His Chosen Mate

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His Chosen Mate Page 7

by Maya Carnage

  I look at him. "Have you forgotten who our father is? He could be saying every terrible thing I've ever done."

  Laughing, Exxil starts to choke on his food. He quickly reaches for his water, and when he can breath again, "What terrible thing have you ever done? What, did you forget to water your plants one day?"

  I frown at him. I've always been the responsible brother. it isn't because I felt the need to be like that, it's just how I turned out. There's nothing wrong with it, though compared to my brothers, even Hal'lis might be considered tame. Before Exxil settled down with Meema, he would cause havoc throughout the village.

  This one time when he was still a young hunter, he and several of his friends were drunk, and they decided to see who could streak naked through the village without being caught.

  My brother was the first to go. He only made it past the elderly mates Kalla and Findrix's house, Findrix was on his way back from the elders' gathering. He marched all of the young hunters back to their homes, where their parents scolded them for their behavior.

  He no longer had time to misbehave with his friends because Pops made him work twice as hard at the shop. But when he was let off from the punishment, he and his friends trekked down to the River tribe and tried to steal one of their ghoephs.

  Havrick is still in his rebellious stage, so I won't even try to think of all the ridiculous things he has done. He's probably still doing them.

  "Pops doesn't understand that some of what he likes to talk about, is embarrassing. You remember when Havrick brought his last bed mate over here, Pops told her that Havrick wet the bed until he was eleven. He still hasn't gotten over that. He avoids the female anytime he sees her," I said.

  Exxil looks over to where Tracy leans onto the table, resting her chin on her propped-up hand, and looks worried. "Hmm, you may be right. However, I don't think there is anything you can do. It would look rude if you were to interrupt them. I was lucky, I never did anything embarrassing, just stupid, when I was young."

  Ferle runs up to his father, interrupting him. He boasts about beating Havrick at fighting. Taking a seat next to Hexxil, Havrick breaths heavily. He must be tired from playing with the rambunctious child.

  "I won, Papa! It was so easy that I didn't even have to try." Ferle gulps down the water in his father's cup before walking around the table to his seat.

  The rest of the meal is filled with the children talking about their training and classes. Ferle mentions that he saw one of the women smashing faces with one of the hunters. I look over at Tracy, and she mouths Helencia. I hold in a chuckle, knowing that she is probably right.

  I have only met Helencia a handful of times, but I will say that she has a lot of spirit. Perhaps as much as my younger brother.

  The adults gather in the living area while the children play outside. Hexxil says she is going across the road to a friend’s house. Exxil tells her to make sure she is back before they leave.

  I sit in one of the oversized chairs with Tracy on my lap. She wraps an arm around my neck while talking to my father. Pops sits on the couch with Havrick and Exxil. The former eating another plate of food, saying that he worked up an appetite while playing with Ferle.

  "I've told Exxil that he needs to ask one of the humans for help around the house and with the children. It would make things easier for him. We try to help him as much as possible, but it is hard," said Pops.

  "I told you, that I wouldn't feel right asking something like that and that I didn't need the help." Exxil glares at our father, but he doesn't notice because he turns his attention back to Tracy.

  "You know, I actually think that would be a great idea," said Tracy. "I know that some of the women are still looking for some type of work to do here and I could mention it to them, one of them might be interested in helping, Exxil."

  Exxil looks uncertain for a moment, not knowing what to say.

  I think that he would appreciate the help but doesn't want the children, especially Hex, thinking he is replacing their mother. The loss of Meema was painful for us all, and I know that Exxil still misses her greatly, but I think he should take the offer. It might be good for the children to have a motherly figure again.

  He sighs, "If you don't think they would mind then I would be very grateful if you mentioned it to them."

  My mate and I move into the kitchen, after Exxil leaves, to help Pops clean up. Tracy takes up a position by the sink.

  "How are the trials going?" Pops leans over the table, scrubbing at the dried food in front of Rexxil's seat.

  Tracy finishes drying the dish she holds in her hand. "It's actually, not going so well." Sighing, she throws the rag down onto the counter. "The fallas is dying, and we have no idea how to help it. I've tried everything I could think of, but nothing has worked."

  Pops goes quiet, thinking. "Have you tried planting another fallas or two, with it?" He says after a moment.

  Going over to Tracy, after I finished putting the food away, and wrap an arm around her waist. "Do you think that would work, my mate?"

  "Maybe. We could try it to see if it does because right now I don't have a clue how to make it survive."

  "Let me know how it works." Pops starts to walk toward his bedroom. "Good night you two."

  Yawning, "I think it is time we left. I'm this close to falling asleep where I stand," said Tracy. Pulling her closer to me, I look around to make sure nothing else needs to put away or cleaned up. "Let's get you to bed, do you need me to carry you home?"

  She shakes her head. "I think I can manage."

  Smiling down at her, I lead her out of the house, walking her home.

  Chapter Seven


  After getting up early this morning to help Lorth transplant a few more fallases, I leave him in the garden and search for Karen. I haven't had the chance to ask her anything about Fiona, I've been too busy with the trials and fixing up the house. I hope that she has some kind of news from the other women. It has been a struggle not having them around.

  I stroll through the village. There aren't many tribe members up this early in the morning. Except for the hunters. I pass by a couple of the elders. We smile at each other, but none of us stop to say anything more.

  It is a quiet walk most of the way there.

  When I am almost at the field where the hunters train, I bump into Gher, "Hey."

  "Good morning!" A huge grin is plastered across his face. It is not surprising that Gher is an early bird. "What are you doing out this way? I assumed you would be out in the garden with Lorth."

  I place my hands on my hips. "I was up late last night. I had dinner with Lorth's family, and I didn't get much sleep afterward. So I decided to start work in the garden later. Actually, I'm on my way to find Karen."

  At her name, Gher's face brightens.

  "I've just come from the training field. She was sparring with one of the other hunters. She is trying to learn how to use the staff."

  After pointing me in the direction of where to find her, Gher continues walking toward the center of the village. Probably to go and see his mother. From what I have heard, he's a mama's boy.

  The field is mostly absent. There is a large group of seven hunters, most of which I met on the ship, off to the back of the field. Karen is near the trees. Except for two hunters chatting, Karen stands mostly by herself. She swings around a wooden staff fumbling here and there. You can tell she is a beginner with the weapon.

  "Hey! How's it going?" I shouted.

  Jerking to a stop, Karen places the staff on the ground and reaches for a container of water. She gulps down several mouthfuls of the drink. "Fucking terrible. I've been watching Gher with the staff for over a month now, and I thought that it looked so easy. So I told him I could do it easily, and I was really fucking wrong." She wipes at her brow, furrowed into aggravation.

  "Gher's probably been using one for some time. It's normal to struggle with something at first. Believe me, I know." Leaning against a tree, "I've meant
to ask you if you've heard anything from Fiona?"

  Karen picks the staff back up and twirls it in her hands. "Yeah, one of the hunters from the Desert tribe gave me some letters from her and the others. I meant to give you the one from Fiona. She wrote your name on it. I have it back at the house. It's underneath my mat. You can grab it when you get back there."

  "What did the others have to say?" I asked.

  "I don't know. I've been busy with training." She shrugs. "They're all under my bed."

  A hunter calls for Karen. She switches her attention to him, forgetting about me and my questions. With a hasty goodbye, Karen jogs over to the group of hunters. I push off from the tree. I head back to our house, thinking about what could be in the letters the whole way there.

  When I arrive back to the house, I find Kate and Jessa out in the front yard. Jessa stops talking when she notices me. Kate turns around and waves, "Hey. You're cutting out on work early?"

  I shake my head. "I'm going in later. Is everything okay?" Jessa's face is stained red with emotion. She rests her fists on her hips and chews on her lower lip. Clearly, she is angry about something.

  Kate looks at Jessa. An unspoken remark passes between them. "Nah, everything is fine."

  I raise my brows.

  Since when did those two become besties?

  "Okay. Umm, I was just about to read Fiona's letter. Karen forgot to give it to me earlier." I walk around them and head into the house. Rifling under Karen's mat, I pull out a thin stack of letters. On the top is one with my name written on it. Walking over to my bed, I take a seat. I set the rest of the letters down beside me and open the one from Fiona.

  Dear, Tracy

  I would have liked to write to you with good news, but that's not what is happening.

  Piper was taken the other night. Graviel believes it was the rogues and Zar is working on finding them. He sent out his best trackers. Hopefully, we will have good news here soon.

  I feel terrible. I was the one who mentioned coming along with us in the first place. The only good thing I can think of is that the rogues didn't seem all that bad from the little time I spent with them. Yes, they are callous, but I don't think they are cruel. They probably took Piper to trade to Zar for supplies.

  As soon as I know more, I will write to you.

  Best Wishes, Fi.

  The letter falls from my fingers. Damn.

  "What's wrong?" I look over at the doorway, Jessa and Kate stand shoulder to shoulder looking at me with concern.

  "Piper's been kidnapped," is all I say. Their mouths drop open. Worry furrows their brows. And here I thought everything was going fine. I'm pretty sure everyone else was thinking the same. We were all getting settled in and finding our place here among the Haanask tribe. Now, Piper could be in danger. I know that Fiona said that the rogues didn't seem dangerous, but she wasn't completely sure though.

  "How?!" Jessa rushes over to me, picks up the letter from the floor. Scanning the letter quickly, she gasps when she reaches the end. "What do we do? We can't just leave her with them!" She hands the letter to Kate.

  "I don't think there is anything that we can do," said Kate. I hate to think it, but she's probably right. We don't know this place at all, and if we did try, we would probably just be a nuisance.

  "I think it would probably be best if we left it to Graviel and Zar." Getting up, I hand the rest of the letters to Kate. "I'm going to go and find Lorth. Did you want to meet at your place later? All of us?"

  Jessa nods. "I'll find Lucia and Helencia."

  "I'll go get Karen," said Kate.

  With our faces creased in worry, we go our separate ways.

  "It doesn't seem real, you know?" I snuggle into Lorth's embrace. He rests his chin on top of my head. "I don't think there is anything that we can do. I wish that there was, this feeling of helplessness sucks." After leaving Jessa and Kate, I went to the garden. Searching for Lorth, needing him close.

  Piper and I weren't the closest out of the group. She was nice and always there if you needed her, so it feels wrong that this is happening to her. She's strong, which makes some of the stress dissipate. I know that she can handle whatever those rogues dish out.

  "Graviel will take care of it. I know that he would not want his mate to be worried in her condition." Lorth tightens his arms. Pulling me closer to his chest. With my ear pressed against his muscular chest, I can hear the rhythmic beating of his hearts.

  "I hope they can find her soon," I sighed.

  Lorth rests his back against a tree on the edge of the garden. I sit between his legs, with his arms wrapped around me. We haven't been in this position long. I was overcome with emotion after hearing about Piper, and all I wanted was to be near him. He's always been dependable and there. It is a relief to know that I can always count on him. The two of us stare out at the garden. We spend the next hour in comfortable silence. Lorth occasionally strokes my arms, warding off the late morning chill.

  "I need to be going. I promised that I would meet with Kate and the others," I said as I get to my feet.

  "I'll come with you. The garden can wait for a second." Lorth takes my hand in his. Walking the long path back to the village, Lorth talks about his brother Exxil. Exxil has finally decided to ask for some help with his children. Their father has been badgering him for weeks. He's wanted him to ask one of the women for their assistance, but Exxil wasn't comfortable with that, though he has finally realized that it would do him some good to have an extra set of hands with the kids.

  When we arrive in the village, with most of the tribesmen up and about now, we part ways.

  Leaning down, Lorth places a chaste kiss on my cheek, "I'll come to your house later to check on you."

  Nodding, I grip his hand once before letting go. I walk the rest of the way to Helencia's alone, feeling the bereftness more than I thought I would.

  Lucia opens the front door. "Hey, come on in, we're all here." I follow her in, closing the door behind me. Kate and Jessa sit together on the couch. Karen sits on a stool in the kitchen, and Helencia sits in one of the chairs. I take a seat next Jessa. Lucia goes into the kitchen and grabs a tray off of the counter. She brings it into the living room, places it on the table between us. "I made some tea. There isn't much in the way of snacks at the moment, sorry." She pours each of us a cup and hands them to us. Karen grabs hers, but heads back into the kitchen, distancing herself from the rest of us.

  I look around the room. Concern, pain, and anger show on their faces. I bet mine shows the same. We're all probably feeling helpless right now. Piper is one of ours, and yet there's nothing we can do.

  "So... What are we going to do? I don't want to sit here and do nothing." Lucia looks pointedly at all of us.

  "There isn't much we can do really," said Kate. She leans back on the couch fingers wrapped tightly around her mug. Steam rises from the cup.

  "She's right. The trackers are our best bet in finding her. We don't know this place well enough to go out on our own, trying to find her," said Jessa.

  Wondering why she hasn't spoken up yet, I glance over at Karen. She isn't the type to stay quiet during a discussion. Especially one as significant as this one. She wears a concentrated look while biting her bottom lip.

  She's thinking about something, and knowing her, she won't let the rest of us in on it, and it's probably going to be risky. Sighing, I turn back to Lucia.

  "We should leave it to Graviel and Zar. They know what is best to do in this situation," I said.

  "So we just do nothing?" Lucia frowns.

  Nodding, "It's all we can do. If we try to go out there, we would just get lost or taken ourselves," said Kate.

  Posture dropping, Lucia falls back in her seat. Defeated. We all feel the same. It isn't a good feeling, not being able to help your friend.

  "I need to get back to training." Karen goes to the sink and dumps out her tea. "A few hunters are leaving tomorrow. They shouldn't be gone long. I'll have them check in with Fiona. Hell, i
f we're fucking lucky, Piper will be back. All safe and sound."

  "She's up to something," Kate says after Karen leaves. The four of us nod in agreement.

  Karen was unusually tame. I think we all thought she would be coursing and pacing back and forth with agitation. She didn't though.

  "Someone should keep an eye on her. To be on the safe side," I said.

  Kate stays behind when I leave to go home. It is a short walk back to the house, but I manage to do a huge amount of thinking on the way there.

  Lorth and I are about to start on the second trial, as long as the fallases are alive and thriving. That in and of its self is plenty stressful. Now, with the whole Piper situation, things couldn't be worse.

  I'm glad to be starting the next trial with Lorth. We've worked our asses off on the first one. I'm kind of hoping that the next one won't be as tough. In the last month, I've come to know a different side of Lorth. He's not only kind, considerate, and funny, but also serious and firm when he needs to be. He loves his family more than anything and would do anything for them. He's a doting uncle who makes sure he's there whenever Exxil's kids need him. I couldn't have imagined a better man.

  But sometimes, I feel that there's something missing. That Lorth and I could be this amazing couple, but I'm holding back. It isn't like I want to sabotage this relationship, it's just that I don't feel like I'm completely involved in it. I don't know why either.

  I've tried being patient with myself. Giving myself time to adjust to everything, and I believe I'm coming to terms with what happened, so I can't think of what it would be that's getting in my way.

  Plus, now I have Piper to worry about.

  I don't feel that she is in danger, it's just a hunch. I'm feeling anxious though I will be relieved when she is returned back to the Desert tribe.

  Lorth sits on the front steps. His hands worked absentmindedly, braiding cords of rope. His head jerks up when he hears the sound of the rocks beneath my feet crunching as I walk. Smiling, "How were your friends?" he asked.

  I shrug. "Honestly, I think we are all confused and angry. We just don't know what the hell to do." I take a seat next to him. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me in closer to him. The warmth of his body permeates through my leggings and tunic, ridding me of the cold that has surrounded me since I heard about Piper.


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