Seven Roses: Reverse Harem Romance

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Seven Roses: Reverse Harem Romance Page 15

by Kelli Callahan

  “Uh... I mean—yeah.” I nodded, still unsure what it had to do with anything.

  “It is time to meet our eighth contestant, the man who captured Lyn’s heart before she even knew what was love was. Ladies and gentlemen—Jordan Steele!” Henry pointed to the doorway where I had seen all of the other contestants emerge from and the lights came on.

  There he was. Jordan Steele. He was the high school quarterback, the hottest guy in school, and the one who made all of my teenage hormones go crazy when we walked the same hallways for four years of our lives. His smile could melt a cheerleaders panties right off her thighs and his arm took our high school team to the state championship. The last time I had even heard his name was when he was injured on the football field in college. As far as I knew, he never went pro after that injury. He looked every bit as delicious as he did when we graduated and age had only made him more handsome. He was dressed in a suit and his purple tie matched my dress down the intricate details in the threads. I felt my heart jump straight up into my throat when he got close. He took my hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing it lightly before taking a step back. My hand fell back to my waist and I looked around the room again. Brando’s brow was pulled together in a scowl. The rest looked to be locked in a state of confusion.

  “Jordan? What are you doing here?” I tilted my head and felt his dark eyes drawing me in like he did when he came to me for help with his homework—helping meant I just did it for him.

  “Lyn.” He exhaled sharply and smiled. “I used to have such a crush on you.”

  “What?” My mouth fell open. “No way...”

  “You were simply too good for me. I was a teenager with only one thing on my mind and you were my forbidden fruit. I knew I could have you, but I knew I would never be true to you.” He shook his head. “I had a lot of growing up to do and now that I am at that point in my life, I want the one girl that I never stopped thinking about.”

  “Is this a cruel joke? You only talked to me when you wanted me to do your homework! You never even looked at me otherwise.” My face twisted to a stare of confusion.

  “Oh, I looked.” He smiled again. “You just never saw me.”

  “So what do you think, Lyn?” Henry Bennett stepped forward with the microphone. “Do you want another chance with the man you always dreamed about?”

  “None of us will blame you if you do.” Charles stepped forward. “When I was processing your information, I came across Jordan’s application in the system.”

  “I never found the right woman.” Jordan shrugged and sighed.

  “He didn’t fit the criteria for what I was looking for this season, but one phone call was all it took. He was over the moon at the idea of coming on the show when he heard you were the contestant.” Charles took my hand. “I offered you this arrangement because I believed it was what you needed, but I wouldn’t feel right to take you away from someone who really does care about you.”

  It felt like time was moving in slow motion as my emotions flooded through my head. There was a time when all I wanted was to have Jordan’s attention. Hearing that he also wanted me, even after all those years, was enough to make my knees go weak. Ms. Lynette Steele—Lyn Steele. I wrote that over and over when I was a teenager. I even named our children. Jordan was everything I had wanted—in the form of the exact person I wanted.

  I shook my head in confusion as reality started to come back into focus. Jordan Steele and I never had a chance. Just when I thought he might be interested in me because he asked me to help with his homework, Jessica swooped in and gave him her virginity. She was nothing to him and he was nothing to her, yet she knew how much I wanted him. It took me months to forgive her for that.

  No. Jordan was a teenage girl’s dream—he was no longer my dream. The traditional romance was so far from what I wanted at that moment that even though he took my breath away once, the time for us was over. He had four years to show interest and if what he said was true, then he blew it.

  “I’m sorry, Jordan.” I shook my head back and forth. “There was a time when you would have had my heart with just one touch, but that time is over. I’ve found something that is so amazing that I could never give it up—even for the fantasy I once had about our life together.”

  “You’re sure about that?” Jordan raised his eyebrows. “I meant every word I said.”

  “I’m sure you did, but it would just be a lie now. This is what I want.” I motioned to the other guys. “My life is with them.”

  “Sorry, Jordan.” Henry Bennett walked over and put his hand on Jordan’s shoulder. “Today may not be your day, but I’ll make sure you get a spot on a future episode of Seven Roses.”

  “Thanks...” Jordan muttered and looked down at the floor.

  “Now...” I turned to Charles. “I believe we have a date?”

  “Absolutely.” Charles extended his arm and beamed from ear to ear.

  In another life perhaps, Jordan—just not this one. Not anymore.

  Chapter 18: Charles

  The final twist had been put on Lyn’s heart and she resisted temptation. I had carefully planned everything out to the finest detail and Jordan’s arrival was either going to be before our date or at the finale. Based on her decision, we would have to air it after she revealed her choice to keep it from being spoiled. I wasn’t sure if she would be ready to commit to the union before she went on her date with me, but if she was, I had to give her a chance at a normal life before I showed her the last piece of the puzzle. If she was still hesitant and it didn’t look like she was going to choose to be with us, Jordan would have appeared at the finale and offered her a chance to walk out of Seven Roses with him instead of by herself. Either way, I wanted to make sure she was happy with the ending of the show. Since it seemed like she was ready to make her choice at the finale, and it would be to spend her life with us, I had a big surprise that would hopefully make her very happy.

  We got in the car and she was silent for a few minutes as we drove towards the destination. I reached over and squeezed her hand, which seemed to bring her back to reality. She turned towards me with a smile on her face.

  “You don’t regret telling Jordan goodbye?” I stared into her eyes and I didn’t see any hesitation.

  “No.” She shook her head quickly. “I thought Anders was going to be the one I had to convince, not you.”

  “I needed to know you were happy with the decision and didn’t feel like it was the only option on the table.” I caressed her hand and moved closer.

  “I would never agree to the arrangement if I didn’t believe in it—I don’t look at it as my only option.” A smile crossed her face. “However—I am curious what brought you to this point to begin with? What made you decide this was even an option to consider in the first place?”

  “I’m man enough to admit my failures as a boyfriend and as a husband.” I sighed and shook my head. “I just don’t have what it takes to make someone truly happy.”

  “I don’t believe that’s true.” She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at me. “You may have a bit of a temper, but I’m sure someone who loves you can look past that.”

  “I wish it was that simple. When I get obsessed with someone, I put everything into it. I ignore the world. I know that about myself and while I’m saying goodbye to Seven Roses, there’s no guarantee I won’t find something else to obsess over. I can’t put someone else through that again. With this union, I know you will be well taken care of if I get consumed with something else.” I reached into the middle console and pulled out a glass, along with a bottle of Scotch.

  “I promise I’ll be the only thing you want to get consumed with.” She took the bottle and poured the dark colored liquor into my glass.

  “You might be right.” I nodded and sipped my drink. “But if I fail...”

  “You won’t fail.” She shook her head back and forth. “Not with me. I understand that things will pull all of you away at times, but I’ll still be waiting for
you at home when you need me—and I plan to make sure you always need me.”

  “Speaking of home...” I motioned to the window. “We’re almost there.”

  “What do you mean?” She looked out the window as we turned down a long street.

  “I bought us a place to life—all eight of us.” The driver came to a stop at the end of the street.

  “This place is a mansion!” The driver opened the door and we exited the car.

  “Yes it is.” I grinned. “Even bigger than the one we host Seven Roses in.”

  “So this is where you’re taking me on our date?” She held my hand as we walked towards the front door.

  “I figured you would like to see where we are going to live after we film the finale tomorrow.” I opened the door and we walked inside.

  The house itself was one that had been on the market for a while. It was an enormous mansion sitting on a hill at the end of a suburban neighborhood. The previous owner had started with a smaller house and added onto it for years before finally deciding to sell it. Since it was kind of a patchwork house, there weren’t many buyers. He had bought land all around it for the expansion, so while the neighborhood was sprawled out in front of it, the estate itself was gigantic. It had a pool, a full tennis court, basketball court, and a lot of other things to keep seven guys busy when Lyn wasn’t occupying our attention. Inside, there was a movie theater in the basement with two dozen seats, and each room was big enough to be filled with enough furniture for all of us. Some of it had already been added but there was a lot to go.

  The masterpiece was upstairs though, and I took Lyn by the hand as we approached the staircase. We walked up to the main bedroom and when I pushed open the door, her eyes got big.

  “That is the biggest bed I’ve ever seen!” She looked at me and back to it.

  “Big enough for—about eight.” I grinned. “The frame is still under construction, but I had the mattresses moved in earlier this week.”

  “So...” She turned to me. “Do we get to break it in?”

  “We do.” I turned to the camera. “And if the rest of you want to join us, I’m sending you the address right now.”

  “This is awesome!” She walked into the room and looked around. “This room is so big!”

  “Your night is over.” I turned to the camera crew. “Tell the driver to let the other guys in when they arrive.”

  I pushed the door closed and waited until I heard the camera crew walking down the stairs before I took Lyn in my arms. I knew we would have some alone time before the rest of the guys got there and I intended to take full advantage of it. I started kissing her neck and she leaned back against me.

  When I laid the plan out, I never imagined taking the beautiful woman I met on the street in my arms. I was sure she would just tell us to go straight to hell. We had come so far in a week and I felt like I knew her even if I didn’t get a chance to spend any time with her. Every date had been broadcast to the living room, so we all got to study her every movement and figure out what made her happy. The last thing she needed was another glamorous date—especially with just me. What she really wanted was to spend time with all of us and I was perfectly happy making that happen. I slid the dress off her shoulder and kissed along her bra before pushing it down as well.

  “Brando says you like to be spanked.” I moved my hand down her hip and lifted it slightly before bringing it down on her ass.

  “I think Brando just likes spanking me.” She reached back and started to caress my cock through my pants. “But it definitely turns me on when he does it.”

  “I’ll leave that to him then.” I ran my fingers back along the front of her dress and started lifting it up. “I’m not a a fan of foreplay anyway.”

  “No wonder your wives left you.” She giggled and pushed her hip forward against my finger as I explored her thighs.

  “That’s mean...” I let out a light chuckle. “Maybe I will spank you.”

  “Why? You could be inside me before you could ever turn me on that way.” She caressed my cock a little harder.

  My cock was throbbing by the time I got my clothes off and put Lyn on the bed. I slid between her thighs and pressed my dick to her wetness. She was definitely ready for me and foreplay wasn’t going to be required. I started to push myself into her pussy and felt a tightness I had never felt before. If I didn’t know she had already lost her cherry, I would have assumed she was still a virgin. I had to take it slower than I liked, pulling my cock back and thrusting it in to get it lubricated enough to continue penetrating her. I fully intended to make her cum and get the release I wanted before the other guys got there. I had no problem sharing, but having her alone wasn’t something that would occur very often. I finally got my cock buried in her pussy and started to pump it into her faster, moving my hips in a quick motion while her tight pussy caressed my cock. She felt so good that it was hard to savor it. I wanted to push for a release as soon as possible, but when I felt the pressure in my balls, I started to get some composure and slowed down slightly to enjoy it a bit longer.

  “You really don’t mess around do you?” She moaned and bit down on her lip as I went deep again.

  “Not at all.” I grinned and kept thrusting, picking up the pace more.

  I fucked Lyn hard and fast until my balls were about to explode and then slowed back down. I kept it slow until the sensation passed and then went back to the same pattern, hammering her pussy as hard as I could. Not taking my time had always been one of my failures as a husband and I tried to find the balance between the pleasure she craved and my need for the sweet release of my cum. I could see each rotation of hard, fast pounding bringing her close to an orgasm, but I had to stop before I could give it to her. The balance was a lot of fun and kept the pleasure roaring through me long past the point when I would have normally been dressed and working on a drink instead of worrying about the woman in my bed.

  My balls were tight and begging me to give them the satisfaction they wanted, but I held back each time, working her closer and closer to the point of no return. She deserved to feel the same pleasure I was feeling and she deserved to have an orgasm before I was done. I ran my fingers along her body, squeezing her breasts as I went slow again and when I felt her start to get close, I picked up the pace.

  “Yeah...” A loud moan came out of her throat. “Don’t stop, keep going!”

  I kept the speed going until I was sweating from my forehead and my muscles were so tight in my abdomen I thought they would cramp. She squirmed around on the bed, writhing underneath me in pleasure on the cusp of an eruption. I kept my cock deep with short, powerful strokes that hammered her g-spot. She finally threw her head back on the bed and screamed. I felt her pussy begin to spasm and she shook with the pleasure flooding through her veins. I hammered her until there was no holding back the tidal wave of pleasure. It crashed into me as I exploded inside of her and my cum surged through my shaft with an intensity I hadn’t felt since I was a much younger man. The delay had made it even more satisfying than I remembered and it felt like I was never going to stop ejaculating. My hips moved against her, each thrust sending more pleasure through me until I finally felt the last drop slide from the end of my glans. She let out a gasp of pleasure as her body relaxed and sank back onto the mattress.

  “You could have made me cum so much faster with a little foreplay.” She grinned and reached for me as I dropped down on the mattress beside her.

  “Fucking is my foreplay.” I turned my head and winked at her.

  “I think I hear something.” She leaned her head up as the sound of footsteps were on the stairs.

  “That would be the ones who like foreplay.” I sat up and reached for my boxers.

  “You’re done?” She put her hand on my boxers and pulled them away before I could start putting them on. “Surely you’ll be ready to go again before all of them are done with me.”

  Faster than you probably realize.

  Chapter 19: Lyn
/>   The rest of the guys seemed as excited to see the bed as I was to be in it. They started undressing as soon as they entered the room and closed the door. I saw a few glances between them when Anders stripped down and they got a look at his monstrous cock protruding from his frame that didn’t look like it could possibly house such a beast.

  The six of them climbed into bed with Charles, and I felt their hands everywhere, moving across my body quickly reigniting the fire Charles had managed to put out before they arrived. I reached into the mass of bodies with both hands and when I found a cock for each one, I started stroking them. Based on the grunts I heard, it appeared I had managed to get Markus in my right hand and Adrian in my left. I couldn’t see anything with the tangled limbs on my body and the eager lips on my neck. One of them spread my legs and I felt a tongue moving down my abdomen. It landed on my clitoris and started circling it. I felt the wave of pleasure surging through me. Hands pulled me to the edge of the bed and my head fell backwards until it was hanging off. I looked up to see Anders looking down at me, guiding his cock towards my lips.

  The biggest one wants my mouth—this won’t be easy.

  Anders pushed his cock between my lips and I was forced to stretch my jaw wide to accommodate him. I thought it was going to pop before I was able to fit him in his destination. It was hard to concentrate on the pleasure between my legs as Anders stretched my lips with his girth and started plunging his cock into my mouth. He finally got a good rhythm going and I felt the pleasure surging inside of me. The tongue on my clit kept going for several minutes before I felt it being pulled away and my legs were lifted towards the ceiling. The tongue swirled along my labia and then I felt it going further back, spreading my cheeks as it moved to my anus. Someone crawled across my stomach and started to enter my pussy as my ass was prepped for another cock. My body was twisted so much I felt like a contortionist, but the pleasure was surging through me. Even as I worked on Anders, I felt other lips on my neck, tongues moving on my breasts, and unbelievable bliss coursing through my veins.


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