Galactic Earth

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Galactic Earth Page 23

by Luthra, G. S.

  Gudama withdrew his hand. He cautiously approached them, studying the men, “Good,” he said with hands folded behind him, “You have made a very wise decision. Tell your White House bureaucrats to move out at once, there’s a new authority in town.”

  Gudama started walking towards his ship, “Come Layla, time to prepare the conference, I’ve got to address the world,” he said smiling.

  Gudama entered his ship followed by Layla who thanked the military before boarding and flew away from NY, leaving the others in awe and marvel.

  “How did you get here without your ship?” Layla asked.

  “Hover board, I would ask how you managed to command my ship, but I guess by now I should expect that sort of capability from you.”

  “What are you going to do now, you’re not going to kill are you?” she said concerned.

  “Oh stop it Layla, why do you think I held the battle in the desert, because I purposely wanted to avoid innocent civilian casualties, not a single American citizen died by my hand. Injured, yes, killed, no. Do you understand? I’m not here to destroy the world, I’m here to save it, and my attacks are focused on the evil of your government, not bystanders! After I defeat these scum, I will rebuild the planet and liberate its citizens.”

  Hovering over the White House, Gudama landed and made his way to the president easily disposing of security. Layla tagged along as he did not want her flying away in his ship again. Inside the president’s office, both of them met the president surrounded by bodyguards.

  “Ah Gudama, we’ve been expecting you,” said the president smiling.

  “Is that so, then you must know why I’m here.”

  “Yes well things aren’t that easy as you may know.”

  “Then I will step in and do it for you.”

  “Please, don’t make us do what we did to your friend at the lighthouse,” said the president.

  Gudama’s eyes widened and felt a jolt of rage.

  “Yes, quite the strong fellow, he put up a good fight, but was no match against my babies,” said the president referring to the strange looking guards.

  Unintimidated, Gudama demanded their departure stating he was taking charge to assure safety of earth’s citizens. The president smiled and nodded to the men. They appeared to be cooperating when suddenly with super speed, one of the guards speared Gudama out the window, catching him off guard. Layla was shocked and captured by another soldier. The president along with the guard ran while the remaining six pursued Gudama. Rolling on the ground, Gudama kicked the guard away. The other men joined him and lined up. Pressing buttons on their watches simultaneously, their attire suddenly changed into a high-tech skin tight battle suit with their faces covered. They ganged up on Gudama attacking at once, hurling him several meters away and knocked him into traffic wreaking havoc. Gudama fought back, but was taken back at their organized tactful style, alternating attackers making it hard to focus with fancy acrobatics leaving Gudama on the receiving end of their assault. With flip kicks, leaping punches, and heavy throws, the super soldiers gave Gudama a beat down and launched him into a machine factory that manufactured various products.

  “That does it!” said Gudama getting up.

  The soldiers lined up side by side boldly walking towards him with their shredded chiseled chests sticking out in synchronized formation.

  “Come, bring it on,” he said gesturing with both hands. All super soldiers charged at him, each one splitting in different directions. Gudama held his own, blocking the barrage of strikes head on, but a sneaky one kicked him from behind to which another blow met his face as the soldiers continued their bashing. They together attacked Gudama with lightning quick hits, a soldier threw hard punches while another gave a knee to the nose followed by a barrage of jabs by a soldier who mounted on top of Gudama. All he saw were fists, knife strikes, and being tossed around only to be swung around by the arm into a head on knee. Gudama saw the ceiling as he fell to his knees only to be kicked like a toy into a wall. The super soldiers together charged at him.

  Intercepting their attack, Gudama ran towards them after a quick wipe of the nose surprising the sneaky one with his bravery. Gudama ducked from an oncoming punch, parried another, jumped over a bigger soldier, slid underneath one past two others, and decked the sneaky surprised soldier hard with a leaping uppercut cracking his jaw. Gudama back flipped away and mule kicked a pursuing soldier in the face sending him flying while swirling in mid-air from the force.

  Letting out a dragon’s roar, Gudama sprinted at the remaining four exchanging rapid blows which they tried to defend by blocking and dodging his strikes, however Gudama caught them and landed several bone crushing hits, breaking one’s ribs, knocking another’s teeth out, palm striking another, and ducked the big soldier’s punch, pulling his legs from below causing him to fall on the back of his head hard. He immediately went limp from the landing impact.

  Back flipping several times to create some distance, Gudama quickly projected a less devastating Gitma Sun Beam blast. The soldiers all moved out of the way as the beam blew a giant hole in the wall.

  Regaining himself through super healing, the sneaky soldier emerged from the debris, striking the back of Gudama’s knee causing him to fall on one leg, and wrapped his arms and legs around him releasing high voltage through his suit. Gudama screamed with wide eyes from the electricity. His yell was abruptly silenced by thunderous hard heavy punches across his cheek followed by a kick to the abdomen by another solider. Swiftly, a different soldier pulled Gudama’s hair back and stabbed him with a knife, but much to their amazement the blade snapped in two.

  Capitalizing on the opportunity, Gudama bit off the dagger soldier’s fingers and swung his head back, breaking the nose of the sneaky one holding him from behind. A running boot met Gudama’s face by the big bulky soldier. Gudama was swung around by him followed by a gut punch. Using his bulky strength, the big soldier shoved Gudama right into the elbow of another who connected with two quick jabs to the face, and a kick to the gut. As Gudama hunched over, the soldier clubbed him on top of the head using a fist with stretched arms dropping him down.

  Immediately, the soldier kicked his face in a breakdance maneuver. Gudama rolled over several feet and was launched in the air by another soldier only to be dropped kicked by the sneaky wiry one. While Gudama struggled to get up, another soldier ran and punted his stomach, sending him crashing against the side of a massive pot containing liquid fire.

  Seeing the same soldier dashing towards him, Gudama tilted the hot pot over spilling metal melting substance on the floor. The soldier tried to stop, but slipped from running at full speed and fell on the fire fluid back first. Gudama leaped high and landed on the soldier’s windpipe with his knee ending him instantly and jumped off. Gudama took the other soldiers head on at once, blocking and evading their barrage of strikes. Ducking from a round house, Gudama leaped on a platform gaining space. A soldier pursued him and threw multiple kicks to which Gudama blocked with his arm and responded with a punch only to be dropped kicked again by the same wiry sneaky soldier, falling on a giant conveyer belt. Another solider dove for a hit, but Gudama parried to the side letting him fall. When the soldier turned his neck, he met a massive automated sledge used for compressed machines. Crackling of his facial bones was heard as the sledge smashed his skull.

  Remaining soldiers opened fire with their guns. Gudama found cover and blew up nearby tanks of various hazardous gases with a projected energy blast causing a chain explosion obliterating another soldier. Aggravated, the three soldiers searched for Gudama’s whereabouts through the smoke. Using their thermal vision, they followed heat signatures into a prototype room.

  The walls reeked of chemicals and fabric materials lay all over. A sound echoed from the woodshop room to which the soldiers quickly followed. Gudama was nowhere to be found as they searched, little did they know, he passively waited in darkness. Suddenly, a large metal ball was viciously thrown at one of the soldier’s head knocking hi
s brain out of place causing immediate death. Gudama leaped off a work table and kicked the second one in the face and wrestled with the sneaky soldier, locking his arm in one of the big bulky vices and turned on the table saw. The wiry soldier punched Gudama, but he persisted, taking several strikes from his desperate prey. Gudama pushed the saw forward, ramming it across the soldier’s limb. He screamed in agony as Gudama grabbed his jabbing fist, slamming it down on the cutting blades. It got jammed from the soldier’s rock like muscles to which Gudama finished him off with a fatal strike with a mallet and shoved his face into a bloody slicing end.

  The last massively buff soldier tackled Gudama, pushing him back into the welding room up against a wall. He readied a punch to which a blade extended from his fist. Opening his eyes wide, Gudama ducked, the bulky soldier’s forearm going through the concrete wall. Gudama delivered steel bending knees to his gut followed by a devastating palm strike to the side of his head, and grabbed a laser welder burning through the soldier’s temples. Gudama retreated and watched as the dead body went limp while catching his breath. Walking outside after recovering, Gudama met police who ordered for him to freeze.

  Rushing back to the White House while avoiding cops, Gudama barged in looking for Layla, but to no avail. During his battle with the soldiers, the president along with his guard dragged Layla who resisted all the way on the golf course towards a chopper. The president laughed at her attempts to break free and even shoved her on the ground,

  “Why don’t you be a good girl? We can do this the easy way or the hard way, choice is yours.”

  Layla noticed a golf ball close by and as the guard came over to lift her, she inconspicuously snatched it while getting up.

  Viciously Layla bit the guard’s fingers like a lioness causing him to grunt in pain. Layla pounded the guard’s face repeatedly with the ball. The guard pushed her fifteen feet away like a doll with super strength. He reached for his gun, but it wasn’t there. Much to their disbelief, Layla had grabbed the guard’s powerful gun while being attacked. She smiled as she pointed the weapon.

  “I prefer the hard way,” she said before pulling the trigger.

  Several shots were fired at the guard who retracted after each hit. Incredibly, the man stood his ground staring at her agitated. Layla’s eyebrows rose in shock.

  No way, oh no he looks angry, she thought.

  “Very unwise decision,” said the president, “It’s going to take a lot more than that to stop him.”

  “How about Gitma!?” said Gudama startling them.

  He projected his blast before the guard could react launching him high in the air about fifty feet away crashing into a tree, damaging it upon impact. The soldier toppled down branches to the hard ground where he lay motionless.

  “Don’t come any closer!” warned the president pulling out a gun. Realizing from Gudama’s continued footsteps that he didn’t seem to care, the president threatened to shoot Layla. Gudama paused, but after a short stare down took another step.

  “Don’t do it, I swear to god I’ll blow her brains out,” shouted the sweaty president.

  Gudama’s eyes glanced over at Layla with a still head, then back at the president. After a short stare down with all parties looking at each other, the president’s old nerves couldn’t take it any longer and fired at Gudama. The bullet instantly flattened upon impact with his chest. It spun in midair for a moment before falling to the ground. Gudama smiled raising his chin challenging the president.

  The president’s eyes enlarged as wide as sauces. Another shot was fired at Gudama’s chest, then head, both having no effect. The president took a step back. Gudama crept closer and the president fired one more that caught him in the ridge of his forehead around the left eye flinching him.

  “What are you? You’re not human,” said the president detracting, lowering the gun in fear.

  Layla screamed as she charged and hit the president with a flying knee to the face.

  “How dare you put you filthy greasy hands on me!” she said mounting on top while letting loose multiple fists.

  “Layla, that’s enough,” said Gudama.

  “Are you ok?” she asked coming up to him.

  “Yea, nice move,” he said.

  “Sorry for not acting sooner, I didn’t know you could withstand bullets. I guess we were both stunned.”

  Gudama smiled.

  “Who were those super freaks?”

  “Those were bio fighters, soldiers genetically enhanced with Nano-bots programmed to regulate biochemistry while optimizing muscular skeletal and sensory performance,” he said looking into the distance.

  “Right…are there more?” she said.

  “Possibly, but don’t worry, I’ll get rid of them.”

  Layla apologized again for Luke’s fate.

  “Layla, the secret government already knew of my location before I met you, it wasn’t your fault. Luke was strong. He couldn’t have been killed by the police responding to your call. Besides, we were on good terms with them, they knew us well. Now I know it was those super soldiers,” acknowledged Gudama clenching a fist in anger.

  Securing the area, police appeared ordering their surrender. Layla stood in front with arms extended, demanding that they back off.

  “Gudama is our alley!” she exclaimed.

  Cops were reluctant, but the chief called higher authority while Gudama walked to the White House with Layla following.

  “Freeze, put your hands behind your head!” ordered an officer pointing his gun.

  Gudama turned his head with raised eyebrows while continuing. The sweaty cop, feeling silly, replied with a dumb expression.

  Officers got the call confirming and were requested to refrain from violence until new further instruction. Gudama was ready to confess as the whole world was now turned into him.

  End of World War

  News reporters swarmed Gudama in front of the White House flooding him with questions. He gestured them to calm down. Layla grabbed a microphone from a reporter and brought it to Gudama. She explained her views briefly and then handed it over to him.

  “Less than twenty four hours ago with the help of brave American men and women, I single handedly defeated terrorist groups in the Middle East, destroying their bases and extraterrestrial allies. Aliens are no longer a threat. Rather than working together, your politicians chose to attack me with illegal actions using covert operatives. Your corrupt government has proven itself to be incompetent, incapable, and ineffective in running a just system. Therefore, as a citizen of the United States, I’ am declaring myself as leader of this nation. Let all who dare challenge step forward.”

  Silence filled the atmosphere which put a smile to Gudama’s face who nodded in acknowledgement.

  “I’ am also demanding that all other nations’ military refrain from aggression as I will use lethal force if necessary to defend myself and my country, along with bringing justice to earth. One other thing I must confess as I see your confused faces, is contrary to what you think I’ am a human being just like all of you. I was approached by peaceful aliens some years ago and was offered to learn their ways in order to better assist earth to which I accepted. Now I’m back and still abide by the rules. I refrained from revealing my identity for my protection as well as it wasn’t about me or where I’m from, it was about you and bringing earth to the next stage of evolution. So to those who have declared war against me, I hope you reconsider your course of action and understand you’ll be attacking one of your own. I shall await your decision over the course of the month. Please don’t make me use force, thank you.”

  The speech came to a close and everyone had mixed reactions. Critics rejoiced claiming they were right that Gudama was a fraud all along while others felt he was sincere about helping the planet.

  Over the following one hundred eight hours, through sheer labor Gudama personally saw to it that all national operations flowed smoothly and efficiently by securing borders, creating new policies on foreign
affairs, language and immigration, stricter regulations on citizen benefits, and reintroduced holistic alternatives to digitally electric based power as well as external oil dependence to be integrated shortly in case of aggression from other aliens. He didn’t eat nor sleep, just devoted himself to correct the situation working with engineers, non-interest organizations and businesses, new representatives he selected, and other professionals in making sure America thrives. About twenty minutes after his completion of intensive labor, Gudama gave another speech in front of a live audience to motivate and inform citizens of the good news.

  “I’m going to be very honest with you ladies and gentlemen. The world revolves around America. It is because of this nation that other countries have flourished. It is not patriotism I’m after, but the vision, the ideal of which America was founded - The desire to eliminate tyranny, kings, and dictators!” he said slamming his fist on the podium, “That is what I’m after, and the fact that America was hand built by people all over the world with different backgrounds and cultures proves it! America is the living dream we’d like to see on earth, the only land where all races live together! How many great scientists, inventors, artists, writers, and musicians were made here and how many of them were immigrants who couldn’t make elsewhere due to their homeland’s tyranny?” Gudama said with open palms, “More millionaires are made in America than anywhere else in the world. You have the highest standard of living and freedom available on this planet, if you don’t realize that, than you’re an imbecile.”

  “America is the prime example of how the world ought to be, it is the only country where people have rights, where they can speak, think, and live freely. I’ve been to many places all over this world and outside of earth. Many ask me what it’s like and the answer is it’s the same, the trees are trees, the grass is still grass, and water is water, and so on. Humans elsewhere are like us, women are just as complicated, and the other animals and different species of aliens that exist have traits found here. It’s the same wherever you go, only with some variations and different levels of consciousness. So, don’t think that they’re necessarily better, don’t feel inferior or less because of their advancement. They have been around longer than us and have evolved beyond the primitive mind. We are still in our infancy, yet we’ve come a long way and we possess the potential to be just as good as them and beyond! I know this and that’s why I’m here. I could have stayed in space, but I came back because I believe in you,” he said pointing at the camera.


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