by Aury Dobsyn
Gavin walked over to her and said, “He has gone to kill the man who hurt ye for eight years.”
“Bella,” Guy began, “we can stay here or we can-”
“We go,” she exclaimed as she jumped to her feet.
Guy spoke to his brothers, “Gavin and I will take her to the bailey. Meet us there.”
Gavin asked his wife “Are ye sure ye want to watch this?”
Ella nodded without hesitation. She took hold of his hand, then Guy’s, and dragged them from the tent. Abruptly, she stopped and ran back inside. She kissed and hugged her brothers, then asked, “Ye will come?”
Keir and Hamon smiled, then Hamon said, “Aye, Bella.”
She ran out of the tent, and then pulled both Gavin and Guy by their hands once again, trying desperately to speed up their sluggish pace.
Alex felt such pride in his daughter when she entered the bailey with her husband and brother. Most women would not want to watch one man kill another, but not his extraordinary daughter.
Ella had no trepidation about watching her father kill Greystone, the man she had learned murdered her mother. She did not relish in the sight of killing as did some warriors, but on this day she wanted and needed to see her father end Philip’s life.
Alex Mackenzie looked over at his children. Gavin stood behind his daughter, with his arm wrapped around her waist. Next to him, Hamon stood tall and proud with his hand on his sister’s shoulder. Guy stood beside Bella, holding her one hand, while Keir sat on stool in front of her, holding the hand she laid on his shoulder.
Alex silently spoke to his wife, knowing she was with him. My beloved, do ye see our children! They are together again! I promise ye, my love, I will protect them until death . . . until ye and I are reunited once more. Then we will watch our children protect each other as we always knew they would. I love ye, Emma. And today justice will be served.
Throwing a sword at Greystone’s feet, Alex then roared, “Cut him loose.”
Philip staggered to the sword, picked it up, and then spat, “The day has finally arrived to kill you, just as I killed that bitch wife of yours. The day you took her from me, I vowed to have my revenge.”
“Ye will die for killing my wife and inflicting eight years of pain on my daughter,” Alex roared.
Philip decided to incite the man further. “Did I tell you how much Montgomery and I enjoyed flaying the skin from your daughter’s back? I beat her often and with relish. When she tried to crawl away, I kicked her over and-“
Alex bellowed the Mackenzie battle cry, lunged at Greystone with his claymore raised high, then savagely attacked his greatest enemy. Greystone met him halfway, parrying each blow with a ruthless precision.
Philip quickly realized that despite his strength and speed, his opponent had one clear advantage. Alex was left-handed, which forced Greystone to adjust how he blocked and attacked. As the fight progressed, however, his original assessment waivered, due to the man’s alternating stances. He then realized that the result of this unpredictability kept him on the defense, which he was unaccustomed to. Deciding to take a risk that could very well cost him his life, he evaded yet another powerful downward cut then struck Mackenzie in the face with the pommel of his sword.
Alex shook off the blow, then unleashed eight years of pent up rage. He felt neither fatigue nor pain as his claymore hissed through the air. The sheer velocity and driving force increased steadily with each blow, sending Philip stumbling in a futile effort to remain unscathed.
When Greystone felt steel slice through his side, he made one last attempt to destroy his greatest adversary. Using what little strength he had left, Philip raised his sword high in the air with the intent to kill.
Seeing the opening his enemy presented, Mackenzie lunged forward, thrusting his blade straight through Philip’s stomach.
Greystone lowered his arms, then looked up from his mortal wound with blood gurgling from his mouth. Shocked disbelief was etched on his face when he tried to speak. “I-”
“Will burn in hell for eternity,” Alex growled, finishing the dying man’s statement. He then twisted the blade still deeply embedded within the body of his wife’s murderer, putting an end to Phillip of Greystone’s life. When he yanked his sword free and watched the body crumbled to the ground, Alex felt surreal gratification.
Hearing that beautiful voice call out to him, Alex turned and saw his youngest child sprinting across the bailey. He caught her as she flew into his arms, and then heard the zealous cheers of the three clans united as one.
Clan Mackenzie, Macleod and Fraser stood together and watched the powerful Laird reunite with his beloved daughter after eight long years. Her brothers, husband and the Macleod blackguard watched the tender moment and their heart’s swelled with the knowledge that Isabel . . .Bella . . . Ella was finally home.
An hour later, Gavin and Ella stood in Keir and Eva’s solar suite as maids rushed in to fill a large tub in the joining bathing room. Keir had insisted they take the suite since it was equipped with a sitting room as well as a bedchamber, and encouraged them to make use of the wardrobes within.
The aftermath of such a momentous reunion left Ella unusually quiet, engrossed in her own thoughts as her husband undressed her with loving care.
Gavin understood that that such high emotion had left her drained, especially after the terrifying night she had just endured. Even when he saw the multiple cuts and bruises that marred her face and body, he spoke not a word as he lifted her into his arms and lowered her into the steaming water. His eye remained full of tenderness as he bathed her, waiting for her to break the silence.
“Please forgive me,” she whispered as she took hold of his hand and looked into his piercing blue eyes. “I planned to tell you last eve, but I should have done so sooner.”
With his free hand, he cupped her cheek and said, “Aye, ye should have told me sooner, but I understand why it was so difficult. Ye were verra young when ye lost yer mother, as well as yer father and brothers. Greystone took advantage of yer vulnerability, and influenced ye in believing a horrific lie. Powerless for eight years, ye were blinded by his vicious manipulation. I acknowledge that it was the fear he instilled in ye that made ye hold yer tongue.” The warmth of his smile echoed in his voice when he added, “However, ‘tis my hope ye will ne’er be so daft again, and that ye realize how important ye are to me.”
Ella broke into a dazzling smile then wrapped her wet arms around his neck and said, “Aye, husband. I swear to nae be so daft again.”
Noticing that she had gotten him fairly wet, she asked, “Will you join me?”
“Ye are almost too tempting for words, vixen, but I would see ye drying by the fire afore I allow myself to bathe.”
It was clear to him, by the circles under her beautiful eyes that she was exhausted. But even in her fatigued state, she soon became playful, and tried to look under his plaid.
“Enough, my wee wanton,” Gavin said as he quickly moved away from her nimble fingers. He pulled her to stand, dumped a bucket of cold water over her freshly washed hair, then groaned out loud.
The sight of her beauty, delicate and startling, seemed like some painter’s imaginary vision. She tilted her head back allowing the water to wash away the soap from her hair and cascade down her glorious body. Her sleek golden tresses molded to her slender back and rounded breasts, while the icy water turned her pink nipples hard and appetizing.
His gaze, riveted by her body, drifted up to her face. Spiky black lashes outlined her glade green eyes and her flawless skin was moist with droplets of water. And when her deliciously full, pouty lips suddenly curved into a knowing smile, all thoughts to abstain from his wife were lost. He hastily picked her up and carried from the bathing room to the bedchamber.
Gavin proceed to make slow, tender love to her on the fur pelt by the fire. Together they found the tempo that bound their bodies
and hearts as one, until they shattered into fiery sensation.
After cleansing his wife’s body, he saw that she had succumbed to the well-deserved sleep of a satisfied lover. He chuckled as he slipped a chemise on her limp body, then wrapped a dry plaid around her delicate frame. Before leaving her to bathe himself, he combed out her tangled hair and spread it out so the fire would dry her golden tresses.
He quickly bathed and returned to the attached bedchamber, then stared at Ella curled by the fire as he dressed. For a moment he was content to observe beauty greater than any he had ever encountered. He was amazed at how angelic she looked, especially after witnessing her fight the man who intended to slay Arth if she had not intervened. He was thankful that the wolf dog was so protective of her, and that he had killed the man who dared to strike his wife.
Gavin smiled when heard a familiar scratching sound outside the chamber door, then chuckled when he opened it, and in rushed the subject of his thoughts. Arth greeted him for a scant moment, then tore through the room until he found Ella sleeping on her side. The beast quickly settled down in the crook of her knees, and was content to lie with her until she awakened.
As he was shutting the door Nicholas and Paen appeared, and were eager to see that all was well with him and his wife. He gestured for them to enter, then whispered, “Ella is sleeping.”
Both Nicholas and Paen caught a glimpse of Ella and Arth curled together by the stone hearth in the adjoining bedchamber, and grinned at the sight. Firelight cast a golden aura over her body, but the view was cut short when Gavin closed the solar door.
Over the next hour, Gavin learned about Nicholas’s heroism in rescuing Lady Eleanor and Sir James, Righ’s return to the gates of Doran Castle, and that a large party would soon be arriving at the Mackenzie stronghold.
After his men departed, Gavin reentered the bedchamber and saw Alex Mackenzie tucking his daughter into the bed. He was unaware how the proud father gained access to the room without bypassing the solar, but suspected, like his own castle, there were hidden passages here he had not been privy to.
After the older man finished pulling the covers over his slumbering daughter, he took a seat in the high-back wooden armchair by the fire, and watched Arth gracefully leap onto the bed to settle with her once more. A grin overtook his features, one that spoke of his contentment of having his youngest child back in his life.
Gavin took a seat in the chair opposite to him and whispered, “So old man, now that I am yer son-by-marriage, will ye nae tell me the secrets of yer castle?”
A small chuckle escaped the elated man before he said, “Aye, mayhap ye have earned that right.”
Alex’s gaze returned to his daughter as his thoughts drifted to the scene succeeding battle. Her excitement was limitless and her chatter was non-stop as she greeted the Mackenzies in the bailey. Despite the fact she had not seen them for eight years, she embraced everyone with genuine affection. Her brilliant green eyes twinkled with golden stars the same way her mother’s had when she was alive. The charismatic smile she inherited from him was as contagious as her effervescent spirit, and her energetic nature was without equal, captivating all those around her.
During her reunion with the Mackenzie Clan, Alex had been clapped on the back by Cormac Fraser who told him the story of how Ella and Paen had rescued his daughter. Pride filled him at hearing the details of his daughter’s courage.
Cormac conceded that he had been wrong to believe that the Mackenzie laird had betrayed him all those years ago. He also admitted his guilt in blaming Gavin for the sins of his father. Laird Fraser concluded his speech by hugging him and stating that he would love to stay for the welcome home feast. Cormac said this with a hardy laugh, since Alex had neither asked nor spoken of a feast. But, he embraced the man who had been his friend since childhood and told him he was always welcome.
Alex’s thoughts were interrupted when Gavin said, “The moment Ella arrived that beast adopted her as his property. When we returned from England and the rescue mission for Gabriel, we stopped to bathe before continuing on to Doran. When I returned from the loch, I found her in a similar state with Arth. Paen had stayed with her and was grinning ear to ear, but nae just by the wolf dog’s uncommon behavior. ‘Twas what she had been calling the ferocious animal.”
“She called him puppy,” Alex said with a grin.
“How did ye ken?”
“Because she called my fully grown wolfhounds the same from the time she was a wee bairn until her last day on Mackenzie soil. ‘They will always be puppies in my eyes,’ she said.” Chuckling, he explained, “Whenever I or her mother scolded her, and the boys were nae around, she would curl up with my oversized dogs and cry in their fur.”
“Ye let those vicious beasts near yer wee bairn?”
“Aye, they loved her as much as she loved them. They would sooner knawel off their own paw than cause her harm. Protective and loving with her always, but otherwise could tear a man apart in mere moments. She always had a special place in her heart for all animals, and they always reacted in kind. She got that from Emma.”
“Arth has benefited greatly from this special gift. As ye ken, he was more feared than loved by my clan. Yet, since Ella arrived, he has known only kindness and affection from the Macleods. Spoiled rotten is more accurate, and mostly by my mother.”
When Alex looked at him in disbelief, he added, “Aye, ‘tis true. Yer daughter has affected my clan in many ways, that being just one.”
With a chuckle, Alex went to his daughter and kissed her brow, then turned to Gavin and said, “See to my angel while I welcome yer mother and sister. The women in yer family will nae doubt be barging in here if I dinna hold them off.”
Ella woke at noon to sunlight streaming in through the bedchamber window and a gentle hand pushing wisps of hair from her face. She opened her eyes to the welcome sight of her husband beside her on the bed.
“I told ye I would always be near,” he said in a soothing voice as he leaned over her, resting one hand behind her back.
“I’m glad yer here.”
“While ye were resting, yer father and brothers looked in on ye,” he said as he placed her hand on his thigh. He was completely captivated by the Scot burr he heard in her voice, and assumed now that she was back with her family, she would rid herself of the English accent .
She shot up in a panic and said, “I forgot to tell ye, I gave Righ back his freedom so he wouldnae be harmed.”
As he eased her back down, he explained, “Righ found his way back to Doran Castle a few hours ago. Apparently, he dinna want his freedom, especially since ye are hell bent on spoiling him as well as this beast here.” He nudged Arth with his leg.
“How do ye ken this?”
He leaned over and tucked a loose tendril of blonde hair behind her ear as he said, “When Bowen, my mother and sister received word that all was well here, they departed with haste. Righ was waiting outside the gates.”
“They are here?”
“Aye, and Eva is quite eager to see ye, lass.”
“Oh Gavin, I would love to see her!”
“Before I send her up, I have a missive for ye to read.”
A flicker of apprehension coursed through Ella as she opened the parchment. Her eyes scrolled down to the bottom, and with tears brimming her eyes, she looked up into his smiling face and said, “Aunt Eleanor wrote this.”
“Aye. Would ye like privacy while ye read it?”
“Nae,” she said, then handed the parchment back to him. “Would ye read it?”
Gavin didn’t know why he was so touched to be asked to do this small request, but he was. He smiled his appreciation then began:
My Dearest Niece,
Aye, my love, your Uncle James and I are blessedly alive, and it is all thanks to our savior and your husband’s friend, Nicholas.
When James and I made our escape and were riding to the abbey, we were ambushed on the cliffs of spitting cave by my husband, Mo
ntgomery and their men. After we were pulled from our horses, Phillip stabbed James with a dagger. Just as I reached my brother at the edge of the cliff, the ground fell from underneath us and we fell into the ocean. I held on to James as we were both rushed into the caves. I thought we would drown when high tide came in, but we were fortunate that caves do not flood completely and I was able to get us to temporary safety. I did bind James’s wound to stop the bleeding, but he remained unconscious that night and into the morning.
The true miracle came that afternoon. With the aid of our friends from the abbey, Nicholas was able to gain access to the caves using two boats. Although the monks thought him quite mad, he enhanced the abbey’s two boats so they would be strong enough to withstand the pressure of the waves and could be attached by rope. One boat was anchored a good distance from the cave then secured next to a protruding boulder. It was manned by four monks as well as the blacksmiths and two carpenters from the village at Greystone. The other boat was manned by Nicholas alone, which went into the caves and was able to be reeled out by the anchored boat. Nicholas and the men who aided him saved our lives that day.
Our gratitude is like the ocean, vast, deep and everlasting. But words will never be able to define the emotion within our hearts.
We were again blessed, when Nicholas took us to his family’s land. Once your Uncle James was well enough to travel, we went to the English court and met with King Henry, who was gravely ill. I discovered that the king was being slowly poisoned by a royal physician ,who apparently had been coerced by Montgomery. When the king’s health returned a sennight later, he was apprised of all that occurred during his illness. Your father was immediately given an audience, and that is when we learned the true depth to Greystone’s deceit.
My guilt is immeasurable, my darling. I wish I could have spared you these past eight years and the abuse you suffered at the hands of my husband. After my first and only attempt to get word to your father failed, my fear outweighed all else. If Philip would have punished me, I would have continued in my efforts to communicate with your father until you were safe. But, it was nae I who was punished, it was you. My worst nightmare came to life that day and continues to haunt my dreams.