What Skylar Needs

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What Skylar Needs Page 14

by Lanee Lane

  "It has. I'm sorry it took me so long to visit."

  "Oh, none of that. You're here now, and we are going to make the most of it."

  Even though Gwen came into her life after she was an adult, Melanie liked having a motherly figure around. She was more like a friend than anything, but it was still nice to have an older and wiser woman's opinion sometimes.

  Melanie's dad loaded her luggage into the trunk while the two women piled into the car. On the ride back to her dad's house, they talked about work, their garden, Mel's blog and other random things.

  "Want to stop for lunch, honey? I'm sure you're hungry after all that travel."

  "Sure, then I want to take a nap.”

  They decided on a small diner that her dad and Gwen frequented. The staff all knew them. Her dad introduced her to everyone like the proud father he was, and Melanie didn't stop his bragging. He was excited that his only child was there to visit. She wouldn't take his moment away.

  After speaking to a dozen people, and filling up on the best country fried chicken Melanie had ever had, they headed home. As soon as they entered, Melanie felt a sense of home. It wasn't the home she grew up in, but it still gave her that sense of peace and comfort. She attributed it to the fact that home would always be where her father was. They had been their own little team for so long after her mom passed.

  "I want to spend time with you guys, but I can barely keep my eyes open."

  "That's ok, sweet pea. Go take a nap."

  She gave her dad a kiss on the cheek before heading to the guest room. It was only a matter of minutes before she drifted off.

  Two and a half hours later, she woke up feeling much more refreshed. She reached for her phone to check the time. She was surprised there was a text message from Skylar. If what he said was true, then she shouldn't be surprised.

  Skylar: Did you make it to your dad's ok?

  There was another one forty-five minutes later.

  Skylar: I get that you're mad, but please at least tell me you're ok.

  Mel considered not responding, but that would be mean.

  Mel: I made it here. Just woke up from a nap.

  Skylar: Glad you made it safe. I wish I were there to nap with you.

  Dang him! Why did he have to be so sweet when she couldn't get her thoughts and feelings in order? She didn't bother replying. Instead, she climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom. She splashed cold water on her face to help wake her up. Travel days always seemed to take it out of her.

  Melanie made her way into the family room to look for her dad and Gwen. The family room was quiet. There were no sounds coming from the house at all. She wandered through the house until she found Gwen sitting in the sunroom with a book.

  "Hey," she said from the doorway. "Where's Dad?"

  "Hey, sleepy head. He ran out to get some stuff for dinner. He wants to cook out on the grill to celebrate your being here."

  "Sounds good," Melanie said while settling into one of the chairs across from Gwen.

  "How are things going in the Midwest?"

  Melanie let her head relax back onto the chair.

  "Oh, they're going I suppose. Work's good. I love my job. The blog is a work in progress, but good."

  "I'm so glad to hear that. I try to check in on your blog every week. I've told the girls at my book club all about it. Many of them wish that you lived closer so that you could style them."

  That comment sparked new ideas for her personal styling business. She tucked them into the back of her mind to explore later.

  "I'd love to. Maybe one day, when my business grows, I'll be able to expand my reach."

  "There'll be a list of eager clients for you here in Texas when you do."

  "Thanks, Gwen." Melanie gave her stepmother a small smile.

  "How's everything else going? Any new gentlemen?"

  Melanie should have seen that coming. Her dad was itching for her to settle down and give him a few grandkids. Skylar popped into her mind. She didn't immediately push the thought away. That in itself scared her. She weighed her options of bringing Skylar up to Gwen. She desperately wanted to talk to someone about what had been going on. Gwen knew nothing about the situation and may give her a fresh perspective from Claudia and Jade.

  "I have a new neighbor. Well, he isn't new anymore, but yeah. I have a neighbor."

  Gwen sat her book beside her and leaned back in her seat.

  "A neighbor, huh? We've all got neighbors, so there must be more to this neighbor than that."

  "He's a pain my butt. He's also sweet and caring and protective."

  "Ah, I see."

  What did she see?

  "Does this pain in the butt have a name?"


  "Does this Skylar have anything to do with why you're here?"

  Melanie looked away ashamed that Gwen was right.

  "Yes. No. Kinda. I was overdue for a visit, and I wanted to see you and dad. He just helped give me the extra push I needed."

  "It's clear that there is more to this neighbor and, if you want to talk about it, I'll be glad to listen. If you want to wait and talk to your dad, I'm sure he will be glad to listen too."

  Melanie had always talked to her dad about everything. They'd always been super close. She'd also grown to adore Gwen over the years. With that thought, she told Gwen all about how they met, his sister's wedding, and Candace.

  "No wonder you needed a vacation. That Candace sounds like a real headache."

  "That's putting it mildly."

  "Do you care about Skylar, Mel?"

  The man drove her crazy at times, always showing up unannounced, eating her food, cuddling with her on the couch, making her laugh.


  "I'll let you in on a little secret. Love is hard. Relationships are hard. When your dad and I met, do you think it was love at first sight? For me maybe, but not for him. Your dad still loved your mother when I met him. He still does. Gradually, he was able to open his heart to the idea of loving someone else, and the understanding that it didn't mean that he'd loved your mother any less. I had to be very patient when it came to your father. We started out as friends. I always knew I wanted more, but I couldn't let on to him; he would have run like a wild alley cat."

  "How did you stay so patient? How'd you know it would be worth it?"

  "With the right person, love is always worth it. There will always be obstacles because that is life. If you have someone who's willing to work with you, and is devoted, then you can work through the tough stuff. It sounds like Skylar is all-in with you. Sure, the Candace girl is trying to come between you, but it seems to me like he's not letting her. He's been open and honest with you. It seems like he's putting in the work. Question is: are you willing to work with him?"

  Melanie let Gwen's words sink in. Was she ready to work with him for what they could have? She hadn't felt the way she did with Skylar with anyone else. The ornery man had weaseled his way into being one of her best friends. Her thoughts were interrupted when Gwen spoke again.

  "Has he tried to contact you since you've been here?"

  "Yes, he texted me as soon as I got here. He's sent me a few more since, but I haven't really replied."

  "You youngins and your text messaging. You can't always say everything you need to in a text. Sounds like you have a phone call to make, sweetie. Don't make the man wait. Heck, don't make yourself wait."

  Melanie stood up and stretched her body out. She walked over to Gwen and bent down to give her a hug.

  "Thanks, Gwen. I'm glad you were patient with my dad. We're really lucky to have you."

  * * *

  There was an obnoxious knock on Skylar's front door around six that evening. He knew it was Brendon; not because he asked him over, but because Brendon always knocked to the beat of whatever song was in his head.

  "Can't you knock like a normal person?" Skylar asked when he opened the door for his brother.

  "Nope, I can't help it when I feel the beat

  "Whatever, man Get in here so you can help me."

  Skylar went to the kitchen and grabbed two beers while Brendon made himself at home on the couch.

  "What was so pressing that I had to come over tonight?"


  "I thought you guys were over. You better not be playing Mel. You're my bro, but I like Mel. I'll have to beat you up to defend her honor."

  Skylar threw one of the pillows from the couch at his brother's head.

  "No, doofus. Candace is still causing problems. She broke into my apartment and pretended we'd just had sex. Mel came to see me and Candace answered the door in my shirt and her underwear."

  "Dude, how the hell did she get into your apartment?"

  "I have no idea. I plan on finding out though. I want to use some dirt on her to make her back off. She'd hate for Mommy and Daddy to find out that their perfect angel isn't so perfect."

  "So you want to blackmail her?"

  "I prefer to call it assisting her in making sound decisions."

  "Sounds classy."

  "I thought so. I need your help because we may need to get into her e-mail or Facebook or something to get some evidence. I know you're basically a hacker so yeah."

  "I'm not a hacker. I just know how to find the things I need when I need them."

  "Whatever helps you sleep at night, bro."

  "I think I know what you can use for your little plan."


  "Landon told me about something very interesting he saw at the wedding. Something that I'm sure Little Miss Home Wrecker wouldn't want her parents to know."

  Skylar moved to the edge of his seat. "Do tell, bro, do tell."


  Melanie was sitting against the headboard of the bed in the guest room. She pulled up Skylar's number for what felt like the hundredth time. In reality, it had only been twenty. Gwen's advice to call him was sound. It didn't make it any easier. Getting hurt was not on her list of things to do, and she feared that it was inevitable with Candace in the picture.

  Melanie took in a deep breath, closed her eyes and made her finger hit the call button. Her breaths came faster and sharper as the phone rang. Just when she started to hang up, the ringing stopped.


  She squeezed closed eyes.

  "Yeah." She slapped her hand against her head; so much for playing it cool.

  "Hey, how' your visit with your dad going? I miss you."

  Dear Lord, her heart about beat out of her chest hearing those words uttered from him. She'd missed him too; so much.

  "It's going really well. I can tell that he's happy that I'm here."

  "Good to hear." Melanie heard a laugh in the background and instantly recognized it as Brendon.

  "Brendon's there? Tell my buddy I say hello."

  Skylar made a psh sound. "I'm not wasting my talk time with you relaying messages to my younger, less handsome brother."

  Melanie couldn't hold back the belly laugh that burst from her. This was exactly what she liked about Skylar and was one of the many things she had missed about seeing and talking to him every day. She heard Brendon in the background stating his argument as to why he was the better looking Stillman brother. Her lips stayed in a smile long after she stopped giggling.

  "I missed your laugh," Skylar whispered.

  Melanie hugged her knees into her chest. Sinking a little deeper into the bed.

  "I've missed you too."

  "Do you know when you'll be coming home?" There was some relief in his voice.

  "Probably in a few days. I don't have my return ticket yet."

  "Do you want me to pick you up from the airport when you get back?"

  "We'll see."

  Skylar made a sound in reply.

  "Hey, Mel, I'm really sorry about the whole Candace thing. Brendon and I were coming up with a plan to get rid of her. I don't want her coming between us anymore. I want you to be secure in us; in me."

  Melanie squeezed the phone in her hand. She wanted those same things.

  "Do you trust me, Mel?"

  Despite everything that had gone on with Candace, she did. When Candace opened the door to Skylar's apartment, she'd felt that there was no way it was real; but it was so inexplicable at the time.

  "Yes," was all she replied, but that was all Skylar needed.

  "Thank you, Mel. Your trust means so much to me. I promise you that, by the time you come home, the situation with Candace will be handled.

  * * *

  "Are you sure this is going to work?" Skylar paced back and forth across Brendon’s living room.

  "Bro, sit down. You're making me nervous. It's going to work. Candace cares about three things: money, status, and men. You threaten to take any of those things away and she'll fold. Trust me."

  Skylar ran his hands through his hair before placing them on his hips. He turned his gaze back to Brendon. "What if she figures out that there are cameras?"

  Brendon got up from the couch and walked to his brother. He placed his hands on his shoulders and gave him a little shake. "Come on, bro. She isn't that smart. Even if she was, she isn't very observant. She can't even take the hint that you don't want her. The cameras are obscure. You wouldn't even know they were there if you weren't there when I set them up."

  Skylar dropped his face into his hands. "You're right. Okay, I'm just ready to get this over with."

  Brendon turned Skylar toward the door and began to guide him. "You need to get going so you can be there when she arrives. Just keep your cool, and remember to get her to admit to everything."

  Less than twenty minutes later, Skylar was back at his own place pacing. He straightened the couch cushions every two minutes. He kept checking all the places they'd hidden the tiny cameras. Who knew there were cameras that small?

  A few light raps at his door made him jump. It was show time, and his nerves were ever present. He tried to suppress the feeling. If Candace sensed that anything was up, it could blow the whole thing. He wiped his hands on his pants and made his way to the door. Turning the doorknob, he plastered on the biggest, most fake smile he could muster.

  Before Skylar could say a word, Candace threw her arms around his neck. She tried to go in for a kiss, but he was fast enough to turn his head. He had to play a part, but there was no way he was letting her kiss him. Mel's lips were the only ones he wanted and he wouldn't betray her even for this.

  "Sky-Sky, I'm so happy you came to your senses. I've missed you."

  "Oh yeah?" Skylar tried to keep his answer vague.

  Candace waltzed past him and sat in the middle of the couch. She patted the seat next to her.

  "Come sit down. Let's talk and catch up."

  Skylar walked slowly into the room. Instead of sitting on the couch he sat in the recliner he always sat in to watch T.V. Well, he always sat in it before Melanie. Now they cuddled up on the couch together. He had a sudden need to make Candace get off of his couch. He suppressed the feeling and tried to focus on the task at hand.

  Candace's face formed a pout when she realized that Skylar wasn't going to sit by her.

  "Candace, tell me what have you been up to?" Skylar leaned forward in the chair propping his chin on his hand. He feigned interest in whatever it was she was about to say.

  "Ugh, I've been so busy. Work has been a nightmare. They tried to get me to work overtime, but I had nail and hair appointments. Then I had a massage on Thursday. I didn't have time to work more hours. It's just been so hectic."

  Skylar swore his eyelids drifted closed listening to Candace.

  "Made any house calls lately?"

  "House calls? We don't do that kind of stuff. Clients have to come to us."

  Skylar sat up straighter in his chair.

  "That's funny because Mel told me she happened to stop by my house the other day. I wasn't here but, oddly enough, someone answered my door. I don't remember inviting anyone over or giving anyone a key to my place."

; He saw the color drain from Candace's face. She tried to school her features, but her whole body turned rigid.

  "Wow, you should really talk to your landlord about that. You can never be too safe." Candace's eyes looked around the room like she was trying to find a secret escape route. Her eyes refused to meet Skylar's.

  "Cut the crap, Candace. You were in my apartment. What I don't know is why; or how you got in here. I also can't understand why you pretended like I was here, and that we'd had sex, when I told you I was done a long time ago."

  Candace stood up from her place on the couch. She walked over to Skylar trying to sit on his lap. Skylar stood and placed his hands in front of him to keep her at a distance.

  "Whoa, whoa, back up. I'm trying to be civil about this. Don't push me, Candace."

  Candace crossed her arms over her chest and took a defensive stance. She finally looked like she understood that Skylar wasn't joking.

  "Fine, I was here. I copied your house key a while ago. At the time, I did it in case I ever wanted to surprise you with sexy-time. I just can't see why you would want to be with her when you can have me."

  Skylar moved until he was standing right in front of her staring eye to eye.

  "It's none of your business who I see. What you need to do is get it through your thick skull that we are done. Don't compare yourself to Mel. She isn't self-centered like you. I don't know what to say about the key other than you are truly insane."

  Candace jutted her chin out and stuck her nose in the air.

  "I'd say you're the one that's insane. When you can have me over her, you have to be crazy. I'd rather be crazy than look like her."

  "Like what?... Beautiful, feminine?"

  "Whatever. You're clearly delusional."

  "I'm not delusional. In fact, a little birdy told me that you and Mr. Donovan got a little up close and personal at Sam's wedding. I wonder how your mom would feel about you sleeping with her best friend's husband."

  Candace took several steps away from Skylar. Her jaw dropped open at his revelation. Her reaction alone was all the evidence he needed, but he had to have her verbally admit to the accusation.

  "Who told you that?" she asked in a hushed voice.

  "Does it really matter?"

  "Yes, it matters because it's a complete lie!" Candace's voice trembled as it rose an octave.


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