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Sharon Page 5

by Sioux Dallas

  Sharon hesitated. “I’ll dress as quickly as I can and I’ll be out.” Shutting the door firmly, she turned and limped to the luggage to get clean clothing. After a quick shower, she dressed in a peach-colored shorts and shirt set, then slipped her feet into cream-colored leather moccasins.

  The bright sun made her squint as she stepped on the hot sidewalk. “Excuse me a moment. I’m going back for my sunglasses.” She went back into the room for her glasses and came out to stand quietly in front of Lieutenant Dauber. Uniformed police stood around with a short, thin man whom she recognized as the man in the office. His wife was beside him with a few curious bystanders.

  I don’t know what I really expected, but not this. She looked up with surprise when Lt. Dauber took a step closer. He stood at least six three. His dark brown hair came to the top of his collar and gray eyes seemed to look right through her. She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing aloud when she looked at his neatly trimmed mustache and thought of Zorro.

  “Miss Donnelly, I’m sorry to awaken you in this manner, but we do have a major concern.” She crossed her arms over her chest and just looked straight at him. She could not think of any way she would be involved in a major concern of his. “Do you know, or have you heard of, a man by the name of Arnold Millhouse?”

  “No. The name is not familiar. If I ever met him, I don’t remember him, but I don’t think I’ve ever met him.”

  “Did you see anyone around room four, the room to the left of your room, when you came in last night?”

  She frowned. “I didn’t exactly see anyone, but I know someone was near there.”

  “Who was it?” snapped the man from the office aggressively.

  “Mr. Morrison. Please allow me to ask the questions.” Lt. Dauber glared at him and spoke firmly.

  “Can you describe who you saw?”

  “Not really.” she answered truthfully.

  “Maybe she’s in on it,” snarled Morrison.

  “Mr. Morrison,” Lt. Dauber spoke with disgust in his voice, “remain silent or go back to the office with a policeman and wait for me there.”

  “Herman,” his wife said softly and reached for his arm. He mumbled and jerked away from her but did stay quiet. His beady, black eyes stayed on Sharon.

  “Can you tell me what, or whom, you did see?” Lt. Dauber questioned Sharon.

  Sharon explained what happened when the man bumped into her and how he left. “I can’t prove the men had been in room four, only that the door was open and the light was on. Oh, now I remember. Several minutes later when I went for ice, the door was shut and it was dark, but I thought nothing about it.”

  “I’m sorry you’ve been hurt, Miss Donnelly. To tell the truth, I was a little suspicious when I saw the bruises on your face and that you are limping.”

  “Why in the world would my injuries make you suspicious of me?” Sharon asked disturbed. “It is only common courtesy that you tell me what these questions are about.”

  “You’re right, of course. I needed to determine if you were involved or knew something about the murder.”

  “Involved in what?! And why would I know anything about a local murder when I’m just passing through?”

  “The man in room four, Arnold Millhouse, was found dead this morning when the maid went in to clean. It is unfortunate, but it looks as if you checked in about the time it happened. It’s just standard procedure to ask anyone around for information.”

  “So you think the men that I saw could be involved?”

  “I have no way of knowing. I need to talk to anyone who might give us even a tiny scrap of information. I can’t be sure those men knew anything until I can question them. Can you identify the car they were in?”

  “I didn’t see the car enough to identify it. It was just a dark shade parked over there in the shadows. The light from here doesn’t reach over there.”

  “Did you observe anything about either man? Did either one have a noticeable accent or speech pattern? Was there an odor of any kind such as shaving lotion or something they wore? Can you think of anything more to tell me?”

  “Nothing. I’m sorry. The man that ran into me was polite, had a deep voice and was very tall. The other man was angry at him for stopping to help me.”

  “Thank you, Miss Donnelly. Please give this officer your name, address and phone number where we can contact you. Here’s my card. Remember, no matter how insignificant something might appear to you, it may be just the break we need. Feel free to contact me at any time.”

  Feeling prickles at the back of her neck, Sharon turned around to see Herman Morrison glaring at her, but his wife was smiling.

  Sharon went back into the room and prepared to leave. She puzzled over Herman Morrison and his obvious dislike of her. Why? He doesn’t even know me. Why do I feel so uncomfortable to be around these people? So many troubling thoughts raced through Sharon’s mind.

  She put her bag in the trunk of her car and then walked over to the restaurant. After breakfast she got into her car, clicked the seat belt in place, and pulled out to get back up on I-10. She turned toward the southeast thinking she would more than likely reach I-75 in a little less than an hour.

  A little more than half an hour later the heavy rain started. First beatings from Jeremy, then the stupid fall, knock-down, whatever, last night. I sure don’t need an auto accident to finish me off. She drove carefully on her way, her heart becoming lighter as she came closer to her new home.

  Sharon turned the radio on hoping to get a weather report, but static forced her to turn it off. About an hour and a half after she had left the motel, Sharon turned south on I-75. The miles had taken longer than she expected because the pounding rain had forced her to drive slowly, and even stop once until she could see more clearly.

  She pulled into a service station for gas and a rest stop. The Snack Mart had cold soft drinks and snacks. She thought a sweet cake and the caffeine in the coke would give her some much needed quick energy. At this rate I’ll probably reach my new home by about ten tonight. It’s too bad I was held up until eleven before I could leave the motel this morning. I sure thought I’d make better time than this. It’s okay though just as long as I arrive safely.

  I sure am glad Lynn sent me directions along with a house key and garage door opener. I can hardly wait to get there. How wonderful it will be to live near Lynn and be stress free.

  The rain became a light mist and then stopped, but the sky still looked threatening As Sharon drove through the Ocala area, she decided to stop and rest. Pulling in front of a restaurant she sat quietly with closed eyes and rolled her head gently on her shoulders. Getting out of the car the muggy heat seemed to hit her like a slap in the face. Walking slowly to keep from limping, she went into the restaurant.

  The air conditioning was welcome after the slow walk across the hot pavement. She found a table near a window. A middle-aged woman came to take Sharon’s order.

  “Your dinners look delicious, but I can’t decide whether I want a full meal or just a sandwich. Can you give me a minute?”

  “Sure, love,” the waitress answered with a British accent. “Take all the time you need. Would you like something to drink while you’re deciding?”

  “Yes, please. A big, tall, cold glass of ice tea with lemon would be heavenly.”

  The waitress brought the tea with two big chucks of lemon hanging on the side of the glass. Taking her pad and pencil from her pocket, she asked, “Have you decided what you want?”

  “Yes. I would like the chicken salad platter and blueberry pie. Could you please heat the pie when I’m ready for it?”

  “Absolutely. We’re here to please.” She smiled and walked away.

  The food was delicious. Leaving a generous tip, and then paying the bill, Sharon walked toward the ladies’ room. As she passed a booth, she deftly stepped aside to avoid a man who stood quickly. He reached out to steady her as she staggered.

  “Gee, I’m sorry. That was careless of me t
o get up without looking. Are you okay?”

  Sharon broke into nervous giggles. “That’s the second time in as many days that a man has asked me that?”

  He looked strangely at her and dropped her arm as if she were a threat to his life. She quickly excused herself and, blushing with embarrassment, hurried to the ladies’ room.

  Back in the car, Sharon cheered. “Hurrah, Steamboat! You sure are a good little buddy.” She grinned as she patted the dashboard. “We’re almost home and you can have the rest you deserve. Me ,too. Wonder why I’m accident prone lately? Must be getting old,” she chuckled.

  The trip continued uneventfully. Sharon exited off I-75 on to S.R. 54 for the last twelve miles into Zephyrhills. A few minutes before ten pm, she drove by the city limit sign. West 54 became Fifth Avenue as she drove across the little bridge over Zephyr Lake. Driving across Gall Blvd., known as Highway 301, she soon reached Eighteenth Street. Turning left she quickly covered the few blocks to her new home.

  What a relief and how exciting to push the remote control for her very own garage door to slide smoothly open.

  “Hallelujah! My compliments to you Steamboat. We did it.”

  Remembering the floor plan that Lynn sent, Sharon stepped from the garage into the house. Turning left she walked down a short hallway to the master bedroom. With a sigh of contentment she slipped out of her shoes and then toured her new house.

  Lynn had left a beautiful vase of sweet-smelling roses on a credenza. As Sharon bent to smell the flowers, her eyes were drawn to the blinking light on the telephone answering machine. She turned it on for her message.

  “Hey, Sharon. It’s about time you got here. Call me as soon as you get in. I’ve been worried about you. I’m expecting you to spend the day with me tomorrow. You’ll love the two new young horses I bought. Are you going to ride with my hunt club? Oh, there’s so much to talk about. Call me before I zonk out. I’m exhausted, but I’m so anxious to hear from you.”

  Sharon smiled at Lynn’s message but phoned her parents first.

  “Darling, I’m so relieved to know you’re in Florida safely. How are you? How was your trip?”

  “I’m fine, Mom. It’s so good to hear your voice. The trip was tiring and I’m thankful it’s over.”

  “Hi, beautiful!” Sean Donnelly’s voice boomed out on the extension. “How soon am I going to get to hug my daughter? Honey, we’re thrilled that you’re living closer to us. Grab Lynn and both of you come home here for awhile.”

  “I love you guys. I’m the luckiest person in the world to have you two for parents. I know Lynn would love to come, but she has to work. After all, when you’re the owner it isn’t as easy to take time off. You know that, Dad. Lynn is responsible for people as well as animals. I can’t answer for Lynn, but I’ll try to come at the end of this week.”

  “Sharon,” her mother interrupted. “Don’t you think it would be wise if you came here to stay for a few weeks. Better still, just come here to live.”

  “No, Mom. I need to keep busy and take charge of my own life. I’ll be taking college courses in Tampa at the University of South Florida and helping Lynn as much as I can. Besides, I don’t want to be in the same town with Agnes Taylor until I do some healing. It’s bad enough that I’m in the same state.”

  “Baby, I applaud your common sense and wish the best for you. Agnes did as she threatened. She’s told everyone that will listen how you let Jeremy down and that you’re responsible for his death. Of course none of the people who are worth anything pay any attention to her,” Sean laughed. “She even tried to get the newspapers to carry a story on Jeremy’s life and death and how you were the worst excuse for a wife. One editor called me and was furious with her. He assured me that no reputable paper would print any such thing. Since none of the others did either, I can only assume that they chalked her up as demented and refused to play along with her. You can count on Malcolm, but you’re right, honey. You’re an adult and need to make your own decisions. Just don’t let pride lead you into deciding something you’re not sure of when we’re here for you,” her dad finished.

  “Thanks, Dad. I know I can count on you and Malcolm. I hope I never have to ask him to choose between Agnes and me.”

  Sharon hung up and immediately called Lynn. Happy sounds came from both young women. “Yes, I plan to come see you tomorrow, but I can’t take time to ride. I’m sure my aching bones wouldn’t allow me to ride, but thanks anyway. I have lots to do. I love the house and furniture you’ve chosen for me. Thanks again until you’re better paid.”

  Her last call was to Linda and Philip Pallister. “Sharon, what a relief to hear from you. Honey, it’s dead here without you. Oops. Forgive me. I meant it isn’t the same without you. In fact, it’s downright dull,” Linda choked.

  “How’s my other best girl?” Philip broke in. “It’s true. We all miss you and it isn’t the same. People on the base grew fond of your sweet smile and sunny personality. We want you to be happy -- and safe.”

  “I know. How blessed I am to have friends like you. Know something? I missed you folks as soon as I drove away. Let’s keep in touch. I hope we’ll still be prayer partners. Remember, I expect a visit from you as soon as you can get here.”

  Goodbyes were said and Sharon recognized that she was too tired to do more. She found fruit, milk, soft drinks, sandwich materials, frozen dinners and goodies of all kinds as well as dry cereal and microwave popcorn. Bless you, Lynn.

  An apple cut into thin slices, some cheese and vegetable crackers were placed on a saucer. Picking up the plate and a cold glass of milk, she went into the bedroom. She placed the food on a night stand and propped up against king-sized pillows on the bed.

  After watching a late news program and checking on the weather for tomorrow, she took a quick shower, brushed her teeth and dressed for bed. Her prayer was one of thankfulness. Exhausted, she turned off the light and snuggled down to sleep.

  Bright lights stung Sharon’s eyes. Dark forms of people moved around her in slow motion. Distorted voices came floating at her as if they were sounds on a very slow tape.

  A short, thin man stalked her snarling and threatening. She tried to run and found Jeremy facing her with his twisted mouth grin and his fist raised to strike her. She screamed so loudly that she woke up.

  Still panting for breath, she drug out of bed and went into the adjoining bathroom to wash her face in cold water.

  Will I ever get over this feeling of fright and sadness? Oh, grow up. You’re silly Sharon. I have so many blessings and too much to be thankful for. Oh, I know I’m going to love Zephyrhills and working with Lynn.

  Chapter Five

  Sharon’s eyes felt gritty as she laboriously crawled out of bed. After a leisure breakfast, she unpacked and hung clothes in a large walk-in closet in the master bedroom. While dusting and doing small chores, she called Lynn and made plans for a visit, then went outside to walk around the house and see what flowers could be planted.

  Following Lynn’s directions, Sharon drove down Eighteenth St. south to Fifth Ave. and turned west. She enjoyed driving through the peaceful city of Zephyrhills. Cruising slowly so she could enjoy the almost old-fashioned city, she observed that the main street had two wide traffic lanes on either side of a wide, grassy medium. On the medium were holly trees, loaded with red berries, planted every few feet and covering about two miles. Baskets of colorful flowers hung on the arms of each light post. Old-fashioned bricks were laid in an attractive pattern at a wide intersection.

  What a lovely, restful city. I can almost see the Calusa Indians proudly living and walking around here as they did in the 1500s.

  Leaving the business district, Sharon drove through miles of citrus groves. I remember reading that Zephyrhills once depended on tobacco and peanuts for money crops, but blights and bad weather destroyed them. Now the orange groves and other citrus fruits have made Florida famous. Good, here’s Morris Bridge Road. I’m supposed to turn left on to it. About half a mile on t
he right she saw a large vertical sign reading SOARING EAGLE THERAPEUTIC EQUESTRIAN CENTER.

  As she pulled into the visitors parking area, a man came out of the stables pushing a wheelbarrow filled with dirty straw and stable droppings.

  “Morning, miss,” he greeted her politely. “What can I do for you?”

  “I’m Lynn Yates’ sister. Do you know where I can find her?”

  “You’re Sharon,” he said enthusiastically with a big grin. “We’ve all been waiting for you. Lynn will be overjoyed. Walk past this row of stables and you’ll see a riding arena on the far side. They’re working with special riders now, but Lynn won’t mind if you watch.”

  “Thank you,” Sharon smiled. ”And you are--”

  “I’m Jake Bentley. General handyman and in charge of the stables. I do whatever is necessary to keep the horses healthy and happy. I’m looking forward to working with you. Lynn says you’re an excellent trainer and very good with children.”

  “I’m happy to know you, Jake Bentley. I can see you take a lot of pride in keeping this place neat. I’m eager to get involved and work with you and Lynn.”

  “I do take pride in doing my work well. Lynn makes everyone, who works with her, happy to do their best, and I want everything good for her.”

  “Sounds like my sister,” she smiled. “See you.” She walked to where he had directed. Sharon soon found a well equipped riding ring and a busy group. Everyone looked as if they were enjoying the session. Several children were on various sized mounts and three teens were with each rider. Lynn was walking beside a young woman on a tall Thoroughbred. The young woman had lost one arm up to her elbow and one leg just below the knee. Her right hand held reins that were made like a leather ladder. Her artificial leg was held in place with a Velcro belt.

  Not wanting to interrupt the class, Sharon quietly walked back to the office and into a comfortable lounge. There was a couch and chairs facing a wall made of a window that overlooked an indoor riding ring. Past the seating arrangement was a soft drink machine, restrooms, a pay phone and a water fountain. At the end was a small classroom with a blackboard. A hallway led to offices, a clinic and a therapy room with a whirlpool bath.


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