His Chosen Mate

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His Chosen Mate Page 17

by Maya Carnage

  I take the dress off, laying it back down on the bed. Heading downstairs, I join Lucia and the kids with the crafts.

  Chapter Sixteen


  We stopped by Pops's before coming to the garden. Lucia had Hexxil come by the shop to let us know that the decorations were done. They made enough to fill four crates to the stop. I gave my mate a quick kiss on the lips, thinking about last night, and the grabbed one of the boxes. Havrick took one, leaving Exxil to struggle with the other two. Havrick talked about which of the females will be there.

  "All of the human women will be there, but who from the tribe is coming?" He shifts the box to his other arm. "I'm hoping it is Farrine," he says with a suggestive note.

  I shake my head. Only my brother would use the excuse of a mating ceremony to be with one of the females. "Quentah and her mate are coming. They are bringing the babe with them. Aaga is coming, and so are some of the hunters."

  "I will have to try my luck with one of the human women then," said Havrick.

  Tracy and I wanted something small, just those that are closest to us. This ceremony is about celebrating our matehood. The smaller the gathering, the more intimate it will be.

  "Could one of you take one?"

  I look back at Exxil. His face is dark blue, and he is having a hard time holding on to both boxes. Havrick steps back and takes one from him. He hefts it up onto his shoulder.

  The small clearing next to the garden's shed is where we plan to have the ceremony. I was up early this morning to make sure the grass was short, and all the loose rocks were strewn away.

  Setting the crates down, we get busy setting the tables up for Helencia. Once the tables are up and ready, we go through the crates, hanging up the decorations in the trees and on the tables.

  "How is everything going with Lucia?" I asked.

  Exxil sets the crate on the table. Without looking up as he digs through the box, "I hate to admit it, but Pops was right." He pulls out one of the paper chains Ferle loves making since Lucia showed him how. Walking over to the trees, he loops the red chain through the lower branches. "It's been great having her around. It's a relief knowing that there is someone with the children."

  It is a relief for all of us. Pops loves his grandchildren, but he gets tired of having to run after Ferle and Rexxil. He is also hoping that Exxil will start having feelings for Lucia. That way he doesn't have to worry about his oldest son.

  There is no doubt; Pops is planning to find a mate for his youngest son. He might not be that invested in it yet, because I'm about to be mated and moved out of the house. Exxil doesn't come over as much now that Lucia is at his house until the children are in bed. So he is probably not in a hurry to get rid of his baby.

  Though he will want a say in who it is, Havrick takes as a mate.

  "Hexxil seems happier having her there," I said. "She is still miserable in the garden." I thought that with working with Lucia, it would make the work more enjoyable. It seems that gardening is not for Hex.

  "Lucia said that she thinks that Hexxil might be better suited somewhere else," said Exxil.

  I finish hanging up the rest of the paper chains. Our ceremony will be decorated in an assortment of color. The chains are made in orange, red, green, blue, pink, and purple. Exxil places the centerpieces on the tables. The children used flowers and made ornaments with the crafts. We set the empty crates to the side.

  "Where did you want this?" Havrick holds up the ceremony's centerpieces. Ferle made it. He took several different rocks and stuck them together with glue. Havrick's arms shake.

  "Place it next to the shed." I walk over to where I want it, and Havrick sets it down. He takes a deep breath and rubs at his biceps. "It looks really nice, Lorth."

  I nod. "It does. All we have to do now is help Helencia with the food.

  Havrick says he's going to go to her house. He's going to help her bring the food out here. Exxil and I stay behind.

  "Where do you think Hex would like to work? Getting out of the house has really helped her a lot. Does Lucia have an idea?" I asked.

  "She likes making things, so I was going to see if she can help out at the pottery shop or the fabric shop. Lucia thinks she would like it there," said Exxil.

  She is probably right. One of Hexxil's favorite things to do is spend time at one of those shops. Anytime her father or Pops need something from one of those places she is the first to volunteer. Meema used to make blankets with her mother and grandmother. It would make sense that her daughter would enjoy the same things that she once did.

  "Helencia helps out with both at both of those shops. Hexxil can ask her if they need any extra hands with their work."

  He sits down in one of the chairs at the table and pulls the centerpiece toward him. Inspecting the flowers and ornaments, "They are close to Pops's shop, so she won't be that far away."

  "Pops said that the children want to see the house. You can bring them by tomorrow if you want," I said.

  Exxil smiles. "Ferle has been talking about it non stop. He will be excited. I'll bring them by tomorrow evening."

  Helencia and Havrick come into the garden, pulling a wagon behind them. It is stacked high with food. They wheel it over to the long table we set up for it, and begin to unload it.

  "Hey, guys!" Helencia waves. "I made plenty, so everyone can have a second plate if they want. If there is anything left over, I was going to take it over to the elders."

  "Hexxil and Ferle will help you. The elders haven't seen them as much lately," said Exxil as he places dishes on the table.

  "So... Lorth, you're about to be a taken man! Are you excited?" asked Helencia.

  "Very," I said. "I could not be happier calling myself Tracy's mate."

  She giggles. "You two are too cute. If I ever get a mate, I hope that he's as sweet as you."

  Havrick looks over, from where he is setting the plates and utensils, at us with a frown. He has been talking about the human women, especially Helencia, a lot lately. I wonder if he likes her more than he usually likes one of his females? Pops might not have to look far for his next son's mate.

  After the food is set up, the guests start to arrive.

  Pops brings the children and Aaga with him. Ferle runs over to his father, chatting about the crafts he made today. Rexxil rests on the old mages hip. Hexxil goes over to Helencia.

  "It's beautiful, Lorth. You must be very happy?" Aaga wraps one of her purple arms around me, pulling me in for a hug.

  "I've been waiting for this day for a very long time, though I never knew it, I was also waiting for Tracy," I said.

  "She is a wonderful person. I like her very much," said Aaga. She goes over to one of the tables and sits down with Rexxil in her lap. She pulls out a toy from her robe's pockets and hands it to the little boy.

  Pops claps me on the shoulder. "I guess you're going to be moving out now? Lucia said that Tracy already moved all of her stuff over to the house. You know you two were welcome to live with me?"

  I grip Pops in a tight hug. "We know, but we wanted to give you your space, and it will be better if we had our own places, Pops."

  I didn't want to tell him the real reason we needed to move into our own place. A newly mated pair need their own spaces, especially with Tracy. My mate is very needy in bed. It would not be okay to live with Pops.

  "My home will always be yours, remember that." Pops goes over to the food and makes himself something to eat. At least there is plenty to eat.

  As the guests come in, I am there to greet them. Gallan and Teris give me a masculine thump on the back as they pass by. Sheila extends her hand, for a moment I puzzle over the gesture before I remember the human tradition of shaking hands. I grip her hand in mine, and move it up and down. I still have to work to do in perfecting it. Sheila walks away, shaking her hand out. Quentah and her family embrace me, she hands me the baby to kiss.

  "Everyone is getting mated. Graviel was first, and I know Teris isn't that far behind. Now
you, I wonder who's going to be next? I have some ideas. I've been keeping a close watch on all of the human women. I notice things, Lorth." Her brows rise, and a mischievous grin spreads across her face.

  "If anyone would, it would be you, Quentah," I said. I hand her baby back to her, and she goes and sits down with her family.

  It is odd that Sheila and Teris haven't mated, yet. Teris was very sick before he found Sheila, and from what I heard, they have to complete the mating before too long. It is hard on all of the women, and for Sheila to be rushed into matehood, it can't be easy. Teris is probably giving her as much time as she needs. I would have done the same with Tracy if we were in their positions. Though for the sake of my friend, I do hope that they complete it here soon. I would not want to see Teris that sick again. Neither would Francis and Graviel.

  Speaking of Francis, he hasn't shown up. I invited him and Aaga. It does not seem like him to miss such an important event of his friend's life. If he doesn't show up by the end of the ceremony, I will ask Aaga if he is all right.

  Not seeing anyone else come up the path, I move over to where my brothers sit and take a seat next to them. They talk about the upcoming weapons and tools they have been commisioned to make. The hunters seem to be about to leave on a long hunting trip. When they are going to be gone for more than a month, they always have Pops make them plenty of extra weapon and certain tools they will use while out there.

  Pops has also been working on some more pieces. He is still not selling any of the weapons he makes from his own designs. He has started to move them into his house. Havrick and Exxil have been asking why he is doing it, but Pops just says he doesn't feel like selling them.

  Havrick leaves the table when he notices the human women are here, all except for Kate and Tracy.

  I rub my moist palms together. I can't wait until I see the first glimpse of my mate in her ceremonial dress. It will be the same dress my mother wore on her mating ceremony. Pops was happy that Tracy is going to wear the dress. He knows that when Hexxil becomes mated, she will wear her mother's dress. Since he has no daughters, he has always wanted mine and Havrick's future mates to wear the gown. He knew that it was very unlikely that they would. Most of the females in the tribe would wear their mother's gown, that is if they even celebrate a matehood, some of the tribesmen don't. Graviel didn't have one, and that is because his family does not have mating ceremonies. Neither does Teris's.

  Pops is probably glad that there are human women in the tribe now, it means that he might be able to get all of his sons' mates to wear our mother's gown.

  When Exxil sees me wipe my hands down my leggings, he gives me a knowing smile.

  Today must be hard for him. He hasn't been to a mating ceremony since Meema passed. He was invited to Quentah's, but since it was so soon after his own mate's death, he couldn't go. Quentah understood.

  I return the smile. Exxil turns his head, searching for his children. When his eyes land on Ferle, who is standing next to Lucia, his shoulders relax.

  I jump when Pops's hand lands on my shoulder. I look up at him.

  "Tracy's here," he said.

  I look around him to where the path is, and standing there, looking more magnificent than I have ever seen her before, is my beautiful mate. I don't notice Kate, who is next to her, all I can see is Tracy.

  I stand up in a rush and knock over my chair. Hurrying over to my mate, I take her in my arms and press my lips to her. When she gasps in surprise, I dart my tongue into her mouth. I devour her mouth and every little sound she makes form the back of her throat broadens my desire for her.

  Someone clears their throat from behind me.

  I reluctantly pull away from her to see who is interrupting us. I glare at my brother Havrick.

  "Did you forget that you're in a crowded area? You know Exxil isn't going to be happy with you practically mating with Tracy in front of his children," said Havrick laughing.

  I chuckle uncomfortably. I may have forgotten where we were. Tracy strokes my back, laughing gently. Havrick shakes his head, and his laugh turns into a roar. My face darkens.

  "It's fine. Every man gets like that on his special day, don't feel bad," said Tracy.

  My mate has her hair braided on top of her head, with several different kinds of small flowers sticking out of it. She wears the dress without any slippers on her feet. Taking her hand in mine, I walk her over to the shed. The ceremony's centerpiece sits between us, and I face Tracy, taking her hands in mine. Leaning over, I press one more small kiss on her cheek before the ceremony begins.

  Aaga stands up, sets Rexxil in Lucia's lap, and comes over to us. She presses her lips to our joined hands, muttering words in another language. When she is done, she holds our hands to her forehead. She walks around to stand on the other side of the rock.

  I smile nervously at Tracy, and she squeezes my hands.

  "Today marks the beginning of the matehood of Lorth and Tracy of the tribe Haanask," said Aaga. Her voice comes booming out of her chest causing us to startle. "As in the times of the old ways, this day is the first day of their new life. They shall from this moment on be one soul inhabiting two bodies. They will share a single breath, and their hearts will beat in time with each other. We are all here together to witness the joining of these two souls. May their matehood be blessed and may their love for each other only grow stronger. Lorth and Tracy, you may now take each other's breaths into your own chests."

  Everyone in the garden is silent. Looking over, I see tears glistening in Pops's eyes. We're probably thinking of the same thing. It would have been better if Mother was here.

  Turning back to Tracy, I lean into my mate. When our lips are pressed together, we take in each other's breaths. My lips linger for a second, before releasing Tracy. "I love you," I said.

  Her lips move as if she's about to say something, but she is interrupted by Aaga.

  "May you two live long and happily together," said Aaga. She winks at us before turning to the crowd. "They are mated! May the celebrations begin!" Aaga leaves us by the rock. She goes over to the table and grabs something to eat.

  "We're officially mated, mate," said Tracy chuckling. "How do you like it so far?"

  Tugging her into my arms, "There hasn't been enough time to enjoy, yet, but I can say that it is going to be the best experience I've ever had."

  She shakes her head laughing. She wraps her arms around my waist and leans her head on my chest. "I think it's going to be the same for me."

  I hold her to me for a moment, enjoying this time to ourselves, before I take her hand and lead her over to the guests.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Lorth stays by my side until I shoo him away. His brothers have been trying to get his attention for the last hour, but he has been ignoring them. He didn't want to leave me, but I told him I'm fine. Reluctantly he lets go of my hand and walks over to where his family sits down eating.

  Ferle knocks into me as he is running about. He shakes it off and continues along. I smile at the kid's relentless energy.

  It's odd. I really thought that I would feel different after becoming mated with Lorth. But I don't. Maybe it just hasn't come into effect, yet. It might take some time before I feel like a mated woman.

  I wondered what it would be like; being someone's mate. I've been worrying about disappointing Lorth since yesterday. It pointless of me being anxious, he loves me, and there isn't anything I could do that would upset him. He even said those words. I mean he has said them before, so they aren't surprising. I wanted to say them back, but then Aaga started talking, and I didn't want to say them afterward. They wouldn't have been as meaningful.

  I'm going to say them to him tonight. When we're by ourselves in our new house, I'm going to tell him how I feel. It has been chaotic since arriving on this planet. Lorth has given me all the space and patience I have asked for and has been there for me whenever I needed him.

  I couldn't dream of a better man to be my mate
. And I'm going to let him know that.

  Aaga tugs on my elbow, getting my attention. "I have someone who wants to see you," she said, dragging me away from the rest of the party. She takes me over to the other side of the garden. Looking around, I don't see anyone.

  "Are they suppose to be here?" I asked confused.

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, the bushes behind me start rustling. From out of the woods walks Fiona. "Fi!" Rushing over to her, I hug her. But something stops me. A baby bundled in a grey blanket rests in her arms.

  "Fiona..." I said, staring down into the little baby's green eyes. "You didn't tell me."

  She laughs. "I thought it would be better if I just showed you."

  The baby yawns up at his mother, closing his eyes. His scale is a lighter green than his father's, and he doesn't have horns like Graviel. His fists are tucked up close to his face. Fiona rocks her child in her arms.

  "Is it a boy?" I asked. Aaga said that she was pregnant with a son, but Fiona wasn't certain if she was a hundred percent correct.

  She nods. "We named him Gravis after Graviel."

  I tell her she has to tell me everything, but she says that we should all be together because she has more than the birth of her son to talk about.

  Collecting all of the women, we all go over to where Fiona sits on the ground with Gravis. We sit down near her, forming a somewhat circle.

  Lucia asks if she can hold Gravis. After handing her son over, Fiona fills us in on everything we have missed. She knew that she would be giving birth to an egg, but no could tell her what would happen after the birth. Pheena, the healer in the Desert tribe, helped her with the birth and then she moved into Zar's house until Gravis came. It took longer than most of them thought it would. Fiona had to carry the egg on herself in a sling all day, they knew from stories the elders would tell, that the mother was always near her egg until it was hatched.

  Gravis was born a month ago, and she said that she couldn't have been happier. "He wasn't light in that egg, and Pheena didn't know if it would have been safe if Graviel carried him for too long," said Fiona.


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