The Amour series (Book 2): The Ashes of Amour

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The Amour series (Book 2): The Ashes of Amour Page 16

by Coushatta LaRue

  “We are trying to save those that are trapped in this world.” Ava said after a moment of pause, “Cleaning up the mistakes, saving who we can, and rebuilding what is not lost.”

  Abby looked up and saw Ava’s eyes staring at her. They looked away.

  “We are going to get rid of this threat and save as many people as we can while doing it.” She explained with an uninterested tone then added, “We may not save everyone. But, we will try.”

  Evan looked down at his hands then back up. Abby glanced at him and he frowned. Abby looked down at Jessie and forced a smile. Jessie smiled too but her eyes showed deep sadness. She reached for Pooch and Abby handed her to Jessie. Jessie held her tightly.

  “You’re gonna get us to Haven right?” Jessie asked with a weak voice.

  Ava glanced in the back seat and gave Jessie a hollow look.

  “We will try.” She answered.

  Jessie lowered her eyes sadly and hugged Pooch. Putting an arm around Jessie Abby pulled her close. Jessie snuggled towards her and closed her eyes. Slowly looking up she noticed Evan staring at his hands. He looked up at her and then looked at Jessie. His eyes made their way back to Abby and he smiled with them. Abby looked away and leaned against the window.

  When Abby woke from her dreamless sleep she did not recognize where they were. The sun was halfway in the sky and it was snowing heavily. Woods covered the sides of the highway. Abby could not see through them. She saw hills behind them and mountains in the distance. They grew closer to hills and more woods. Abby rubbed her eyes.

  When she opened them again she saw a bottle of water in her face. She took it and looked over at Evan. He had his own bottle and so did Jessie. Jessie was eating some kind of bread as she drank her water. Pooch nibbled at a dried piece of meat. Abby blinked and stared at the bread. The Marine in the front seat leaned backwards and put his hand out to her. He had another piece of bread. Abby stared at it.

  “It’s banana bread.” He told her.

  Abby took it and stared with amazement.

  “Thank you,” She muttered.

  The Marine looked away.

  Abby stared at Evan and he smiled.

  “It’s really good.” He said.

  Abby bit into it and her taste buds danced in her mouth. She ate quickly and felt embarrassed. Yet no one looked at her. She drank her water deeply and rubbed some from her chin. Abby He looked at her and nudged his head.

  “You slept for a long time.” He said quietly.

  Abby stared at the radio of the SUV and at the time. It said six thirty. Abby leaned backwards and still felt very tired. She sipped at her water and turned to look at Evan. Her body ached and her wounds stung. Evan looked more lively though and it made her feel better. Outside the SUV were abandoned cars pushed to the sides of the road. Some looked burnt.

  “It was nice to sleep,” Abby said to him with a soft smile.

  “I slept some too.” Jessie said looking up at Abby.

  Abby looked at her and touched Jessie’s round cheek and grinned. Jessie grinned then looked down at her bread to nibble on it again. She gave a few bites to Pooch who stared at her with large puppy eyes. Abby looked at Evan and he eyed Jessie carefully. His kind eyes made their way up to Abby and he smiled.

  “What is that?” The Marine in the front seat said.

  Abby looked and noticed he was leaning forward staring at something ahead. Abby looked but could not see anything. She leaned forward and then saw it. Her heart fell to her stomach and she felt her wounds burning. There was black smoke in the sky miles ahead. Abby leaned back breathing deeply. She had no idea what it meant yet she had an awful feeling it was not good for them.

  Evan looked forward and he gripped the back of the passenger seat. The Marine in the back tried to look through the windows but he must not have seen much. Abby sat back and swallowed hard already feeling tears in her eyes. She cupped her hands and began rubbing them together. Pooch crawled into her lap sensing her nervousness.

  board and turned it on. They heard static pour through. “Team Blue come in. What is that smoke?” He said sharply. There was no answer.

  Ava eyed the Marine and then looked back at Abby and Evan. “Team Blue this is Team Red. What is happening?” He said


  Nothing. Then suddenly the radio poured static and voices cracked through. It did not make any sense for some time until the static stopped.

  “It’s a trap,” A woman’s voice poured through, “Some got out. We’re trying to stop them.”

  down at Jessie and into her big scared eyes.

  “Husk everywhere. Blew up some of our cars. We’re trying to

  get away. Don’t come this way. Trap.” The woman said in a panic

  The Marine looked over at Ava but she did not say anything. “What do we do?” The Marine asked.

  “We go around. It will take another day or so.” Ava said

  unsurely, then added, “Unless they hold up and take them down.” Ava slowed the SUV but did not stop. She glanced around the

  and stared out the window.

  “What are we going to do?” A voice poured in through the radio. It was Rodgers behind them. Abby looked and stared at the

  truck that was close by them. Abby could see Rodgers in the driver’s seat with a radio in hand.

  The Marine handed the radio to Ava.

  “We can go around or wait and see what happens.” She said, “I don’t think either idea is good.”

  Abby looked back at Rodgers and he nodded in his truck.

  “We can wait a few then go.” He replied.

  “I think that too.” She replied.

  The SUV stopped and Abby could see Ava tense up. Abby listened in and could hear everyone’s heartbeats speeding up. Abby heard the Marine in the back breathing deeply and Evan the trees. There was some kind of lodge or large gas station and a few buildings by it. Abby looked ahead and saw an opening for a large rest stop.

  Jessie squeezed Abby’s hand. Abby looked down into Jessie’s teary eyes.

  “Do you hear it?” She whispered.

  Abby blinked and looked out her window to see an Undead laying on its back clawing at its face in the ditch near some burnt cars. Abby blocked out what she heard around her and focused.

  popping. She could barely hear these things but it was loud enough to make her blood boil.

  Jessie gripped Abby’s arm.

  “They’re coming,” She cried.

  Evan looked down at Jessie and Ava looked back at her with wide eyes. As Ava went to speak something exploded in front of them. Abby screamed and heard others do the same. She wrapped her arms around Jessie. Evan threw his arms on top of them and Pooch whimpered in Abby’s arms.

  Another explosion rocked the SUV and Abby began to cry. She just wanted it to stop. She wanted the horror to stop. She was tired of the same thing every day. Tired of hoping things will be

  be easy. She wanted life the way she hoped it would be. Another explosion knocked her from her thoughts and she felt Evan pull them closer.

  ears were ringing and someone was pulling at her. She looked up to see Evan shaking her and yelling something. The ringing in her ears blocked everything. Abby touched her scars and they stung. They were throbbing and her stomach was turning in knots. Dizziness sat in and she wanted to puke.

  Jessie was crying next to her and Pooch was barking. The Marine in the front seat was out of the SUV shooting at something. Abby looked to her left and saw other Marines shooting. She saw

  The Husks’ faces were full of rage and pain. They did not seem

  shoot them properly. Abby looked back and saw the Marine in the back was gone. He was in front of the SUV shooting. A Husk raced towards him but was quickly shot down by Ava who was halfway in the SUV and halfway outside. Another Husk rushed the Marine from the side and knocked him down.

  The Marine screamed and as Abby’s hearing came back she

  heard bones crushing and the Marine stood up. Blood pour
ing from an arm. He kicked the Husk while another jumped on his back. It had a knife and stabbed the Marine in the neck. Ava

  sounds and Abby looked at Evan. He shook her violently. “Abby!” Evan screamed.

  “Evan?” She replied.

  “No, this can’t be,” She said looking down at Pooch, “Please

  make it stop.” She cried.

  She was shaking badly and could barely breathe.

  “Evan get them the hell out of here!” Ava screamed. Abby

  looked up and saw Ava leaning into the car. She was giving Evan a

  a hard look, “We will come back for you. I swear we will try to.” Abby’s heart sank.

  Evan pulled Jessie out of the car and yanked Abby out. It hurt

  her arm and she cursed. He pulled them close and they all held

  in a long time her right pinky hurt. She had broken it so long ago and it healed itself. But it had an ugly scar that reminded her of Tomas.

  They were racing into the woods as Husk turned towards them

  head spin. The Marines pressed towards the Husk taking many down. They aimed at the ones chasing them. Abby looked back and a branch slapped her in the face.

  She did not cry out as some blood trickled down her cheek. Her eye was burning and watering. Jessie was panting as they ran and Abby felt her adrenalin kicking in. Her heart was pumping and her blood raced hot. Her mind cleared and she felt angry. She wanted to scream with rage and hurt something. Her feet stumbled harder through the snow as they entered the abandoned parking lot.

  Evan stopped suddenly and Jessie ran into him. Pooch barked and Abby narrowed her eyes. She gritted her teeth so hard she felt one chip. Two Husk raced towards them from the side and

  mind and clouded her thoughts. A bullet ripped through a young Husk’s head and then two bullets went through the chest of an old Husk.

  They began running again and came to the lodge. The door was open and they raced in. Evan stopped to look back outside with

  stared around the dusty old lodge. It had been ransacked long

  one rotting body near the entrance of a large dining area.

  It smelt like rot and mold inside the lodge. It made her mad at the thought of how the place had probably been beautiful once. A gunshot made her jump and she looked back. Evan shot again and looked at them. Jessie grabbed Abby’s hand and Abby looked down at her. Jessie stared at her with large innocent eyes.

  “Go!” Evan shouted from the door.

  Abby looked up at him with a glare then said, “What?” “I don’t have enough bullets Abby,” He explained as he looked But, you two need to run.”

  She stepped forward letting go of Jessie’s hand.

  “Yes,” Evan spat, “Protect Jessie please!”

  Abby’s heart jumped and she looked back at Jessie feeling

  suddenly horribly guilty.

  “I can’t leave you Evan,” Abby said more softly. She felt scared

  again but her heart still pounded in her chest.

  “Please run! Hide.” Evan said as he stood. He rushed to her

  then pulled her close and put his forehead on hers and stared

  He kissed her forehead gently and ran back to the door. Abby backed up as he started shooting again. She stared at his scars

  across them again. Her heart ached then she looked down at Jessie and grabbed Jessie’s hand.


  Evan stared deeply into her eyes as she turned from him. Abby’s heart slammed into her chest as she raced through

  the lodge. Through broken doors and over decaying bodies. She stumbled across some Undead that were slowly dying in a room with pool tables. They made it to a large room with glass walls. Most of the glass walls were broken and snow poured in. Abby looked back from where they came from and heard shouts. She could hear footsteps other than Evan’s.

  They hurried to the edge of the glass walls and Abby stared into the large thick snowy forest. Pooch whimpered in her arms.

  her little eyes yet the strength in her hand was strong. “I can’t promise I will get you out alive from this.” Abby said

  holding back tears, “I want to. I really do. But, I can’t make promises I don’t know I can keep.”

  Abby felt was not forced.

  “I know Abby,” Jessie said softly, “We will both try. That is all

  we can do.”

  And with that they were running again. Going through thick

  brush blind to where they were going. It did not matter. Abby

  could be. They ran and ran until the snowfall poured down on them. The forest was almost peaceful. It was beautiful with all of its snow. Abby saw some deer ahead and they ran when they heard them.

  something and hit a tree. She groaned and breathed deeply. She did not realize just how cold she was until she touched the frozen tree with her bare hand. Abby stared at her pale hand and breathed out. The snapping of something behind her made Pooch growl.

  Abby did not have to look. She could smell the shit and piss from the Husk. Hear its crazed laughter and voice. Abby jerked Jessie’s

  could not understand. The worst thoughts ran through her mind.

  ran. The cold bit at her face and Jessie was getting harder to pull through the snow. She knew the little girl had to be tired.

  They could not stop. She heard the Husk behind them screech and Jessie screamed. Abby glanced down at Pooch who bounced in her arms with squinty eyes. She still wore her little shirt Jessie

  face and smashed into a tree. It made her stop right in her tracks. Abby’s mouth dropped and her eyes opened as she stared at the bolt in the tree.

  Abby looked back as she heard crazed laughter. She stared at the Husk as it reloaded its bolt gun. Abby laughed with horror and pulled at Jessie again. They raced through the trees running

  and Abby could hear bugs singing.

  “I can’t Abby,” Jessie cried, “I can’t go on.”

  Jessie slowed and Abby started to drag her.

  “We have to!” Abby shouted, “We will not die today.”

  Jessie began to sob as she tried to run again but she slowed just as quickly as she did. Abby looked down at Jessie and noticed her cheeks were red. Her little eyes burned red and tears ran down her face. She was shaking badly. Abby placed a cold hand onto her cheek and barely felt any warmth. It was then that Abby felt her scars burning and bleeding.

  about to die again. She was sick of being so weak and not being able to change how things were. She could not take it any longer. Abby heard a crack from beside them and stared. It was Tomas. Standing in the snow silently. He wore his same dirty oversized shirt yet his face was clean.

  He stared at her with no judgement or cruelness. He had hope in his eyes as snow passed his face. Abby looked away from him and down at Jessie and at Pooch. Abby lifted Jessie into the air with all the strength she had and held her. She began to run again as she heard the Husk gaining on them again. Jessie cried and kept apologizing.

  Abby ran until her legs burned and gave out. They landed on the cold ground and Abby scrambled to get up. She grabbed Jessie and stared around. That was when she saw a hollow in a dead tree near large bushes. She dragged Jessie to it and shoved her in. She handed Pooch to Jessie then hugged them both.

  “Wait,” Jessie cried, “Please don’t go.”

  “Once we are out of sight run back to Evan.” Abby told her, “Be careful. Do not just run in. Listen. Look. Make sure there are no Husk around.”

  “Abby I”

  “No Jessie. You can do this. Just focus.” Abby told her with a hiss. Jessie paused and stared up at her then nodded as she leaned back into the hollow of the tree.

  Abby dug into her pocket as she listened to the Husk storm through the snow. She heard him reloading his bolt gun. Abby took out her hunting knife and opened it. She could feel her scars bleeding but she was not sure if that was enough. She opened the hunting knife and looked at Jessie.

  raced down her cold face, “Now please don’t say
a word. Don’t cry. Just stay silent.”

  Jessie nodded as she sat down in the tree huddled close to Pooch. Abby looked at Pooch’s biddy little eyes and it made her laugh. She loved that ugly mutt of a dog and just wanted to hold her again. Abby cut the palm of her left hand and winced. She stepped back and gave Jessie and Pooch one last long look before running. She slapped her bloody hand onto trees nearby.

  Digging her nails into the cut she bled on the snow under her feet. She heard the Husk screech loudly and laugh. It took the bait. Abby smiled but fear was racing through her body. Like bullets through her bones. Abby felt as if her body was cracking and breaking. As if at any moment she would break into tiny little pieces.

  Her hand burned with pain and her mind raced with thoughts. She wondered if she would die. The thought made her cry but she knew dying trying to save someone she loved would be the best way to go. She took a glance back and saw the Husk right behind her. She was getting slower even though her adrenalin was high.

  She only heard her heartbeat in her ears as she ran. Her lungs burned and felt frozen. She pressed her lips together and felt one split. Her mind felt crazy as the Husk laughed behind her. Suddenly a massive jolt hit her right shoulder and she screamed. She slammed into a tree using it so she would not fall. She screamed as pain twisted in her shoulder.

  She gritted her teeth so hard a tooth chipped and she swallowed the piece. Abby reached up and touched something sharp and hot. Abby gasped and looked at her right shoulder and at the bolt head that stuck through. She felt vomit in her mouth and threw up. She stared at the blood pouring through staining her new jacket. It

  She looked back and the Husk was racing towards her laughing.

  She felt out of her mind and body. She wanted to live. Yet the fear of dying spread through her mind like a virus. She thought she would faint. Or her body would explode. She thought she would fall to her knees and just lay there to die.

  She ran. She ran until she spotted a large branch on the ground.

  face. She picked the branch up. It was heavier than she thought but her muscles did not realize it was too heavy for them. She twisted around and waited for the Husk. It ran to her and Abby took a step back. The voice in the back of her head told her to throw up again, told her to run, told her to shake until she came out of her body, it told her to just die.


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