Galactic Earth

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Galactic Earth Page 25

by Luthra, G. S.

  Over the course of a few weeks, Gudama exterminated all remaining terrorist groups of Middle Eastern countries, secret super rich society camps, and facilities of nuclear weapons, domestic enemies, and military armies of the elite. He later then threw out the evil corrupt bureaucrats, replacing them with hand selected new officials steadily claiming more countries for his own.

  Immediately after Gudama’s attack, all aggressive foreign countries of the Alliance, which consisted of the combined forces of Russia, China, North Korea, and the Middle East, all had waved their white flags, giving their official statements of ceasing war. Venezuela was also being used to do the bidding of Russia as per an agreement, and so Gudama ended their terror along with disarming dangerous weapons. It too became a part of Gudama’s rule.

  Soon after, all other nations of the planet trembled at his might and willfully declared their willingness to abide by new regulations. People demanded that their leaders cooperate with Gudama to avoid any additional violence.

  New Laws of Galactic Earth

  Submitting to the power of their almighty adversary, the people of other nations surrendered to Gudama as they all accepted him as leader. Everyone went along with whatever changes he made as positive results became rapidly visible. War had ended as Gudama’s actions frightened yet won the trust of other countries’ citizens.

  Pleased, Gudama scheduled a follow up speech where all of the world’s leaders were invited to America as he now sought to re-establish earth’s infrastructure anew. Of course they all hurried over in their private jets, fearing to anger him. He joyfully approached the podium neatly dressed to deliver his message with Layla in the background.

  Taking a deep breath, he began, “I have come here to save my fellow human beings from danger and only received hostility. Still, I know it’s not your fault entirely and that evil ones were running the show. Therefore, as new leader, my plan is to take what America once stood for to the next level and make such freedom available to all who wish to embrace it. I’ am creating a new system where each nation runs independently and where I super see that fundamental laws are being met.”

  Gudama explained his vision of positioning himself in the background to become more of an on call service to over-ride global affairs if things got out of hand. With that, he insisted that all nations would be able to continue as they wish with their own regulations so long as they don’t violate the fundamentals. They were as he described from his newly created rule, New Laws of Galactic Earth:

  Nations must define its borders, language, and culture in order to create peace and avoid confusion among its citizens, outsourcing and misuse of alien entities or individuals for cheaper labor is outlawed.

  Government is only used for providing legal services for citizens via courts and public service and is forbidden from dictating individual lifestyle and choices.

  All environmental, agricultural, natural resource, energy, and additional political actions regarding the welfare of the planet including its lifeforms, are automated through Robotic AI systems which will perform such appropriate actions without bias, reporting its data to citizens freely.

  Using this same principle, standards will be met for basic necessities of food, drink, and materials used in the construction of homes, common items, real estate, and public structures to avoid the use of hazardous substances and the regulation of dangerous levels of certain toxins.

  Military and police are only to be used solely for the protection of its citizens.

  Personnel of such organizations must hold golden high standards to recruit volunteers who genuinely wish to help and protect their fellow man. Additionally, higher thorough education must be implemented in training to ensure that each soldier is knowledgeable of human behavior, culture, science, and technology in order to effectively end conflicts with minimal use of force and wild aggression as a last resort.

  Killing of the innocent for personal gain is forbidden.

  Governments are not permitted to do business nor support third party groups whether they are medical companies, religious, or educational.

  No religious group shall get any special treatment nor does a society have to succumb to their demands.

  Educational institutions must all maintain an agreed standard created through international relations for communication purposes. National standards are up to each nation however. Universities may choose to be public or private, but regardless must maintain their integrity through their required national academic standard. The manner in which they wish to teach such subjects of academia through the integrated use of communicative technologies, lectures, and alike, are entirely their choosing and each professor has the freedom to instruct as they see fit so long as their students accumulatively pass the school’s standardized tests. National and international exams will be available yearly as an option for all accredited institutions of higher learning to prove their legitimacy and effectiveness of their method.

  Businesses and enterprise can freely operate without government interference so long as they again abide by the New Laws of Galactic Earth.

  Taxes are determined by each nation however, no government may threaten or force or deceive or use media or persuade the public or the individual to pay. The appropriate course of action would be the discontinuation of all national services for that citizen who does not pay.

  Corruption and deception in anyway is strictly prohibited, and subject to punishment.

  Violence, public offense, and other criminal behavior are to be addressed by each country individually. Their citizens may call for Gudama to interfere if they feel their government has failed to effectively remedy such chaos to which, Gudama requires at least fifty percent of the population to vote in order to intervene. In doing so, he will fix the issues as he sees fit and reselect new officials for future leadership roles.

  War is illegal, if countries cannot arrive at a peaceful agreement and the resulting destruction threatens the survival of the earth, its resources, and the masses, Gudama by authority will step in to end the quarrel and arrive at a workable resolution as well as apply the same electoral actions as previously stated.

  All individuals have human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the New Laws of Galactic Earth and must be fully exercised and followed accordingly in all courts of law. Such rights are as follows:

  The right to pursue that which their soul desires.

  To obtain wealth and become rich without paying the consequence of higher taxes.

  Rights to protect themselves via self-defense from those who provoke, harm, or express strong intention and or threats of harm from any one individual, group, government, or entity.

  All alleged individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

  All persons are free to choose their lifestyle, personal beliefs, religion, and way of living so long as it does not intrude on the privacy, wellbeing, and way of life of others.

  Citizens are not subject to any governmental action whether recommended or not, each citizen has the freedom to choose for themselves how they wish to live without violating the fundamental New Laws of Galactic Earth.

  Further regulations, rights, laws, and details of the fine specific implementations, procedures, and exercising of the New Laws of Galactic Earth are to be determined by each nation.

  Gudama closed the book and wiped his hands.

  “Those are the New Laws of Galactic Earth. All are free to live as they wish so long as they abide by the new rules. Failure to do so will result in strict punishment and I will find out of those who wish to violate or manipulate such laws in anyway, and I won’t be happy with those persons,” he said leaning over the podium moving his eyes in both directions.

  Obligated, the representatives of the world rose on their feet, placing their hand on their hearts and repeated the following,

  “I pledge allegiance to the Great Spirit of the United Nations of Galactic Earth, and to the values for which it stands, one world, embracing justice, invi
ncible with humanity, and freedom for all.”

  “I’ am now responsible for all of you. Now that I have conquered your lands, I’ am obligated to serve you, therefore I promise I shall transform this earth to a place of peace and freedom. Where a mother can let her child play without worrying about a predator lurking in the bushes, where people have the choice to become what their soul desires rather than what society wants them to be, a world of abundance, liberty, and the empowerment of the individual. As I promised, I will end tyranny, end war, end corruption, no more destruction, no more elitism, no more economic slavery, and no more suppression. It has been stated in our holy books of the promised land of paradise. I Gudama, promise to all of you, that with the power of God, I shall bring heaven down to the earth!”

  Silence filled the atmosphere as people contemplated their new way of living. Millions of doubts, fears, and concerns raced in their minds yet at the same time relief settled in as Gudama did allow each nation to operate independently.

  Regardless, it was still a massive change for earth’s citizens and a hard new fact to accept that they are now ruled by an almighty superior being.

  “I’m not here to rule over you, I’m here to oversee, to make sure you don’t kill yourselves. I also announce that to better protect you, I’m now officially creating the Galactic Earth Federation base here on earth, a group consisting of myself and fellow volunteers whom I feel worthy and qualified, dedicated to keeping this planet safe as well as representing us at intergalactic relations. This may be a worthwhile goal for some of you. Thank you for your time, good luck, and I bid you farewell till next time,” Gudama said as he waved goodbye and exited the platform, glancing at Layla as he passed her who was superbly dressed in a classy white silk blouse, wearing her mother given golden necklace with a red orange Garnet glistening on her chest, giving a royal air to her. She seemed genuinely happy, yet a bit concerned or perhaps overwhelmed at the magnanimous change occurring on earth.

  Stepping down, Gudama was confronted by an Asian reporter.

  “Gudama, you claim to be for our welfare, but it seems you are enforcing American law on the entire world,” she said with a Chinese accent.

  Gudama let out a loud barrel of laughter holding his belly while leaning back, closing his eyes with his mouth wide open.

  “You really believe that?” he said looking at the girl who gave him a blank stare.

  Gudama shook his head, “Sweetie, if I was reciting

  American law, I wouldn’t be finished now. I would be standing there till the next full moon. You’re just going to have to trust me,” he said walking away.

  Good Karma

  Initially things were hectic as people were scared, but soon nations pulled together and managed to run things well. Some rather poorer undeveloped countries however, requested Gudama’s aid to which he arrived primarily to assist them in developing sustainable holistic technologies to provide necessities and run things smoothly. This soon became the trend as many struggling, early developing, and even advanced countries utilized Gudama’s help. With his background in industrial and product design, Gudama was able to work with multiple nations in accelerating improvement in their industries, production, economy, and management of resources. Homelessness along with hunger was dropping to record lows.

  Every country was grateful for his help. It was a lot of work, but Gudama volunteered to venture to these areas to redesign their infrastructures in order to better assist them and to run things more efficiently. Finally, after months of individually working with the world, Gudama finished a lot of his dreams for his home planet.

  “Thank you Gudama, this is incredible. Thanks to your genius, we will save people,” said a lead engineer at a dome like architecture in Africa built to utilize their newly developed robots programmed to provide basic necessities, and recyclable resources practically for free. “It’s a start,” replied Gudama wiping his hands.

  Over the months, the world economy greatly improved through the new laws. Tax agencies and terrorist organizations were eliminated personally by Gudama, interference of the federal government on business were removed, as well as the strengthening of structure for countries. Production and efficiency sky rocketed to where the standard of living improved despite criticism of Gudama’s methods. People were amazed as they were starting to see signs of their money system being obsolete. Following this observable transition, another speech was scheduled by Gudama himself.

  “Greetings ladies and gentlemen, I wanted to introduce to you my new advancement in Virtual Reality systems,” he said and pulled off the fabric covering to reveal an oval shaped personal computer.

  “I too am a citizen of this planet just like you, accept with a lot more responsibility,” he said smiling as the audience laughed, “therefore I’m doing my part in making myself available to help you whether it being schooling, sports, technical training, or personal issues, this technology allows me to give all of you more personal assistance,” Gudama said holding his newly created device. He went on explaining the other various functions it possessed, such as a full body medical scan, detailing the state of the physical, mental, and energetic bodies embedded with frequencies to balance the chakras and home remedy reference for all ailments. Gudama’s invention was affordable, and many made use of the free medical treatment it provided as well as the free one on one instruction in countless subjects ranging from tennis lessons to mathematics, and even counseling with a haptic holographic projection of Gudama in its virtual computer generated world programmed by theirs truly.

  Months flew by as the world had become exactly what Gudama had promised, a globe of peace. Skeptics criticized while some fully believed and devoted to his cause. At the end of the season no one could dispute the facts as the earth had become unrecognizable to its predecessors. During this time, Gudama spent his days feeding the sick, handicapped, and homeless wearing a cloak making him uneasily recognizable. He also wondered in disguise as a doctor to areas to assist those addicted to drugs and other harmful substances get their lives back. Various wellness centers were opened by him along with other professionals where they provided voluntary treatment at the health clinic as well as wellness services at affordable costs.

  To avoid unwanted attention and recognition, Gudama took various disguises making him inconspicuous while doing his humanitarian deeds. He wanted to make people less dependent on him and by showing people that greatness can be achieved by anybody he believed he was helping them on another level not feasible while being Gudama, God of the Earth as some were calling him. He worked with a lot of prostitutes to clean up their act and helped them do better for themselves. On some occasions he even called and paid for their travel and time, inviting them to a temple on a small island he developed that was kept by monks built to offer help to the needy as well as spiritual remedies to life problems for the world. There, disguised as a yogi, he would listen to their stories and offered free fire rituals and prayers to get them on the path to healing. Miraculously, it worked for many and one was so grateful that she returned to thank them. Entering when Gudama was changing between disguises, her heart skipped a beat and she fell to her knees in tears, thanking him for his service. Many stories were heard like this where people of various backgrounds either went on a pilgrimage or arrived there on some arrangement and would magically have all of their problems solved be it medical, physical, or matters to do with love. His island later on gained a reputation as being a holy land.

  Eventually, Gudama’s identity was revealed as too many people rejoiced about his goodness changing their lives. Gudama discussed it over a live broadcast in front of an audience at a university that invited him to elaborate. He explained his use of ancient spiritual science and teachings to help others achieve healing. One Christian college student however, spoke out and asked about religion. Gudama simply stated all such doctrines originally contained teachings for moral and ethical living in addition to worship techniques for achieving a higher state of bein
g, but was misused for controlling people. After his speech, the same student caught up with Gudama walking down the campus center hall. Seeing he had a lot of questions, Gudama offered to sit at one of the couches to discuss more. They continued their conversation about God, philosophy, and moral living.

  The Christian spoke of Jesus being the only true way and everything else as a false sin. Gudama reasoned that God takes on many forms and names. Still, the well-meaning Christian persisted.

  “If I see a bus coming at you at full speed, I’m not going to call it by any other name. I’m going to shout, look out there’s a bus coming your way!” said the Christian young man.

  “Yes, but if the person doesn’t understand English, then your call will mean nothing. A bus goes by many names, and there are many kinds of buses. There are school buses, large shiny ones, small ones, and others with custom designs. So buses come in different shapes, sizes, and color. Likewise with God, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, Vishnu, Odin, Horus, Cosmic Consciousness, Universal Mind, The Tao or The Way, The Great Spirit, Higgs Boson, Nothingness, whatever, they are all referring to the same source generally speaking.”


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