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Nursing Myself Back

Page 14

by Kara Liane

  It’s not a damn emergency. It’s from Mrs. Price.

  Caleb, I’m rethinking the Tuscan villa. I don’t believe I want Darron to have it after all. When can we get together to discuss this pressing matter?

  I groan because this will be yet another setback in the divorce proceedings. Every time I think we have everything settled, she seems to come up with a new way to fuck up the deal. Now I’m beginning to think she’s dragging this out intentionally, but I haven’t quite figured out yet what the goal is. Darron will pay dearly, there’s no doubt about that, yet her torturing him in this way really doesn’t gain her anything; it certainly doesn’t bode well with me. I know how the partners will feel about it, and they’ll want me to do whatever it takes to keep her happy—they’re salivating over the potential gains. Her demands and contingencies have become more frequent as of late, so it begs the question, what is she really after?

  I type out a quick reply, letting her know when I’m back in the office on Monday I’ll have Melanie contact her to set up a meeting to draft yet another amendment. Darron will surely have heads rolling on his end over this latest modification. This villa is the one thing Mrs. Price has made abundantly clear from the start she wasn’t interested in. She hates the property because its less-than-stellar location makes her “look like a pauper”—in fucking Tuscany of all places!

  Yeah, that woman is a piece of work. I refuse to even call her by her first name because we’re not on friendly terms. It’s strictly a client-attorney relationship all the way. I can only wonder if she now wants the property because I bet Darron has been taking his lover there. Eh, doesn’t matter the reason; I guess I’ll find out Monday.

  I also shoot off a text to Melanie regarding setting up the appointment with my vile client. I’m one of those people who, if I don’t set a reminder, get my paralegal to do it, or write it down, then I’ll forget. You don’t get to be successful unless you’re organized, that’s for sure!

  I put my phone back down on the table in disgust. All the people who really matter know where to find me if something comes up. And I’d already briefed Melanie on my whereabouts for the weekend, so she can certainly put out any fires in my absence. No more shop-talk. It’s time to solely focus my attention and talents on one very fine woman.

  I’m just getting comfortable again when I hear a door open from what I’m assuming is the master bathroom. My hands are starting to sweat. Normally I’m as cool as a cucumber, and I’ve been under lots of pressure and grueling situations at work. In the bedroom, I’m even more controlled—call me a thermostat because I can dial it up or down as needed. But Liz so easily causes my control to slip.

  I’m staring at the entryway to the bedroom without even blinking for fear of missing any little thing. I’m tracking her like I’m on high-alert, waiting for any sign of movement. My heart is pounding out like a war cry. This is it!

  Chapter 17: Not Predicktable


  Oh my God, this is it!

  I can’t believe we’re finally going to be together. I took my time in the bathroom to fluff my hair, strip out of my dress, empty my bladder, and brush my teeth—I used his toothbrush and I don’t care if that’s gross because he’ll thank me later. The champagne still lingers in my system, which is good because, like I said, it makes me horny—even one glass does the trick.

  I’m about to walk into the living room area where I assume Caleb will be. I take a deep breath to steady myself and look down at my purple bra and panties—the very same panties the man took off me earlier. I don’t know why I’m nervous; he’s already seen me down there, for God’s sake! He’s already seen my stretch marks too. The only thing he hasn’t seen are my naked breasts, but I think they’re a good pair.

  I have to remember that guys really don’t care about the little stuff women obsess over—like stretch marks. Put a naked woman in front of them, and all is forgotten. Alexi has told me enough times that men are visual creatures and need tits and pussy to play with, and they don’t notice every bump or wrinkle because their attention is focused on the fun parts. I’m feeling marginally better now and decide to make my appearance.

  I step into the living room, and Caleb is sitting on the couch with just his dress shirt and pants on. His feet are bare, and he’s leaning forward with his arms resting on his thighs like he’s waiting for something…waiting for someone. And thank God I’m that lucky someone.

  “Fuuuccckkk!” He says, enunciating each letter and deliciously dragging it out with what I imagine is his sex-roughened voice.

  A current of electricity runs through me at his clear appreciation for my state of dress. I can’t help but surge with pride at knowing he wants me. I see him make fists with his hands, and as I move closer to him by the couch, I feel wetness forming once again between my legs.

  “You look unbelievable. God, you make me so damn hard. I can’t believe I get to make love to your sweet, tight little body all night long. I hope you’re prepared to pull an all-nighter, nurse, because I need some medical assistance in the lower quadrant,” he deadpans.

  Mmm, his filthy mouth makes me so hot. I never knew I’d be into his dirty language, but anything he says makes me swoon. I don’t know if I can quite reciprocate with wicked wording, but I’ll sure try.

  “Well, in that case, I wouldn’t want my patient to suffer any unnecessary discomfort. So, I’ll be sure to issue one-hundred cc’s of saliva to the affected area…stat!” I cheekily reply.

  His nostrils flare; his eyes smolder and turn to molten chocolate, and his loud intake of breath through his nose gives away how deeply I’ve hit the mark. He quickly gets up from the couch and stalks me like I’m some kind of prey. I quiver with anticipation and think I should be the one pouncing on him since I’m the dang cougar—no such luck.

  I find myself in his arms again as he passionately kisses me and lifts me from the floor as my feet are dangling. He’s so big and strong and walks with me in his arms until we’re in the master bedroom. I feel the back of my legs hit the bed, then he lowers me to my feet.

  I think my worries have finally subsided, and all that’s left is desire and hunger for this man. He moves my hair off the one shoulder and sweeps it to the other side, but not before running his fingers through it and stroking it almost reverently, as if he’s been wanting to do it for a long time. Then, he starts nuzzling and sucking my neck and collarbone. He smells so good being this close to me. It’s like a woodsy, mouthwatering musk. My eyes flutter closed. I brace myself by gripping his forearms because that naughty tongue of his has a way with words and actions that can destroy me so easily.

  He’s like the Terminator, a cyborg from the future sent back in time to annihilate my pussy from this planet by screwing me into oblivion. Okay, I’ve gone off the rails now! Why I think of that movie, I don’t know; it happened to be the most popular movie when I was a preteen, but clearly that has nothing to do with what’s about to happen in this bedroom.

  “Undress me,” he commands.

  My eyes shut, I’m overcome in the moment, but now they pop open when my ears register the firm order he just gave. Boy oh boy, this alpha male snaps to it when he wants to. It’s sexy as hell. I don’t want him to be super sweet, soft, and gentle in every aspect. I want him to be bossy and domineering because I’ve never experienced this, and I had no clue this would push all the hot buttons on my sex panel—good Lord, maybe I’m the cyborg!

  With trembling hands and unsteady fingers, I unbutton his crisp, white shirt. I push the two sides apart and bare a marble slab of chest with delectable pecs and six-pack abs. Now I feel like a female cat of sorts. I’m sure I’m purring and licking my chops. I’m sure my eyes are glimmering like a feline’s as I sigh loudly at his beauty.

  He doesn’t give me too much time to stare and admire before he delivers his next command, “Now my pants.”

  I go from gazing at his chest to looking him square in the eyes. I keep yo-yoing from the huntress to the hunted eve
ry few minutes. It’s dizzying. Of course, I damn well love it; it’s all so new. It was never like this with William. He never made me feel so consumed with love and lust. I never felt so overwhelmed in the best possible sense; I want to orgasm one instant and the next instant cuddle with Caleb because of how thoughtful he is. I don’t know how he manages to pull off the duality of personality traits. The sweet and the alpha are not something I would’ve thought went together—on him, though, they do marry well. He’s not predictable.

  “I’m still waiting,” he affirms.

  Oops! I’d gone off in my head again on a tangent. So, I move my hands from his shirt, placing my palms flat against his chest. He swallows, and I bite the inside of my cheek, knowing I can celebrate that little victory of getting to him. I inch my hands down his front until I reach his waist. Instead of unbuttoning and unzipping, I become brazen and work my fingers past his underwear until I feel his pubic hair tickle my hand.

  Oh my God, I’m about to grab his dick!

  I am no longer looking in his eyes but down at what I’m doing so I can enjoy the experience more. My fingers are moving so slowly until I finally feel warm, velvety flesh. Lower still I go until my fingers curl around his cock, and I close my hand to grip it. Steel. God, it’s magnificent! I chance a peek at his face, and the expression he’s wearing is one of agony.

  “Motherfucking hell!” He hisses through gritted teeth.

  “Mmm,” is my only reply.

  At my response, he wrenches my hand away and tosses me onto the powder-blue duvet-covered bed. I don’t even have time to process his rebuff because the next second, I realize it’s not a rebuff. He’s just lost control of whatever patience he had up until that point.

  He’s practically clawing at his pants, trying to undo the button and unzip the fly. He angrily pulls the slacks down his thick, muscled thighs and yanks off his dress shirt, which goes on the floor to make a messy pile. His underwear will be the death of me when they come off. I want to look, but don’t want to look, if that makes any sense. I think I’ll pass out once I get a load of what he’s packing. It felt so good in my grasp, but touching and seeing are two different things.

  He doesn’t mess around, and pulls the briefs down his legs until he’s standing there in all his glory. And God bless him for raising the flag! Holy shit! I know my mouth is hanging open in a large “O.” I’m gaping at the huge cock that sits atop his massive balls.

  There’s no way he’s going to fit!



  “Oh, it’ll fit all right,” I assure her.

  She didn’t have to voice that concern. It was written on her face. I’m not cocky; I just happen to have a lot of cock and know it. This is usually the general reaction to my well-endowed feature. But since this reaction is coming from her, it’s the best of my life. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, she’s become my mantra as I eat, sleep, and breathe her.

  I can’t wait any longer. I amble over to my suitcase by the dresser and pull out a condom. I tear the packet and expertly roll it down the length of my shaft. I can feel her gaze burn into me as she’s watching everything I do. I kneel on the bed and position myself to crawl up her body. I hook my fingers in her tiny panties and pull them down her silky legs.

  “I love this color on you, Liz. Fuck, it reminds me of lilacs, which in turn, reminds me of you,” I rasp out.

  I toss her panties over my head. She’s squirming all over the place at my touch. I move up her body, and my dick brushes her skin. We both shudder. I slide my hands under her back and unhook her pretty bra. I pull the straps from her shoulders and remove the cups from her front. That thing gets tossed over my head as well.

  I’m now face-to-tit with two gorgeous mounds of creamy splendor topped with puckered nipples that are berry-dipped in the most luscious pink color. Fuck me! God, she’s magnificent. I can’t stop using the word perfect to describe her. Every time I unearth something new about her, I fall more madly and deeply in love. It’s not in lust; it’s fucking in love!

  I lower my head to her right breast and flick the peak with my tongue. Her legs are thrashing, and her hands go right into my hair. God, I love when she does that! She’s moans, and I can smell her gorgeous cunt as it’s surely overflowing right now in anticipation of receiving my huge cock. My dick is impossibly hard, and I’m afraid I might bust the condom before I even get inside her.

  I move my one hand down to her entrance and rub around her pussy lips. Her juices are definitely flowing, and I coat her tissues thoroughly with her liquid. And because I’m a selfish bastard, I rub her juices on my sheathed cock for good measure. Fuck, it feels so good knowing that a part of her is touching me, and I’ll have the real thing soon enough.

  I place my middle digit inside her hole to test the waters. Her slick walls welcome me and clamp down on my finger. I immediately insert the second finger and work it in and out. She says my name over and over in a raspy whisper, spurring me on all the more. I work in the third finger, and I know she’s stretched enough again—my cock will have to stretch her the rest of the way. That tight passage has never received anything like this, but it’s about to get it and get it good. I avoid her clit because I want her to come with me when it’s time. The orgasm I gave her earlier will have to sustain her until it’s time for the final liftoff.

  “Okay, sweetness, it’s time,” I begin, then take a moment to pause in my speech so I can make sure she’s paying attention.

  I still my fingers inside her. I can hear her heavy breathing, but she stopped saying my name, so I know she’s with me.

  I continue, “If I do anything you don’t like or doesn’t feel right, or if you need to stop at any point, promise me you’ll tell me. Know that it won’t change anything between us in a negative sense and that I’ll completely understand. If you’re not ready, it’s okay; it doesn’t have to be tonight. Promise me, Liz.”

  “I promise,” is her quiet two-word answer.

  It’s enough to reassure me. I rest my forehead against hers in worship—I don’t deserve her. She’s been through so much, and tonight I don’t want there to be any secrets or ghosts between us. There’s no room for anything or anyone else to be here in this room and in this loving space we’re creating.

  I reluctantly remove my fingers from her slick channel so I can replace them with my prized possession. I position myself above her and line my cock up to her opening. I look into her eyes to ensure she’s okay. She bites her lip and gives a slight nod, knowing I’m silently asking for permission to enter her.

  I move the head of my dick in, and she immediately tenses. Her eyes squeeze shut, and her expression is one of discomfort and not pleasure—that will soon change once she’s used to the invasion. I ease in a little more. I keep going at a slow rate until finally I push through to the hilt and my balls are resting against her skin. We both groan—I can’t tell yet what hers signifies, but mine sure means pure fucking ecstasy.

  I kiss her lips while I’m still buried deep. I can feel her loosen up a bit and relax. Her pussy is still gripping my dick with an unrelenting hold, and I know there’s got to be pre-cum in the damn rubber already. I finally pull out so the barest inch of my shaft is still inside, then ram back into her.

  “Caleb…oh my God, you feel soooooo good,” she cries out.

  It’s music to my ears, and confirmation the initial discomfort has faded away—thank God because I need to move and rut into her like my life depends on it. I keep up an in-and-out motion for a good while. Sweat coats my skin, and hers is slick with a thin sheen of sweat as well. We’re panting and grunting like feral beings, and it’s the best sex of my life, even just being in the missionary position. But, I also want to do more.

  “Ride me, sweetness,” I tell her.

  I want her tits in my face bouncing away, and I want to watch her raise and lower herself on me while my dick impales her. She complies immediately—ever the good girl she is—and straddles my hips. She gives
my dick a few pumps with her hand. Fuck! I love it when she fists it! When she grabbed my dick the first time, I was about to fall to the floor and convulse. It’s so intense and hot as fuck watching her face alight with wonder at holding me in her hand.

  She then guides it to her sex and puts it inside her pussy. She sits down on me, and my balls painfully tighten to the point I’m so afraid I’ll blow my load. I reach out to tweak her nipples, and she throws her head back as the blonde tresses tumble down her shoulders. She licks her lips, then braces herself by putting her hands on my chest for leverage.

  I have come to discover that she loves when I talk dirty to her. Not everyone is into it, but Liz definitely gets hornier and hotter the filthier my mouth becomes. I suspect neither of us will last much longer, so I have to make this first encounter set the bar. It will be epic, and I’ll never let her forget what it’s like between us.

  “Sweetness…choke my cock with your pussy. Squeeze it tight with your dripping lips. I want you to suck my dick back into your body each time you move on top of me,” I explain in an intense rush.

  “Ahh!” She yells as I thrust up into her more forcefully.

  She definitely liked what I had to say because her cunt does in fact choke my cock like a clamp, and her creaminess coats our sexes even further. As she rides, the slurping sounds of her channel sucking my dick back in has me wanting to shout from the rooftops. Yup, any second now, and I’m a goner. I quicken my pace, and I feel like my dick, mind, and heart will explode as all the sensations are mounting and culminating right where she and I are joined.

  “I want to come together. You’re going to smother my dick with all your honey and show me how much you love me fucking you,” I dare.


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