Galactic Earth

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Galactic Earth Page 17

by Luthra, G. S.

  A terrible gaze wiped her face as her ears picked up louder signals from the steps. Her expression was one of panic as she shook in terror from the sounds of her approaching mystery. Just like that, the footsteps stopped. Slightly relieved yet puzzled, Layla turned and waited a few moments. She crept back inside using the light from her IPhone as a guide. No reception was available as she contemplated calling for help. With big slow strides, Layla looked for what she didn’t know she was searching for. She remained frozen in time, listening to the silence randomly interrupted by the various rustles made by the stairs, wind, waves, and other unknown objects. A light swift breeze was felt behind her. She gasped and quickly turned around, seeing the opening to the balcony where the telescope was.

  “Gudama?” she said.

  With steps like a ninja, Layla steadily made her way closer to the balcony opening. Her heart was beating faster, and her breathing was short and out of rhythm as her body pumped adrenaline perspiring to retain some sort of composure. The closer she got to the opening of the balcony, the harder it became to continue as her suspicion of a powerful presence made her want to drop to her knees.

  Submission to a great unknown life force pressured her into giving up, but she fought to go further, tears running down from her gem like eyes to her rosy cheeks and lips.

  “What are you doing?” said a commanding voice behind her.

  A tall strong looking man holding a lantern came closer awaiting her response. Layla filled with fear could barely breathe, she took loud rapid breaths.

  “S-S-S-Stay back!” she warned taking a horse stance.

  Her threatening gesture didn’t faze the man as he drew nearer to her. Layla let out a battle cry and struck the man with sloppy form. Her strike was caught as the man grabbed her wrist putting an end to her attack. She felt like it was a machine vice.

  “Who are you?” said the man.

  The lantern revealed a long blond haired man with chiseled features. His well-developed chin being the most attractive.

  “L-L-Layla, I’m a reporter.”

  “What are you doing here, how did you get in?”

  “I-I-I came for an interview,” she said trying to smile.

  The man let her go. Layla took a couple steps back.

  “Tours end at six, why have you come here?”

  “I was looking for someone, the owner of this email address,” Layla said showing her IPhone.

  The man’s eyes darted at the screen, then back at her.

  “Who sent you?” he said with a grim expression.

  “Nobody, just me…are you Gudama?” she said hesitantly knowing her man has dark hair.

  “No, you have the wrong address. Now leave,” the muscular blonde man said moving aside for her.

  Curious, Layla wanted more information.

  “Do you know who this address belo-?”

  “No, this is a lighthouse. I have never heard of this name nor know of anything. Now, please exit the building,” he said cutting her off in a shrewd tone.

  This guys a stump, like a stone, she thought.

  “Where did you get that telescope? I have never seen one with such clarity.”

  The man growled. Layla swallowed some saliva making a gulping sound.

  “Did you look through the telescope?” he said angrily.

  “Ah no, I just, well maybe a quick look,” she said with surrendering hands backing away.

  “That telescope is off limits. Tell me what you saw?” he accusingly said slowing stepping closer to her.

  “Nothing much just stars lots and lots of stars. It’s a big universe out there, ha, ha,” she said backing off.

  “Oh, are you sure? Nothing of interest, nothing out of the ordinary?” he interrogated, engaging her closer.

  Layla slowly shook her head.

  “Explain. Precisely, what did you see?” the irritated man asked.

  Flashes of memory popped up in her head. Layla was now near the opening to the balcony lookout.

  “I don’t know what I saw ok! I saw planets, I saw stars, and then something I….can’t say!” Layla admitted, bursting with tears.

  “You saw them didn’t you, you liar, you’re with the government aren’t you?” he questioned.

  “Absolutely not, you must believe me. I have no idea what just happened, you tell me what I saw!” Layla pleaded stepping back.

  Her brother’s badge fell to the floor rolling right in front of the muscled man.

  “Tell me, you stupid fool!” the man said ready to attack her.

  “Please, I mean you no harm,” said Layla.

  The man let out a battle cry and charged at her. Layla scared like she’s never been, screamed while holding out her hands shutting her eyes.

  “Luke stop!” said a more powerful commanding voice behind Layla.

  She turned around and bumped into what felt like a giant statue of marble, dropping to the floor. Luke stopped in his tracks.

  “It’s ok, she’s finally arrived,” said the new voice.

  “Her?” Luke said surprised.

  Layla breathing shallow slowly looked up at the tall shadowed figure not being able to see who it was.

  “Who are you?”

  The man stepped forward, the light from Luke’s lantern reaching his face.

  “I’ am Gudama.”

  Breathing had paused as Layla’s eyes widened while cautiously getting up. With big opened eyeballs, she looked closer to see his face. She recognized him from his global message. The chiseled face, dark long locks, royal looking space outfit, and perfectly groomed facial hair, all of his features matched.

  “Oh my God sir, it is truly an honor. My name is Layla Lolland,” she said extending her hand.

  “Yes, I’ve been expecting you,” he said cordially shaking her hand.

  “Expecting?” she stuttered from his magnetic grip.

  “Of course, you are the one who sent those internet messages,” Gudama replied.

  “Oh yes, I emailed you several times and thought maybe you never-“

  “Yes, yes, I don’t respond often these days, don’t want the government and others knowing of my whereabouts,” he said gesturing.

  Gudama turned around with his hands folded behind him looking outside.

  “How can you trust her?” Luke said.

  Gudama raised a hand dissolving Luke’s accusation. Layla was amazed.

  “But how did you know I was coming?”

  “After you sent all those messages, I got a feel for your energy…I suspected you would search for me. I just didn’t think you’d be so successful.”

  “Sorry if I caused any trouble,” she said apologetically.

  Gudama motioned to follow him on the balcony.

  Layla went with him. Gudama gazed up at the stars while the moonlight reflected on his face.

  “See them? This is your proof of infinite possibility. Such truths like this exist all over your planet. Love, friendship, knowledge, it’s all right in front of you, but your race chooses greed, segregation, and secrecy.”

  “We’re not all like that,” Layla said taking a little offense.

  “Heh, I know. That’s why I’ve come.”

  “So what now,” Layla asked?

  “You have come here, so that makes you our guest. Would you like some tea?”

  Layla looked at him surprised, “Sure.”

  Downstairs in the lounge room, Gudama and Layla enjoyed herbal tea together served by Luke. Layla complimented on the potency and taste of his tea, stating it was the best she’s ever had and how she’s hooked on the whole healthy holistic living philosophy. Gudama simply smiled and nodded to her rambling, acknowledging her comments. After tea, Gudama requested Luke to take away the cups and leave them in privacy.

  “Yes sir,” Luke said taking a quick look at Layla.

  “Rest Luke, you’ve worked hard enough tonight.”

  They waited for Luke to leave, listening to his bold footsteps slowly disappear.

�I don’t think he likes me,” said Layla smiling.

  “He’s just very suspicious. We don’t have many late night guests,” Gudama replied returning her smile.

  Layla admired his manly good looks. She checked him out head to toe seeing his otherworldly outfit and incredible musculature.

  Wow, he’s more handsome than I imagined him to be, she thought.

  Gudama cleared his throat, returning Layla from her fantasy.

  “That’s a nice looking wristlet,” Layla complimented pointing at his forearm.

  “Thank you, it comes in handy,” he said.

  “What does it do?”

  “Many things, controlling my ship, galactic contact, various things one needs when traveling to another planet,” Gudama said looking at it.

  “Does it have a cool laser for zapping your enemies?” she jokingly asked.

  “Err something like that,” Gudama said hesitantly nodding with a flexed forehead.

  “Oh, I spoke with Rohan. He wanted me to warn you of his brother and-”

  “It’s ok, I already know from his emails,” said Gudama raising his hand, “That’s why I purposely had a select number of copies printed and shipped out. My intention was to get the book out there in bulk, so once it was already circulating in the market, little could be done to interfere with its availability to the masses. Besides, I’m sure many will upload it freely on the internet,” he said with his hands folded behind him.

  “But how did you pay them?” she asked.

  Gudama took out a handful of gems from his utility belt, “I gave them some of these.”

  “Wow, are those rubies? I’ve never seen ones like those before,” she said leaning closer in amazement with saucer wide eyes, “I can help you, I work for an independent news press with my friends. I mostly stick with reporting and they handle the business side, but I can get your message out there unedited,” a lively Layla said.

  “I know, you explained that in quite detail in your lengthy emails,” Gudama said returning back to a normal position. Layla blushed embarrassed.

  Noticing her necklace, Gudama pointed at her chain.



  “You’re a Christian,” he commented.

  “Oh right, yea, born and raised,” she said laughing while holding her cross.

  Gudama simply smiled.

  “Is that ok?” Layla said returning his smile.

  “Of course, however you find God in your way is perfect. It’s nice to see there’re still some out there with morals and discipline.”

  “Thanks, I’m more spiritual minded than religious.”

  Yawning with her mouth wide open like a lioness, Layla stretched back her arms.

  “You must be tired from your journey, why don’t you get some sleep?”

  “No, no I’m ok. Well maybe if it’s ok with you.

  I’ am a little tired, but I have so much to ask you,” she said.

  “We have all day tomorrow to talk. Come,” he said getting up.

  Layla followed him to a guest room where he prepared the bed for her. Gudama gave her thick comforter and an additional warm blanket.

  “You know its summer,” she said.

  “Just in case, sometimes it gets cold by the shore.”

  “Ok, thank you.”

  Layla got settled in. Gudama brought some pajamas for her.

  “Try these, they’re clean and should be your size.”

  “Oh…thanks,” taken back by his hospitality.

  Layla put one on while Gudama waited in another room. The clothes smelled great as she tried them. She then acknowledged the one that fit and then lay down.

  “Get some rest and I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight,” he said turning the lights off.

  Curled up on the bed, Layla lay in amazement of her life. Her mind raced like jet processing everything that had happened while her body was exhausted. Eventually her brain submitted to the will of her worn out physique and before she knew it she fell asleep.

  Sunshine over the Moon

  Shining brightly like the sun, Layla stretched her arms wide while taking a big deep breath full of ocean fresh air. She had a pleasant expression on her face as if she were in nirvana. Sunlight warmed her closed eyes and her face resembled a smiling Buddha. The silk white pajamas Gudama gave her made her skin feel soft, moist, and refreshed.

  Healing solar rays soothed Layla supple skin. She sat on the side of the bed admiring the glowing ball of light dispelling darkness out of the window. Getting up, Layla went to the main room where Gudama was setting up kitchenware for breakfast.

  “Good morning Layla, did you rest well?” he said pleasantly with a friendly expression.

  Layla was mesmerized for a second by his smile.

  “Good morning, I slept well thank you,” she said running her hand over her hair.

  Gudama was wearing an opened white shirt with blue flowers.

  Must be very comfortable…nice abs, Layla thought admiring the view.

  “That’s a nice shirt,” she commented.

  “Thank you. Do you like swimming?” he asked buttoning a few buttons.

  Layla’s mouth hung open not knowing the intention.

  “The water from the bathrooms here are dirty, so I thought you might prefer the ocean. Salt water has a purifying effect and maybe before eating you’d-”

  “I’d love too!” replied Layla.

  “Great, we have extra bathing suits that the rich business visitors leave behind. I’m sure you’ll find one that fits,” he said pointing to another small building outside where the laundry and other equipment was, “Don’t worry, we’ve cleaned them,” Gudama assured.

  “Ok great, thanks,” said Layla.

  “I’ll meet you outside after I’m finished with this.”

  Layla went to the other building and searched for a bathing suit. There was a whole bunch of equipment for various tourism activities. Snorkels, fins, goggles, and swimming suits were in the closet. In the laundry room, Layla found baskets full of clean clothes, comforters, and other attire. She began digging into the one with bathing suits. There were plenty of extras, but they were either too big or tight. After a while of searching, Layla let out a breath. Her head fell to the side where her eyes caught another orange bikini on top of another clothing basket.

  Should I where this, would it offend him, she thought after examining it?

  She hesitated as he held it, debating whether or not to wear it.

  “Oh whatever, if rich men with their skimpy women come here I’m sure it wouldn’t be the first time he’s seen a girl in a bikini,” Layla said, “At least he’ll get a good view.”

  Walking on the sunlit sand felt wonderful to Layla. She withdrew ample amounts of fresh pure air giving her a new sense of vitality. Dipping her feet in the rejuvenating water tickled her nerves as she laughed in delight of the sunshine view. She up and admired the brilliance of the sun, how it lights the whole world giving it life. A smile wiped her face as the wind played with her brown orange red hair. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the experience. Upon opening them, she noticed that the moon was visible too.

  What a rare sight, she thought.

  “The sun and moon, what an amazing view,” Layla said, “I truly am a lucky soul.”

  The bark of a dog startled her out of her euphoria. She turned around to find a beige Yorkshire running back and forth fearing the water. Layla smiled in delight and went back to shore to pet it.

  “Oh you’re so cute! Are you Gudama’s dog?” she said scratching his neck.

  The dog barked and ran to its discarded leash.

  “Aliens have dogs?” Layla said watching it chew on it, ripping threads of fabric.

  Wiping the flour off from his hands, Gudama went outside to the beach to find Layla concerned about the amount of time she had taken. The shore was deserted when he arrived and he called for her looking far into the ocean with a hand over his forehead shielding the sunlight. Fearing
for the worst, Gudama approached the shore line unbuttoning his shirt. He took off his sandals and started making his way getting his feet wet. Just when he was about knee high in the water, Layla emerged, the sunlight glistening on her body. Gudama’s mouth fell open as he was somewhat in awe of the view. Layla appeared angelic as her skin sparkled with crystal like water drops. Her body glowed as light was reflected from the ocean sea. Gudama found the sight surreal. She whipped her hair to the side and opened her eyes to see Gudama who was standing by the shore.

  “Hey, you were right, bathing at the beach was a great idea!” she said waving.

  The bark of the dog caught Gudama’s ear who just noticed he was paddling beside her.

  “Ah I don’t think he should be swimming like that,” Gudama said concerned.

  Layla picked him up and brought the dog back to the shore.

  “It’s ok, he was scared, but I got him to swim with me. You’re such a brave one aren’t you?” Layla said affectionately to the dog while making smooches.

  She placed him down and the dog ran around dragging her with the leash. Layla playfully went along leaving Gudama dumbstruck.

  That’s odd, usually he doesn’t like strangers, he thought.

  Layla ran with the dog laughing, both of them enjoying the exercise.

  “Sir is everything ok?” asked Luke from behind.

  “She’s different,” Gudama said watching her play with the dog, “she’s not like the rest of them,” he said lightly shaking his head.

  Layla turned to them showing her big bright beautiful smile, giving them a wink with a thumb up, her teeth shining in the sun while the wind played with her natural orange red brown hair. There was something magical about her blissfully having fun like a child.

  “Yes, there’s definitely something different about her,” Gudama said.

  Layla came back with the dog catching her breath.


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