Benvari Mountains (Emerilia Book 2)

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Benvari Mountains (Emerilia Book 2) Page 9

by Michael Chatfield

  “Hello, good to see you. Wish it was under better circumstances,” a burly barkeep said from the bar as they approached. “What can I do you for?”

  “Four rooms and meals, please,” Dave said.

  “What’s happened? Everyone seems nervous,” Induca said.

  “I can do the rooms and the food—one gold and two silver.”


  Gar Jorkn has four rooms and food for:

  12x Silver

  Do you accept?


  Dave accepted and the money seemed to disappear from his pouch.

  “I’ll have Olai take you up.” Gar raised his voice. “As to why everyone’s all shook up—well, a Dragon moved into Endal Mountain.”

  A teenage girl walked out of what must’ve been the kitchen.

  “Olai, show these fine people up to their rooms—four of them.”

  “Yes, Papa.” Olai waved for them to follow her.

  “I’ll be up in a minute.” Dave smiled.

  “Okay, I’m going to take a nap.” Deia smiled.

  Party Chat

  Deia > Let me know if he says anything else interesting.

  Dave squeezed her hand and she headed off for the stairs. Malsour, Induca, and Dave stayed.

  “So, what is this Dragon called?” Dave asked.

  “Quindar. Everyone saw him come in down through the sky—never seen anything move so fast! Then he just moved into one of the dungeons that was up there. A group of hunters said that he called himself Quindar and that he wanted to be left alone. A few groups of Players have gone up there since his warning. All of them were revived at the Altar of Rebirth.

  “Apparently, he’s really powerful to kick the Player’s asses.” Gar shook his head.

  Dave looked to Induca and Malsour.

  “That isn’t even the worst part! The mountain keeps on shaking and people are swearing that it’s growing! It’s been bad for business. No one is moving from Nadorf to Komo for fear that he might take it as a slight and attack.”

  “So, nothing is going down the road?”

  “Nothing. People are too scared. There are plenty of traders looking for Players who might be interested in providing security. Though they want a freight bond,” Gar said.

  “Freight bond?” Dave asked.

  Gar squinted at Dave. “Sorry. Thought you were a few levels higher. The way you hold yourself, I could swear that you’re a bit stronger than your level,” Gar said, apologetically.

  “No worries.” Dave smiled, happy to have Gar underestimating his skills.

  “So, a freight bond is basically an insurance policy. If someone is moving freight or protecting it, then they need to get a license that if they lose their freight that they get something in return. They’re backed by the traders’ and fighters’ guilds. Some kingdoms like the Per’ush also offer them. There’s nothing as binding as an agreement with a Per’ush trader.”

  “I didn’t think that many people would want to leave Per’ush. It sounds like quite the marvel,” Malsour said.

  “Oh, it is. The smartest and brightest go there. Biggest and most revered mages guild in all of Emerilia. It’s turned them into a center of magical innovation for centuries. Now, if you’ve got all that smarts hanging around and you’re stuck on some floating rocks, you’re going to have a few people experimenting with different things. Those experiments have requirements.

  “The mages guild has a bunch of people who need materials and everyone needs food. They’ve got traders who span the world, selling Per’ush’s magical wares and buying up the world’s delicacies in food. The fact that they have the mother gate makes them the most powerful continent. It’s why all of the other powers play nice with them. No one wants to piss off Per’ush and their mages’ or fighters’ guild.”

  “Fighters’ guild? I thought that they just had the mages college there,” Dave said.

  “Well, they did in the beginning, but after getting their asses kicked by a bunch of fighter Players a few years back, they started thinking that just casting spells left them weak. Now all of their students train in the martial skills and the magical. There aren’t many spellswords, but they might be able to hold their own in a bar fight.” Gar shrugged.

  Dave waved the skill away by making it look as though he were scratching his beard. He felt that Gar was a talkative guy and not having many people around had made him get a bit bored.

  “So, this Dragon—when did he show up?” Induca said.

  Dave’s eyes slid to Malsour and Induca. Seems that they might know the angry Dragon.

  “About nine days ago. It was really bad timing. It was just as we got the timber from the Asha-moor forest.”

  “Hmm, well, our guildmaster might be interested in talking to these traders who want protection. Where might we find them?”

  “Best place is over at the traders’ guild. They’re debating whether to go to Milheilm with their load, which would double or triple the time it would take. Those roads in the early spring aren’t the nicest—more mud than gravel.” Gar winced.

  “That doesn’t sound like a good time at all.” Dave shook his head.

  “Do you want a drink? We’ve got a decent selection of beers and even some Elven liquors if you’ve got the silver for it.” Gar smiled.

  “I’ll take a beer—they’ll take some of that Elven stuff.” Dave nodded to Malsour and Induca. “Might as well make that three since Deia will want some as well.”

  “A man who thinks of the lady is a smart man indeed.” Gar laughed, quickly selecting a beer for Dave, filling it and passing it back before he moved to the rear counter, putting ice in three glasses and pouring some amber liquid out of a silver-looking flask on top.

  “Do you want to start a tab?” Gar asked.

  “I have a feeling that you know the ways of my group a bit too much.” Dave grinned, taking the beer and saluting Gar with it.

  “Ahh, I’ve seen the Stone Raiders a time or two and you are a rowdy bunch.” Gar laughed as Dave took a drink.

  “Ohh, now that is beer!” Dave looked at the contents of his mug.

  Gar laughed again. “Well, we aren’t going to give you that pig swill that other places might have. Make that stuff right here on the premises.”

  “Hmm, well, I’ve been doing some experimenting with my own alcoholic concoctions. Would you mind trying a few? I’m trying to get a certain flavor but I haven’t quite figured it out.”

  “Thanks for the drink, Dave. I’m going to retreat somewhere far away from this brewing discussion!” Induca grabbed Deia’s drink and headed for the stairs that led up to the second floor.

  Dave, Malsour, and Gar turned to one another and shrugged.

  “Okay, so first I’ve got this kind of lager here.” Dave reached into his bag, not actually pulling anything out but conjuring one of the many beers that he had put into the cold storage he’d made inside the seeder.

  Gar smelled it. He took a sip and moved it around in his mouth before he spit it out into a sink.

  No light bulbs but they’ve got some kind of sewage. Hopefully the new pipes hitting the market will sort out that whole running water issue as well as the heating box. I miss taking showers.

  “Not bad. Didn’t warm the hops enough and I’d go with an Adurn-made cask instead of the Gorla—less of an overpowering taste and would nicely complement the other flavors in the beer,” Gar said.

  Dave nodded, looking through his notes on brewing as well as other information on the things that he was talking about.

  “Hmm, okay, what about this one?” Dave pulled out another mug.

  “How many beers do you have in there?” Gar laughed.

  Dave smiled. It was hard not to with Gar. “’Bout fifteen beers and seven liquors. Though five of the beers are just working prototypes to try to get my final product.”

  “He’s been trying to make this dark beer from his homeland; been working on it for months, but he’s not there yet. His attempts taste prett
y good, though. Oh, and his fiancée made him move all of his distilleries out of the house.”

  “I am truly sorry for your loss,” Gar said solemnly, snorting and taking another swig of the next beer as he chuckled at Dave’s misfortune.

  Chapter 12: Job Opportunity

  Suzy was just drifting off to sleep when there was a knock at the door.

  Nope, you didn’t hear anything. It’s just your imagination. Just go back to sleep and everything will be fine.

  The knocking continued as Suzy moved in her bed, making annoyed noises.

  “Suzy, need your business mind!” Dave said through the door, his words a bit slurred.

  “It’s four thirty in the afternoon!” Suzy yelled back.

  “Come on, I’ll buy you a drink afterwards and make you one of the rune necklaces to train up your magic!”

  Suzy tossed the sheets back and pulled on fresh clothes from her bag. She opened the door and gave Dave a dark look. “What?”

  “Okay, so, there are a bunch of traders in town. They want to get to Nadorf, but there is a Dragon in a big ole mountain that doesn’t want people annoying it.

  “I have it on good authority that the Dragon just meant that it didn’t want people on its mountain. Now someone needs to talk to the traders and see if they would be interested in hiring our services for the trip. I talked to Josh, Dwayne, and Kim. They like the idea but then they’re not the best people for making trading agreements. They’re more the the kind of people you talk to if you need a dungeon or raid area cleared.”

  Dave burped and Suzy let out a frustrated noise in response.

  Quest: A road through Dragon Lands

  Traders want protection and guarantees that their freight will reach Nadorf. They’re scared that Quindar, whose lair is near the road, will attack them.

  You have it on good authority that Quindar will not attack the traders.

  Requirements: Make an agreement between the Stone Raiders and the traders to protect them and their goods.

  Failure: Get the traders killed or their goods damaged

  Rewards: Whatever’s in the contract you come up with

  Increased standing with the Traders’ Guild

  Do you accept?


  “So, then you volunteered my services?”

  “Something along them lines.” Dave smiled.

  As much as she wished that she was still having her nap, she couldn’t stay annoyed at Dave for long. “All right, you goof—where are they?”

  “Down at the traders’ guild. Induca is interested, so she’ll go with you.”

  Anna came out of her room. “Sounds interesting. I’ll tag along.”

  “Damn, those ears are good.”

  Anna rolled her eyes at Dave’s words, smiling a little.

  Induca and Deia came out of Dave’s room, both of them sipping on a drink.

  “Babe, we’re going to get some supplies. You got some extra gold?” Deia asked.

  “Some things stay the same no matter which planet I’m on,” Dave muttered, passing Deia his pack.

  “Thanks, babe.” She kissed his cheek. She pulled out a small number of coins and put them into her coin pouch on her hip. “Once we’re done with all of the trader talk, I say that we go on a little shopping trip. I don’t know about you all, but I need some new clothes!”

  Suzy watched Dave’s smile, his eyes on Deia. It showed his happiness at seeing Deia happy. It was a smile of his that she’d seen a few times when someone had made a breakthrough and Dave left to leave them to their victory.

  She laughed and Dave pulled her close, giving her a kiss.

  Suzy hadn’t seen him that way with anyone else. The two of them just clicked, their eyes shining as they looked at each other.

  “All right, boss lady. Well, you girls have fun. Malsour and I are doing some taste testing.” Dave grinned.

  “Well, don’t get too drunk. I have to carry your heavy ass to bed,” Deia chastised him, hitting his chest.

  “I’ll try, dear.”

  They moved to leave and Dave tapped Deia’s butt. She pouted but continued on, Dave grinning the entire time.

  “Does anyone know anything about this whole thing?” Suzy asked.

  “Ahh, well, Quindar isn’t a he, but a she and she’s also really pregnant. I’m thinking that she came and made Opheir her home. Fornau is probably on the mountain too, and by the earthquakes, it seems that he is expanding the mountain and making it more comfortable for Quindar. He’s an Earth Dragon; she’s an Air Dragon. In the later stages of being pregnant, a Dragon cannot change their form to Human so they need somewhere to be away from Human eyes to birth and raise their young.” Induca looked around to make sure that no one was listening in.

  “So, what does Quindar’s pregnancy have to do with the traders?” Suzy asked.

  “Well, she told everyone to piss off of her mountain and the people in the area took that to mean the entire area. The mountain is really close to the road from Komo and Nadorf. Now people are scared to move their goods down the road. With you Humans, fear can quickly turn into anger and rage. So, it’s in everyone’s best interests that we show them that it is fine to walk down the road and that Quindar isn’t going to mess with them.

  “We show them that Quindar is just living on her mountain and that if you don’t piss her off, then you’re completely fine.”

  “So, it might not be good to gouge the traders so heavily that afterwards they’re angry for paying us so much to go down a road that was completely safe,” Suzy said.

  “Ehh, that’s all your business, though Gar did mention that they would want a freight bond for their goods,” Induca said.

  “Makes sense. On such a risky thing, I’d want some securities as well. Deia, could you ask the leaders and see if we do have one? Otherwise I don’t think we’ll even get to really having a conversation.”

  “I’ll send them a message,” Deia agreed.

  They wandered around the town, taking a long route to the traders’ guild.

  “Damn, Anna—you need to relax,” Induca said after a while.

  “Just checking around. Not all of the POE or Players are that friendly.” Anna’s eyes swept around the area.

  “Yeah, but with us three to back you up, anyone who messes with us is in for a nasty surprise, and well, I bet me and Deia can barbeque them faster than you can swing that big ole hunk of metal.” Induca smiled.

  “Some have said that the Dracul are the most powerful with their mouths,” Anna said.

  Induca snorted while Deia shook her head.

  Suzy felt a flush reach her cheeks.

  “Ah look, you made Suzy think all kinds of naughty things! Come on, Anna, aren’t you the oldest and most mature of us all?” Induca put her arm around Suzy as if comforting her.

  “Don’t let the she-bot make you all scared about what our mouths can do. I know that many Dracul have had quite the praise for how our mouths work.” Induca gave her a wink.

  Oh God.

  Anna laughed, deep and hard. Induca joined in as Deia chuckled.

  “So, Suzy, how come you were never interested in Dave?” Induca asked.

  Deia turned around and glared at Induca.

  “What? She’s a good-looking girl and they’ve known each other for years but it’s clear as day that there’s nothing going on between them,” Induca said.

  “Well, uhh, I don’t really…” Suzy felt her fear rise at the secret that she’d kept for several years. Austin had been her shield against others’ prejudices. Coming to Emerilia, she had come to not only meet his friends but become friends with them as well.

  Now or never. Either they are grossed out and leave or not. Better that they accept you for everything than just parts.

  “I don’t really like men,” Suzy said awkwardly, looking away and expecting their disgust and confusion.

  “Okay, well then,” Induca said, a smile spreading across her face.

  Suzy felt even more nerv
ous, her cheeks turning red as she looked away.

  “Women are much more fun than men,” Induca said with a saucy wink.

  “Be gentle, Induca,” Anna said.

  “But what if she likes it rough?” Induca smiled into her drink and looked to Anna. It was now Anna’s turn to go red in embarrassment before laughing.

  “Dwayne just got back to me. It seems that they do have a freight bond for fifty thousand gold.” Deia sounded impressed.

  Suzy was thankful for the break from Induca’s teasing.

  “Okay, so let’s go and talk to the traders.” Suzy turned up a street to take the most direct route to the traders’ guild.

  Suzy hadn’t ever been to Komo, but the other Stone Raiders had. They routinely shared their maps with one another. Suzy had a map of all Komo as well as some of the surrounding area. Another good thing about those who were off training was that they were building up maps of other continents and different cities.

  Suzy had originally thought of the Stone Raiders as a bunch of jokers. Now that she saw their inner workings, they still were a bunch of jokers, but they were smart jokers. It was as if she joined the Rock Breakers as they were starting to get bigger. There was an excitement that filled her, thinking of what the Stone Raiders might become. How it could grow and how she could be a part of that.

  She walked into the traders’ guild. There was a notice board to the right side of the wall, broken up by different kinds of jobs. Tables were all over the place, with booths against the left wall. Stairs led to a balcony above and rooms for passing traders. Underneath the balcony were a bar and kitchen. Suzy saw to the left there was a large doorway that led into a warehouse.

  The traders’ guild provided jobs, food, drink, lodging, and storage at a discounted price, and had multiple contacts within the towns they were based in. Being part of a traders’ guild wasn’t a necessity but it was strongly advised.

  Suzy walked up to the bar, where a strong-looking lady was pouring beers and putting them onto a waiting tray before a server whisked it off to a group’s table.


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