightmare of Belle Academy. I’m an idiot for even going back and I’m an even bigger idiot for believing that Max and Thad could ever really want me.

  A new job. A new apartment. A new life.

  I close my eyes, trying not to focus on the little bit of turbulence rattling the plane as we ascend upward. Non-stop to New York City. Just five more hours until I can feel the solid ground beneath my feet again.

  “First time flying?”

  I look at the old lady sitting beside me. “Oh, no,” I answer, holding my breath. “But I can count the other times on one hand…”

  She chuckles. “Everything will be fine, dear. These pilots really know what they’re doing.”

  I nod. “Yeah. That’s what I hear.”

  She goes back to her magazine and I shut my eyes again. Every little tug and jerk twists my gut. I hold a steady breath, silently counting to five between inhales and exhales. If I don’t focus on this, then I’ll think of something else. Someone else, rather. Two someones…

  Phoebe, stop it.

  What if Jackie was right and they really did fall for me?

  Knock it off.

  It all felt so real.

  It wasn’t.

  But what if it was?

  I want it to be real. I want it more than I’ve wanted anything, including this new job. I want Max and his handsome, green eyes. I want Thad and his devious smirk. But I can’t get that sound of laughter out of my head. Sally Sweet. Carter Queen. David Larkin.

  I swallow the bile in my throat.

  The announcement system dings on over my head and I flinch.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking…”


  I lean forward.

  “First, I’d like to welcome you to…”

  The voice is different now. Deep and raspy, not quite like Thad’s. I could have sworn it was him at first. Hope I’m not going crazy, though… it wouldn’t surprise me.

  I sit back and listen to the rest of it. Cruising at an altitude of thirty-thousand feet. Fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight…

  I rest my eyes again. If I’m lucky, I’ll sleep through the next few hours instead of constantly thinking about them. I’ll just count my breaths and listen to the various sounds around me. People tapping away on their laptops. Seat belts clicking off. The drink cart getting pushed down the aisle behind me.

  “Excuse me.”

  I look up to see a flight attendant hovering over me with a plastic cup in her hand. “For you, miss,” she says.

  “Oh, I didn’t—” I pause as she sets it down in front of me.

  There’s a folded-up piece of paper inside.

  “Uh… thank you,” I mutter.

  She smiles and pushes the cart along.

  I stare at the cup, totally dumbfounded. It’s not possible. Well, maybe it might be possible, but it’s certainly not probable.

  I glance around into the sea of unfamiliar passengers before picking it up with trembling fingers. The paper is the same. The little, scratchy handwriting is the same. This is from Thad but… how?

  I look at the other passengers again, my suspicions eating away at me, before building up the courage to read it.

  Way up there or way down here

  The sky never stops shining blue.

  You may roll up your fists

  And withhold your kiss

  But we’ll always love you.

  “He’s good, isn’t he?”

  I spin around in my seat. “Max?” I gasp.

  He smiles from the aisle above me. “I mean, it’s a little cheesy but he wrote it this morning, so…”

  I stand up to face him. “What the hell are you doing here?!”

  “We needed to talk to you,” he says with a shrug.


  “Yeah. We.”

  I spin in the aisle and there’s Thad, standing behind me with that smirk. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me…”

  He holds up his hands. “Pheebs…”

  “It’s called a phone,” I say. “You didn’t have to follow me onto an airplane!”

  “You refused to answer your phone,” he argues. “We had to improvise.”

  “How did you even know I was here? I bought the ticket like an hour before take-off.”

  “Jackie told us,” Max answers. “Why didn’t you tell us you were leaving?”

  People stare at us and my cheeks burn pink. “Because I wasn’t leaving. I was going out of town on business.”

  “I do that all the time,” Thad points out. “I always tell you where I’m going.”

  “Okay, yeah. Sure. When we were dating but we’re not dating anymore — and can we please not discuss this in front of the entire cabin?”

  They exchange glances and nod.

  “Okay,” Thad says. “If you say so.”

  Max puts his hands on my hips and guides me forward. I try to dig my heels in but Thad takes hold of my arms and they easily force me down the aisle past the confused passengers.

  Thad gives them a wave. “Nothing to worry about, folks. The flight attendants will explain everything…”

  I grit my teeth. “This is ridiculous.”

  We reach the lava
tories and Thad stops and twists around to look at me.

  “No, Phoebe, what’s ridiculous is that you feel you get to make decisions for the three of us.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “We didn’t decide that we weren’t dating anymore.”

  “You’re right. I did. I get to make decisions for myself!”

  Max shakes his head. “We don’t accept that.”

  I stomp a foot in frustration. “Irreconcilable differences!”

  Thad glares at Max. “Did you teach her that?”

  He winces. “I might have.”

  I jerk my arms free from them. “I don’t want to hear another word about this,” I say. “You guys broke my heart, okay? I need time away from this. It’s over. Leave me alone.”

  I try to walk around them to get back to my seat but they block my path.

  “Move,” I say.

  Max takes my hand and pulls me with him into the lavatory.

  “What are you doing?!”

  Thad takes my other arm and pushes me with him. He slams the door behind us, sandwiching me between them in the tiny, cramped space.

  “Oh, for god’s sake…” I fidget in place, barely able to breathe. “This is so unsafe.”

  “No. Not unsafe,” Thad says. “We never say unsafe. It’s not optimum.”

  I turn around to face the door but Thad spins me back around to Max.

  “Let me out,” I say.

  “No,” Max says. “You’re not leaving until you listen to what we have to say. We followed you six miles into the air to tell you this. Please.”

  I let my eyes fall, not brave enough to show the tears forming on my eyelids. “Fine.”

  “First, Phoebe, I’m so sorry,” he says, dropping to a whisper. “I made a mistake. I got roped into a stupid drinking game like a fucking kid but I am so happy I did now because that turned out to be the best mistake I ever made. It led me to you.”

  I tremble as he cups my face. “Max…”

  “Okay, yes,” he says over me. “We walked up to your table at the reunion to make good on a stupid bet but I took you home with me that night because I wanted to. It’s what I would have done to any other pretty girl I’d meet at a party.”

  My frown falters. “You thought I was pretty?”


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