Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2)

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Rough & Raw (Notorious Devils Book 2) Page 18

by Hayley Faiman

  “Christ, that woman is going to be the death of me. She’s too young. I can’t keep up, and if I admit that, she’ll laugh at my ass and call me old,” he grumbles.

  “Bitches,” I grunt. He looks up at me before he grins.

  “Bitch with the most fuckin’ addictive pussy I’ve ever had the pleasure of being inside of,” he chuckles. I nod in agreement.

  “Fuck, yeah. And thank fuck for that, too,” I laugh.

  “Canadian brothers are gonna stay here until you guys get back from SLC. We’re just gonna do the handoff here for this time around,” I narrow my eyes slightly.

  “That why they’re here to begin with?” I ask.

  “Some shit about one of their brothers losing his shit and getting locked up when he was visiting his Mama in Texas. They had to bail his ass outta jail,” Fury shrugs.

  “Took the whole charter for that shit?” I ask in confusion.

  “They had to make the fucker who caused the whole scene fade away,” he says. I nod.

  “Hey, thanks for helping Drifter with that issue the other day,” he murmurs.

  “It was my issue anyway,” I shrug.

  “It’s family, nobody’s single issue, Sniper. Now, go and get this shit done and over with. We’ll keep your girls safe.”

  I nod and leave, wondering just what kind of cluster fuck they caused in Texas. The downfall with this life is that it’s a hard life. Sometimes people get caught up in shady shit and this situation is just that, real fuckin’ shady. I don’t say anything else, though; mainly because it ain’t my business. Plus, I don’t really give a fuck. Me not having to make the trip up to Canada just means I can be inside of my woman that much sooner.


  I roll over and reach for Bates, but find his side of the bed empty. I sigh. He’s gone. I knew he was leaving, so I don’t know why I’m surprised to find him actually gone. Maybe I thought if I pouted enough, he’d be able to stay. I feel badly for being bratty about him going. I’m scared, though. Things with Scotty have been way too quiet for way too long. Plus, he didn’t give me much time to prep for him leaving. He just announced it and then left.

  Yesterday I received a call from my attorney, and he said that Scotty has agreed completely. He signed the paperwork granting the divorce, and he’s willing to sign over full custody of Stella to me. He wants nothing in return. He’s going to completely terminate his rights. This also means I won’t be getting child support, but who cares? I don’t want a dime from him. I want to believe that these are answered prayers, but in all honestly, it feels like a trap of some kind.

  My phone rings and I pick it up, noticing that it’s Kentlee.

  “Are you sure you want to go there?” she asks without even saying hello first.

  “I need to talk to them. It’s been weeks,” I say.

  “You make sure that you take protection. I would honestly prefer if Fury took you,” she says.

  I roll my eyes. Yeah, taking Fury to talk with my parents would really go over well, or absolutely not.

  He despises them for their treatment of Kentlee, and I don’t blame him one bit. They’re Kentlee’s past, and odds are, they will be mine as well after this little get together, but I need to talk to them. I need to explain things, for my own peace of mind, if nothing else.

  “Johnny Williams is taking me,” I inform her. She giggles.

  “Oh, mom and dad are going to just love Dirty Johnny. I kinda want to go just to see the look on their faces when he walks into their pristine house with a cigarette hanging from his lips,” she howls.

  “It’ll be fine,” I grumble, knowing damn well it won’t be.

  Johnny is on babysitting duty today, so he’s the one who is going to have to take me, and he’s the one who is going to have to hear my mother be a total bitch to him, with no regard to his feelings or anybody else’s.

  “I’ll be over in about an hour to watch Stella,” she informs me before she hangs up.

  I groan and hurry into the shower. Stella will be up any minute, and I want to at least be showered before she starts asking for breakfast and requires all of my attention.

  Once I’m showered and dressed, I make breakfast and nervously wait for Kentlee and Johnny to arrive. I don’t know what my parents are going to say, how they’re going to react to not only my leaving Scotty, but also to my relationship with Bates. I’m not going to hide it from them. They’ll find out soon enough, if they don’t already know, and I want them to hear it from me.

  I close my eyes for a moment and remember how they treated Kentlee, how horrible they were to her. They told her to abort her baby if she still wanted to be in their family. She was so brave, my sister, so much braver than I have ever been.

  I hope that one day I can be half the woman she is.

  Dirty Johnny

  I’m not the kind of guy that does nice shit for anyone, but there’s something about Kentlee and Brentlee that makes me want to help them. Maybe it’s their perceived innocence, the way they look up at you and you just know they’re good girls. Sure, Brent used to be a little slutty back in the day, but her wide eyes and coy smiles always, always made my dick hard. Still do.

  I don’t want her like that anymore. She’s a nice ride, but Sniper is in love with her and she him. I like her for my brother, they’re good together. I don’t think I’d ever seen the bastard smile before she came barreling through his life again.

  I pull into the drive with my classic 1970 Chevy Chevelle and notice that Kentlee’s badass SUV is parked in the drive. I have to say, I miss seeing her blonde hair flying in her sweet Camaro, but the SUV is safer for her and the kids; plus, Fury had it tricked out so it’s fuckin’ tight. I get out of my car and walk up to the front door, knocking before I turn the knob and walk right in.

  “Hey, Johnny,” Brent says, throwing her purse over her shoulder.

  I give her a chin lift before I make a beeline for the only girl in this room that truly holds my heart. Ellie Duhart.

  “You spoil her,” Kent says as she hands her over to me. I hold her close to my chest and just enjoy the way her head rests on my shoulder. She’s not a tiny baby anymore and it fuckin’ kills me, she grows every single time I see her.

  “She deserves every second of it,” I murmur, trying not to wake her.

  She’s gorgeous. Little Ellie. Never thought I wanted a family of my own until I held this sweet thing in my arms. Now, I want a whole fuckin’ litter. All girls. Don’t ask me why. There’s something about her, sweet and innocent. I want to protect her from everything bad in the world, and she ain’t even mine.

  “You can’t keep her,” Brentlee says, standing right in front of me.

  “I know,” I sigh as I place a kiss on her forehead and hand her back to her mama.

  “You need to find a nice girl and make one of your own,” Kentlee says as she takes her daughter from me.

  “Doubt that shit’ll ever happen, babe,” I grunt as I turn to walk toward the front door. I hear Kentlee hum behind me, but I ignore her.

  These bitches, once they tie down a brother, they think we all want to be tied down. Sure, I’d love to have a family, a whole fuckin’ houseful of angel girls, but settling down completely? I shiver. I don’t know if my dick could handle one pussy for the rest of its life. It might retaliate, shrivel up, and hate me forever.

  “I saw the way you looked at Ellie,” Brentlee says as she buckles her seatbelt across her lap.

  “Yeah?” I grunt, putting the car in reverse.

  “You want one. A baby, a family,” she announces.

  I roll my eyes as I reach for a cigarette. Fuck, I should quit these things, but I don’t think I could. Raised on them. Been smokin’ since I was nine. “It’s okay to want those things, Johnny.”

  “I do, but I don’t want all the shit that comes with it,” I say, shrugging my shoulders.

  “Like?” She laughs softly and I let her sweet voice wash over me.


Haven’t had sweet since I had her ten years ago. Not that I harbor any feelings for Brent. I never did. I want sweet, though. Unfortunately, sweet chicks run from me. The tattoos, the hardened angry face I sport, the dirty way I fuck. Yeah, no sweet girl would willingly stay in my bed.

  “Commitment, stability, fidelity,” I murmur as I drive toward her parent’s house.

  “You never know what you’re willing to compromise for the right person,” Brent says, giving me a wide smile.

  We ride the rest of the way to The Johnson’s in silence. I think about being tied down; it comes with restraints, but it could be good, too. It comes with an opportunity to have a family. I shake my head as I turn down the Johnson’s street.

  I smirk over at Brentlee as I throw the car into park. I want to laugh. Don’t think I could compromise on any of that shit I mentioned. No, my dick likes to roam, and I let it. No sense in tying a noose around it. No way. I couldn’t have one pussy for life.


  Johnny looks a little like he’s going to hyperventilate at the thought of settling down, but I saw the truth. I saw the way he held Ellie; the way he looked at her. He may not realize it, but he’s ready for more. I can’t wait until love knocks him on his ass. I’m going to replay this little conversation of ours for him and laugh.

  As soon as I reach my parents front porch, my stomach flips. All thoughts of Johnny and his future fly out of my head, and the only thing I can focus on is my fear and nervousness.

  Johnny knocks on the door and I shoot him a dirty look. His response is a shrug.

  “Brentlee, oh my god, where have you been?” my mother dramatically cries. I ignore her outburst and push my way past her and into the house, Johnny right on my heels.

  “What’s happening, who is this?” she asks with disgust laced in her tone.

  “I need to talk to you and dad,” I murmur. She nods before she leaves to get my father.

  Once my parents are in the living area, I sit down on the sofa. Johnny slouches in the chair in the corner, and my parents sit poised to perfection on the loveseat. My mother can’t take her eyes off of Johnny. He’s a hot, rugged dude, but that’s not why she’s looking at him. She’s completely disgusted with him, and she’s probably watching to make sure he doesn’t jack her silver.

  “Well, where have you been?” my father demands.

  “I left Scotty,” I begin before taking a deep breath. “He hurt Stella and I couldn’t stay.”

  I don’t tell them where I’ve been on purpose. I don’t know what their reactions will be, but I do know what they’ve been in the past. My parents have turned a blind eye to every single bruise and broken bone I’ve suffered. Money and status have taken precedence over my health and safety.

  “I’m sure it was just a misunderstanding. You’ll just go back and ask his forgiveness. Tell him you were premenstrual,” my mother coos. I hear Johnny growl, but he doesn’t need to stand up for me. I can do it myself.

  “It wasn’t a misunderstanding. He hurt me for six years, and he was escalating. I left him before he killed Stella and me,” I say. My mother frowns.

  “You need to make it right, Brentlee,” she says.

  “I did make it right. I walked out and left,” I reiterate. It’s clear to me that my mom isn’t going to change her mind. She thinks I’ve made a grave mistake.

  “He loves you, Brentlee. You can’t hold a few bad things against him like that. He has a highly stressful job,” my father explains, cajoling me, talking to me like a small child.

  “You two are batshit crazy,” I point out as I stand up. Johnny snickers next to me, but I ignore him.

  “Brentlee, do not talk to us that way,” my father booms.

  “I’m not going back to him. I’m not allowing my daughter anywhere near him, either. If you two can’t accept that, then you can go kick rocks,” I shout.

  “You are more like your sister than I thought. You were always our good girl. What happened?” my mother cries with fake as shit tears falling down her cheeks.

  “That’s probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, comparing me to Kentlee,” I smile. My mother’s eyes narrow.

  “You don’t go back to your husband, then don’t come back here looking for our help,” she shouts.

  I want to act shocked, but I’m not. I knew this would be how our conversation would play out. My mother only wants things done her way. I’m not a little girl anymore, she doesn’t really get a say in my life, and I’m not going to put my daughter in jeopardy to make her happy. Neither am I going to give up Bates. I love him. For the first time in ten years I’m happy, and I’m not going to let anybody change that.

  “Let’s go, Johnny,” I murmur. He nods once before he walks toward the front door.

  “Do you realize what you’re doing, young lady?” my father asks. I stop at the opened door and turn to face him.

  “I’m doing what I should have done years ago when you pulled this shit with Kentlee. I’m leaving. I don’t need assholes like you in my life.”

  I don’t wait for their response. I turn and leave. They can be bitter and angry all they want, but I won’t allow them to control my life, or my daughter’s life. They aren’t acting like loving parents. Their only goal is to control and manipulate, and I for one am done with it. I love my daughter too much to subject her to anymore of the living-hell we were in months ago. No, it’s time I stood up—not only for me, but for her.

  “You did good in there,” Johnny says after we take off down the road.

  “They’re fucking crazy,” I murmur.

  “They are. I’d say they love you and they want what’s best for you, but to be honest, I have no clue what their agenda is,” he chuckles.

  “No shit. You know they just pretend Kentlee was never born? They took down every picture of her in the house. I bet my mom’s doing that with me now, too. Connellee doesn’t even visit anymore. They’ve officially isolated themselves from their own children. If Stella wanted nothing to do with me, I think I’d die,” I say looking out the passenger side of the car.

  “You’re a good mom, Brent. You’re a survivor. Most importantly, you’d never threaten to disown her for making a decision you don’t approve of,” he says.

  “I wouldn’t. Not ever. I love her too much,” I vow.

  We ride back to Bates’ house, my house, in silence. Once we pull into the dirt drive, my anxiety disappears.

  This is where I was always meant to be.

  This place feels like home.

  I’ve never been happier than in this little country house, surrounded by nothingness, but filled with everything—Bates and Stella. How can I ever want anything else? I can’t. This is where I plan on staying, forever. This is my happily ever after.


  The road to Salt Lake City is boring as fuck. Torch and I ride together, and it feels as though we’re going at a snail’s pace. Maybe it feels long and lonely because I have something to get back to now. I have my Brentlee and Stella waiting for me. I also have a bad feeling in the pit of my gut that shit could go down with that fucktard, Scotty.

  “You okay, man?” Torch asks me once we park our bikes at the SLC clubhouse.

  “Got a bad fuckin’ feeling. I’m sure I’m just being paranoid.” I shrug as we walk through the doors.

  “Dirty Johnny’ll take care of your girl,” he says, clapping my shoulder. I narrow my eyes at him, which only makes him laugh at me. “You know what I mean,” he grumbles.

  “He’s had his dick inside of her,” I announce as if he doesn’t know.

  Torch doesn’t say a damn thing. He’s had his dick inside of my woman, too. Though I’m annoyed by those facts, I can’t hold it against any of them. It was over a decade ago.

  “Hey,” a booming voice shouts. I look up to see Rain, the charter’s vice president standing in the middle of the bar.

  We greet each other and then go over to a table where a cute, little, curvy redhead brings us some beers.
I watch her plump, little ass sway as she goes back behind the bar. I look around for Blow, the club’s president, but I don’t see him anywhere.

  “She ain’t a whore,” Rain barks. I turn back to him as I take a pull from my beer.

  “Got a woman; just enjoyin’ the view,” I say. He narrows his eyes at me before he laughs.

  “You got a woman now?” he asks, disbelieving.

  “Branded her a coupl’a weeks ago. Bitch branded me, too,” I chuckle, arching my neck so he can see her name scrawled along its length.

  “Fuck man, you really are taken,” he grunts.

  “I am. Happily,” I admit. He shakes his head.

  “Pleased as fuck for you. Good woman is hard to find in our world.” I nod and Torch snorts.

  “She’s not from our world, but she’s in it now. Our president’s wife’s little sister,” he speaks up.

  It’s my turn to snort. Brentlee might be LeeLee’s little sister, but she’s always been her own leader. Never acted her age, and has always taken center stage, no matter where she’s at.

  “I like that. Keeping families together and shit,” Rain says. We all laugh.

  We spend the rest of the evening drinking and shooting the shit. When the party really starts to get into full swing, a couple of bitches try to cuddle up next to me, but I shoo them away. It’s easier than I thought possible, turning easy pussy down. Brent would never know if I fucked someone else, but I would.

  I don’t need these other women, not when all I can think about is being inside of my own. I decide to leave the party earlier than I normally would. Its late and people are starting to really get wild.

  I make my way to my room for the night and slide my phone out of my pocket. There’s a new text waiting for me, and I grin. It’s from Brentlee. I bite my bottom lip in hopes it’ll be something for my spank bank, but it isn’t.

  Instead, it’s a selfie with her and Stella. Brent has atrocious makeup all over her face—bright red lipstick that’s more on her face than her lips, purple eye shadow, and hot pink blush. She’s also wearing a tiara. Stella has the same look going for her, and it makes me laugh. Underneath Brent’s message reads—playing dress up, aren’t we beautiful princesses?


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