The Angel of Elydria (The Dawn Mirror Chronicles Book 1)

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The Angel of Elydria (The Dawn Mirror Chronicles Book 1) Page 42

by A. R. Meyering

  “Please, please don’t be gone…HECTOR!” Penny cried, rushing through the living room and out the front door. The tears were coming fast and with stinging pain now. She could see nothing outside but the blurry, meager glow of twilight on her driveway. There was no sign of anyone. Pure anguish hit as Penny fell to her knees, covering her face with her hands and sobbing. She had made the worst mistake of her life, and realized it moments too late.

  Hector’s not coming back…I’ll never see Annette, or Simon, or anyone ever again. I’ll go back to my empty life and be forced to continue on as if nothing ever happened, thought Penny through her tears, feeling that no amount of willpower could make her return to her dead-end college or resign herself to a mundane future. She was close to a complete collapse when a strained voice called out from behind her, coming from the front door of her house.

  “Penny?” the voice cried, accompanied by hurried footsteps on gravel. At first she was sure it was her mother and was confused as to how her voice had altered so much in the months that she had been gone, but when she looked up through her watering eyes to see Hector racing toward her, Penny almost passed out with relief.

  “Hector! I thought you left! I thought you’d gone,” she sobbed, getting up and wiping the tears away from her eyes as surging happiness swept through her. “Hang on, why didn’t you leave? What were you doing in there?”

  Shyness crossed Hector’s face. “Well, it’s a bit embarrassing, but those muffins―I wanted to take a few back with me, I…I didn’t think you’d mind,” he stammered, his face turning pink. Penny laughed out loud and wiped the last of her tears away.

  “Leave it to you to be thinking of sweets at a time like this,” she laughed in relief and Hector became more flustered.

  “N-never mind that! What’s wrong, why were you screaming?”

  Penny looked at her feet and sighed. It was not going to be easy to make him understand. “Let’s go back inside. I’ll make some tea for you and you can have a muffin or two while I explain.”

  SHE COULDN’T HELP but feel redeemed as she put the kettle on the blue flame of the stove and sat down in front of Hector with her hands folded. “I think I may have made a mistake. I…I want to go back with you and stay in Elydria.”

  Hector’s jaw dropped. “What?! All you’ve wanted since we ended up there was to get home, and now that you’re here you want to go back to Elydria? Are you feeling quite well?” He stretched out a hand to test her forehead’s temperature, and she batted him away with a frown.

  “Look, it’s hard to explain but…well, in Elydria I kept having a dream that I would come back to my room and it would be filled with all this weird stuff…things like dead leaves and bugs, bones and dirt, you know?” Penny told him, and Hector nodded, looking as if he could not understand how the two were connected. Penny cleared her throat and went over to the counter as the teapot began to hiss.

  “Well, I couldn’t understand what it meant before, but I do now. When I said I wanted to come home all those times before, I was confused. I didn’t just want to be home…I wanted to go back to the time before. I wanted the simplicity of not having to live with danger around every turn or the responsibility of carrying out Adrielle’s orders. I wanted to go back to being the person that I was before this happened, not to this place,” Penny elaborated, shutting off the stove just as the teapot began to whistle and pouring the steaming water into two cups.

  “But I can’t do that no matter how much I want to. My old life has been erased. This place, this home―I don’t fit into it anymore. Not when I’ve been to Iverton and flown on the back of a giant moth or had conversations with dragons. This life, no matter how nice it was then, doesn’t have a place for me in it anymore. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “I think so,” Hector said as she handed him a mug of steaming tea. Penny sipped her drink and looked around at the green kitchen and its collection of houseplants that no longer belonged to her.

  “The person that I was―she’s as good as dead now. I must’ve left her sitting on that curb that morning. I’ve still got more to do in Elydria. So, that’s why I have to go back. I want to help you look for the missing parts of Seival, and I want to learn all the answers to the questions that will be sure to drive me crazy in the meantime,” Penny explained with a small smile, her heart fluttering.

  Hector smiled back with genuine emotion. “I’m…well, I’m glad, though I’m still not quite sure about your reasoning.” He lifted his eyebrows again, taking a bite of the muffin and savoring the taste.

  Penny blinked. “Y-you’re glad?”

  “Of course I am! I was certainly not looking forward to telling Annette that you weren’t going to be back,” Hector confessed, taking a long drink of tea and watching Penny with calculating eyes, as if to gauge her reaction. She shook her head and got up to locate a pen and a piece of paper, then sat down at the table and began to write, taking a break every few seconds to take a sip of tea or a bite of muffin.

  “What are you doing?” Hector asked, trying to make out what she was writing.

  “Writing a note to my mom; I don’t want her to think I’m dead or something like that,” she explained, nibbling on the end of the pen as she thought of what to put down next. Hector looked astounded for perhaps the hundredth time that night.

  “You’re not going to wait for her to return?”

  Penny frowned. “She’ll never let me go, and don’t think I want to see her crying and begging me not to leave, even if I do miss her more than anything else in this world. I―” Penny found it hard to go on as terrible sadness welled up within her. She cleared her throat. “I’d love to see her, but I know it’s for the best that I don’t―not right now. I can’t let anything change my mind. I know we’ll see each other again, and when we do it’ll be at the exact right time. You can meet her then, too,” she added with a grin, and resumed writing.

  Hector shook his head and sighed. “I simply will never understand you.”

  When Penny’s note was done, she crept upstairs to her mother’s room and opened the door. It was dark inside and seemed foreign in a way it never had before. On her mother’s pillow she laid the note, which explained that Penny was doing fine, that she would be back one day and for her not to worry. Penny could not help but shed a tear when she thought of her mother reading the letter. It fell short of what Paulina deserved, and she knew it. Penny removed the rune pendant from around her neck and laid it on top of the note, knowing that her mother would understand its meaning and realize that it was indeed her daughter who had come by that night. She stood by her mother’s bed for a long moment, running her fingers across the covers and smelling Paulina’s familiar lavender fragrance. With a final glance around, Penny stepped into the hall and closed the door.

  Hector was waiting for her in the center of the living room with his arms crossed. She sighed and looked around her old home, so much tinier than she remembered. Hector waited with the utmost patience as Penny gave her final, unspoken goodbyes to the house that was once hers. When she looked up at him with confidence, they both knew it was time.

  Penny closed her eyes as Hector wrapped his lean arms around her and prepared to make the jump to Elydria again. The thought of what was waiting for her on the other side of the darkness made a bubble of hope expand in Penny’s chest. A world of infinite wonder that beckoned and called with its siren song; a world that had broken Penny apart and rebuilt her to be stronger than she ever could have imagined. She breathed in Hector’s familiar scent and dwelled on the faces of her friends and the unbreakable bonds that had transformed her forever. She felt Hector reach out and pull the two of them into the gap between realities, and Penny let the vestige of her old self slip away like a gossamer shawl falling from her shoulders.

  As the silence and speed overtook her body, Penny could not stop herself from smiling as she dreamed of all the wondrous things to come.






  A.R. Meyering is a graduate in English from the University of California Santa Barbara with a specialization in Victorian/Neo-Victorian Literature. She is the author of the steampunk-fantasy series The Dawn Mirror Chronicles. She is also the author of the dark fantasy Unreal City, which won quarterfinalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest and garnered a positive review from Publisher’s Weekly.

  Her heart pounds for the horrifying, the sublime, the delicate, the elegant, and the fascinating. She is a life-long fan of fairy-tales, gothic horror-shows, clever mysteries, children’s stories that aren’t quite for children, steam-powered wonders, and sweeping fantasies. She is a dedicated geek and gamer, an educator, and pug enthusiast.

  Visit the author at:






  Cover, interior book design,

  and eBook design

  by Blue Harvest Creative

  Editing provided by

  BHC Staff Editor Bailey Karfelt

  Table of Contents

  Book Description

  Title Page

  Copyright Information

  Other Books By A.R. Meyering


  Chapter 1: The Last Morning

  Chapter 2: Simon Shaw

  Chapter 3: Gales And Gloom

  Chapter 4: Butterflies In The Sitting Room

  Chapter 5: The Golden Thread

  Chapter 6: Under Elydrian Skies

  Chapter 7: Deimos Of Dewthorne

  Chapter 8: Specters In The Thicket

  Chapter 9: The High Priestess

  Chapter 10: Warwick’s Grotto

  Chapter 11: Gilded Cherry Pine

  Chapter 12: Moonlit Monoliths

  Chapter 13: The Wandering Wind

  Chapter 14: Iverton

  Chapter 15: The Archillion

  Chapter 16: Finding Freedom

  Chapter 17: An Evening Out

  Chapter 18: Silk And Spools

  Chapter 19: Among The Lilies

  Chapter 20: An Agreement

  Chapter 21: Trusting Hector

  Chapter 22: The Jubilee Waltz

  Chapter 23: The Shattered Chandelier

  Chapter 24: A Promise Kept

  Chapter 25: Annette’s Confession

  Chapter 26: On The Sands Of Hulver

  Chapter 27: The Puppet Master

  Chapter 28: At The Atelier

  Chapter 29: The Bishop And The King

  Chapter 30: Along Came A Spider

  Chapter 31: Mulgrith

  Chapter 32: A Light In The Dark

  Chapter 33: The World Between Worlds

  Chapter 34: The Goblin Carnival

  Chapter 35: The Caged Songbird

  Chapter 36: Memories Of Madness

  Chapter 37: Midnight

  Chapter 38: The Weaver Rising

  Chapter 39: A Moment Of Quiet

  Chapter 40: Penny’s Choice

  Purchasing Links

  Coming Soon: Eden Undone

  About The Author

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