It seemed like I was going to be the first. Markus was grunting, but not quite there and Brando was a machine, pounding away at her like he had all night to get to his final destination. Pleasure coursed through my veins as the minutes passed and each one brought me closer to my second eruption. When I felt it coming, I let Lyn massage the tender spot directly underneath my glans with her tongue and held it there as the release began. I felt cum surging through my shaft and then it exploded into her mouth. I filled her mouth with my seed and then pushed my cock deep to release the final streams of pleasure. She swallowed until every drop was gone and sucked the last of it out of my shaft before I finally pulled my cock from her lips.
“I guess none of us have anything on Brando...” I shook my head and smiled as I joined Dawson and John by the wall.
“That’s probably why he was in her room all night.” John chuckled.
“I don’t like to rush things.” Brando’s words came out like a growl. “I like to savor every second—and she ain’t complaining.”
“No.” Lyn shook her head back and forth. “I love this feeling...”
With her mouth no longer working to satisfy one of us, she started to breathe heavier and another orgasm filled her body. When she started to spasm, I could see Markus shaking as well. She orgasmed while he unloaded himself inside her anus and then it was just Brando who needed his release. Markus joined us on the wall and Brando shifted his hips. He pulled her against his chest and started to hammer himself into her pussy. His hand drifted down to her ass and he brought it down with a loud smack. I blinked a couple of times in surprise when I heard Lyn’s moans echo even more excitement. Brando followed the smack with another one and then he started to steadily spank her while he slammed his cock into her pussy. Her ass turned a shade of pink as the spanking got harder and his hand came down faster. If Lyn wasn’t practically screaming with pleasure, I would have been alarmed.
She orgasmed again, her body shaking even more violently than it had with any of us. Brando didn’t slow down, he spanked her ass until it was almost cherry red and her bliss just became nothing but nonstop orgasms. Brando finally roared with his own pleasure, and Lyn’s pussy spasmed so much I could see it quivering on his shaft. His eruption lasted longer than both of mine put together and when he finally finished, the four of us against the wall were all wide eyed with our jaws hanging open.
“Damn!” Dawson let out an excited gasp. “That got me hard again—just watching it.”
“Me too...” John nodded.
All of us were in agreement and Brando just chuckled as he pulled Lyn close to his chest. Our exhausted bodies needed rest, but none of us really wanted to get up and move. I finally stood and poured more champagne, guzzling it to try and get some of my energy back. It took nearly an hour for Lyn to recover and get to the point that she was ready to stand. Her dress was a tattered mess of fabric on the floor, so we found a bathrobe for her to wear back to the house. Thankfully the camera crew kept the cameras shut off once we joined them outside. They knew what had happened, but they were respectful of our privacy.
We returned to the mansion and put Lyn in her bed. Brando crawled in next to her and wrapped his powerful arms around her body. As much as I wanted to sleep in the same room with her, we agreed to let him have that closeness for the evening. I finally made my way to my bed and lay awake for a bit, thinking about the situation and about Lyn. There were only two dates to go and then we would reach the conclusion of Seven Roses. Lyn was definitely going to choose us, but I couldn’t help worrying about her date the next day. Anders was a bit of an anomaly and I just couldn’t see their date going very well if he showed as much indifference during it as normally did.
Don’t fuck this up for us, Anders. We need this.
Chapter 15: Lyn
My body was tired and sore, even after sleeping for nearly ten hours in Brando’s arms. He had practically broken me in half with his insatiable appetite during the night we spent alone and the previous night had been another round of pleasure which had practically blown my mind. I wasn’t even surprised when I woke to find his cock hard, even while he was sleeping. As much as my body tingled and started to think about having him one more time before I got out of bed, I had to resist. I needed to talk to Charles and I had time scheduled in front of the camera before my date with Anders.
I left Brando sleeping and showered for the day. I could have used a bath, but I simply didn’t have time. Brando slept like a rock and was still asleep when I finally emerged from the bathroom and got dressed. I walked downstairs where I found Henry motioning for me to follow him to the camera room. I walked a little slower than normal and Henry handed me a cup of coffee before I finally walked into the camera room to take a seat in front of the blinking light.
“Well...” I smiled and stared at the camera. “Last night was my date with Adrian and it went very well.”
I’m not sure how much I should reveal but I’m sure America can figure out the rest.
“We’re on the final stretch of this journey. Tonight I will have my date with Anders and tomorrow, I will be the first contestant to ever go on a date with Charles Montgomery.” I sipped my coffee and smiled. “I can’t deny being pretty excited to see if he’s as charming as he seems.”
America has never seen his temper like I have, but it hasn’t really shown itself since we started the show started, so I’ll keep that to myself.
“I guess you’ll just have to wait and see what happens.” I gave the camera another smile and stood.
I was simply too tired to really put any extra effort into my monologue. They would probably splice it all together with voice-overs of things I’ve said throughout the week anyway, so I wasn’t overly concerned. The main thing I was concerned with was Anders and there was a feeling in my gut that just wouldn’t go away. He was the only obstacle that really remained between my happily ever after with the rest of the guys and I wished I had more time with him so I could figure him out before the date. Seven Roses generally didn’t allow much interaction outside of the dates, but it didn’t seem like Henry was enforcing that after the dates were done.
I walked into the living room and saw the other guys, except Anders, who was probably planning the date, and Brando who hadn’t made it downstairs. I motioned for Charles to follow me out into the hallway. The cameras would hear our conversation, but I wanted to speak to him alone without the rest of the guys hearing my concerns.
“I guess this is about Anders?” He leaned against the wall.
“Yeah...” I nodded quickly. “What can you tell me about this perfect match thing?”
“There isn’t much to tell.” He shrugged. “It’s a computer algorithm that puts your information in and matches you against potential applicants. It’s how we select everyone.”
“But you’ve never had a perfect match before...” I let out a sigh and shook my head. “This doesn’t feel right.”
“I was apprehensive when I read his profile and after spending time with him, I’m of the same opinion. He doesn’t seem dangerous or anything, he just doesn’t seem to give a shit. When we are together, he barely talks and spends most of his time playing with his cell phone. I wish I could go back and choose someone else.” He closed his eyes and shook his head. “He could screw up everything.”
“Surely we can make an exception here. The rest of us want this—I never knew I could want something like this before, but after having a taste, I don’t think I can go back to a normal life.” I let out another sigh.
“I wish there was something I could do, but we all signed contracts at the beginning of the show. If we don’t find happiness together with the bouquet unbroken, then we are legally bound to the decision. It has to be unanimous.” He let his head rest against the wall. “They’ll tear us up if we try to violate the agreement and after this show airs, the paparazzi will be after all of us.”
“We could run away.” I shrugged. “I hear Mexico is great this time of year.
“We would be asking everyone to give up their lives.” He shook his head. “It wouldn’t be fair.”
“Then I guess this date is it.” I nodded. “If Anders isn’t on board, then I will decline the arrangement when we do the finale of the show. It will be easier if I’m the one doing it.”
“America will hate you...” Charles blinked in surprise. “You can’t do that. They’ll see your journey to this point and they won’t understand. If Anders is the reason, let him be the one they hate.”
My mind was torn apart with concern and my nerves were shot as the day progressed. I wanted the arrangement so bad that the thought of losing it was filling me with more worry than I ever imagined. I didn’t want everything to be ruined because Anders joined a dating show and didn’t give a crap about it. I didn’t understand why he even bothered. Nothing about him suggested he was there looking for love.
When our date got closer, I changed into my dress for the evening and walked down the stairs. Anders was at the bottom of the steps dressed in a suit—at least he dressed up for the occasion. I could see what appeared to be a nonchalant stare in his eyes when he extended his arm and we walked out of the house.
I just didn’t feel anything when I was near him. He wasn’t a bad looking guy and in his suit with his hair combed back, he was actually very attractive. It was his demeanor that caused my body to want to hit the brakes instead of the gas pedal. Even if I did want the arrangement, I couldn’t just accept it if I didn’t have a connection to all seven of the men. It wouldn’t be fair to any of us and I certainly wasn’t going to carry Anders along for the ride even if he did agree. There had to be some sort of chemistry. The moment we got into the car, he pulled out his phone and stared at it when the driver pulled away from the front of the house.
“Can I ask you something?” I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Um? Yeah.” He shrugged but kept his eyes on the phone.
“Look at me.” I reached over and snatched the phone out of his hand.
“Hey!” He reached for it, but I rolled down the window.
“You can put this thing away for the night or I can toss it—your choice.”
“Fine...” He grumbled and reached for it again.
“You’ll put it away?” I held it just out of his reach.
“Yeah.” He nodded quickly.
“Okay.” I handed it back to him and he stuffed it in his pocket, folding his arms across his chest like a disappointed child who had their favorite toy taken away.
What the hell is wrong with this guy?
“You wanted to ask me something?” He looked away, but he was speaking to me at least.
“Why are you here? I don’t get it! You haven’t shown any interest since the beginning. What was the point of coming on Seven Roses in the first place?” I felt my emotions unleash in words that were louder than normal.
“Fucking hell...” He shook his head. “If you want to talk, the cameras have to be shut off.”
“That isn’t how it works.” I looked at the camera that was blinking in the car. “But—fine.” I hit the button on it and waited for it to go off.
“I shouldn’t be here.” He stared at the camera to make sure it was off and tapped the privacy glass which blocked the driver from seeing or hearing us. “This was just a fucking joke.”
“A joke?” My blood started to boil. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Chapter 16: Anders
Remember the kid you picked on in high school? He grew up to be a bad motherfucker—online.
Seven Roses was the abyss of everything I hated. The traditional relationship parade left me with an intense hatred of love. I grew up skinny-fat, never having enough muscle for sports and not being quite skinny enough to attract the girls into that sort of guy. The fact my body didn’t catch up to the growth spurt that took my arms and legs by storm at an early age didn’t help matters at all. I had to work twice as hard at the gym as everyone else for half the reward. I had managed to fill out my form with years of hard work, but by the time I got to the point I was attractive enough to make eye contact, I found that my social skills were shit. I wasn’t the life of the party—I couldn’t make people laugh. I was just the guy in the corner most people ignored.
I learned to accept that role and retreated into the online world where I could get lost in cyberspace. I could be anyone I wanted there and my awkwardness didn’t hinder me. I had a close circle of friends spread out around the world and a few girls that I talked to, but there was no way I was going to put myself out there and try to meet them in real life. The few dates I had proved I didn’t have the charm to take them home. Seven Roses was the epitome of that burning hatred. It was never meant to actually happy—the whole thing was an inside joke that only a select few would get when it aired. Then they changed the rules—and I got stuck.
“Yeah...” I muttered and shook my head. “This whole thing was supposed to be a joke.”
“You got a perfect match with me. How is that a joke?” Lyn tilted her head in confusion but I could see that she was upset.
“I’m a hacker.” I turned towards her and sighed. “I hacked the Seven Roses database and set myself up to be a perfect match with the next contestant. I thought I would come on the show, get rejected after the date, and be on my way. Perfect matches are supposed to have the first date.”
“You...” She stammered over her words. “You hacked the show? Why? I don’t get it.”
“I hate this show. This show and all the others like it create a false sense of what love actually is. Because of shit like this and all the dating apps, people get judged in a matter of minutes. Nobody gets a fair shot unless they look like Markus or Brando.” I shook my head in disgust.
“So you hacked the show to become a contestant because you hate it?” She tilted her head the opposite direction. “I still don’t get it.”
“Like I said, it was a joke. My friends and I started talking one night, all of us expressing how much we hated the reality television era, and how it ruined the world for people like us. We started joking about being contestants and showing the world that we were perfect matches—yet we would never be chosen.” I looked at her and sighed again. “You don’t get it. You’re beautiful. Every guy you meet just falls at your feet.”
“Hardly!” She exhaled angrily. “You have no idea how difficult it is out there for someone to find the right person, regardless of how they look. Underneath all this makeup and this fancy dress is a girl from the South Side of Chicago that grew up getting shit on her whole life.”
“Being glamorous—how awful for you.” I narrowed my eyes at her.
“What you did doesn’t prove anything. What good is being a perfect match with someone if it is something you faked?” She leaned against the window but kept the burning hatred in her eyes focused on me.
“Yeah.” I nodded. “Except it wasn’t fake—it was supposed to be—but when I put my information into the system, it really did match me with you.”
“What?” Her stare softened.
“I even deleted my information and tried it again. I ran every algorithm that could be run. I made sure it was legitimate and it was. You really were my perfect match. I stayed up all night testing every line of code, running through it over and over until I was absolutely certain it wasn’t some cruel joke being played on me by one of my friends who knew I was going to hack it, or something in the database that was fucked up. It wasn’t.” I shook my head. “It was fucking real.”
“Then why have you been such a jerk? Why did you just write this whole thing off in the beginning?” Her tone finally relaxed.
“I was the perfect match and by the rules of Seven Roses, that meant I got the first date. I had one chance to show you that maybe you should consider someone like me—and then they changed the rules. Charles Montgomery started bringing out celebrities, he put himself in the game, and he set the rules so that I didn’t have a chance. There was no chance for
us to be together. I get a perfect match and the only option is to share you with six other guys? That is the story of my fucking life right there.” I looked towards the driver and back at Lyn. “I can tell him to turn the car around. Obviously this is just a waste of time for both of us.”
“No.” She reached out and put her hand on mine. “So what if the rules got changed? You’re still on a date with me. We’re still together right now. Regardless of what you did to get here or what intentions you had when you decided to sign up for Seven Roses, you really were a perfect match. That has to mean something...”
“It means the computer is as bad at putting people together as the rest of the dating apps out there.” I looked down at her hand.
“Maybe traditional romance isn’t what you need, Anders. Think about it. What is traditional romance anyway? Is it a feeling? Is it a sense of obligation we feel because generations before us embraced it? I was as surprised as you when Charles made his announcement, but as I’ve went out on these dates, I’ve found something I need in every guy. None of them are the complete package, but that is okay because the union will make us complete.” She rubbed my hand lightly. “You’ve been honest with me and I respect that. I’m not entirely convinced you don’t have a place in this union.”
“If I would have gotten the first date, we might have ended up together.” I sighed and shook my head.
“No...” She moved closer to me. “The one thing Charles recognized was that I need someone who can be a companion. Even if we were a perfect match, he said you’re always gone—which doesn’t fit any of the things you have told me so far.”
“I work for the government.” I looked towards the camera nervously to make sure it was still off. “I got a little too zealous with my hacking when I was younger and I got arrested by the FBI. I avoided prison by agreeing to a government job. While guys like Markus are out there fighting on the ground, I’m in the air.”
Seven Roses: Reverse Harem Romance Page 13